Chapter 856 Yin Zhi: I’m fine, how about you? Zhao Zheng: Wait a minute…I’m fine too!

This stick swept…

Although Yin Zhi did not use his best.

However, at least 60% of the power was used-including the skill bonus of the “Emperor Vigorous”!

“Divine Power Ring” plus “Emperor Virus”.

And Yin Zhi’s own power.

It really makes this stick extraordinary!

The soft and tough barrier was directly smashed to pieces by the “Ruyi Scepter”.

A strange tearing sound resounded through the world.

Then the big stick hit the Sai Bawang solidly.

Pong! ! !

The loud and melodious sound rolled and stirred under the night sky.

Sai Bawang was directly shot and flew out.

The stream of light that connected to him burst one after another.

There was a loud “bang”.

Saiba Wang directly hit a big mountain on the left.

An explosion followed.

Look down from the perspective of Dai Li Hepburn and Wang Xinran from a high altitude.

The mountain that Saiba Wang hit.

The front is just a pit that is not big or small.

But the entire back exploded and was completely hollowed out.

“Good… so strong…”

“Oh my God! Sai Bawang turned out to be…”

Even vulnerable? !

Who is he…?

Although he was playing with a big black stick similar to “Anton Lane”.

But Delly Hepburn didn’t think he was “Anton Lane” at all.

It’s simple!

Now this man with a big black stick is too strong.

“Anton Lane” is not weak though.

But he has absolutely no way to compare with this person in front of him.

As for the similar big black stick…

How many similar imperial spirits are there in the world?

It is not enough as a standard for identification.

Just when they were shocked.

Yin Zhi has already smashed the “swallowing heaven and eating the earth” three times and five times.


In fact, he is also very greedy for the strong Sage energy around him…

Now he already knows that Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth is actually Sage’s vitality after dilution!

And now it’s all around, but the true and pure Sage’s vitality!

As a practitioner, how can Yin Zhi not be greedy?

But he was greedy, but he didn’t intend to take a breath.

Not to mention that time is tight and tasks are heavy.

Even if the time is slack and the task is light, he has no other plans.

This is not in line with his “values”!

Following that, he summoned the “Emperor of Time”.

Came to Saibawang’s side.

“Didi! You got 500 super kill points from Saibawang, please check!”

Saibawang has red eyes and trembling all over-naturally because of raging anger and torrential hatred.

“Dead! Spirit! Poetry! Society!”

“Bad me good!”

“I die…”


“Ruyi Scepter God Needle Iron” smashed firmly on the forehead of Saibawang.

“I’m bad for you?”

“You are so bad for me!”

“I won’t beat you to death today.”

“I am your father!”

Although time is limited.

But Yin Zhi couldn’t swallow the breath in his heart-the mission failed, and the “finding death system” was gone!

He used “Time Empress” to create a unique “Time Realm”.

The flow of time here is faster than outside.

Ever since…




Yin Zhi threw off his arms and smashed it fiercely.

Smashed to death, but did not smash to death.

Sai Bawang was still very tough at first.

But gradually, he couldn’t get up.

He began to beg for mercy.

But begging is also in vain.

After that, he experienced several madness and calmness.

In the end, he was smashed and cried…

Until Yin Zhi left the sentence “I’ve played enough this time, I’ll beat you again next time” and then left, Saibawang was still in tears.


Why is this happening?

I just want to be stronger…

Why did it fall to the present end?

He couldn’t think of why.

A person who is accustomed to harming the world and doing whatever he wants.

I don’t think that what I’m doing is hurting the world and doing whatever he wants.

For those who are extremely selfish.

You are the center of the world!


It was beaten by Yin Zhi.

The vitality of Sage that Saibawang had just swallowed was also dissipated.

And this is also one of the reasons why Yin Zhi violently beat the King of Sai…

Yin Zhi returned to “Tian Xing Shuo”.

He went straight to the next “swallowing heaven and eating earth array” without stopping.

that’s all!

the second……

The third……

the fourth……

Push them one by one.

One by one was beaten half dead!

Sage’s vitality in his body was also beaten up completely.

Yin Zhi secretly rejoiced that he had taken a trip to the “City of the Heavens” and his strength was greatly enhanced.

Otherwise, according to the previous strength, it really may not be able to beat those brains.

Even if you can win, it may not be as easy as it is now.


Yin Zhi found that the further back, the less relaxed it became.

Because the further the enemy is, the stronger!

The reason why they are stronger is because they used the “Swallowing Heaven and Earth Great Formation” to swallow Sage’s vitality!

Although Yin Zhi is hurrying slowly, it takes time to hurry.

The later he finds someone.

The more time he has to devour the more Sage’s vitality.

Naturally, the stronger!

What’s more, the stronger the enemy, the longer and longer it takes to defeat him.


Yin Zhi can still cope for the time being, but it’s a little strenuous.

“I hope Lao Zhao can go well…”

I feel strenuous, and Zhao Zheng, who is weaker than himself, don’t get stuck.


Yin Zhi, waving a big black stick, hit the extreme.

By the way, he could even hear the rumbling waves!

Here, there is one last guy!

Unsurprisingly, this person who has devoured the most Sage’s vitality is the strongest.

Strong enough to directly contribute 20,000 “super kill points” to Yin Zhi.

You know, at the beginning, Saibawang only gave 500 “super kill points”.

People who generate 30,000 “super kill points” at a time…

It is the first-level existence of the big brothers in the “Zhu Da Tiancheng”.

Sage’s vitality is so terrifying!

It took less than two hours to create such a powerful existence.

Yin Zhi naturally yelled “I am so greedy.”

If it weren’t for…

Let’s take a breath too!

Absorbed a lot of Sage’s vitality, the guy naturally pulled it very hard.

“Ant, how dare I hinder my path to sanctification, and watch me tear you apart”!

The gesture will tear Yin Zhi to pieces.


After a fairly fierce confrontation.

“Boom” a loud noise erupted like a mountain collapse and the ground cracked.

That guy was beaten up.

A huge horrible pit with a radius of thousands of miles was also smashed into the ground!


“how so?”

“I actually lost…”

It is obviously difficult for him to accept such a result.


When Yin Zhi’s fat beating hit him.

When he felt intense and real pain.

He finally accepted the result of his failure.

Unexpectedly, this is a ruthless role.

Excited, he blew himself up.

This sudden self-detonation was his most serious blow to Yin Zhi-it was all over.

Hang the lottery, let’s hang the lottery, anyway, the enemy is solved.

Yin Zhi sent a newsletter to Zhao Zheng: “I’m done. How about you?”

The other side replied: “Wait a minute…”

But within half an hour, the other side replied: “I’m fine too!”


Yin Zhi breathed a sigh of relief—the “Death-finding System” was now saved.

“The system, it’s done, give me a reward soon.”

Death-finding system: “Didi! The task is not completed, no rewards will be issued for the time being!”

Yin Zhi changed color in shock.

“What did you say?!”

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