Chapter 857 The black hand behind the scenes, the observer of the holy court, is you… Am I right?

The shaking of the earth ceased.

But Yin Zhi was shocked again.

“Have you made a mistake?”

“Thirty-six’Swallowing Heaven and Earth Great Formation’ were all destroyed.”

“People die and die, waste and waste.”

“Are you telling me that the task is unfinished?”

Death-finding system: “Didi! Please explore by the host, this system is not responsible for the task guidance!”


What else can Yin Zhi say?

Seeing Yin Zhi frowned, Dai Li Hepburn asked, “What’s wrong? Is there something wrong?”

Obviously, the crisis of the “Blue Martial Saint Turtle” has been resolved.

Instead of a hint of joy on his face, he was rather irritable, which puzzled Delly Hepburn.

Also a little uneasy…

Yin Zhi looked at Dali Hepburn.

“Are you sure there are only thirty-six’Swallowing Heaven and Earth Great Array’?”

Dai Li Hepburn was taken aback, not understanding why Yin Zhi asked.

“I can be sure of this!”

“We spent a lot of time searching and verifying every ‘Swallowing Heaven and Earth’s Great Formation’.”

“Absolutely can’t be wrong!”

“Absolute” again?

Yin Zhi disagrees.

Delly Hepburn frowned.

“Do you suspect that we didn’t find everything?”

Wang Xinran immediately supported Big Sister.

“This is impossible!”

“The thirty-six’swallowing heavens and eating earth’s big formations’ are not randomly chosen and laid out.”

“There must be nothing wrong!”

“Ten thousand steps back, even if other places can be deployed, it will not cause fundamental harm to the ‘Blue Martial Saint Turtle’.”

Yin Zhi spread his hands and shrugged.

“Don’t be so excited.”

“I’m not denying the fruits of your labor.”

“It’s purely for the sake of conservativeness, not afraid of ten thousand just in case.”

Hearing Yin Zhi’s words, the faces of the two women improved slightly.

Dai Li Hepburn said: “Why do you think there are other’swallowing heaven and eating earth’?”

Yin Zhidao: “I just feel that things are not that simple…”

Is it possible to tell you the “finding system” that my task has not been completed?

Thinking about this, Yin Zhi’s brows became tighter.


He patted his head.



“What did you eat?”

Following that, Yin Zhi summoned the “Emperor of Time”.

We have a “time female emperor”!

We can go directly to the future!

What you don’t know now, won’t you know in the future?

The previous “time and space shuttle” can only travel one hour in the past and the future.

But that was “before”.

And now, as his strength grows, he has been able to travel through the past and the next three days!

I want to see what happened in the next three days.

“I hope there will be results in the next three days.”


Otherwise, he can only rely on the “Emperor of the Holy Word” and the “Emperor of Destiny”, and the “Non-Chief Empress”-“Hundred Lian Draw” drawn out, can control bad luck, relying on “metaphysics”.

Although there is also a “Detective Empress”, how can there be time for detective activities now?

Let’s do it directly!

“Let me see who the hell is behind…”

With a whisper in his heart, Yin Zhi used the “Shuttle Time and Space” skill!

In the eyes of Dai Li Hepburn and Wang Xinran, Yin Zhi suddenly disappeared.

The two of them looked at each other when they were surprised.

Why did it disappear suddenly?

But after a blink of an eye, Yin Zhi, who had disappeared, appeared again…

“Shuttle Time and Space” is over!

Although he experienced the next two or three days.

But for both Delly Hepburn, it was just a blink of an eye.

Wang Xinran said: “Did you just… disappeared suddenly?”

They didn’t know that Yin Zhi went to the future.

Yin Zhi looked at her with a smile on his face.

“Have it?”

“No. You must be dazzled. Okay, how could I suddenly disappear.”

“Let’s go, now that we are done, let’s go back.”

Daili Hepburn and Wang Xinran looked at each other suspiciously.

You looked worried just now, why is it all right now?

Yin Zhi didn’t care about them, but got in touch with Zhao Zheng and agreed on a meeting place.

Soon, “Tian Xing Shuo” disappeared in an instant, leaving the battle devastated all over the ground…

Soon after.

At the agreed meeting place, Yin Zhi and Zhao Zheng met.

As soon as they met, Yin Zhi saw Zhao Zheng’s brows furrowed together.

“Something’s wrong!”

This is Zhao Zheng’s first sentence after meeting.

“The crisis of the’Blue Martial Saint Turtle’ has not been resolved.”


She also found out?


Look at my mind.

Zhao Zheng also has a “system”, or the “Ninth Five-Year Supreme System”!

Maybe “Saving the Blue Martial Saint Turtle” is also a mission issued by her system?

Just listen to Zhao Zheng continuing: “The black hand behind the scenes has not yet dedicated himself!”

Behind the scenes? !

Dai Li Hepburn and Wang Xinran looked at each other.

Wang Xinran said: “But… all the’swallowing heaven and the earth’ and those who intended to devour the vitality of the’blue Martial Saint turtle’ have been wiped out… Is there really a man behind the scenes?”

Delly Hepburn frowned.

Obviously, they also suspected that there was a behind-the-scenes man!

It’s not hard to guess.

Thirty-six people all know how to deploy a “swallowing heaven and eating earth.”

In addition, they also launched the “Swallowing Heaven and Earth Great Array” at the same time.

If there is no one behind the scenes, who will believe it?

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Of course there are behind the scenes. There is no doubt about this.”

Delly Hepburn said: “Damn it…who the hell is it?”


Yin Zhi smiled.


He unexpectedly poked a stick without warning, and plunged directly into Wang Xinran’s body! ?

Delly Hepburn was taken aback for a moment, and stood on the spot blankly.

Wang Xinran’s eyes widened, and his hands were tightly grasping Yin Zhi’s hand.

“For… why…”

When she heard Wang Xinran’s voice, Dai Li Hepburn reacted with a violent spirit, and was furious.

“Xin Ran!!”

“what are you doing!?”

“What are you crazy?!”

With that said, she attacked Yin Zhi.

But Yin Zhi took it down easily.

“I’m not crazy.”

“Because the man behind the scenes is you, Miss Wang!”

“To be honest, I was also taken aback when I saw you were behind the scenes.”

“I have to say, you hide so deeply.”

Zhao Zheng, who was next to him, was originally calm.

Upon hearing Yin Zhi’s words, her eyelids narrowed slightly.

Murderous intent…

Wang Xinran’s face was pale, full of pain.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“I’m not behind the scenes.”

Delly Hepburn also screamed: “You are talking nonsense! How can Xinran be behind the scenes?!”

Yin Zhi smiled “Oh”.

“If I hadn’t been to the future, I saw what she did with my own eyes.”

“I also won’t believe that she is behind the scenes.”

“However, the future will not deceive my eyes-you, Wang Xinran, are behind the scenes!”

“In addition, you have another identity: a holy court observer!”

“am I right?”

“If you dare to scold ‘Holy Lord is rubbish’, I’ll cure you immediately!”

Wang Xinran: “…”

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