Chapter 858 As long as the power is large enough and the stick is hard enough, there is still a wall that can’t be broken?!

Wang Xinran pursed her lips and said nothing…

Yin Zhi didn’t say a word, but his heart moved silently.

The “Ruyi Scepter” that was pierced into Wang Xinran’s body instantly grew bigger, directly breaking Wang Xinran’s body!

The scene of broken bones is too bloody…not to mention it.

Delly Hepburn was stunned.

“Xin…Xin Ran…”

Wang Xinran is behind the scenes?

How could Wang Xinran be behind the scenes? !

Dai Li Hepburn could not accept the fact that “Wang Xinran is behind the scenes”.

Yin Zhi didn’t care about Dali Hepburn at the moment.

“System, I will complete the task now, right?”

“If you’re done, send the reward quickly.”

Death hunting system: “Didi! The task has not been completed, please keep up the effort!”

Yin Zhi was suddenly upset and excited.

“Not yet?”

“Thirty-six’Swallowing Heaven and Earth Great Formation’ have been completely destroyed.”

“The black hand behind the scenes was also stabbed to death by me.”

“Why haven’t you completed the task? The system is playing tricks on me, right?”

Death hunting system: “Didi! This system will never deceive the host.”

“The death-seeking system” is Yin Zhixin’s words?

I still believe…


Yin Zhi thought of a possibility, instantly frightened.

“Isn’t it?”

“Did I find the wrong direction from the beginning?”

“Isn’t it true that what harms the ‘Blue Martial Saint Turtle’ is not the ‘Swallowing Heaven and Earth’s Great Formation’?”

“God do it, don’t!”

Just when Yin Zhi prayed to God.

The flesh and blood spattered on the ground suddenly disappeared without a trace!

After that, Yin Zhi and Zhao Zheng suddenly looked up, their eyes focused on one point.

Wang Xinran, who was already crushed to pieces, hovered there! ?

She overlooked Yin Zhi and the others from aloft, with a cold expression on her face.

It’s like a god overlooking the ants.

“Xin Ran…”

Dai Li Hepburn stared at Wang Xinran in the sky.

Yin Zhi curled his lips.

“Xin’s fart!”

“Are you blind? Or is your brain flooded?”

“It’s so obvious that you still can’t see it!”

“Open your eyes to see clearly!”

“She is the real man behind the scenes!”

Said by Yin Zhi.

Delly Hepburn seemed to have recovered, and immediately shouted.

“Xin Ran!”


“Why are you!?”

Her voice echoed in the night sky.

Wang Xinran’s gaze flickered slightly, and then he recovered indifference and perseverance.

A cold and unfeeling voice came out of her mouth.


“It’s a test!”

“Thirty-six people, they have the right to choose.”

“But it turns out that they have all chosen to go the most evil way!”

There was a hint of disappointment in Wang Xinran’s tone.

“In that case…”

“Then there is no need for the’Cangwu Continent’, which is dominated by thirty-six sinners.”

“Here, it will become the root of disaster!”

“Only by eradicating the root causes of chaos can the world be peaceful.”

Zhao Zhengdang even made a move “Xuanyuan is too broken”.

Instant time!

The trembling Sword Qi burst out.

And accompanied by an angry shout: “So much nonsense!”

It doesn’t matter what your mess is.

It’s done with a sword!

How powerful is “Xuanyuan Broken Too Xu”?

Sword Qi went down, Wang Xinran was cut like melons and vegetables on the spot…

Wang Xinran is dead.

Then… she was alive again!

“Don’t waste your effort.”

“You can’t kill me.”


“I wanted to finish the last step quietly.”

“Now it seems……”

The word “come” was just finished.

A big black rod hit her.

A series of tortuous light beams appeared above the entire “Cangwu Continent”.


Those light beams are linked together, forming a huge “swallowing heaven and earth”.

For an instant.

“Blue Martial Saint Turtle” raised his head and wailed…


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