Chapter 883 Revenge! Even if the family is bankrupt, I will have revenge! I will kill you!

“of course not!”

Ye Feng’s Face still has to be given.

Yin Zhi barked his teeth with a smile.

“It’s just to scare him.”

“I am a good citizen.”

“I don’t have the guts to kill.”

As he said, he stomped Ao Longtian’s head fiercely.

Before, Yin Zhi used dark energy.

Not to mention that Ao Longtian suffered so many sticks and suffered a lot, but he didn’t see much blood on his body.

But this kick Yin Zhi burst out his strength.

When he stepped down, several bloody teeth came out of his mouth.

Of course, a bite of blood is indispensable!

I was at most embarrassed before, Losing face.

But this time, it can really be described as “miserable”.

Ye Feng said: “Okay, let’s go! If you continue to make trouble, even I can’t help it.”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Oh? So you can still hold it for the time being?”

Ye Feng: “…”

Ao Longtian was beaten up in the street, and the anger in Yin Zhi’s heart was almost cool.

He really wanted to kill Ao Longtian in the street, but just think about it and forget it.

If you want to kill, you must kill secretly. Kill somewhere else…

“Ha ha!”

Yin Zhi laughed twice.

“It’s a rare meeting again, I should have bought you a couple of drinks.”

“But now the most important thing is to accompany his wife and children.”

“Let’s go back and meet again.”


Patting Ye Feng on the shoulder, Yin Zhi whistled and waved a big black stick before swaggering away.

Ye Feng shook his head helplessly.

He looked at Ao Longtian who was lying on the ground, his eyes flashed with disdain.

“Mr. Ao, do you remember what I said last time?”

“If you forget, please think about it.”

“You do it yourself.”

Say it!

Ye Feng disappeared instantly.

What did he say to Ao Longtian last time?

“True Dragon Kingdom can do whatever it wants with money!”

“Some things can be done, some things can’t be done.”

“Do more of what you can, don’t do what you can’t.”

Obviously, it is impossible for Ye Feng to know the prophet, knowing that Yin Zhi will clean up Ao Longtian.

What he said really meant nothing.

After Ao Longtian became a super rich man, he ostensibly abides by the law, pays a lot of taxes, often engages in charity, and is even regarded as a “civilian rich.”

However, behind the scenes, he was engaged in threes and fours.

Not only want to make more money, but also not satisfied with making money!

Such as the hidden political meddling…

What he did was naturally targeted by the “Hulong Mountain Villa”.

Ye Feng once invited him to drink tea and talk.

In fact, when he said this last time, Ye Feng was still a little lacking in confidence.

Because he knows that Ao Longtian is not just as simple as being rich, but his strength is unfathomable!

If Ao Longtian keeps on doing things, he really doesn’t know if he can handle it.

But now?

He is full of confidence!


Because of Yin Zhi!

He and Yin Zhi can also be regarded as knowing the roots.

Not to mention that Mu Pinting is still closely related to him.

Ye Feng knew that they could ask Yin Zhi when needed.

Ao Longtian?

Nothing to worry about!

Ao Longtian got up with difficulty and wiped the blood from his mouth vigorously.

Then pick up the teeth on the ground, one by one-this should be regarded as the real version of “Find Teeth on the Floor”, right?

There was dead silence all around.

All of them stared at Ao Longtian with wide eyes.

Ao Longtian looked around, only to feel that everyone’s eyes were as sharp as a knife, stabbing him with a single knife.

At this time, a pretty-looking woman stepped forward with courage and handed him a white silk scarf.

“Mr. Ao, here you are…”


Ao Longtian knocked off the white silk scarf.


A roar broke out.

The glass exterior walls of several surrounding buildings shattered instantly.

Countless glass ballasts fall like rain.

And that kindly—of course, it does not rule out that there is another plan—the woman who handed the white silk scarf to Ao Longtian was directly fainted by the sound.

With full of humiliation and anger, Ao Longtian left this block he didn’t want to remember all his life.

Ao Longtian did not go home.

Instead, he came directly to the headquarters building of the “Shenlong Group”.

Take the own exclusive elevator and came to his president’s office.

“Mr. Ao…”

Several brilliant secretaries are sorting out papers and materials in his office.

Of course, the four secretaries of East, South, West, and North are not just working.

One piece of Ao Longtian, they immediately bowed and saluted, their voices were so good that they could make bones fuck.

Ao Long Heavenly Dao: “Immediately convene the board of directors! All must be here! I will give you five minutes!”

After speaking, he entered the own exclusive lounge.

He wants to take a bath!

The water line shot from the shower head dripped onto Ao Longtian’s body.

He closed his eyes.

Gradually, his face became distorted and hideous.

“Even if my family is bankrupted, I have to take revenge!”


“I killed you!”

What is he going to do?

It’s simple!

Sell ​​all the shares of “Shenlong Group” in your hand and cash out!

And he is also ready to sell all his assets!

You know, the assets in his hands are all high-quality assets, and every second can bring him huge profits.

But he doesn’t care about it anymore-everything is ignored!

He wants money…

He wants a lot, a lot of money!

“Daddy rich system” means that the richer the stronger, the stronger it is.

Ao Longtian was to gain even more powerful strength, to take revenge, to take everything out!

put all one’s eggs in one basket.

Last stand.

It was the thought in Ao Longtian’s mind at this moment.

That guy…

Must die!

In order to kill him, Ao Longtian didn’t hesitate to gamble everything.

There is no doubt that Ao Longtian, who has suffered unprecedented blows and humiliation, has been completely crazy.




These words are no longer in his mind at all.

Even if someone uses these to persuade him, he won’t listen to it.

Not to mention not yet!

At this time, Yin Zhi didn’t know that Ao Longtian had been ruthless.

He has returned to the homes of Yang Feiyue and Changze Yali, and he has become acquainted with them and their two children, enjoying the family happiness.

When Yin Zhi heard that the two children were called “Yin Bu Si” and “Yin Bu Nian”, the boss was immediately unhappy.

What do you mean, this?

The name is too random, right?

When he proposed to change his name, Yang Feiyue and the two refused to agree.

Yang Feiyue said, “What should I change? No change, that’s it!”

Changze Yali said: “You can find it!”

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes and snorted secretly: “You are not obedient, are you? See me serving with sticks at night!”

As a result, Yin Zhi underestimated the stubbornness and toughness of the two women.

Even if the club is added at night, they will not let go-if you don’t change it, you don’t change it!

Let you go out for four or five years, during which there is no news.

Think of it!

Say a fart!

We piss and piss the baby up, do you know how hard it is? !

Yin Zhi had to give up seeing them so tough.

late at night.

Yin Zhi’s communicator rang suddenly.

He came to the balcony and was connected.

“Hey, Qin Aunt, do you miss me?”

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