Chapter 884 Didi! You got 300,000 super kill points from Ao Longtian, please check!

After chatting with “Qin Aunt” for nearly two hours…

Yin Zhicai pressed the “Hang Up” button.

The night breeze is blowing.

He let out a long sigh of relief, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, talking to “Qin Aunt” was the easiest and most comfortable.

She is like a sea, a sky, inclusive of everything.

If it were not for the feelings of Yang Feiyue and Changze Yali, he really wanted to go straight to “Qin Aunt”.

Although she is not in the “Sacred Heart City” now, at the speed of “Skywalking Shuttle”, is it not a matter of minutes to meet?

“Don’t favor one another.”

“Not to mention that Qin Aunt gave me two babies…”


Yin Zhi decided.

Stay with Yang Feiyue and the others for a few days.

After solving the hidden danger of Ao Longtian, go to see “Qin Aunt”!

As for Teacher Dongfang and Mu Pingting…


It can only be slightly behind.

In the next few days, Yin Zhi took his wife and daughter all over the city to play.

What kind of amusement park, the underwater world, all have fun.

The kindergarten is naturally asking for leave!

Yin Zhi tried his best, but he was full of “intimacy” with two “little quilted jackets”. Dad and Dad kept screaming.

Yin Zhi naturally didn’t mention how happy he was, with a smile on his face all day long.

Although there are many descendants now, Yin Zhi has devoted a lot of love to each and every one of his children, and he does not favor one over the other at all.

It made Yang Feiyue and Changze Yali both jealous.

this day……

Inside the “Stini Amusement Park”.

Yin Busi pointed to a huge Ferris wheel in the distance, and shouted, “Dad, Dad, I want to sit on that!”

Although it is not the first time to ride a Ferris wheel—to be precise, I only sat in another large amusement park yesterday—but Yin Busi just likes to make a Ferris wheel.

The Ferris wheel of “Stini” is the largest in “Sacred Heart City”!

It has a diameter of 800 meters, and it takes nearly three hours to make a full circle. It is known as the “Galaxy Ferris Wheel”.

What’s special is that each pod is equivalent to a small guest room, which has everything in it-even toilets!

Yin Bu-nian pointed to the “Shenlong roller coaster” in the distance, and said in a weak voice: “Dad, I want to…play that…”

Although Xiao Niannian is more introverted, she also has some characteristics of her old lady (Changze Yali), such as adventurous and exciting.

“Roller coaster” is not her favorite, her favorite is “haunted house”!

Knowing about Yin Bu-nian’s hobby, Yin Zhi called out “I really know how to play”.

Yin Busi opened his eyes and said, “Come on the skyscraper first!”

Not to be outdone, Yin Bu-nian said softly but firmly: “I want to play the roller coaster first…”

Well, the relationship between the two sisters was very close.

As a result, because of Yin Zhi’s father, they both started to fight.

Regarding this, Yang Feiyue and Changze Yali often complained in front of Yin Zhi.

This is clearly fighting for Dad’s favor!

Yin Zhi’s response is rough and simple.

“You guys guess the punch!”

“Whoever wins listens to whoever.”

The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are full of meat, and Yin Zhi has a headache how to choose, so they simply throw the problem to themselves.

Without thinking and thinking, put on a “battle posture” and start guessing!

In the end, Yin Busi won.


“Sit on the Ferris wheel!”

So the family went to the “Galaxy Ferris Wheel”.

After some small twists and turns.

A family of five successfully got on the Ferris wheel.

The so-called “turns and turns”, in fact, is that there are no tickets, and Yin Zhi spent a million to buy tickets from another family.

The original fare is not particularly expensive, 3900 yuan!

But an appointment is required.

Even if you make an appointment today, you will have to wait until next year.

Of course Yin Zhi can’t wait for next year.

It’s hard for a daughter to buy a baby girl, happy!

Directly offered a price of one million and bought a ticket from another family-of course, the whole process was hidden from the two little cuties.

Yin Zhi didn’t want to leave them a bad impression that “you can do whatever you want if you have money.”

Of course, if the family refuses to sell…he will not force others.

Big deal, let’s add more money!


“Raised, raised!”

Yin Busi yelled.

The pod of the Ferris wheel is spherical, and the upper part is almost transparent glass, providing a perfect panoramic view.

Yang Feiyue grimaced.

“Sisi, how does mother teach you usually? Girls should look like girls.”

“What does it look like?”

“So are you. It’s only a few days now. Seeing that your daughter is used to you.”

Nagasawa nodded in agreement: “You can find it!”

Yin Zhi had no consciousness of burning his body at all: “Haha, daughter, where did you spoil me? You taught you, I spoiled me, it’s irrelevant and irrelevant.”

Yang Feiyue hummed angrily, and poked Yin Zhi angrily with his finger.

In Yin Busi’s eyes, she was defeated.

For a moment, Yin Busi’s eyes stared at Yin Zhi.

At this moment, Dad is simply the hero who defeated the villain’s mother in her mind!

“Dad Dad!”

“Do you think you can touch the clouds?”

The child couldn’t say enough, but Yin Zhi knew what she meant-can the Ferris wheel touch the clouds in the sky when the Ferris wheel rises.

Yin Zhi certainly won’t let her down: “Of course it can.”

There are clouds in the sky!

Yin Zhi decided to move it down with his mind.

Everything is to make the next cute and happy!


The ferris wheel pod slowly ascending, and there are endless laughter and laughter in the pod.

But just when Yin Busi was looking forward to reaching the highest height and waiting to touch the clouds…

“Didi! You got 300,000 super kill points from Ao Longtian, please check!”

What the hell? !

Give me 300 thousand at a time! ?

Wang Xinran, who had absorbed a lot of “Sage vitality” before, only gave 200,000 super kill points at most.

This time Ao Longtian actually produced 300,000?

What kind of medicine he took, suddenly became so strong!

Last time he only gave 20,000 to 30,000, but now it has soared to 300,000.

This also means that Ao Longtian is a lot stronger than Wang Xinran!

It’s so ridiculous!

No matter what, he can’t get so much stronger in just two days, right?


Yin Zhi’s brain flashed a bright light.


“Is he the ant of the ‘split organization’?”

In a short period of time, the strength has improved by leaps and bounds…

Isn’t this one of the characteristics of “ants”?

In addition to this, with Yin Zhi’s current knowledge, there is really no other reason.


Yin Zhi keenly sensed a danger. Without thinking about it, he immediately summoned the “Ukiyo-e Scroll”, and then sent Yang Feiyue and others in.

After doing this, he saw a chubby missile shooting from a distance, and it arrived in front of him in an instant.

At that moment, a golden light bloomed.

Boom! ! ! !

The earth-shaking explosion broke out.

A ball of fire engulfed almost the entire Ferris wheel in an instant…

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