Chapter 885 I am a traverser! I have a system! I am the protagonist! How could I fail!

“what happened?”

“It exploded suddenly…”

“God! Call the police! Call an ambulance!”

“Go, go!”

The explosion immediately attracted almost all the attention in the “Stini Amusement Park”.

The light of that huge fireball bloomed across the amusement park, it was hard to miss it.

Riots and panic also broke out in the amusement park.


“Look, what is that!”

“A… spaceship?”

“How could a spaceship suddenly appear?”

“It’s so big… Damn! It’s deformed!?”

A huge silver spacecraft suddenly appeared above the amusement park.

Its appearance immediately cast a huge shadow on the ground.

As soon as it appeared, it deformed, changing from a huge spaceship to a giant robot in the blink of an eye.

That height is simply an indomitable, optimistic pillar for most people!

But in fact it is only five or six hundred meters high, only a little bit higher than the “Galaxy Ferris Wheel”.

Just when everyone was wondering why this happened…

“Yin Zhi!”

“I know you are not that easy to die!”

“Come and fight me to the death!”

“Either you die today, or I die—”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

The sound resounded like thunder, resounding through the world.

People in the amusement park only felt their brains buzzing, so it was hard to say anxiously.

But even so, the tourists realized what was wrong and fled with panic screaming.

Just in time!

A figure flew out from the flame of the explosion and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

“Don’t even want to run!”

“Take your life!”

The huge robot turned over and instantly turned into a spaceship.

As the engine started, it dragged a long afterimage and disappeared.

Who is the comer?

It is Ao Longtian!

In the past few days, he has dissipated his assets to cash out, obtained a huge amount of money, and his strength has exploded…

Today, with his monstrous hatred, he is here to find Yin Zhi for revenge!

Want to run?

Even if you run to the end of the world, I can kill you too! ! !

at the same time.

The situation that happened in the “Stini Amusement Park” was reported to the “Hulong Mountain Villa” for the first time.

In an instant, the highest level of the entire “Hulong Mountain Villa” raised their hearts to their throats.

A high-level meeting was convened urgently.

Ye Feng is on the list!

“My colleagues, don’t be too nervous.”

“Yin Zhi is still very sensible.”

“From what he has done in the past, he is not a person who does whatever he wants.”

“It’s like now, he has lured Ao Longtian away.”

“We don’t have to worry about their fighting spreading to the innocent.”

Of course, this can only be said by Ye Feng.

However, his words were not heard by other people.

“Zhongzitang” the hall master snorted coldly, and said, “Ye Feng, I think you are really telling lies! Which of those things he did not do as he pleases?”




The other hall masters nodded silently.

“Xinzitang” the chief of the “Xinzitang” said: “Ao Longtian is not a good bird! Let them fight if they want to fight this time, it is best to fight both sides!”

Many hall masters have expressed their own opinions.

Ye Feng listened, but secretly shook his head.

No matter it is Ao Longtian or Yin Zhi, the hall masters don’t have a good impression of them.

A force that is not under one’s own control is really hard to make people happy and relieved.

The master of “Zhizitang” is quite sensible.

“Anyway, Yin Zhi’s defeat of the’Holy Court’ is intentional for the development and growth of our country!”

“We shouldn’t have bad feelings towards him. This is not conducive to contact with him.”

“If Yin Zhi is a sharp sword, then Ao Longtian is a blunt knife.”

“Yin Zhi is not bound by secular laws and rules, but he is reasonable. You don’t provoke him, and he won’t provoke you.”

“Ao Longtian obeys the law on the surface, but you and I all understand what he is doing secretly, what he wants to do…”

What does Ao Longtian want to do?

He is ready to turn the “True Dragon Kingdom” into a “money supremacist country” like “Oding Mela” without knowing it, boiling a frog in warm water-the kind that can do whatever you want with money!

“So, in their life-and-death battle, the best one to survive in the end is Yin Zhi.”


“Who can stop Ao Longtian?”

The hall masters were silent.

In fact, the hall masters here are not clear about the characteristics of the “daddy rich system”.

Otherwise, with their energy, Ao Longtian can be cured in seconds!

They know about Ao Longtian’s crazy selling and cashing out in exchange for cash these days.

Even if Ao Longtian wanted to withdraw such a large sum of money, he couldn’t withdraw it for a while, so he only temporarily deposited it in the bank.

As long as they use formal procedures to freeze Ao Longtian’s account, he immediately becomes a weak chicken without money.

However, they did not know…

Ye Feng said: “Hey, wait for the result.”

All of you were a little frustrated.

He said “Guardian of the True Dragon Kingdom”, but now he feels full of powerlessness.

This feeling is too bad!

There was a moment of silence, and the master of “Zhizitang” spoke again.

“Do you think…”

“Since the fall of the’Holy Court’, many super geniuses have suddenly appeared in the country.”

“One by one, it only took a few short years to become extremely powerful.”

“It used to be a genius like this in a hundred years, but now there are more than a dozen!”

“I don’t think this is a coincidence.”

Ye Feng’s heart moved, and he secretly said, “Could it be…it is related to the “split organization” that Yin Zhi said? It seems necessary to talk to him again.”

Obviously, he didn’t worry about Yin Zhi’s safety at all.

In fact, Ye Feng’s not worrying is right!

It is true that Ao Longtian, who can generate 300,000 “super kill points”, is better than Wang Xinran before.

But after Yin Zhi experienced a battle with Wang Xinran, his strength also increased a lot.

Not to mention the “Thanks” from “Cangwu Sage”.

That “thank you gift” not only gave Yin Zhi a “longevity”, it also brought his body and soul to the next level!

Coupled with his super luxurious “female lineup”…

Even though the battle with Ao Longtian had some twists and turns, the result did not seem to be much suspense.

on the contrary!

If Yin Zhi is defeated, that is the incredible “God Unfolding”.

After a fierce battle that is not worthy of “water”…

The seriously injured Ao Longtian lay at the bottom of a big pit.

Two lines of tears flowed down.

These are tears of collapse and sorrow.

The tears were still mixed with blood.


“I am a traverser…”

“I have a system…”

“I am the protagonist…”

“How could I lose…”

“Who will tell me…why is this?”

Yin Zhi lightly fell to Ao Longtian’s side.

“Isn’t it good to be your rich man?”

After all, he was too lazy to talk nonsense and he picked up the big black stick and smashed it down!

But just when the big gang was about to hit Ao Longtian’s cheek.

A white jade-like hand appeared suddenly and caught Yin Zhi’s stick…

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