Chapter 888 I was educating him, let him know that he was beaten when he did something wrong!

Ao Longtian never expected…

The girl in front of me, like a middle school girl, is really capable of taking away his “daddy rich system”.

This is his Gold Finger, the fundamental support for him to become stronger and stronger!

Without the “daddy rich system”, what would he use to live a comfortable and happy life as a master in this Otherworld?

No strength…no money…no woman…

Enough of this kind of life in his previous life!

Going through a scene, naturally you have to live a different splendor, and want to live the prosperity and wealth of the world.

Have the strongest strength!

Have the most money!

Have the most beautiful woman!

This is the dream of Ao Longtian in this life.

Relying on the “daddy rich system”, his dream awakening can be said to have been realized-he has not yet got the most beautiful women like Yang Feiyue and Changze Yali!

Who wants to lose everything I already own? !

Therefore, when Ao Longtian heard the “system unbinding” prompt, his mentality completely collapsed.

His weakness is undoubtedly obvious!


“Now that you are afraid?”

“Tell you, I gave you your ‘daddy rich system’.”

“Since I can give it to you, I can get it back.”


Ao Longtian’s heart was overwhelmed.

The “daddy rich system” was actually given by the “girl middle school student” in front of you? !

How can this be?

Who is she?


“Children, do you have a lot of question marks?”

“Then you continue to hold on to these question marks.”

“I won’t tell you the answer.”

“Listen to me, don’t provoke his wife and children in the future, do you know?”

Ao Longtian’s heart moved, “…”

He couldn’t help looking at Yin Zhi, and a hatred erupted from his heart.


Why? !

“Big Loli” doesn’t matter what he thinks.

“If you are not obedient, I will take your system away, and then throw you back to the original world, so that you can go back to the original world and continue to live a hard life.”

These words fell into Ao Longtian’s ears, which was nothing more than pouring him a basin of ice water that had been frozen for thousands of years, and soaked him with a chill.

Take away the system?

Return to the original world?

Continue to live the hard life of Luther and Diaosi?

Do not!

do not want!

Absolutely not!

“Big Loli” waved his hand in front of Ao Longtian who was not frightened: “Hey, hey, did you hear what I said?”

Ao Longtian shuddered suddenly and recovered.

“Listen… listen clearly, listen clearly!”

“I… I swear, I will never recruit… provoke them…”

at this time!

Ao Longtian’s mind showed the unparalleled looks and figures of Yang Feiyue and Changze Yali, and he only felt uncomfortable drilling in his heart.

Such a beautiful woman…

Why don’t they belong to me?

Why can that guy enjoy such a beautiful woman! ?

“Big Loli” smiled: “Hehehehe! Don’t forget what you said! Don’t forget what I said. Okay, when there is no one here, let’s go.”

She waved her hand as if she was driving a fly.



Yin Zhi hit the “Ruyi Scepter God Needle Iron” twice at this time and spoke.

“That won’t work!”

“Capital sins are forgiven, but living sins are inevitable.”

“He shot that shot before and almost killed my wife and children.”

“Another bunch of innocent people were blown to ashes by him.”

“I have to seek justice for them.”

Say it!

He no longer wastes time.

Not even wanting to give Ao Longtian a chance to speak.

Picking up the stick and rushing up is a mess of smashed sticks, and the sound of “pong pong pong pong” is loud and continuous.

Ao Longtian is also stiff!

He just gritted his teeth, even though his body pain was surging like a tsunami, impacting his nerves, he didn’t say a word.

If he opens his eyes, then two waves of anger and hatred must be ejected from within.

“Yin Zhi!”

“Yin Zhi!”

“Today’s humiliation, I will definitely return it to you a thousand times, ten thousand times in the future!”

“You wait for me-wait for it!!!”

“Didi! You got 310,000 super kill points from Ao Longtian, please check!”

After receiving a sum of “account”, Yin Zhi naturally feels comfortable, and he even feels vigorous when he swings the stick.

I don’t know how many sticks…

Yin Zhi stopped.

“Big Loli” glanced at Yin Zhi and said, “You are so violent.”

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

“I’m a civilized person.”

“I’m educating him and letting him know that it’s natural and righteous to be beaten when doing something wrong.”

“Don’t do anything wrong if you don’t want to be beaten.”

“This is my good intentions, okay?”

“Big Loli” listened to Yin Zhi’s words, said “You guys are really”, and then “chuckled” and laughed.

Following her, he grabbed Ao Longtian and said, “Remember this lesson, you!”

After all, she just threw it away, and Ao Longtian disappeared.

“Hey, you will pay attention in the future. Those ‘ants’ are all used to deal with the ‘Holy Court’.”

“All of them were killed, what else would they use to fight the “Holy Court”?”


“Get the job done!”


Yin Zhi immediately shouted: “Wait a minute!”

An Ao Longtian actually led out all the people who “split the organization”.

For Yin Zhi, this is undoubtedly an unexpected surprise.

In particular, I learned about the “Tushan people”.

Another valuable clue to find mother!

However, Yin Zhi obviously won’t just be satisfied with this.

He also wants more information!

“Big Loli” asked, “What are you doing?”

Yin Zhidao: “I want to engage in the’Holy Court’, and you will also engage in the’Holy Court’ in the’split organization’. As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is to be a friend. I think there are more common topics we can talk about. ”

“Big Loli” smiled “hehehehe” again.

“You want to know more information from me, right?”

“But I won’t tell you!”

Yin Zhidao: “Of course you won’t let you tell me for free. We can exchange it. I also know something about your “split organization”.”

“Big Loli” said: “Hehehehe! You don’t know I know. I know what you don’t know. What do you replace me with? But I look at your big black stick and I like it, or give it away Give me?”

Want my big black stick?

Which one do you want?

But no matter which one you want, we can’t give it!

Seeing Yin Zhi’s refusal, “Big Loli” smiled.

“Then there is nothing to say.”

“Children, if you want to fight the “Holy Court” or even the “Holy Lord”, you have to keep working hard.”

“With your current strength, if the’Holy Lord’ finds you, it can kill you with a breath.”

Yin Zhi quickly asked, “Tell me what your name is, right?”

“My name?”

“I have many names! Some people call me ‘Wa Nu’, some call me ‘Lan Luo’, and others call me ‘Jiang Xia’…Which one is better?”

“Oh, what annoying!”

“But you can call Sanjie.”


As she talked, she disappeared…

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