Chapter 889 Chess pieces, there is always one day to become a chess player!


Seeing the emptiness in front of him, Yin Zhi’s mood was hard to calm down.

For a while.

He digested this mysterious experience with “Big Loli”, and took a long breath.

“It’s probably because I don’t see her at all now…”

“If I hadn’t destroyed too many’ants’, she might not have appeared.”


I may not be able to see you now.

But I will definitely be able to enter in the future!

And I believe that this “future” will not be too long!

Yin Zhi is full of confidence.

At that time, let’s inject a bunch of questions into your mind, and see if you will answer me at that time!


Yin Zhi stopped staying in this unknown island in the sea, found the right direction, and went straight to the “True Dragon Kingdom”.

Back at his home in “Sacred Heart City,” Ao Longtian locked himself in the secret room.

He should also take care of this experience!

Who is that “girl high school student” just now?

Why did she get me into this world and gave herself the “daddy rich system”?

What is her ulterior motive for doing this?

Or is it just fun?

Faintly, Ao Longtian had an intuition in his heart-she seemed to have become her tool person!

“System, why do you show up to me?”

“You, and the person who gave you to me, what do you want to do?”

“Give me a good time!”

Ao Longtian was puzzled, and when he was irritated, he asked the system directly.

Daddy rich system: “Ding! No comment! Please dig and explore by yourself!”


Ao Longtian almost yelled.

“Don’t tell me?”


“I will know one day!”


I thought I was the protagonist.

In the end, he seemed to be a chess piece in other people’s hands.

This feeling made Ao Longtian very upset, it was terrible.


He would not just admit his fate so easily.

Chess pieces, there is always one day to become a chess player!

My fate is up to me, not by heaven, not by others!

Yang Feiyue…

Nagasawa Yali…

He is bound to win!

But not now, nor tomorrow-one day sooner or later!

Soon, he had to care about it.


The sleepy dragon will finally ascend to heaven!

One day, I will be lawless and do whatever I want!

Everything in the world will be under my control, I am at ease by myself!

In this secret room, Ao Longtian silently made a ambition…

The next day.

Yin Zhi and Ye Feng met in an ordinary coffee shop.

To Yin Zhi’s happiness, Mu Pingting also came.

Mu Pingting came back from a foreign country—to be precise, he came back from a Western country.

The “Odin Merah” is gone. The Western countries that were originally “a group of snakes without a head” are now entangled together, preparing to form an alliance to delay or even suppress the “True Dragon Nation” from taking off.

Mu Pingting, as a member of “Hulong Mountain Villa”, naturally shoulders a mission.

Reunited after a long absence, Mu Pingting’s eyes were full of joy.

Yin Zhi’s heart was rippling when he was looking straight at the shiny eyes.

But there was a huge light bulb next to it, and Mu Pingting could only restrain it.

It made Yin Zhi want to kick Ye Feng’s light bulb away.

The two parties talked for more than two hours…

The topics discussed are naturally some of Yin Zhi’s knowledge.

However, what he said made Ye Feng and Mu Pingting feel particularly heavy, full of worries.

They knew that the “Endless Sea of ​​Universe” was huge.

But never expected that “Endless Sea of ​​Zhou” could be so big!

And the “True Dragon Kingdom” and even the entire “Seven Continents” are just a drop in the ocean.

This sense of insignificance and powerlessness is really depressing!

Yin Zhi was calm, he drank a cup of coffee.

“Don’t think so much. It’s a blessing, not a curse, it’s a curse that cannot be avoided.”

“After talking about me, talk about you guys.”

“Did the’Holy Court’ do anything in the past few years?”

Ye Feng settled down, then shook his head.


“Up to now, the “Holy Court” has completely disappeared. And the officials of various countries are also deliberately removing the traces of the “Holy Court”.”

“There is no need to wait for a few generations to go on like this, the next generation or the next two generations, it is estimated that no one will know the “Holy Court”.”

Yin Zhi stroked his chin and said, “It’s strange. There is no reaction at all…”

Even if the “Seven Continents” were remote, the “Holy Court Chamber” was destroyed and the “Holy See” disappeared, but there was no reaction from the “Main Court”?

Thinking about it, it feels wrong!

Ye Feng said: “It’s a good thing to have no response. No one wants to be crushed by the’Holy Court’ like before.”

The greatest benefit of not having the “Holy Court” is that the “Yu Ling Crystal” is completely in the hands of the government.

The government coordinated the allocation of the “Yu Ling Crystal” to achieve the most optimized configuration, which has greatly increased the national strength of all countries, especially the “True Dragon Kingdom”!

Good thing?

Yin Zhi curled his lips secretly.

Things that are obviously contrary to common sense are not necessarily good!

Yin Zhi asked again: “Then during my absence, has there been anything worthy of attention?”

Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, but told the truth.

“Yes… In the past few years, some super geniuses have appeared on all continents.”

“Their strengths have grown by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.”

“Like Ao Longtian…”

“This time Ping Ting went to the west, and a tricky guy came out over there.”

Yin Zhi looked at Mu Pingting.

She nodded and said, “Well, it took a lot of effort to injure him, but in the end I let him escape.”

Ye Feng said, “Yin Zhi, do you think they have something to do with the’split organization’?”

Yin Zhi stroked his chin, and said, “It seems that the ‘Split Organization’ is taking advantage of the time when the ‘Holy Court’ is being destroyed, and is cultivating ‘ants’ aggressively.”

In other words, if they do this, aren’t they afraid of being discovered by the “Holy Court”?


Those “ants” are clearly the bait for fishing?

With Yin Zhi’s vision, it is natural to look at the overall situation at once.

Ye Feng looked at Yin Zhi’s eyes and said, “Yin Zhi, what do you think of these people?”

Yin Zhi smiled.

“What else can I see?”

“Other countries can’t control it, our country’s, as long as we abide by the law and discipline.”

“Even if they are arrogant, it doesn’t matter.”

“After all, arrogance doesn’t break the law, right?”

“You dare to mess around, leave it to me, and I will clean them up!”

Hearing this, Ye Feng was greatly relieved.

What he wants is Yin Zhi’s words!

But immediately he was helpless.

The dignified “Gulong Mountain Villa” has to rely on others to guard the real dragon, alas!

Mu Pingting had bright eyes and said, “Yin Zhi, thank you.”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “I’m an old husband and wife, why are you thanking me? These are all things I should do.”

Besides, he is not only for others, but also for himself!

Let wives and daughters have a relatively stable living environment-this is the top priority!

If there are any criminals, he can raise pigs again.

Yin Zhi’s words made Mu Pingting shy, and she looked forward to her posture…

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