Chapter 892 What?

Do you think that there is a system “daddy first in the world”? !

This sentence fell into Liang Bufan’s mind, like a bolt from the blue.

How would he know?

How could he know that I have a system? !

Is he also a traverser?

no no!

Even if he is a traverser, it is impossible to know that I have a system!

God knows this and I know it, and there can never be a second person knowing it.

How did he know? !

Who is he?

Liang Bufan set off a huge wave in his heart, but on the surface he was still calm.

“I do not understand what you are saying……”

Of course he will not admit that he owns the system.

This is his biggest secret!

In any case, it will not be known.

However, he has made up his mind to check this guy in front of him!

Just relying on the words he just said, Liang Bufan has already regarded him as the number one enemy in his life!

So exaggerated?

It’s not an exaggeration.

Anyone who finds out that someone knows his biggest secret can’t calm down in his heart!

Liang Bufan immediately threw another sentence to Dongfang Weixi and others, “I hope you will think about my proposal”, and then walk away.

But he wants to go, but others may not let him go.

Yin Zhi reached out and stopped him.


“Do you want to leave?”

“I want to run when I’m done, how can there be such a cheap thing in the world!”

Liang Bufan’s eyes twitched slightly, and said coldly, “Take your hands away.”

Not only did Yin Zhi not take it away, but he clung to Liang Bufan’s shoulders.


“Let’s change a place and talk about it well.”

“I also have some own opinions about the strong alliance between’Sacred Heart University’ and’Jinghua Academy’.”

Liang Bufan’s nerves tightened in an instant, but immediately he raised his brow and said, “Then go.”

Zhengshou has no chance, since you are looking for death by yourself, then I will fulfill you!

Yes, Liang Bufan was murderous towards Yin Zhi…

Even though they had no grievances and hatreds, the moment Yin Zhi openly revealed his biggest secret, Liang Feifei couldn’t tolerate him to live!

But Zhou Daren stood up and shouted: “Yin Zhi, this is a matter of the’Sacred Heart University’. Who are you, don’t mix up-it’s not your turn to mix up!”

Yin Zhi smiled and said: “Professor Zhou,’Sacred Heart University’ is also my alma mater, I can’t just watch him being swallowed. Unless…”

He changed the conversation, with a smile on his face.

“Unless the school after the strong alliance is still called’Sacred Heart University’ and the principal is still held by our respectable, lovely and capable Dongfang teacher, then I will raise my hands in agreement.”

“Principal Liang, what do you think of my proposal?”

The corners of Liang Bufan’s eyes twitched.

He really wanted to ask: Are you dreaming?

According to you, it is that “Essence Academy” has annexed “Sacred Heart University”, but “Sacred Heart University” has annexed “Essence Academy”!

Daddy is busy, just let others come to annex my “Essence Academy”?

What have I become?

I was angry and disdainful, Liang Bufan showed an abnormal smile, and said: “You can talk! Let’s have a good talk!”

“Didi! You got 40,000 super kill points from Liang Bufan, please check!”

Upon hearing this prompt, Yin Zhi was immediately sure that Liang Bufan was an “ant”!

Under normal circumstances, the environment of the “True Dragon Kingdom” is absolutely impossible to nurture such a powerful existence!

Since there is such a powerful guy, it must be with the help of external forces.

The “external force” that Yin Zhi thinks of right now is nothing more than the “system”.

Yin Zhizhen wanted to see the “big Loli” who claimed to be the “third sister” again, and asked her, what the hell are you “splitting the organization” doing?

What do you want to do if you make so many “ants” all at once?

“Do you want me to beat up this Liang Bufan and lure the’third sister” out?”

This idea is very tempting!

But after Yin Zhi repeatedly weighed…

Still gave up!

The acting style of the “three sisters” can be summed up with the word “impermanence”, which does not follow common sense at all.

We were able to have fairly friendly exchanges last time, but what about this time?

Obviously she didn’t want to see herself and their “ants” as enemies.

If one wants to kill their nurturing “ants” again, and annoys her, it would be bad.

In the final analysis, with his current strength, he simply does not have the qualifications to challenge the “split organization”!

“never mind!”

“Wait and see!”

“Sooner or later, I will let you guys come together for cooperation!”

With this thought, Yin Zhi took Liang Bufan’s shoulders and left the reception room.

“Go, I’ll take you to experience the infinite scenery of the’Fulong Mountain Range’!”

“I’m afraid you dare not come.”

“Ha ha!”

Pointing to the mountains in the distance, Yin Zhi dropped a sentence and laughed twice before disappearing.

Liang Bufan made two cold “hums” and disappeared.

The departure of the two of them made Zhou Daren, Zhuang Mo and other professors look at each other.

“Zhuang Mo, he was your student before, why didn’t you talk just now?”

“Let him mess around?”

“It’s already messy enough, let him add chaos!”

Zhou Daren is very…no, extremely dissatisfied.

He raised his hands in agreement with the “strong alliance”. In addition to Liang Bufan’s benefits and promises that he could not refuse, he did not want Dongfang Weixi to become the president of the “Sacred Heart University” again!

Before Zhuang Mo became the principal, Zhou Daren endured it!

But why should Dongfang Weixi be the principal?

Just because she is the strongest?

School is school!

Not those illegal gangs and organizations!

Could it be that “the strongest will be the boss”?

It just bounces up!

In terms of qualifications and ability, he is clearly more qualified to be a principal.

Why should Dongfang Weixi be here?

Not to mention that Dongfang Weixi Life is still unscrupulous.

Unmarried first pregnancy…

I don’t even know who the child’s father is.

How can such a person continue to be the president of “Sacred Heart University”?

Zhou Daren considers himself very reasonable.

But there is one sentence that he will only bury in his heart forever, and will not say it: “I can’t be the principal, so don’t you want to be!”

Zhuang Mo smiled “hehe” and said, “It doesn’t get in the way, it doesn’t get in the way. He has always been a very assertive child. Maybe his arrival can make things turn for the better. Let’s wait for the result.”

Zhou Daren is about to speak…

Dongfang Weixi spoke up.

“I still said what I said just now.”

“If anyone thinks that the small temple of’Sacred Heart University’ can’t afford their god-tier, just leave.”

“Hello everyone!”

As soon as these words were spoken, the meeting room immediately became quiet.

at the same time.

On the snow slope on the other side of the Bailong Mountain Range.

Yin Zhi stretched his arms and his face was arrogant.

“Come on!”

“Don’t you think you have a system and you are invincible?”

“Use your strength to defeat me.”

“Otherwise I will beat you up!”

“The last system owner was beaten by my crying father and mother.”

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