Chapter 893 So I am the frog that sits in the sky!

“Who on earth are you?”

There was no third person around at this time, so Liang Bufan naturally let go a little bit.

No nonsense, just ask the questions you want to know.

And his question, naturally, the introduction acquiesced in the fact that he owns the system!



Yin Zhi smashed his hand with “Ruyi Scepter”.

“Who am I?”

“Is this important?”

“But I can tell you.”

“You who own the system are not the only one in this world, you know?”

Liang Bufan’s face became gloomy…


“In this’Endless Sea of ​​Universe’, many people have systems.”

“As soon as I heard that your strength has soared in just a few years, from obscurity to famous, I guessed that you must have a system.”


“Don’t you think that you have the system and that you are a traverser, you think that you are the protagonist, the’son of the destiny’ of this world, right?”


What Yin Zhi said made Liang Bufan very upset!

“So, do you have a system?”


Yin Zhi was right. Liang Bufan, as a traverser with a system, just like Ao Longtian, he is the protagonist by default…

This is not something incomprehensible!

Such a huge opportunity, in addition to the protagonist, especially what ordinary people can have?

Not to mention!

Liang Bufan traveled through the world before, and online entertainment was extremely developed.

What web dramas, web novels, “cross + Gold Finger” theme can be described as enduring.

As a small hanging silk struggling at the bottom.

Liang Bufan suddenly traversed the “Endless Sea of ​​Universe” and added a system to him. He considered himself the “Protagonist of the Destiny”. He was not self-righteous at all, it was just natural!

It’s just that Liang Bufan never dreamed that he would meet Yin Zhi today…

Not only did he reveal his own system, he was the biggest secret of a traverser.

Tell him even more that there are still many people in this world who have the same system as him? !


Liang Bufan suffered an unprecedented blow!

Everyone wants to be the only one in the world and be different.

Everyone wants to be the “protagonist”.

This is human nature.

And now Yin Zhi’s words completely shattered his confidence and pride.


“Who knows.”

“Maybe, maybe not-but it’s not really important.”

“Do you know what is really important?”

Liang Bufan said with a cold face, “Listen thoroughly.”

Yin Zhi “hum” smiled.

“I, you can’t afford it!”

“Take your system to other places, don’t dangle in front of me.”

“I don’t care why you want to annex’Sacred Heart University’, but that is what I am covering!”

Listening to Yin Zhi’s words that cannot be used to the extreme.

Liang Bufan’s inner anger spewed like a volcanic eruption.

“You probably don’t know?”

“Not long ago, I slapped a guy who thought he was the protagonist all over the floor.”

“It’s the stick in my hand!”



“Don’t say I never gave you a chance.”

“If you don’t believe me, just try it.”

“But don’t worry, I won’t kill you-I’m a good person and don’t like killing!”

Believe it or not, Bufan Liang?

Nonsense, of course I don’t believe it!

“Then I’ll come to learn and teach your master’s brilliant tricks!”

After all, two summoning circles suddenly appeared on his left and right-yes, the complete summoning circles appeared suddenly.

The two Yulings jumped out of the two summoning circles, one red and one blue.

One is a young man in red, with three heads and six arms, each holding a weapon, and a face full of rebelliousness.

One is a girl in blue with a pair of dragon horns on her forehead, pure and elegant…

Both of them exude Spiritual Qi in the same color as their clothes, and they are extraordinary.

Yin Zhi didn’t know the two Yulings, but he was an expert, and he knew that they were both “Holy Spirit Nine Stars Yuling”.

Be in charge of the system!

Plus two “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling!

This is the source of Liang Bufan’s confidence.

Liang Bufan said: “Summon Yuling.”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe” and said, “Are you sure you want to give me time to summon Yuling?”

Liang Bufan: “…”

He no longer wanted to talk nonsense, he just wanted to have a testimony chapter under his hand.

When he wins Yin Zhi, he has to ask clearly, who else owns the system…

There is an impulse in his heart!

Anyone who has a system must be destroyed!

Only oneself can be the only one who owns the system!

If this is in the online novels of previous lives, novels with “dual protagonists” are likely to hit the streets.

Since Liang Bufan considers himself the protagonist, of course he can’t tolerate others having the “protagonist configuration”!

Can’t tell, can you snatch someone else’s system over?

Yin Zhi said, “You really are a gentleman! Admire, admire!”

He hurriedly drew five summoning circles.

Along with each of the most outstanding and talented “female emperors” stepped out of the summoning circle.

The smile on Yin Zhi’s face was extremely bright.

“You are the’Holy Spirit Nine Stars’ Yuling, right?”

“Tsk, good, good.”

“I think at the beginning only the’Holy Court Holy See’ had a double’Holy Spirit Nine Stars’ lineup.”

“It’s just… sorry!”

He opened his palm and stretched out.

“I have five’Holy Spirit Nine Stars’ Yuling!”

It can be seen that Yin Zhi is still very low-key, and did not say that he has one hundred and sixty-four…

Liang Bufan glanced at the five Yu Ling who were so stunning that he was suffocating and losing his soul, and said gloomily, “Please enlighten me!”

Say it!

Liang Bufan, who didn’t dare to underestimate the enemy, directly displayed a powerful skill-the combined attack of the two defensive spirits, he named it “the two hells of ice and fire”!

As for the ultimate skills, use it as a hole card.

In an instant, two extremes of heat and cold attacked Yin Zhi.

This strike can be said to be loud and powerful!

How did Yin Zhi respond?

Pong! ! !

Directly hit Liang Bufan’s forehead with a stick.

With a “bang”, Liang Bufan fell directly to the ground, exploding a huge and deep sinkhole on the ground.

It was almost like a meteorite fell.

Liang Bufan was completely confused…

Lying at the bottom of the tiankeng, he was confused and hazy in front of him.

The body was pumping disorderly.

And his two “Holy Spirit Nine Star Imperial Spirits”, naturally disappeared.

“How can this be?”

“I turned out to be… I turned out to be…”

Can’t even hold the opponent with a stick? !

Vaguely, he saw a person standing on the edge of the tiankeng, looking down at himself, banging hands with a stick in his hand.

At this time, in Liang Bufan’s eyes, the sky was only as big as a garden.

“Sit into Guantian…”

Suddenly, a word emerged from Liang Bufan’s mind.

“It turns out that I am the frog that sits in the sky!”

“Ha ha……”

When I think of this, sadness comes from it.

The voice came from above: “Dare you still dare to swallow’Sacred Heart University’?”

“No… I dare not…”

After speaking, Liang Bufan felt that all his strength had been emptied.

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