Chapter 894 I am a traverser with a system! Now I am looking for someone like me!

“I hammered another…”

Looking at Liang Bufan at the bottom of “Tiankeng”, Yin Zhi shook his head and sighed.

“I didn’t deal with those second generations before.”

“Now recoil with these traversers again.”

“I’m also helpless, okay?”

“By the way, you can’t act in a low-key manner? So what do you do in a high-key manner?”

I hope that in the future, you won’t encounter some traversers with weird systems…

After disbanding the five “Holy Spirit nine-star female emperors” used to fill the front and protect the battlefield, Yin Zhi went straight to the “Sacred Heart University”.

It was just a moment of effort, and Yin Zhi returned to the previous meeting room.

Seeing Yin Zhi’s return, Zhou Daren and other professors who agreed with the “strong alliance” were all taken aback.

Why did he come back?

And it came back very quickly.

Where’s Principal Liang?

“good news!”

“good news!”

“After a friendly, harmonious and in-depth discussion between Principal Liang and I, he finally decided not to annex… Oh no, how can we use such a savage word as’annex’ for teaching and educating people?”

“It’s right to use’strong alliance’!”

“In short, he has changed his mind.”

“In this way,’Sacred Heart University’ does not need to be renamed’Jinghua Academy Branch’.”

Doesn’t this mean the same thing?

Zhou Daren said: “Yin Zhi, where is President Liang?”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Oh, he, he said that the snow scene in the’Bailong Mountain’ is pretty good. He wants to stay there and blow the wind and enjoy the snow scene in the mountains.”

What’s this all about? !

Hearing it is nonsense!

Zhou Daren was still talking about something, but Dongfang Weixi spoke first.

“All right!”

“Just expose this matter.”

“There is no need to mention any powerful combination.”

“Also, if you want to resign, I will sign your resignation letter at any time.”

Coldly dropped a word, Dongfang Weixi got up and left.

“Come to the office with me…”

When passing in front of Yin Zhi, Dongfang Weixi threw a word to him and went out.

“Professors, see you later!”

He greeted other professors at random, but nodded his head to Zhuang Mo before pulling Mu Pingting away.

Zhou Daren was exasperated.

“What kind of attitude is he/she!? It’s just outrageous!”

The “he/she” in his mouth was clearly directed at Yin Zhi, but in fact it was directed at Dongfang Weixi!

This woman is simply too arrogant, too conceited, and too arrogant.

Humph, if it weren’t for the fight, let me see if I didn’t clean up you!

Zhuang Mo soothed him and said, “Young man, I’m a little more angry. It’s nothing, it’s nothing.”

Zhou Daren hummed, and walked away with a displeased face.

He wanted to contact Liang Bufan as soon as possible to ask what was going on.

Liang Bufan promised to hire him as the vice-principal after the “Sacred Heart” and “Jinghua” join forces!

At this time, no one cares about Liang Bufan anymore.

Yin Zhi and Mu Pingting followed Dongfang Weixi to the principal’s office.

In an office, a certain anxious guy hugged Teacher Dongfang and gave a passionate kiss of the long-awaited reunion.


Dongfang Weixi’s eyes widened in surprise. After a moment’s stunned, his eyes burst into anger – this bastard!


Of course, you have to fight with all your strength to resist.

However, under Yin Zhi’s powerful arms, the hard work of “Teacher Dongfang” is undoubtedly redundant and pale.


Due to her friction, the friction and squeeze between the two were intensified.

Smelling the strong male aura coming from Yin Zhishen and feeling his domineering siege, Teacher Dongfang was confused and lost unconsciously.

Mu Pingting watched and watched, but somehow, her eyes dazzled, she licked her lips, and even took the initiative to join in…

Just when Yin Zhi was ready to go further.

Dongfang Weixi suddenly closed the most critical pass, blocking Yin Zhi’s offensive.


“Not here!”

Not here?

What about other places?

This is the last juncture. It is obviously impossible for Yin Zhiyan to die and retreat with gold.

As a result, he split up a little thought and directly summoned the “Ukiyo-e scroll”…

In an instant, three people

What happens next is naturally no longer suitable for writing.


“It’s…too fast…”

“I can’t stand it…”

The stunning woman sitting in the passenger seat was slightly pale and looked very nervous.

Because of what?

The speed is too fast!

This expressway has a speed limit of 130.

As a result, Liang Bufan actually drove to 400! ?

At this speed, something happened slightly, it was the end of car crashes!

She doesn’t want to die yet.

“Liang…Brother Liang…”

“I also think it’s too fast.”

“Such a fast speed is too dangerous.”

There is also a beautiful and vigorous woman behind.

She is Liang Bufan’s exclusive driver.

Drive when there is a car, and “drive” when there is no car.

It’s just that Liang Bufan, who came out of “Sacred Heart University” today, suddenly wants to drive by himself.

She thought it was nothing.

But how did she know that Liang Bufan actually drove so fast?

The speed of more than 400 kilometers per hour is too fast.

Liang Bufan in the driver’s seat had a sullen face. He didn’t even fasten his seat belt.

“You can get off if the car is too fast.”

He said this impatiently, and he closed his mouth.

The two women on the high-speed car closed their mouths obediently.

After finally getting into the car of “Brother Liang”, enjoying the glory and wealth, how could they get off the car?

I’d rather die in a luxury car than live behind a broken bicycle!

But they are afraid of death, they still secretly pray that nothing happens…

At this moment, Liang Bufan’s mood is undoubtedly extremely bad.

The things he experienced before were definitely a shame he didn’t want to recall in his lifetime!

He naturally hated Yin Zhi to the extreme.

But was he frightened by Yin Zhi?

not at all!

How can you be frightened? !

As a traverser.

As the system owner.

He firmly believes that as long as he is given enough time, he will repay the shame of today a hundredfold.

at the same time……

With the idea of ​​”knowing the shame and then being courageous”, he sorted out his previous experience.

Every word Yin Zhi said came to mind.

He can be said to analyze it word by word.

In the end, he had a very bold idea.

“You wait for me!”

“I will avenge this grudge!”

All the way, Liang Bufan returned to the “Jinghua Academy Branch” located in “Sacred Heart City”-naturally, this branch school was annexed by him!

Liang Bufan returned to own luxury residence and sat in front of the computer. After searching, he posted in various forums, post bars and other popular communities.

The title of the post is: “I am a traverser with a system! Now looking for someone like me!”

It seems that he is going to do something…

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