Chapter 898: Travelers gathered together! Each has its own magical system!


The elevator doors are open.


The two character maids at the door of the elevator greeted Li Dingtian and Ao Longtian with extremely sweet voices.

“Please come with me.”

One of the maids led the way for both of them.

The “Tian Jiulong Club” has been booked tonight, and there is only one private room with guests.

So even if she doesn’t ask, she knows which private room to take the guest to.

In other words, there are only three private rooms in the “Tian Jiulong Club”.

They are Tianzi No. 1, Dizi No. 1, and Renzi No. 1!

Well, it’s very particular.

“Tsk tut!”

“It is worthy of the legendary’Tian Jiulong Club’.”

“Style! Really saw it!”

Li Dingtian looked east and west all the way, amazed.

Ao Longtian glanced at him, his eyes flashed with disdain and contempt.

Is he really a traverser with a system?

He didn’t even have this knowledge.

The two followed the stunning maid up two flights of stairs and came to the door of “Tianzi No. 1 Room”.

This is also the top of the entire “Tian Jiulong Tower”!

As soon as the door opened, the ultimate luxury and the ultimate introversion rushed towards him.

Ao Longtian was used to this, no wonder.

But Li Dingtian looked at the decorations in the “Tianzi No. 1 Room” with a dumbfounded look like a hillbilly.

Especially, when his attention fell on the three hundred and sixty-degree panoramic floor-to-ceiling glass windows, he exhaled in amazement.

He couldn’t help but walked to the French window.

Standing in the night sky over 900 meters high, overlooking the night view of the “Sacred Heart City”, I immediately felt the courage to “see all the small beings” heroic.

“However, there is no culture, so I can only say: Fuck! Great!”

Li Dingtian said so.


“Thank you for your face!”

“My name is Liang Bufan, and I am glad to meet you, Mr. Ao.”

Liang Bufan is dressed in formal clothes, handsome and extraordinary.

He naturally knew Ao Longtian-the second richest true dragon, who doesn’t know?

Ao Longtian shook hands with him, with scrutiny in his eyes.


“So, you started this party?”

Liang Bufan nodded and said, “Yes. It may be a bit abrupt, but it also happened suddenly. Haha, please forgive me if you take the liberty.”

Ao Longtian shook his head and said, “I can’t tell you! I actually want to meet people like me. After all, things are gathered together, and things are divided into groups.”

“A person like me” of course refers to a traverser who has a system!

At this time, he already had some ideas in his heart…

Liang Bufan asked Ao Longtian to take a seat, and he came to Li Dingtian and said, “How? It feels good to look down from here, right?”

Li Ding Heavenly Dao: “Not bad, not bad, really good!”

Liang Bufan smiled and said: “People go to higher places to appreciate more scenery-but also to let others overlook themselves!”

Li Dingtian said twice, “Not bad, not bad.”

Liang Bufan stretched out his hand, “Liang Bufan, the initiator of this gathering, thank you for your appreciation.”

Li Dingtian also stretched out his hand and shook it.

“My name is Li Dingtian.”

“Haha, I can’t compare to Mr. Ao, just a little security guard.”

“I have to thank Mr. Liang for the invitation, which opened my eyes.”

Liang Bufan had a polite and greeted greeting with him, and then asked him to sit down.

Li Dingtian is very free and easy, find a sofa and sit down.

He looked around and found that besides himself, Liang Bufan and Ao Longtian, there were three other people.

One woman, two men!

The woman looks pure and graceful, and she looks rich and tasteful when she dresses.

She is flipping through a latest fashion magazine.

Li Dingtian faintly felt where he had seen her, but he couldn’t remember it for a while…

One of the two men is one big and one small.

The little one looks only 15 or 16 years old, is wearing headphones and playing handheld games.

The big one was about thirty or so, biting a cigar, with a laptop on his knees, crackling on the keyboard, fast.

They are all focusing on their own business.

Even Ao Longtian sat quietly after sitting down, as if thinking about something.

Li Dingtian looked around.

Another stunning maid came forward and put a drink in front of Li Dingtian.

Li Dingtian poured it out in one gulp, smacked his lips, and said with a smile: “One more cup.”

The stunning maid is naturally dedicated to serving his distinguished guest.

Liang Bufan said: “Everyone, there is still some time before nine o’clock, please wait patiently.”

Nine o’clock is the deadline!

These are all made by Liang Bufan in a post looking for “similar”, after all, he can’t wait forever, right?

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Finally, it’s nine o’clock!

No one is coming again…

A total of six people including Liang Bufan were present.

Liang Bufanqing retired all the waiters and personally closed the “Tianzi No. 1 Gate”.


He clapped his palms and attracted everyone’s eyes.

At this time, everyone also put aside what they were doing and looked at Liang Bufan.


“Thank you once again for taking the precious time out of your busy schedule to enjoy this party.”

“If there is any lack of hospitality, please forgive me.”


“Let us have a toast to celebrate today’s gathering!”

Since participating in this gathering, others are still willing to give Liang Bufan the initiator a Face.

They toasted their glasses one after another, and they touched each other a little while ago.

“Meeting is destiny!”

“Not to mention us people…”

“Everyone is still unfamiliar with each other, so let’s introduce each other.”

“My surname is Liang, Liang Bufan, and I am the principal of’Jinghua Academy’-my system is the’Superior Principal System’.”

He is toning!

The so-called “self-introduction” is imaginary. It is “real money” to introduce the system you own!

Liang Bufan has mentioned the own system, so naturally it is not easy for others to hide and tuck-what are they doing while hiding and tucking?

The boy smiled and said: “Zhang Yiyi, mine is the’super player system’. Hey, playing games will become stronger. If you are lucky, you can get props from the game and bring them to the real world. How about it, isn’t it amazing?”

Li Dingtian exclaimed: “Wow, is there an archive function?”

Zhang Yiyi: “Hey, I want to have it too, but unfortunately not. If I can save it, then I will be invincible, okay?”

The young man said: “My name is Hong Ye! Mine is the ‘god-tier codeword system’. Oh, I’m glad to meet you all.”

Li Ding Heavenly Dao: “Writing novels? Great! Can everything you write become reality?”

Hong Ye shook his head and said, “Why is it so exaggerated? It’s so amazing, then I am not a god?”

Li Dingtian smiled “haha”, “it’s right and right!”

Then there was the only woman present.

“My name is Lan Yun.”

“The system, the’Invincible Standard Chartered Bitch System’…”

“Do you know any bitch scumbags? I’m very grateful for the introduction.”


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