Chapter 899 My name is Li Dingtian! I am indomitable! My system is a death-seeking system!

Bang bang bang!

Just after Lan Yun finished speaking, a knock on the door rang.

Everyone present frowned slightly.

Anyone else coming?

This is out of time.

Li Dingtian smiled and said, “Haha, someone from the same class is here again. Although I’m late, it’s understandable. Maybe they came here specially from outside? I’ll open the door.”

After all, he didn’t care what others thought, so he went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, a voice came in: “Sorry, sorry, I’m late.”

Li Ding Heavenly Dao: “It’s okay, it’s all friends, what’s the matter of being a few minutes late? Come in, come in.”

In his posture, he seems to be the host.

When Liang Bufan, Ao Longtian and others looked around, they saw a white and fat young man walking in.

He was dressed like a tourist on a trip, with a travel bag on his back.

Walking into the room, he again apologized to everyone.

“It’s really embarrassing, haha!”

“I came here from the’Holy Dragon Continent’.”

“I thought I was going to miss it, fortunately to catch up.”

“Just be a little late, haha!”

Liang Bufan shook his hand and said, “It doesn’t matter, you are welcome. I am Liang Bufan and the initiator of this gathering.”

Naturally no one said anything.

Being late for a few minutes is not a big deal.

Liang Bufan took this opportunity to show his identity as the “promoter”.

Then he said: “We are now introducing ourselves. This friend, you are just in time, so please introduce yourself to everyone.”

The white fat youth said: “Okay! Cough! Hello everyone, I am Bai Feiyang! I crossed over from a planet named’Blue Star’. My system is the’Ten Thousand Realms Live Broadcasting System’-haha, I am actually It’s from a “grandma pig” who is engaged in live broadcast.”

Lan Yun said “Oh”, looking very interested, and said: “The live broadcast system? This is interesting. You just said that you came from the’Sacred Dragon Continent’? Wouldn’t you go live there? ”


“The audience members like to watch what I want. Only in this way can I gain popularity!”

“I heard that there are many Rivers and Lakes Sects in the “Holy Dragon Continent” and there are many Rivers and Lakes Sects. The audience members are interested, so I rushed over.”

“Tsk tusk tusk! This trip didn’t go in vain, it’s really grown up!”

“Speak out you may not believe…”

He picked up a bottle of water and poured it out, and continued to whisper–not at all that Liang Bufan and Ao Longtian frowned.

Is this guy not going to stop?

“Before Cao, Sun, and Liu fought in the’Wan Ma Yuan’ battle, the state of Cao is going to die soon. Guess what?”

“Suddenly an indomitable giant appeared!”

“My mother, many giants tens of thousands of meters high-do you dare to believe it? I really don’t lie to you!”

“You bitch thief to send it away!”

“The giant yelled and stopped hitting all of them. He went back to his house and looked for his mother.”

“On that live broadcast, I gained more than 100 billion in popularity!”

Li Dingtian was amazed: “A giant tens of thousands of meters tall! I can’t imagine it. Hasn’t it been recorded yet?”

Bai Fei raised his eyebrows and danced: “Of course it will be recorded! Wait, I will show you now, so that you can also open your eyes…”

Ao Longtian interrupted aloud, and said, “This kind of trivial matter should be left behind. Take care of the business first.”

Although he was also secretly shocked by the “giant tens of thousands of meters high” mentioned by Bai Feiyang.

But he even felt that Bai Fei was noisy, buzzing there like a big fly.

Liang Bufan took it seriously, and said, “Yes, let’s finish our work first, and let’s do other things.”

Bai Feiyang was also free and easy, saying: “Yes, I’m sorry, I’m just talkative, no way, who made me the anchor? This is probably my occupational disease.”

Li Dingtian smiled and asked, “Hey, I said, are you live streaming now?”

When other people heard this, their expressions changed.

Bai Feiyang’s chubby face shook, he smiled awkwardly, scratched his head, and then confessed openly.

“The audience members heard that the traveler was going to have a party, and they all wanted to watch it, so I started the live broadcast.”

“But don’t worry, don’t worry about 11 million!”

“My audience lords are from other worlds, so don’t care about privacy at all.”

Ao Longtian looked ugly, and said, “Can you turn off the live broadcast?”

Bai Feiyang scratched his head and said: “Haha, no, no, the audience masters want to watch, I’m going to turn it off, it will lose popularity. The audience masters are my food and clothing parents, I have to take care of it.”

Ao Long Heavenly Dao: “Then your audience master wants to watch you commit suicide live, do you want to commit suicide too? This is a private party, quickly turn it off!”

As soon as the unkind tone was said, the atmosphere in the private room instantly became tense and suppressed.

This scene was naturally broadcasted to his “Master Audience” by Bai Feiyang…

In an instant, a lot of barrage appeared.

“Brother Bai, fuck him! Don’t persuade him!”

“That guy looks very twitchy! Who is he?”

“I have one thing to say, is it just me who is upset and beats him when he looks at him?”

“Yangtze, Gante, I’ll give you 66 supercars!”

“Provoke Brother Pig, don’t agree!”

A large number of barrage screens of various kinds swept out like ocean waves, and instantly flooded the entire screen.

If you don’t turn off the barrage, you won’t see anything at all.

The atmosphere in the room is very uncomfortable for a while.

Just when Liang Bufan wanted to ease the tense atmosphere, Li Dingtian spoke first.

“I don’t need it, am I?”

“It’s just a live broadcast! We didn’t do anything shameful.”

“Furthermore, he also said that the live broadcast is for other worlds, and we can’t see it here.”

“These are all side matters.”

Lan Yun said, “Hehe, I think so too. Actually, it’s quite interesting to think about it, isn’t it? Bai Feiyang, come on, give my sister a close-up, so that the audience will appreciate the majestic beauty of my sister.” A charming posture.

This woman seems to be pure and lustful…

Hong Ye said: “I don’t think it’s a big deal. Let’s broadcast it live.”

Zhang Yiyi asked enthusiastically: “Lao Bai, can I watch your live broadcast? I have done live broadcasts before, but I played games live. It’s a pity that I didn’t have a lot of fans when I crossed over. ”

When Bai Feiyang said that he couldn’t see it, he sighed regretfully, “It’s boring.”

Of the seven people present, four of them all stood in white.

Unless Ao Longtian is strong, otherwise Bai Feiyang will obviously not easily download it.

But will Ao Longtian use strong?

He wanted very much, but he still held it back, and simply turned his head to look at Li Dingtian, and said, “What about you? What is your name? What system is there?”


“My name is Li Dingtian!”

“It’s me who stands upright!”

“My system is the’death-finding system’-haha, the more you look for death, the stronger it is!”

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