Chapter 915: Interesting! Too interesting! Boy, you gave me a big surprise!

Although Yin Zhi received the punch, he still retreated a long distance…

It takes a few light years, right?


The distance of “light years” sounds very long.

For the bald man and Yin Zhi’s current body shape, it is really nothing.

The distance of one step can be calculated in “light years”!

call! !

Yin Zhi exhaled heavily.

With this breath, a big storm was immediately set off in this Universe area.

In terms of body shape, he is still no better than a bald man at this time.

But it was just getting close to the head, and in fact it was not at a disadvantage.


It’s never the bigger the bigger the stronger.

Who is strong and who is weak, have to hand in a few hands, see the main chapter to know.

at the same time……

The “Dawei Tianlong Female Emperor” was not to be outdone, and the emperor’s dignity also instantly magnified, reaching the same level as Yin Zhi.

The dragon can be big and small, can rise and fall!

The “Dawei Tianlong Empress” who has lifted the seal is the “Three Wu Yuling”, “Longwei” is added, wanting to become bigger and bigger, want to become smaller and smaller!

At this point, she and Yin Zhi stood side by side, confronting the bald man.

Three giants as huge as the starry sky stand proudly in this universe.

The auras that erupted from each other collided together, making a weird indescribable sound.

Waves of ripples swelled around.

These waves, waves of ripples hit the “Golden Bell of Immeasurable Universe” that enveloped Bai Feiyang and others, and the bell that hits kept humming and trembling violently.

at this time!

Bai Feiyang and others have completely lost their temper.

Everything that happened in front of them was far beyond their cognition, making them tremble, and their heads were blank…

“Ha ha!”

The bald man laughed loudly.


“It’s so interesting!”

“Boy, you gave me a big surprise.”


“It can be regarded as adding a little bit of fun to my boring task.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, wiped his palm in space, and a strangely shaped war knife appeared, which he held firmly in the palm of his hand.

A soft “hum”…

This is the sound made by the blue veins in his hand holding the sword!

Obviously, this is a sign of cohesion!

Damn, even use a knife?

In this case, the efficiency of absorbing damage and strengthening itself will be greatly reduced!

After all, blunt weapon damage is completely different from sharp weapon damage.

Yin Zhi naturally didn’t dare to be careless.

With a move of his heart, the “Ruyi Scepter God Needle Iron” changed to the right size.

“What are you doing with so much nonsense?”


“Fuck it!”

After all, Yin Zhi took the initiative to attack.

“Eat me first!”

With a loud shout, “Ruyi Scepter God Needle Iron” slammed it towards the opponent.

Of course, this is not a simple smash, but there is a mystery in it…



“Small bugs, think you are smart!”

The bald man sneered with disdain and sneer, and the “Eight Desolation Knife” in his hand slashed out angrily.

Wherever the blade passed, a thin black line suddenly appeared-this was a linear black hole, but the Universe space was split by the blade.

At the moment when the knife and stick are about to hit each other!

The seemingly vigorous and unreturned “Bahuang Solitary Knife” suddenly turned in an extremely flexible posture.

In an instant, silently, the white light of the knife brought a large swath of blood…

And the “Ruyi Scepter God Needle Iron” that was meant to hit the bald man, even with Yin Zhi, was twisted and disappeared as a mirage.

on the contrary!

Yin Zhi, who appeared out of thin air on the other side, not only smashed his chest with a stick, but also had an elongated hole cut in his chest by the blade.

The blood was sprayed out almost like a huge tsunami wave.

The “Vientiane Buddha Sacred Battle Armor” has been smashed!

This amount of bleeding…

It’s not so big!

Fortunately, there are no planets around here.

Otherwise the entire planet will be submerged in an instant!

The expression of consternation still solidified on Yin Zhi’s face.

It seems that he didn’t even think that he would get this shot.

The “dream bubble” of “Unreal Empress” was so easily seen through? !

It seems that this battle can’t tolerate any fancy and can only do it hard!

At the same time, the chains condensed by “Longwei” entangled the bald man, and instantly tightened, as if to give him a five-horse corpse.

The powerful “Longwei” made the bald head’s action stagnate-but he broke free in an instant.

But how could Yin Zhi let go of this “one moment” time?

He didn’t use his stick anymore, it was a waste of time.

The “Emperor of Time” summoned by him once again gave the enemy a “Time Still” and stuck him again-but he still broke free.

Then, “Tian Di Nian” pressed up again, and again controlled the bald man.

In this way, the action of the bald man is like dropping frames at a bad network speed, one card one card.

But Yin Zhi had already taken advantage of the great opportunity to rush forward and hugged the bald man!

Well, this is a trick “Strongman locks male”…

“Come to hurt each other!”

Roaring, Yin Zhi used all his strength to condense on the head, then used his head as a hammer, hammering at the bald man fiercely.

boom! ! !

There was a huge impact, and the two of them slammed their heads, and their heads smashed into blood.

Yin Zhi really saved it!

Don’t you want to play a knife?

I don’t want to play with you!

I use my head to collide with you, which can also cause huge damage, and can also absorb damage and strengthen myself.

Anyway, I have a bunch of auxiliary and healing Yulings, men can afford to play, who is afraid of whom!

The bald man was also a little dizzy by Yin Zhi’s strike…

But this is nothing. What really annoys him is that he has been so embarrassed for thousands of years? !

This can be tolerated, what else can’t be tolerated?

It is the sin worthy of death!

“Didi! You got 15 million super kill points from unknown objects, please check!”

Fifteen million? !

Gan, another five million more!

Yin Zhi didn’t even think about it, and immediately spent 15 million “super kill points”…

Almost at the same time, a huge force burst out of the bald man’s body, shaking Yin Zhi’s arm, “Longwei”, “Tiandi Nian” and a bunch of other control skills away!


The bald man let out a low growl, and the “Eight Desolate Fighting Sword” in his hand was cut off according to Yin Zhi’s face!

Before the blade’s edge arrived, the burst of sword energy had already shot in all directions, leaving a large area of ​​ravines and cracks on the “Vientiane Buddha Sacred Battle Armor”.

If it hadn’t been for this Sage treasure to protect him, Yin Zhi would have been bloodied at the moment.

This knife is exactly the “life is extinct” of the “Zhan Bahuang Saber Technique” that the bald man is most proud of-when the big knife is shot, all souls are destroyed!

But at the moment when the blade was about to slash Yin Zhi, one hand was against the wrist of the bald man, and the “All Living Beings” blade was also stuck.


With a loud shout, Yin Zhi’s head hit the bald man’s shiny forehead…

boom! ! ! ! ! !

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