Chapter 916 I actually…dead? What about wool, I am dead!?


Out of anger!

After repeatedly suffering unprecedented blows, the mood of the bald man was completely disturbed by Yin Zhi.

It was originally just a trivial ant, but it was so presumptuous? !

Originally, he didn’t even bother with killing Yin Zhi. In his opinion, it was not easy for Gein to kill Yin Zhi. Why did he have to kill Yin Zhi in his heart?

But now it’s different, it’s very different!

Damn it!

This damn ant dared to offend my sub-sage, the god of the sky, so much-more importantly, he was not as easy to kill as he thought?

It’s really worthy of death!

At this point in the state of mind, the bald man’s murderous intentions naturally continue to emerge, allowing Yin Zhi to see the real power of “Sub Sage”-this pig is so special and fat!

With a steady stream of mass murderous support, Yin Zhi’s strength has naturally skyrocketed upwards-no need to elaborate!

If the bald man knew, he would die of depression if he didn’t get killed.


After Yin Zhi earned a total of more than 40 million “super kill points” from the bald man, the situation of strength and weakness has been completely reversed-this situation is the same as when Yin Zhi had encountered strong enemies in the past.

when! ! !

In the Universe, one knife and one stick collided, and a huge sound impacted and shook.

A huge black hole swelled around with the impact point of the knife and stick as the center. It was so big that it directly included the two giants Yin Zhi and the bald man.




Everything in the universe seems to be converging towards that super-giant black hole-to be precise, it is being swallowed by the super-giant black hole!

Looking at this posture, it seems that this universe has been blown up…

The prestige of the two battles is as terrifying as it is!




“F*ck’s fart! Think of a way!”

These screams broke out by Bai Feiyang, Zhang Yiyi and others.

Because they were also sucked in by the horrible suction of the black hole.

At this time, even if they tried their best, they couldn’t get rid of it.

That “universal immeasurable Jinhuang Bell” has been stretched out like plasticine.

The catastrophe is imminent, and none of them can calm down…

“Master audience give a reward! Give a reward!”

“Reward a hundred’artifacts’!”

“Otherwise I will die!”

At this time, Bai Feiyang can only pin his hopes on the “audience lords”.

Don’t say it!

Those “masters of the audience” were really awesome, and they gave him rewards one after another.

Just when he was about to be completely swallowed by the black hole, Bai Feiyang finally gathered a hundred “artifacts” and quickly bought the ultimate item in the “mall”-regret medicine!

“I’m sorry everyone, I can’t save you, I’ll go one step ahead!”

After leaving this sentence, Bai Feiyang threw the “regret medicine” into his mouth and disappeared in an instant.

“Damn! You are so innocent!”

Zhang Yi yelled, and then, Lan Yun and Hong Ye, who were also yelling, were swallowed by the black hole…

At this moment Yin Zhi is competing with the bald man!

How can you care about them?

And with their wrestling, the black hole is still expanding-according to this trend, this universe will really be blown up by them.


“How about it?”

“Will I give you a big surprise?”

“It just can’t kill me, is it so angry?”

Of course, Yin Zhi would not think that there were few “super kill points”, and continued to stimulate bald men.

The bald man stared at Yin Zhi bitterly, and said: “An ant, I think how long you can be presumptuous! You don’t even know what kind of existence you have offended!”

Yin Zhi “hehe” smiled and said, “Isn’t it the’Holy Court’! It seems that I can’t afford to offend. I killed your’Holy Court’ in the chamber of the’Seven Continents’. You think I will be afraid. you?”

The bald man was startled and said, “What did you say?”

Oh oh oh!

I heard “What did you say?” I felt strange and kind inexplicably.

However, Yin Zhi still had a suspicion in his heart: “He didn’t even know that I had destroyed the chamber of the’Seven Continents’? What’s the matter? The intelligence ability of the’main court’ shouldn’t be so bad, right?”

It’s weird…

The bald man said: “Then you are even more damn!”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe” and said, “Of course I deserve to die. But the question is, can you kill me? Don’t just say, do it, understand?”

“Didi! You got 8 million super kill points from an unknown object, please check!”

Has it dropped to 8 million?

It seems that the “super kill point” produced by the bald man has reached the upper limit.

But even eight million is a huge sum of money!

This time, Yin Zhi didn’t use “Super Kill Points” to strengthen Yu Ling, but directly used it to increase combat effectiveness. Since you can’t earn more “Super Kill Points”, let’s end this battle as soon as possible. .

In an instant, he felt a majestic force burst out of his body.

“Haha, you have to work hard!”

“Otherwise, if I kill you first!”

“If you want to kill me, you can only wait for the next life!”

Having said that, Yin Zhimeng’s force pushed the bald man back again and again.

“Eat me a stick!!”

The “Ruyi Scepter”, which had just “fed” 10 million “super kill points”, was very hard, fast and fierce, and directly hit the bald man’s forehead.

Pong! !

Ouch! ! !

Loud noises and roars erupted at the same time.

“You ants–”

The bald man let out a roar that seemed to burst the universe…

“Didi! You got 20 million super kill points from unknown objects, please check!”

Hearing this reminder, instead of being overjoyed or excited, Yin Zhi’s heart beat wildly.

Suddenly, a chill surged in my heart and swept through my body.



There’s no after that……

At this moment.

If someone is located in the “outer sky”-that is, an indescribable space with many “world bubbles”-you will see a “world bubble” burst suddenly without warning, disappearing silently. The “out of the sky” did not cause any waves.

The sky outside the sky is still the eternal silence.

I don’t know how long it took.

Maybe a long time.

But maybe it was just a moment.

Yin Zhi suddenly opened his eyes, sat up, and looked around blankly.

“Where is this…”

But it was just a moment of being at a loss, and the next moment Yin Zhi woke up-he knew where he was!

Qin Aunt’s house!

“I actually…”


“Making wool, I’m dead!?”

Why does Yoon Zhi think so?

It’s very simple, because he set his own “rebirth point” in the home of “Qin Aunt”!

Good things-well, bad things suddenly appeared at Qin Aunt’s house, and then think about the previous battles. Isn’t he dead?

But how could this be?

I obviously had the upper hand, why did I die?

Yin Zhi is very depressed!

A precious “rebirth”, it is so gone…


Suddenly, a somewhat harsh laughter rang.

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