Chapter 918: The Forgotten Zhao Family! Another “Qingqiu Clan” Is In The Zhao Family!

“At the same time, they are all under your close monitoring?”

Yin Zhi said this sentence with a sullen face, and his tone was very unkind.

The third sister laughed “hehehehe” again.

“Why, do you think we will threaten you with your wife and children?”

“Please, can you not be so self-righteous.”

“This kind of boring method, if you don’t say it, I can’t think of it.”

“If it weren’t for my high point of laughter, I would really be laughed at by you.”

Who are we?

Who are we?

He was so mixed up that he wanted to take a bunch of ordinary people as hostage threats. Thinking about it, I think it’s funny, isn’t it?

The third sister thought it was funny, but Yin Zhi couldn’t laugh at all.

Seeing Yin Zhi’s expression, the third sister smiled and said: “Why? Don’t believe me? Then I can’t do anything. Cooperation is based on mutual trust and mutual benefit. If you don’t believe me, it’s hard to do. ”

“…” The silent Yin Zhi was actually weighing.


Still don’t believe it?

Soon he had the result-believe it, not believe it!

Because it’s not a question of believe it or not at all.

The fundamental problem is the huge power gap!

Believe it or not, no matter how powerful it is, it is not worth mentioning.


Just now, Yin Zhi was more or less happy that he had the power to defeat the “Sage”.

But now, he deeply felt that he was not strong enough.

This is very depressing!

Climbed up a high mountain and found that there was a higher mountain behind it. How could it not be depressed?

But depression is just a moment!

In an instant, Yin Zhi was very motivated.

“Depend on!”

“Depressed shit!”

“I’m looking for the death system again! I still have a bunch of’Holy Spirit Nine Star Empress’! There are three more’Three Wu Yu Ling’!”

“And in the future, there will be more of my’Three Wu Yu Ling’!”

“Sooner or later…”

“Everything will be my final say!”

The changes in Yin Zhi’s heart were directly reflected on the outside.

This made the third sister raised her eyebrows slightly-this little guy, it’s really a little bit interesting.


“Guarantee the safety of all my wives and children!”

“With your skills, you should know how many wives and children I have?”

The third sister laughed “hehehehe” after hearing this, “I am a little curious, do you know how many wives and children you have.”


An embarrassment flashed across Yin Zhi’s face, then he coughed and said, “Aren’t you nonsense? I don’t know it myself?”

Then he changed the subject abruptly and said, “But this is not enough. I work with you, but I’m working with my head. Should you give me more benefits?”

The third sister said: “No, no. It’s not that we are stingy. It’s how we interact with you too much and will be found by the “Holy Court”.”

Yin Zhi asked back: “You are quite afraid of being found by the’Holy Court’.”

“Hee hee hee, kid, are you running against me?”

“It’s not afraid, but it’s unnecessary, and the timing is wrong, understand?”

“This is a big game. If you can’t be anxious, you have to play slowly.”

“Never make a trick when it’s not critical, and don’t show strategic intent.”

“This is the way to win, understand?”

I can’t afford to lose in this big game…

Yin Zhi naturally couldn’t hear the mind of the third sister, he secretly complained: “Little guy? Humph, do you want to take it off for you to see, and see if I am young or not.”

The third sister said: “I can give you one more piece of information that you definitely want to know-it’s about your mother.”

Yin Zhi was shocked and said, “Have you found my mother?”

The third sister said: “That’s not…”

Yin Zhi was surprised: “Can’t even find you?”

My mother hid it deep enough that she couldn’t even find the “split tissue”.


“Little guy, are you really the third sister and I am all-knowing and omnipotent?”

“I want to be truly omniscient and omnipotent, now I will kill’that guy’. Will I still sit here and chat with you?”

The reason is this…

But Yin Zhi was still a little disappointed, and muttered to himself: “It’s better to rely on yourself.”

He asked, “Then what you said about my mother…”

“You already know that your mother is a ‘Qingqiu Clan’.”

“But the’Qingqiu Realm’ has already been closed.”

“Accordingly, it should be impossible for the’Qingqiu Clan’ to come to the’Endless Zhouhai’.”

“But now not only have’Qingqiu people’ come to’Endless Zhouhai’, but also two have come.”

Yin Zhi’s heart was shocked.

Two “Qingqiu people” came to “Endless Zhouhai”?

One of them is own mother.

What about the other one?

Yin Zhi said, “Do you know where the other “Qingqiu Clan” is?”

The third sister said: “Hehehehe! What do you mean? So, are you satisfied with these two ‘benefits’ of mine?”

Yin Zhi thought for a while, nodded, and said, “Hurry up and tell me where the other ‘Qingqiu Clan’ is.”


“Zhao family, do you remember?”

“It’s the one who clamored to rehabilitate the country and ended up doing nothing for more than two thousand years.”

“The other ‘Qingqiu Clan’ is in their hands!”

In an instant, Yin Zhi turned the memories of the Zhao family out of the “memory trash can”.


If the third sister hadn’t mentioned it today, Yin Zhi would never think of the “Zhao family” again.

I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it…

There are even times when they intersect with them.


“I see, thanks a lot.”

The third sister smiled and said: “Cooperate! Mutual benefit. So, should you also show it?”

Yin Zhi asked what she wanted to do by herself.

The third sister said: “Aren’t you planning to go to the ‘witty chicken’ to find the ‘Tushan tribe’? By the way, kill the ‘Holy Court’ there.”

Yin Zhi was surprised, and said, “What did you say about the ‘witty chicken’ contains ‘Holy Court’? Didn’t it mean that ‘Holy Lord’ and ‘Holy Lord’ are not dealt with?”

The third sister smiled and said: “Hehehehe! Sage has Sage’s fighting method. Because of this and other reasons, Sage almost never ends the fight personally. They will look for some agents, and the agents will decide the winner. This way. The result of the fight also counts.”

Yin Zhi second understands!

Wasn’t that the case in “Cangwu Continent” before?

“Holy Lord” is looking for Wang Xinran.

“Cangwu Sage” was looking for Zhao Zheng…Of course, it was himself who worked in the end.

The third sister said: “Okay! All I have to say is finished. I’ll leave. I hope you can become a little stronger when I see you next time.”

After speaking, the third sister disappeared instantly.

And at the moment when the third sister disappeared!


The door was kicked open: “Who?!”

I saw a young man rushing in fiercely. When he saw Yin Zhi wearing it, his eyes widened and said, “Yin… Yin Zhi?!”

Yin Zhi wasn’t surprised at how he broke into the door. Instead, he grinned and said: “Student Sun, it’s been a long time since I saw you, don’t come here without any problems.”

He is now using the appearance of the deity, not the appearance of the “step-father”…

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