Chapter 919 Hey, Qin Aunt, I’m back. It’s been a long time since I saw you.

“You… why are you here?”

After Sun Liangwu reacted, he asked questions in a daze.

How long have you not seen Yin Zhi?

Has it been for many years?

If he hadn’t seen it again now, he would almost have forgotten this person-well, it can be understood as a kind of self-protection instinct of people.

After all…

The memories related to Yin Zhi are not good memories in general.


It can be said to be very bad.

That is, it has been empty for so many years.

He would occasionally have nightmares back then.

Now that he saw Yin Zhi again, and he was still in his own home, he was shocked and even frightened Sun Liangwu.

I thought he was dead…

Unexpectedly, he was still alive.

Not only was alive, but also came to my house.

He just heard familiar and unfamiliar conversations in the room, and he was vigilant-someone else’s conversation suddenly came out of the house, who was not alert?

So he thought it was a thief, so he broke into it directly.

After hearing what Sun Liangwu said, Yin Zhi said with a smile: “Why can’t I be here?”

After he finished speaking, he reacted-oh oh oh, I am now using Yin Zhi’s appearance, not his stepfather’s.

“Ha ha!”

At the thought of this, Yin Zhi burst into laughter, and instantly appeared next to Sun Liangwu, “brothers” leaning on his shoulders.

“A surprise for you.”


“Are you not welcoming me to be a guest at your house?”

Sun Liangwu couldn’t help but think of all the things back then, and his heart trembled, as if being pinched by an invisible hand.


“Welcome, welcome, of course welcome!”

Speaking of it, Sun Liangwu secretly scolded himself for being timid, “What are you afraid of? You don’t have the courage at all. You are no longer the same Sun Liangwu!”

After all these years, Sun Liangwu naturally grew a lot.

Not only did he achieve the position of deputy general manager in the company of “Qin Aunt”-Qin Aunt is not easy to fool, if he is incapable, even if he is Qin Qing’s son, the position of deputy general manager is not stable.

Of course this is nothing.

What really makes Sun Liangwu proud of is that he is now the “Imperial-level Spirit Guardian”!

There is no doubt that on the “Seven Continents” side, except for the “Holy Dragon Continent”, the “Imperial-level Spirit Guardian” absolutely belongs to the existence at the top of the pyramid.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Welcome? That’s good, that’s good. I thought you didn’t welcome me, then I was too sad. How to say I am your old man…”

He deliberately prolonged the tone, but the word “Dad” still didn’t come out, “…Squad leader! Hahaha! Walk around, let’s go to the living room and talk. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other, let’s talk about the past. ”

Although Sun Liangwu cheered himself up in his heart, he still felt that he couldn’t use his energy all over, and he was immediately taken away by Yin Zhi.


Some questions about Sun Liangwu could not be asked, such as who Yin Zhi was talking to just now…

When the two came to the living room, they saw a beautiful young woman putting a dish on the table, “Dinning…Huh? Liangwu, he is…”

Yin Zhi glanced at the young woman, she was very, very tall, very beautiful, very temperamental, um, also very big… ahem! Look at beautiful women, isn’t it just a few points of concern?

She was wearing an apron and looked very virtuous.

Sun Liangwu introduced: “This is my wife, Du Shuxian. Shuxian, this is Yin Zhi, my former monitor at Sacred Heart University.”

Yin Zhi smiled and said: “Hey, okay, Liangwu, I found such a beautiful wife, congratulations. How are you!”

Du Shuxian frowned slightly…

As the saying goes, the first impression is very important.

Watching his actions and listening to what he said, Du Shuxian’s first impression of Yin Zhi was not very good, too frivolous and casual. In her opinion, most of them were friends with Sun Liangwu’s friends.

Some dissatisfaction arose in Du Shuxian’s heart.

Didn’t you say that you won’t bring Hupengou friends into the house?

However, despite her unhappiness, her excellent family education and exquisite way of dealing with others made her welcome Yin Zhi’s arrival.

And since it was dinner time again, she invited Yin Zhi to stay for dinner.

This is of course a polite remark-the dishes are served, can you not help but express it?

Naturally, she hoped that Yin Zhi would also be courteous and leave with her.

But is Yin Zhi polite and acquainted?

Obviously not, so he said carelessly: “Liangwu, it seems that I’m here at the right time. It just so happens. Let’s eat and drink and talk.”

Sun Liang Martial Dao: “Well, eat and talk. Shuxian, you go to fry two more wines.” Of course, she saw that her wife didn’t like it, so she quickly distracted her.

What can Du Shuxian do?

I can’t just say “You go, I was just polite with you, I actually don’t want you to stay for dinner”, right?

She answered and went back to the kitchen.

Yin Zhi glanced at him, um, the back view is also very good, very top, definitely “back view kill” level.

Sun Liangwu is blessed!

It is said that a woman’s sixth sense is very keen, and this is true.

Yin Zhi just glanced at it casually, and Du Shuxian felt a strange chill from his tailbone—this feeling was almost exactly the same as when he was stared at by a violent beast before.

But when she turned her head, she only saw Yin Zhi and Sun Liangwu walking towards the living room with their backs on their shoulders, just listening to him…

“Liangwu, I have traveled a lot of these places.”

“What’Holy Dragon Continent’ and’Cangwu Continent’. Only after I walked out did I know how big this’Endless Cosmic Sea’ is, and how small we are here.”

“So, if you have a chance in the future, you can go for more walks, gain insights and broaden your horizons.”

When Du Shuxian heard this, only a burst of weirdness.

These words, this tone!

Listening to what…So like the elders are teaching Junior?

And Liangwu was still there, saying yes again and again?


Liangwu, what’s wrong?

Usually he is not like this, how do you feel that he is so weak now?

With a trace of impatience, Du Shuxian got busy in the kitchen.

Yin Zhi and Sun Liangwu chatted and heard the sound of the door opening.

Sun Liang Martial Sage moved, and said, “My mom and Little Brother, Little Sister are back…”


Yin Zhi turned to look at the entrance of Xian, and saw two children, one big and one small, one male and one female, running in.

“Big Brother!”

“sister in law!”

“We are back! So hungry!”

The two children were yelling.

Yin Zhi’s eyes are naturally bright-that is our little cutie!

The older girl saw Yin Zhi and said, “Hey, who are you?”

“I am your father!”

Yin Zhi said this in his heart.

Just forget it, wait until tomorrow to change your identity.

Nothing else, it wouldn’t be good if the two little guys were confused in their cognition.

Immediately, Yin Zhi saw an intellectual, plump, and elegant figure…

A bright smile appeared on his face immediately: “Hey, Qin Aunt, I’m back, long time no see, don’t come here without any problems!”

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