Chapter 924 Yin Zhi! As long as I live, I will have revenge one day!


It’s crazy!

Really going crazy!

Didn’t it mean that he was dead?

Why does he appear in front of him alive?

And it’s so big—unbelievably big!

“why is that?!”

“You tell me what the hell is this?”

Zhao Junlin pounced on Zhao Haolong, punching and kicking, and while beating, he let out a madman roar.



With a roar, Zhao Haolong suddenly prospered and pushed Zhao Junlin out.

His push is incredible.

With great force and fierce force, he directly pushed Zhao Junlin out like a cannonball, and flew out of the “imperial palace”, hitting an ancient building with a “boom”, and the shock burst out. Directly collapsed a large area of ​​surrounding buildings.

Zhao Haolong was still angry and roared again and again.

“You ask me why?”

“I want to know why!”

“Why do I have your stupid daddy?”

“Look at what you think now?”

“Look at what you did?!”

“In addition to escaping from reality, besides being anesthetized by yourself, what else would you do?!”

“You rubbish! rubbish!”

In order to become stronger over the years, he has suffered.

Fortunately, the hard work paid off…

Today, he has finally returned as the “God-Man Realm” Spirit Guardian!

He thought he would be ashamed of this, and counterattack would rise.


The appearance of “Huge Yin Zhi” once again made him completely unstretched!

Yin Zhi in front of him, just the horrible figure, was a silent mockery of him.

It seemed to be telling him that no matter how hard he tried, no matter how much he had revenge, he would not be able to counterattack, and he would not be able to avenge his hatred and shame!



I also want to know why!

“Yin Zhi!”

“Come on! Come on!”

“I’m here! Come and kill me!”

Before he was ambitious and ready to come out with “The Return of the King”.

But now?

I really want to die!

It’s fine if you die, it’s a hundred.

It is too painful to live so hopelessly.

Yin Zhi looked down at Zhao Haolong and looked at him yelling there, only to find it funny.


At this time, Zhao Haolong was really a little ant in his eyes.

With a little playfulness in his heart, Yin Zhi stretched out a finger and poked it at Zhao Haolong.

Seeing that huge finger poked, Zhao Haolong shouted “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

I saw that he summoned a white-haired gorilla Yuling, and then used the skills of Yuling, he also became a white-haired gorilla!

The white-haired gorilla looked huge and mighty, savage and fierce, but it was also a “huge Yuling”.

After the transformation, Zhao Haolong is 100 meters tall, barely as thick as Yin Zhi’s finger…

Roar! ! ! ! !

“Giant Cold Demon Ape” raised to the sky and roared.

A large number of saliva stars spewed out, which rained on the ground.

It held its arms high, and with a “bang”, it even withstood the finger that Yin Zhi poked.

bring it on!


What if you become that big?

My Zhao Haolong is not afraid of you!

Feeling the resistance coming from below, Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Oh, that’s not bad, I have some strength.”

Then, with a little effort, Zhao Haolong plunged into the ground.

When he raised his finger again, Zhao Haolong was already slumped into the ground without bones, with blood still spraying in his mouth, his figure instantly changed back to his original appearance, and his body convulsed.

Seeing this, it seems that there is more air out and less air in.

The “giant cold demon ape” naturally disappeared.

Yin Zhi hurriedly said: “Oh, sorry, sorry, I seem to have tried harder.”

Hearing this, Zhao Haolong burst into tears with blood, and there was a burst of black and white in front of him.

Are you going to die?

Then die!

It’s so miserable and painful to live!

As a result, a green light penetrated into Zhao Haolong’s body, and his injury disappeared in a flash.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Look, I cured you, why don’t you hurry up and thank me?”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Haolong only felt that his blood was surging, and his body was about to explode.



A mouthful of old blood was sprayed out, and he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Not fake.

He was really angry and vomited blood and fainted.

Seeing Zhao Haolong vomiting blood and fainting, Yin Zhi curled his lips and muttered, “Is this also fainting?”

Then, he didn’t care about Zhao Haolong, but turned his attention to Zhao Junlin-he was the real goal of this action.

Zhao Junlin was a thief. He actually ran to the port, got on a submarine, got into the sea with one end, and dived into the sea at full speed.



Stay in the green hills without worrying about no firewood!

This is what Zhao Junlin is thinking at this time.

“Yin Zhi!”

“You deceived so much!”

“Keep on living…As long as I live, there will be a day of revenge and hatred!”

At this time, Zhao Junlin seemed to wake up suddenly.


Zhao Junlin felt that the submarine shook violently.

His plump body bounced back and forth in the cockpit of the submarine, and it was really resilient.

Even if he is the “Imperial-level Spirit Guardian”, he was full of meat and vegetables, and the delicious food that he had just eaten in his stomach was directly vomited out.

Until the “submarine Yuling” could no longer withstand the violent jolts and shakes, it collapsed.

Zhao Junlin felt that he had fallen into a very stiff place.

He got up dazedly, looked around blankly, suddenly horrified-he was in Yin Zhi’s palm!

Yin Zhi’s huge, extremely oppressive face is right in front of his eyes!




Zhao Junlin collapsed completely, yelling, peeing, and running away.

At this time, all the emperor’s dreams and revenges were all thrown behind his head.

He just wants to run, just want to live!

However, he desperately discovered that no matter how he ran, he couldn’t get out of Yin Zhi’s palm? !

How can this be?

How could his palm be that big? !

Of course he didn’t know that Yin Zhi was just teasing him. Whenever he was about to run out of his palm, he grew bigger-his palm kept getting bigger, how could Zhao Junlin get out of Yin Zhi’s palm?


puff! ! !

Zhao Junlin also spouted a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, the ball rolled out a long distance.


“Let me go!”

“Spare! I know I was wrong! Please!”

After yelling for a while, Zhao Junlin laughed like a idiot and said some nonsense.

Looks really crazy?

Yin Zhi let out a “uh” and mumbled: “Am I overplaying it?”

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