Chapter 925 Tai…Taiyue Mountain…Tiandu Peak…Jade…Jade Emperor Feng Chantai!

who cares!

Yin Zhi curled his mouth, flipped his palm, and threw Zhao Junlin to the ground.

With that body of fat as a buffer, you should not die if you hit the ground?

But even if he fell to death, we can bring him back to life!

Changing back to his original size, Yin Zhi fell to Zhao Junlin’s side.


Except for smashing a big hole in the ground and shattering a large area of ​​buildings, Zhao Junlin was not injured, he did not even vomit blood, and he was in good condition.

He was lying motionless at the bottom of the pit, looking like he was unconscious.


“Wake up!”

“Don’t pretend to be unconscious, get up!”

Yin Zhi kicked Zhao Junlin, looking at the swaying fat, he seemed to hear the sloshing water.

However, Zhao Junlin remained motionless…

“Don’t wake up, right?”

Yin Zhishun took out a knife, and the tip of the knife was shaved against Zhao Junlin’s fat face.

“Give you another chance.”

“If you don’t wake up then you will never have to wake up.”

After speaking, he raised the knife and slashed it down.

Just when the blade was about to cut Zhao Junlin’s neck, he suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: “No! No!”

Yin Zhi looked contemptuous, and said: “Look at your encouragement? Just like you, still want to be the emperor? My big teeth are about to be laughed off by you.”

“Yin Zhi——”

There was a roar full of hatred and anger.

But Zhao Haolong rushed up-he was half-dead by Yin Zhi’s finger, but he was rescued by Yin Zhi.

Behind him is a tiger-shaped Yuling, which also looks quite extraordinary.

“I killed you!!!”

He seemed to have completely forgotten the fact that he was not Yin Zhi’s opponent at all, and a Yuling skill blasted towards Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

Facing the skill that Zhao Haolong had released, he didn’t even bother to hide, and even if that skill hit him, he didn’t even frown.

No feeling, really no feeling at all!

Instead, as soon as Yin Zhi stretched out his hand, he pinched Zhao Haolong’s neck, lifted him up, and slammed him on the ground.


Now that’s all right, Master Zhao lined up in a row, neatly.


Zhao Haolong stared with blood-red blood-red eyes, but could no longer speak, and could only make a “coo” sound.

Yin Zhi didn’t bother to care about him, his eyes fell on Zhao Junlin.

“Zhao Junlin, ask you something. You answer me honestly.”

“Don’t forget, your little life is now on my body-what to say, think about it first, and then say it again, understand?”

Zhao Junlin nodded quickly and said: “Understand…understand…”

If a few years ago, Zhao Junlin still had some vigor.

At that moment, Zhao Junlin was completely wiped out by these years of free and corrupt days.

He doesn’t want anything except being alive right now!

As for the contemptuous and disgusting gaze projected from his son, he directly ignored it.

Yin Zhi said, “Hand over the ‘Qingqiu people’ here!”

Zhao Junlin tremblingly asked: “Wh…what’Qingqiu Clan’?” He yelled quickly when Yin Zhi raised his eyebrows, “I really don’t know what’Qingqiu Clan’ is! You believe it? Me! I didn’t lie!”

Yin Zhi frowned and said, “Girl! Very beautiful! Super beautiful! Beautiful to be fascinating!” After a pause, he said: “Or the woman who makes you lose your face.”

Zhao Junlin’s face changed after hearing this. He obviously thought of something…

Yin Zhi said: “Remember? When you think of it, just say it!”

Zhao Junlin was shaking his face without speaking.

Yin Zhi raised his brows and said, “Why, don’t you want to say?”

Zhao Junlin exclaimed: “No, no, I said, I said! According to what you said…Su…Qingqiu is the ‘Qingqiu Clan’…”

Yin Zhi’s face changed drastically. In excitement, he picked up the collar of Zhao Junlin’s clothes and shouted: “What did you say?! You say it again!!!”

Excited, he didn’t control his own voice, so he stunned Zhao Junlin.

“wake up!”

Bang bang bang bang!

Yin Zhilian slapped him several times, making his already swollen face even more swollen.

Zhao Junlin was beaten awake, he cried out with tears and blood, “Su Qingqiu! Su Qingqiu is! What I said is true-it is true!”


Yin Zhi also calmed down at this time.



It’s definitely not what I thought…

My mother has been running around all these years, how can it be possible?

I must be thinking too much!

Besides, I can remember Su Qingqiu’s face, so it is absolutely impossible!

Damn, scare Daddy in a cold sweat!

At this moment, Yin Zhi really wanted to chop Zhao Junlin.

Yin Zhi said, “There are two ‘Qingqiu people’, right? One is Su Qingqiu. What about the other? Come on!”

There is no doubt that Yin Zhi is very anxious.

Zhao Junlin said: “No…I don’t know…”

do not know?

You tell me you don’t know! ?

Yin Zhi yelled again, Zhao Junlin said, “I really don’t know. I did meet two beauties more than 20 years ago…” It’s so beautiful, don’t Having said that for more than 20 years, he will not forget it even in another two hundred years, “But one of them is gone. I only brought Su Qingqiu back.”


A slap is called a resounding.

Yin Zhi said: “Tell me! Truth! Tell me!”

Zhao Junlin exclaimed: “Tell the truth! I tell the truth! I was fascinated by them, so I used some methods, but I only got Su Qingqiu. The other one never appeared after separating from Su Qingqiu. What I said is true! I definitely didn’t lie to you!”

Yin Zhi pursed his lips, silently: “…”

He needs to digest well.

After digesting for a while, he said: “Where did you meet them?”

Zhao Junlin was terrified, “Tai…Taiyue Mountain…Tiandu Peak…Jade…Jade Emperor Fengchantai!”

With a push, Yin Zhi loosened the collar of Zhao Junlin’s clothes, and then summoned to take in Zhao Junlin’s memory except for the “Soul Empress”!

He didn’t intend to inject Zhao Junlin’s memory into his own brain-our brain is not a trash can!

Anyway, I know the most basic clues, so I can just ask the “Emperor of Soul Resurrection” directly?

“I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it.”

“The most critical clue is by my side.”

“Actually, I should have thought about it a long time ago.”

“The stunning beauty is in Zhao Junlin’s hands again, isn’t it Su Qingqiu?”

But this is obviously an afterthought!

No matter how reasonable the inference is, there are still chances of error. How can it be accurate to verify in person.

Yin Zhi said: “Come here today. You two live treasures will continue to live. If you have a chance to meet next time, don’t let me down again. Remember?”

After all, he disappeared instantly.

Zhao Junlin and Zhao Haolong and his son were left neatly lying there…

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