Chapter 926 Yin Zhi, I…There is one very important thing to tell you!

“Ukiyo-e scroll” in the world.

Yin Zhi was not too busy to ask Su Qingqiu.

First had a conversation with the “Soul Empress”.

The conclusion that was drawn is naturally that Zhao Junlin did not lie—well, for your knowledge, or I will kill you!

It turned out to be such a thing…

At that time, Zhao Jun came on a whim and learned that the ancient emperor went to the “Taiyue Mountain” to hold a Zen ceremony. The priest, God Yin Zhishi, couldn’t help but vomit. How could this guy play like this?

Feng Zen to worship the sky?

What a loss he can think of!

It’s really a loss for him to make it!

One day after the so-called “Feng Zen sacrifice to the sky”, Zhao Junlin went to the “Jade Emperor Top” again with the thought of reminiscence, and then saw the “Jade Emperor Top” suddenly appeared on the “Jade Emperor Top”. Su Qingqiu and Yin Zhi’s mother.

Needless to say, he was knocked down on the spot by two “Qingqiu people” Mei!

At that moment, he believed that the two beauties were God’s response to his pious priest.

Excited, he rushed directly.

The result was being knocked out by Yin Zhi’s mother… let him lie down on the “Jade Emperor” all night.

Of course, Zhao Junlin would not give up on this, he immediately used his best to find the hotel where Su Qingqiu and the two were staying in “Jade Emperor Town”.

But this time, he was not reckless, but rather calmly and fully brainstormed.

In the end, he successfully captured Su Qingqiu!

But Yin Zhi’s mother disappeared.

Of course, Zhao Junlin is not satisfied with only one Su Qingqiu-plus the other, he wants it all!

But afterwards, no matter how he looked for it, he couldn’t find it. What made him even more annoyed and puzzled was that he couldn’t even remember what the face of another peerless beauty looked like.

I can’t even remember my face, how can I find this?

Zhao Junlin finally had no choice but to give up.

After that, Yin Zhi basically knew about it.

After understanding the causes and consequences of the whole incident, Yin Zhi went to see Su Qingqiu.

The floating island where Su Qingqiu is located.

When Yin Zhi saw her, she saw her sitting on a blue stone in a daze, motionless, staring at the waterfall and rainbow in the distance.

From her back, she was obviously thinner.

At this time, she looked extraordinarily lonely.

Yin Zhi felt a trace of guilt in his heart.

During this period of time, he has been busy with the wives and children, and naturally ignored Su Qingqiu.

Otherwise, I have a baby with her?

With the company of her children, she might not be so lonely anymore.

“Look back and take her out to relax.”

“What’s the difference between leaving her here alone like this and going to jail?”

Yin Zhi secretly made a decision.

With a trace of guilt, he walked over and sat beside her, reaching out to stop Su Qingqiu’s slender waist…

But without waiting for him to utter the words of concern, Su Qingqiu bounced up as if he had been stabbed by a needle, and screamed, with a frightened expression on his face.

Yin Zhi quickly said, “I’m sorry, I scared you.”

Su Qingqiu looked at Yin Zhi, showing a faint haggard smile, and said: “I…I’m fine.”

Yin Zhi said apologetically, “I’m really embarrassed, I’ve been a little busy during this time, and I left you out of the cold.”

As he said, he stretched out his hand to hold Su Qingqiu’s hand.

Su Qingqiu squeezed the slightly pale Chun, his face was struggling, and then he avoided Yin Zhi’s hand…

Yin Zhi was taken aback.

what happened?

Why didn’t you even let it hold your hand?

Don’t play tricks with me, right?

This is not Su Qingqiu’s previous style at all.

Yin Zhi didn’t feel angry, but asked softly, “What’s the matter?”

Su Qingqiu opened his mouth, as if to say something, but his face was full of hesitation, but he didn’t say a word.

This is the first time that Su Qingqiu and Yin Zhi have seen this.

Never before!

This sudden change and the unknown of what happened made Yin Zhi very uncomfortable.

For a while, I didn’t even have the mood to talk about business…

It would be easier if someone else did it, but it’s a big deal, it’s up to you!

But for Su Qingqiu, Yin Zhi is naturally impossible to do so.


He sighed.

“Qingqiu, if you have anything, you can tell me that you don’t need to hide it by yourself.”

“Did you forget it?”

“We are one.”

“If there really is something, I can share it for you, you don’t have to carry it by yourself at all.”

“So, tell me what happened, okay?”

“The way you are now really worries me.”

Upon hearing Yin Zhi’s words, Su Qingqiu hid his face and cried, squatting on the ground, crying loudly and very sad.

Yin Zhi was taken aback.

This reflection is too big, right?

It was the first time Yin Zhi encountered this battle.

Let him kill the enemy and blame him by means.

But let him comfort a woman who is crying miserably, but he doesn’t know how to do it… well, it’s a mouthful.

I can only squat down beside Su Qingqiu and comfort him awkwardly, back and forth with the words “Don’t cry”, “It’s okay”, and “I’m here.”

At the same time, he became more and more curious.

What is it that made Su Qingqiu cry like this?

Su Qingqiu was crying, and fell asleep in Yin Zhi’s arms.

What Yin Zhi didn’t know was that she had very poor sleep during this period and often woke up from nightmares.

Today she cried loudly and vented fiercely. As soon as she relaxed her mind, tiredness and sleepiness occupied her brain, and she fell asleep.

Yin Zhi sighed and hugged her tightly into the cabin and put her on the bed.

She gently took off her shoes, covered her with a quilt, and gently wiped the tears on her face.

Looking at her slightly thin but still beautiful face, Yin Zhi was obsessed and sad.


When she wakes up from sleep, I must ask clearly and see what the cause is, as for the sadness that made her cry.

Yin Zhi really felt that his own heart would be broken by her crying.

So Yin Zhi waited patiently, waiting for Su Qingqiu to wake up.

Wait and wait…

Gradually, the time in the “Ukiyo-e scroll” approached dusk.

The setting sun passed through the window and spread on the floor, like a golden-red blanket.

Suddenly, Su Qingqiu began to talk in sleep.

Yin Zhi couldn’t understand what she was talking about, but her brows were deeply furrowed together, her expression was also twisted, and she looked very painful.

She was in pain, and Yin Zhi was naturally uncomfortable.

Just thinking about whether to summon the “Soul Empress” to give her a quiet spirit.

Su Qingqiu suddenly yelled: “No!” He suddenly sat up, sweating all over his body instantly, dripping with fragrant sweat.

Yin Zhi comforted her quickly.

After a few comforting words, Su Qingqiu’s violently undulating chest calmed down, and she looked at Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi had never seen those eyes, as if he had made a certain determination.

Just listen to her saying: “Yin Zhi, I… there is one very important thing to tell you!”

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