Chapter 929 It’s finally here! I’m a mother! The kids are now in elementary school, right?

After breakfast.

Yin Zhi and Qin Aunt went to kindergarten from the two girls.

Qin Aunt did not send them to the “Sacred Heart First Child”, but chose a public kindergarten that was neither particularly good nor bad.

In addition to insisting on picking up and dropping off by themselves every day, they were not allowed to enjoy special treatment.



“We are going to school!”

The two cute and crisp voices waved to Yin Zhi and Qin Aunt, and entered the kindergarten with their small schoolbags on their backs.

The Big sis still takes care of Little Brother!

Yin Zhi closed the door until he could no longer see the two brothers and sisters, and the car started immediately.

“Hey, I really can’t bear it.”

Yin Zhichang sighed.

Not only are they reluctant to bear these two, but the others are also reluctant.

How much he hopes to give his children a “childhood with a father” instead of being like himself.

What a good thing!

There are always places in this world that don’t let Ruyi Scepter.

Who can be truly at ease?

Could it be that only when the world is truly invincible?

Qin Aunt had been prepared for a long time, but he didn’t feel too much reluctant to give up, let alone the little girl saying “must you leave?”-what a man has to do, as long as he is not doing evil, he should let him do it. !

She took Yin Zhi’s hand and looked deeply at this big little man.

“Be careful outside.”

“Even if something happens, don’t be impulsive.”

“My child and I are at home waiting for you to come back.”

Yin Zhi heard what Qin Aunt said, and he was so warm in his heart.

I couldn’t help but embraced her and kissed deeply.

After a long and gentle kiss, Qin Aunt said, “I won’t go to the company today…”

Do you need to think more about the meaning of this?

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe” and kissed her again.

The next kiss was not so tender, but rather intense and aggressive.

After a while, the vehicle on the road shook with an insignificant amplitude.

Fortunately, the site of this car is stable enough, the car is heavy enough, and the tires are strong, so it can withstand the violent impact and shaking…

Happy times always pass very quickly.

Yin Zhi stayed with Qin Aunt for most of the day, and succeeded in making her unable to move, so she moved to Changze Yali and Yang Feiyue’s family.

Since we are leaving, naturally everyone has to say goodbye.

So, after Yin Zhi bid farewell to the lap and accompany the lap, almost half a month passed…

This day.

After saying goodbye to the “five sisters of the Yin family”, his mother-in-law, the “sister-in-law”, and the other babies, he sat on the “Sky Shuttle” and chose the direction of the sun setting. The engine power was fully turned on and disappeared in an instant. !

“The direction of the sun setting…”

This time Yin Zhi is going to naturally be the “Chicken World” where the “Holy Wit” is located.


That is another place that exists in the “Endless Sea of ​​Universe” but is completely another world!


“I don’t know how long it will take to fly.”

“This’Endless Sea of ​​Universe’ is really too big.”

Before, Yin Zhi had taken the time to search for the “chicken world” with “Shanhaiyin”.

But in the end, it was completely consumed. Own Jing won, but in the end I couldn’t find it-it was far beyond imagination!

I saw some other continents.

But those are not Yin Zhi’s goals, so he didn’t pay too much attention.

Thanks to the information he had before, he was able to at least determine whether a certain place was a “chicken world” without finding a place.

This time Yin Zhi went to the “Chicken World” for three purposes.

First: Talk to the “Holy Lord” and see if you can get information about the “Holy Lord”.

Second: contact and rescue the “Tushan people”.

Third: Destroy the “Holy Court Branch” located in the “Jizi World”!


Yin Zhi couldn’t help sighing again.

“After finishing these three things, I don’t know how much time it will take.”

“Don’t let me go back when the time comes, and the children will have babies, so it will be embarrassing.”

Naturally, there is no need to say more.

It is flying all the way, flying straight forward in the direction of the sun setting!

As long as the sun does not set, it means that the direction is right!

However, “Skywalking Shuttle” still can’t keep up with the speed of the sun setting occasionally.

So every month, the “Sky Traveling Shuttle” has to stop, board for one day, and continue chasing when the sun begins to set in the west.

I have been relying on this to calculate how many days I have been flying.

Naturally, in order to prevent misses, he had to frequently use the “mountain and sea seals” to perceive on the way, every time he was exhausted and unknown.

However, almost all I saw along the way was water.

It made Yin Zhi want to curse people, and the name “Endless Zhouhai” is so special that there is nothing wrong with it!

In this way, the “Sky Travel Shuttle” flew stopped and stopped for nearly two years-just one month away, and Yin Zhi finally found the destination of this trip!

“Chicken World”, a super huge metal sphere shaped like an egg, hovered quietly and steadily above the sea, tightly within a hundred meters from the sea!

“finally reached!”

“Oh my god!”

“The kids are in elementary school now, right?”

The “Jizi World” is clearly a metal planet-and it is also a metal planet with a polished surface!

From a distance, I can barely see a hazy whole.

The closer you are, the harder it is to see both sides.

Yin Zhina made a comparison with “Cangwu Continent” and found that at least ten “Cangwu Continent” must be stacked before the front of it is about the same size as “Chicken World”.

“What are you doing so big?”

“Is necessary?”

Yin Zhi vomited endlessly.

As soon as the complaint was over, the accident happened…

As soon as “Tian Xing Shuo” approached “Ji Zi World”, it felt a strong suction force, which directly caused “Tian Xing Shuo” to lose control and was sucked straight and slammed into “Ji Zi World”.

Also out of control is Yin Zhi!

He found that he couldn’t resist the pulling force! ?

He wanted to summon Yuling, but found that he couldn’t even draw the summoning circle.

The summoning circle still needs to condense Spiritual Qi!

But with the interference of that pulling force, there is no way to draw the summoning circle.

“This is terrible…”

When the distance is roughly reduced to half.

Even more exaggerated things happened, “Skywalking Shuttle” was directly torn and disintegrated.

Yin Zhi fell straight into the “chicken world” with the remains of a pair of “Skywalking Shuttle”.


boom! ! !

A huge impact sounded.

Yin Zhi directly hit his body to pieces, and died without even feeling the pain.

The same goes for the wreckage of “Skywalking Shuttle”.

Thanks to Yin Zhi’s “Emperor Virus”, and as Yin Zhi becomes stronger, the “Emperor Virus” is also getting stronger.

Soon, Yin Zhi’s flesh and blood came together again and became a brand new Yin Zhi.

Just before Yin Zhi took a breath, the silver metal actually liquefied, and his body sank into the “chicken world”…

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