Chapter 930 Go to Fantasy Land! Find my deity, this is a test for you.

Yin Zhiwanwan and Wanwan never thought that coming to the “Chicken World” would be such a result…

If he knew this was the case, he would definitely be well prepared!

However, the wise man made such a “failure”.

When being swallowed by the “metal liquid”-yes, it was swallowed, not sunk-of course he struggled with all his strength.

But no matter how hard he struggled, he almost squeezed out the strength in his bones, still to no avail, and was completely swallowed up in the end!

After Yin Zhi was swallowed, the metal that was originally liquid solidified instantly, like a mirror.

Yin Zhi only felt that he was trapped in a muddy swamp, his whole body was tightly wrapped, and he was still sinking continuously.


The struggle at this time has completely wasted energy.

Yin Zhi also wanted to understand, and simply relaxed completely.

“I want to see what kind of unfolding will happen in the future!”

As long as there is no fear in the heart, no matter what happens, you can face it calmly.

Yin Zhixin said, “The system, is it there?”

Death hunting system: “Didi! Here!”

“Are there any tasks?”

Death-finding system: “Didi! The task is under planning, please don’t worry the host!”

in a hurry?

Am I in a hurry?

Yin Zhi curled his lips secretly.

In fact, he was really a little worried.

In the past, each mission of the “finding death system” would actually provide some seemingly common, but in fact, extremely valuable intelligence.

Of course, Yin Zhi also looked forward to getting some information from the “mission description” this time.

However, there is no task yet, so it is naturally “no way to go”.

Keep waiting!

It’s so heavy…

I don’t know how many meters it has sunk, but suddenly he fell, and Yin Zhi fell into a square metal room.

He got up and looked around blankly.

Except for the six silver metal walls, he didn’t see anything—well, he didn’t see his own clothes either!

Yes, Yin Zhi is only wearing “clothes that smart people can see”…

If there is a gust of wind, he must be able to feel a faint, faint sense of clarity.

Not only the clothes are gone, but the other accessories on Yin Zhi’s body, such as “Divine Power Ring”, “Speeding Ring”, etc., everything on his body is gone.

It’s really cool and clean all over!


Yin Zhi at this time is obviously very speechless.

I was stunned as soon as I arrived. What is it called?

Just as Yin Zhi was wondering what to do next, a cloud of white light suddenly appeared in front of him, and then a human form was condensed.

“Outsiders, welcome to the’Fantasy Land’!”

“Here, you will have no regrets!”

“All the good things in the world will surround you!”

“Everything bad in the world will leave you!”

A voice that could not tell whether it was a male or a female rang in Yin Zhi’s ears.

It could only be said by the white light man in front of him-although he didn’t even have a mouth.

While listening to his voice, it was full of temptation, as if everything he said was true and truth!

But who is Yunzhi?

It is not easy to confuse him.

“I believe in your evil!”

“Huh! Do you really think I don’t know what’s going on with you here?”

Yin Zhi murmured to himself.

But what he called “Fantasy Land”…This name really didn’t make a mistake.

Because that “land of fantasy” is really a fantasy—essentially a virtual network world constructed by the “Holy Wit”!

The “Wisdom Lord” is actually a “machine-sanctified” robot-the world’s top robot!

Is Yin Zhi’s “Machine Empress” powerful enough?

In front of the “Wisdom Lord” is an ant-like existence!

Yin Zhi saluted the cupped hands of the white light man in front of him, and said: “Junior was instructed by the’Martial Saint Turtle’ senior, and came to visit the’Wisdom Saint’ senior. Junior has the tortoise shell given by the’Cangwu senior’ as proof… …”


Only then did he remember that the tortoise shell was placed in the “Ukiyo-e scroll” by him.

Yin Zhi secretly rejoiced.

Such an important thing, sure enough, it’s right if you put it in the “Sumeru Mountain Ring”.


After Yin Zhi’s words were finished, the white light figure in front of him was distorted.

He anxiously waited for Bai Guangren’s reply.

About five seconds later, Bai Guangren spoke again: “Take it out and have a look.”

Yin Zhi’s heart moved.

This voice is obviously different from the one just now.

Yin Zhi felt a pressure on his five characters.

“Could it be that… the one who is talking to me right now is the deity of the ‘Holy Wit’?”

Yin Zhidao: “Sorry Junior for taking the liberty.”

Immediately, he summoned the “Ukiyo-e scroll” and took out the ancient tortoise shell given by the “Blue Martial Saint Turtle” and offered it with both hands.

Bai Guangren stretched out his hand to take the tortoise shell, turned it around and took a look, then handed it back to Yin Zhi.

He spoke again: “That’s right, it belongs to the’Little Turtle’.”

Little… little tortoise?

Do you call “Blue Martial Saint Turtle” Little Turtle?

Seen it!

“He can give you the shell he shed for the first time, which shows that he values ​​you very much.”

“However, because he values ​​you, it doesn’t mean that you are qualified to talk to me.”

“The one standing in front of you is just an incarnation of me.”

“If you want to talk to me, at least you have to come to my deity.”

“Let’s go to “Fantasy Land”!”

“Then find my deity. This is a test for you.”

After all, the white light person scatters a little white light, and eventually disappears.

Yin Zhi looked at the emptiness in front of him, smashed his lips, and said helplessly “Okay”.

Hey, I knew it was not so easy!

Immediately, a cabin like a small speedboat rose from the ground.

It was filled with dark red liquid.

With a sound of “chi,” the cabin opened a door-this meaning couldn’t be more obvious.

Yin Zhi spread his hands, murmured “If you come, you will be at peace”, and then he entered the cabin.

After that, the door of the cabin slowly closed.

Yin Zhi was immersed in the dark red translucent liquid, and the feeling of wrapping his whole body made him feel extremely comfortable and relieved!

He didn’t know that the environment in the cabin completely simulated the fetus in the mother’s body.

Yin Zhi felt comfortable because his body recalled how he felt in his mother’s body.

Before he knew it, Yin Zhi fell asleep deeply, experiencing the wonderful taste of being in his mother’s belly.

I don’t know how long it took…

Yin Zhi suddenly opened his eyes!

The first thought is: Where am I?

He looked around anxiously, but what he saw was a beautiful scene like heaven!

And where he stood was a piece of soft green grass.

A gust of wind blows in, mixed with the fragrance of flowers and soil, and a touch of moisture.

It seems that this piece of heaven and earth has just rained…

“Depend on!”

“Is this really a virtual world?”

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