Chapter 931 What a courage! Even the monsters of our world trade union dare to snatch! I’m tired of life!

Everything is too real!

It is not that Yin Zhi has never entered the virtual world before…

For example, the adventure qualification assessment at the “Sacred Heart University”, and the “Dream Space” of the “Machine Empress”, and so on.

But Yin Zhi can guarantee that the realism of “Dream Space” is definitely not as good as this one.

If he hadn’t entered from the outside world, he knew that he would not be able to distinguish the true and false of this “Fantasy Land”.

Yin Zhi sighed, then took a step, ready to drive at full speed-his destination is a city at the end of this grassland!

As a result, an accident that caught him off guard happened. After two steps, Yin Zhi fell directly to the ground. There happened to be another slope here, and Yin Zhi rolled down the slope, rolling all the way to the end.

Although there is soft grass on the ground, but it rolls a slope, of course the taste is still very bad.

Yin Zhi scolded and got up, his head still dizzy.

“I go!”

“What’s the matter?”

“Why is my speed so slow?”


It was because Yin Zhi’s speed slowed down and he didn’t coordinate his body well, so he fell to the ground.

And Yin Zhi’s speed is not even a little bit slow.

If the previous speed is comparable to the speed of light, then the current speed is a snail crawling-yes, the gap is so big that it makes Yin Zhi doubt life!

“Do you use wool?”

After that, his heart moved again, and then he tried his own power, but he hit the ground with a punch. The grass was fine, but his fist was sore and numb.


Looking at his fist that even scratched a little bit of skin, Yin Zhi was speechless for a while, so speechless.

Is it because I entered this “Fantasy Land”?


I didn’t expect it?

I am now in the “Fantasy Land”. This flesh body is not my deity at all, and naturally it does not have my original power.

“In other words…”

“I am not a weak dog in this world?”

Suddenly, Yin Zhi thought of another thing…

He immediately began to draw the summoning circle to summon Yuling.


Not to mention Yuling, even the magic circle can’t be drawn!

In other words, there is no way for this “Fantasy Land” to summon Goling to fight?

So am I being cut into a dog now?

That’s a fart?


“System! Are you there? Answer me quickly!”

Death hunting system: “Didi! I’m here!”

Upon hearing this voice, Yin Zhi’s mood rose, as if he heard a voice from outside the sky.

Yin Zhi said: “The system, can you still play a role now? I have been cut into a dog now.”

Death-finding system: “Didi! This system is adjusting relevant rules according to the host’s world, please be patient with the host!”


Adjust the rules according to my world?

Yin Zhi probably understood what it meant, but he didn’t quite understand: “In other words, after adjusting the rules, the system can take effect in “Gensokyo”?”

Death-finding system: “Didi! Exactly!”

Hearing this, Yin Zhi heaved a sigh of relief.

That’s good!

It’s great if the “finding system” can still be used!

Yin Zhi asked the “Death Hunting System” to quickly adjust the rules and patted the weeds on his body.

At this time he noticed that he was wearing clothes made of hessian—so he said it was clothes. It would be better to put a piece of hessian cloth around his body and tie it around his waist with hemp rope.

And the shoes on his feet turned out to be straw sandals!

“Is this too shabby?”

“I’m dressed like a refugee!”

With a sigh, Yin Zhi could only move forward on straw sandals.

Walking forward slowly all the way.

At a certain moment, after turning over a small mountain bag, Yin Zhi encountered a big bad wolf!

The big bad wolf looked at Yin Zhi, the wolf looked at it, and Hadazi went straight.


Yin Zhi felt the strong hostility from the big bad wolf in an instant!

He couldn’t help but feel a little hairy.

If the body is his own deity now, would he be afraid of a wolf? What a joke!

But now in his state, he really didn’t have the confidence to be able to do that big bad wolf.

How to do?

Do you want to run?

Damn, you have to run too!

At my current speed, plus the straw sandals on my feet, how do I run?

Yin Zhi resolutely gave up the idea of ​​running away.

If you don’t run, you can only do it!

Yin Zhi stared at the big bad wolf’s eyes, slowly loosened his own belt, took off his hemp clothes, and wrapped his left arm round and round…


The big gray wolf howled and rushed towards Yin Zhi with his saliva.

Yin Zhi instantly speeded up the movement of winding his arm, and wrapped a thick tuft of hemp clothes around his arm.

“It doesn’t matter if he is useful!”

“Say it after you fight it!”

At the moment when the big bad wolf pounced and bite in front of his eyes, he kept sending his left arm wrapped in hemp clothes forward, causing the big bad wolf to bite him straight!


Although he was protected by burlap, the terrifying bite force of the big bad wolf still hurt Yin Zhi and took a breath.

Following that, Yin Zhi roared “go you”.

With his feet twisted, his waist exerted strength, and his whole body strength burst out, pulling the big bad wolf fiercely and slamming the big bad wolf heavily to the ground.

Although this body is weak as a dog, Yin Zhi’s fighting memory and instinct are still there, and he is somewhat confident in dealing with a big bad wolf.

Take advantage of its illness, kill it!

Yin Zhi immediately squeezed his fist and hit the vital part of the big bad wolf’s head.




After several punches, the right fist was painful and numb, it was almost like a bone fracture, but he didn’t even stop.

Perhaps this is the only opportunity!

If you continue to fight like this, at most one fist will be scrapped.

If you don’t fight like this, it is very likely to become a snack in the belly of the big bad wolf!

I saw blood as I hit it, and I didn’t know if it was Yin Zhi’s or Big Bad Wolf’s.

At the beginning, the big bad wolf struggled and bitten fiercely, but gradually became weaker and weaker. This made Yin Zhi see the hope of victory, and he worked harder.



Another fist went down, and with a sound of “Woo”, the big bad wolf was completely silent.


Yin Zhichang breathed a sigh of relief.


Some information emerged in Yin Zhi’s mind…

Kill the elite BOSS Big Bad Wolf · Ashes and gain 3000 experience points!


what’s the situation?

Yin Zhizheng digested the information and saw a group of red light emerging from the corpse of the big bad wolf.

When the red light dissipated, he saw a small red treasure chest lying quietly on the corpse of the big bad wolf.


What is this familiar experience…

Yin Zhi bent down and picked up the little red treasure chest.

But at this moment, a group of people rushed out not far away, all holding swords in their hands, in a menacing posture.

They rushed to Yin Zhi, looked at the corpse of the big bad wolf on the ground, then looked at Yin Zhi, and immediately showed angrily.

One of the young men in iron armor shouted: “You are so brave! Even the monsters of our world trade union dare to snatch! You are tired of life and crooked, right?!”

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