Chapter 936 Remember! My name is Yin Zhi! I will wait for your revenge at the nearest gathering place!

Gradually, the young man with the bronze sword and the woman in the masked white dress realized that they were wrong…

Not only was it wrong, but it was also very wrong!


Because the person who was pursued and killed by Ouyang Chen led by the “Heaven and Earth Guild” didn’t need them to save at all.

He was alone, just dealing with the group of chasers with ease.

And the tactic he adopted was to “fly a kite”-using his own speed advantage, wandering and attacking, making those chasers exhausted, but he couldn’t help him, on the contrary, his own combat power became less and less.

Ouyang Chen was already jumping angrily, and because of the constant yelling, his voice became mute. But he could do nothing but shout.

His appearance, even if he exploded in anger, the bronze sword youth and the masked woman would not be surprised.

The Young Bronze Sword sighed and said, “Hey, it seems we need to change our thinking.”

The masked woman nodded, obviously unable to agree more.

“Do you think he used any method to modify the level?”

“Maybe they are a big cow who hides deeply?”

The reason why the Bronze Sword youth felt this way was not only because of the strength shown by Yin Zhi, but also because they were like this-for “a certain task”, they temporarily lowered their own level.

The masked woman said: “It’s possible…”

She even feels that this kind of possibility is not only possible, but also quite large.

See you, he doesn’t really know how to deal with Ouyang Chen’s group.

If it is level ten-the upper limit of the level of “novice village” is level ten, it is absolutely impossible to have that kind of strength.

Thinking of this, a hint of worry flashed between the masked woman’s eyebrows.

If this is the case, maybe the other party’s purpose is the same as theirs, and it is also for “that task.”

In this way, there is bound to be a conflict between the two sides, which is not good.

Tong Jian said the young man: “I have another bold idea—beautifulness! How about it? Show your peerless beauty, which will definitely make him fascinated by his feet.”

The masked woman gave him a coldly glance, and said, “If you feel itchy, just say it.”

The bronze sword youth “hahaha” smiled.

While they were talking, the battle under the hill was almost over.

There were only a dozen people who had been beaten by Yin Zhi from the original large group.

Yes, it is “beating”, not “killing”.

Those who lost their combat effectiveness were almost all destroyed by Yin Zhi.

Why not kill?

Why kill?

Wouldn’t it be incredibly fragrant to keep them hating themselves and continuously producing “killing intent” for themselves?

Besides, Yin Zhi is not “online game Xiaobai”.

He knew that after killing these players, they could be resurrected, and if they came back to join the battle after they were resurrected, wouldn’t it be endless?

In addition, after killing other players, it is possible to “red name”, and once “red name” is not easy.

Maybe you will be wanted and go to jail.

All of these have been experienced by Yin Zhi himself.

Simply, just scrap it!

Since Yin Zhi’s hand was heavy enough, even if those people had “blood medicine”, it would be incomplete for a while.

“Go to hell chopsticks–”

A warrior with an epee roared, extremely arrogant, holding the epee high, and slashing at Yin Zhi.

If this sword strikes, it might make Yin Zhi split in two.

But how could Yin Zhi be hit by him?

He dodged with incomparably dexterity, and the black iron rod in his hand slammed on his back fiercely.

After this smash, the person was smashed and vomited a lot of blood. But the black iron rod in Yin Zhi’s hand also snapped and broke!

Good guy, the iron rods are broken, and I’m terrified of thinking about it.

Seeing this, Ouyang Chen laughed “hahaha” and said, “He has no weapons, hurry, seize the opportunity to kill him!”

He himself held the sword tightly, his eyes were like the pupils of a poisonous snake, staring at Yin Zhi without blinking, looking for a chance to do it with all his concentration.

You must kill that guy today, you must!

Yin Zhi looked at the stick with only a short section in his hand, shrugged, then dropped the stick, and flexibly dodged the enemy’s blow, then slapped it over!


Since Yin Zhi used secret power and did not explode, the person who was slapped was not slapped.

In fact, she was indeed beaten up.

As a girl, she is still a pretty girl who has never been slapped in the face since she was a child.

First experience…

Naturally it is very uncomfortable.





It’s all the crisp and loud sound of being slapped in the face.

Without the iron rod, Yin Zhi directly used his most primitive weapon, hand!

Attack the most vulnerable part of the enemy’s body and heart, the face!

Slap after slap, one person after another was beaten blindly, stuck there in a daze.

Some people burst into tears after being slapped.

I don’t know if I was beaten or hurt my self-esteem or my heart.

In a blink of an eye, I just thought that Ouyang Chen hadn’t been beaten or pumped by himself.

“Hey, you know?”

“I really appreciate you.”

Yin Zhi’s words are not casual, he is sincerely grateful to Ouyang Chen.

If he hadn’t brought a group of people to give us money, how could we have this strength now?

“In order to thank you, I gave you two crisp and loud ear scrapers. What do you think?”

“Don’t be embarrassed, this is what you deserve.”

At this time, if Ouyang Chen still can’t recognize reality, then he is really stupid.

This guy in front of him is clearly a tiger who pretends to be a pig!


What about pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

You can eat tigers, can you still eat elephants?

Offending the “Heaven and Earth Guild”, your fate is already doomed.

“Don’t be smug!”

“When you cry…”

Ouyang Chen was going to use escape items after saying this ruthless sentence.

But Yin Zhi refused to let him finish, and slapped him over. Ouyang Chen didn’t have time to hide. With a “pop”, he fell to the grassland.

At this moment, Ouyang Chen only felt his brain humming, and it was more like a whistle blowing desperately in his ears, and the sharp sound seemed to pierce his brain.

I got slapped?

My face… was beaten?

How dare he?

How dare he? !



“I kill—”





Snapped! !

The phantom slap fell on Ouyang Chen’s face, his handsome and white face swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and blood flowed out of his mouth.

When the last slap went down only, both teeth flew out.


“My name is Yin Zhi!”

“I will wait for you to take revenge at the nearest gathering place!”

As soon as Yin Zhi finished saying this, Ouyang Chen disappeared–has been forcibly taken offline!

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