Chapter 937 Big brother, people are not willing to sell.


An extremely luxurious roar suddenly sounded in a room that was extremely luxurious.

It’s not someone else, it’s Ouyang Chen!

I was beaten down forcibly? !


What a shame!

It turns out that virtual reality online games like “myths” will have security measures.

Once the experience in the game world causes harm to the real person, the safety measures will take effect and the player will be kicked out forcibly. If there is no such protection measures, it is difficult to guarantee that there will not be a bunch of mentally ill patients.

In addition, anyone who is forced to go offline is prohibited from logging in to the game for forty-eight hours.

Ouyang Chen has been playing virtual reality online games for seven or eight years-well, relying on his wealth and identity, he has been in the game for five or six years-this has never happened, it has always been he Tossing forcibly offline, but I didn’t expect to be forced offline now.

It’s simply unimaginable, incredible!

If this can be tolerated, then what else can’t be tolerated in the world?

“Yin Zhi, right?”

“Yin Zhi!”

“I swear I will find it and kill you!”

Ouyang Chen was naturally angry, and the voice roared, as if to scream out.

It’s a pity that even if he yelled out his voice, Yin Zhi, who was in the “myth” world, couldn’t hear him.

After Ouyang Chen was forced to go offline, he also felt that the boss was boring.

There were one or two hard-spirited “Heaven and Earth Guilds” talking cruelly there.

Those things mentioned are nothing more than “what will happen if I offend the “Heaven and Earth Guild””, “you are done”, “you will regret it”, etc., Barabara.

Yin Zhi is not used to them.

This group of dogs for Ouyang Chen seems to have made a sense of accomplishment and pride?

Oh, whoever dares to talk nonsense, I will smoke anyone!

Then he forced a few players offline—forcing offline does not count as killing—Yin Zhi shouted, “Who else has anything to say? Come on, let me have a good time! Why are you dumb? Talk! A bunch of trash!”

No one talks anymore.

In their eyes, Yin Zhi has been labeled as a “mad dog”-yes, whoever they bully is blamed on the bad luck. If anyone bullies them, then whoever is a madman or a mad dog.

Seeing that no one was speaking, Yin Zhi also felt bored. He patted his butt and left. He said, “I’m waiting for you to come back and beat him again.”

Almost didn’t spray some popularity directly.

Yin Zhi continued to stride to the distant city.

But I didn’t expect that city looked far away and walked farther. Before reaching the distant city, I first encountered a village.

The village is the village, go in and inquire about something.

The style of this village does not look like any one that Yin Zhi has seen before. He has never seen it before, nor can he find any similarities in the styles he has seen before.

Of course, the style may be different, but the house is still a house, and the street is still a street.

Yin Zhi walked on the streets paved with bluestone slabs, and looked left and right, everything felt fresh.

This village is not small, and there are many people in the village. People come and go, so it’s so lively.

Yin Zhi also pricked his ears while wandering around, listening to the gossip of the pedestrians and learning some information.

After strolling around, Yin Zhi already knew that he was in a novice village called “Mythology”, an online game, and to leave this novice village, he had to raise his level to ten and he could pass the village. The teleportation circle in the center goes to the “main city” to continue further adventures.

Is the level ten?

Yin Zhi looked at his “attribute status”.

Level: 0

Experience: 3000/13


Can be upgraded!

Isn’t the 3000 points of experience gained from killing the “Grey Wolf Ashes” earlier?

Of course Yin Zhi didn’t know that his ability to kill the elite BOSS “Grey Wolf Ashes” was pure luck. It just so happened that “Grey Wolf Ashes” was poisoned by Ouyang Chen. Otherwise, with his previous strength, he will undoubtedly die if he encounters the “Grey Wolf Ashes” in his heyday!

Of course, luck is actually part of strength.

What are you waiting for?

Upgrade upgrade!

After the 3000 points of experience were used up, no more, no less, Yin Zhi’s level had just reached level 10.

There is no need to do tasks and fight monsters to gain experience upgrades like other players, Yin Zhi is naturally happy.

Looking at the current value of each attribute.

Life: 1560/1560

Spirit: 1734/1734

Intelligence: 83

Strength: 94

Speed: 112

Defense: 73

Perception: 86

“This data should be pretty good, right?”

If Yin Zhi really understood this game, he wouldn’t think so.

More than just good-looking.

It’s a monster!

The other players have risen to level 10, and the average of the basic attributes of power and speed is only 20 points.

Take a look at Yin Zhi, if you say he is a level 50 player, everyone believes it!

Now that the level has reached level 10, Yin Zhi is not in a hurry to leave.

The main reason is that his knowledge of this game called “Myth” is not enough, he has more information on the whole.

As he walked, Yin Zhi saw a tavern.

Goddess little toe?

The name of this pub is quite unique.

With a mutter in his heart, he swaggered in. At that pace, those who didn’t know thought he was a big money. But looking at his tattered clothes and a pair of bare feet without shoes, it is clear that he is extremely poor.

Yin Zhi found an empty place to sit down.

In a short while, a man came up and said, “Brother, you have a beautiful ring. How about selling it to me? I’ll give you a silver coin. It’s enough to buy a whole set of outfits for your whole body.”

The “ring” he was talking about was exactly the “ring of embers” that burst out of “Grey Wolf Ashes”.

That gratifying ruby ​​is really not the usual eye-catching.

Just looking at his expression, those who don’t know will only think that “a silver coin” is a lot.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Sorry, I don’t sell it.”

The human said: “Is it too small? Then I will add one silver coin to you. Two silver coins, you will definitely not lose, or even make a lot of money.”

Yin Zhi said, “I told you not to sell.”

The man’s face turned gloomy, he looked at Yin Zhi’s injured ruby ​​ring reluctantly, dropped the sentence “Let’s do it”, shrugged, and left.

Soon, another burly figure with a big axe in the back came over.

“Friend, I fell in love with your ring.”

“Sell it to me.”

“You charge the price.”

Yin Zhi replied “not to sell” again.

However, the burly, rugged and sturdy man stayed on, and continued to talk a bunch of nonsense that Yin Zhi didn’t want to hear.

The burly man became annoyed at once.

At this time, a hand was placed on his shoulder: “Big brother, people don’t want to sell, what’s the matter if you keep them around?”

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