Chapter 954 Yin Zhi: Damn it! She, she, she…couldn’t she be…yes…

“Are you awake?”

Hearing that Yaya woke up, Yin Zhi knocked on the door of the room with the nourishing and tranquilizing medicinal soup simmering over a slow fire.

Yaya hurriedly got up and got out of bed, with an “um” sound, she was still a little nervous.

He saw how I just woke up…

Ya Ya was a little bit shy, and a little bit distressed.

Although she is still covering her face, this woman has strange thoughts sometimes.

She does not want others to see the true face of Own, but she does not want to expose Own’s ugliness.

Yin Zhi was not as careful as her mind, and said: “How is it? Are you more energetic?”

Ya Ya said: “Well, it’s better…How long did I sleep?”

Yin Zhi said, “It’s about ten hours.”

Yaya immediately said “Oh”, “So long?”

She suddenly had the urge to cover her face.

Without freshening up, I slept for so long!

For Yaya, who is accustomed to taking a bath before going to bed, it is hard to say now.

Not to mention that after sleeping for so long, Yin Zhi’s ugly side still appeared in front of Yin Zhi’s eyes.


Even in the virtual world, daily bathing and changing clothes are also a must, and there is no way to be careless!

“It’s good for a long time. Of course, the longer the time, the better. The longer the rest, the better the recovery.”

“You must be hungry after sleeping for so long? Come and try my craft.”

“It’s not me, it’s definitely delicious on earth!”

Yaya blushed, and said embarrassedly: “I…I’ll go freshen up…”

After speaking, she passed Yin Zhi like a gust of wind.

When Yin Zhi turned around, he saw an open door.

Based on previous experience, Yin Zhi thought that Yaya would take a long time to freshen up. He didn’t expect that she would come back in less than a stick of incense.

Still dressed as before.

Wearing a snow-white dress, black and straight waterfall hair, and a face covered, it is really fresh and refined, as if exuding fairy air.

It looks the same as before, but Yin Zhi’s eyes are so sharp, you can tell at a glance that she has changed a new set up and down.

As for whether there is any change in it… ahem! That’s not known.

Yin Zhi poured her a bowl of soup.

He hesitated to use pottery with excellent heat preservation effect, so as soon as the soup was poured out, the white heat curled up.

At the same time, an intoxicating smell of meat and medicine filled the room.

When Ya Ya smelled it, she couldn’t help taking a deep nose, and exclaimed, “It smells so good!”

Looking at the soup, it turned out to be as clear and clear as aged rice wine, with various ingredients deposited in the soup, only to see her greedy worms making a fuss.

“What am I talking about?”

“Chef Yin made it, can’t it not fragrant?”

“Cook quickly on high fire and simmer slowly on low fire, fully squeeze out the original flavors of the ingredients and medicinal materials, and let them completely blend into the soup. Every drop of this is the essence of the essence!”

“Come on, have a taste.”

Yaya’s eyes were already attracted by the medicinal food talk on the table, she couldn’t help swallowing, and with a “um”, she took off the mask naturally and unconsciously.

In a flash!

Yin Zhi felt that his own heart was hit by something-it was hit hard!


So beautiful!

The eyebrows that can be seen are already very delicate, but when they are combined with the lower half of the face, the reaction is like a big bang, and it has undergone a qualitative sublimation!

this moment!

All the gorgeous rhetoric, allusive idioms, and various rhetoric describing beautiful women…were pale and weak here.

Even those descriptions are not worthy of her face and her temperament at all.

Looking at all the women I know, even if they are more temperamental and distinctive, there is no one who can beat Yaya—well, there is one, but at most it is a tie.


Su Qingqiu!




Ya Ya took a sip of the soup very elegantly, but when the soup was inhaled in her mouth and spread on her taste buds, she could no longer maintain her elegance. Her beautiful eyes were directly widened, and even more vivid. Regardless of it, he swallowed hard.

“Drink it well!”

Yin Zhi actually “grunted” a bit, but what he swallowed was saliva, and then couldn’t help but said, “It looks good…”

Ya Ya looked at Yin Zhi: “Yin…”

Seeing Yin Zhi’s expression at this time, Ya Ya was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately reacted. In an instant, the joy of tasting the delicious soup disappeared on her face, replaced by panic and fear. She quickly put down the soup and hurriedly put on the mask.


For a while, Yaya didn’t even know what to say.

Seeing her like this, Yin Zhi also regained his senses. He secretly said “Yin Zhi, Yin Zhi, have you never seen a beautiful woman? Look at your virtue”, and then patted own forehead. .

“Ouch, oops!”

“Look at me, look at me, forget this, sin and sin.”

“Then what… You drink, I’ll smoke a cigarette. You drink slowly.”

There was no smoke here for him—unless it was to smoke the chimney—it was nothing more than just thinking about it, and he got up and left after speaking.

Ya Ya looked at Yin Zhi’s back in a responsible manner, panic and fear dissipated from her eyes, replaced by surprise and curiosity…

He didn’t lose control after seeing my face?

You must know that even Lu Zhan lost control after seeing the true face of own, and wanted to swallow himself.

Fortunately, he smashed him sober with a bottle of wine, but the result would be unimaginable.

And Yin Zhi didn’t respond. Although he was a little gaffe, he was still normal-but this is what made him the only person who hasn’t lost control because of his own appearance!

This rippled in Yaya’s heart.

Does Yaya really like to live with a veil?

Of course not, it’s a last resort!

She knows how much her own face affects men—even girls!

But if there is really a man who doesn’t lose control because of her face, and if this man doesn’t let her hate it…she will be very happy.

After thinking about it, Yaya couldn’t help but think: “If he is really unaffected, will he not be able to wear the veil before he buys it?”

Thinking about it, she suddenly shook her head.

Ya Ya Ya Ya, what are you thinking?

Until the enticing aroma was tangy, Ya Ya couldn’t help taking a deep breath, and muttered, “Why do you want to do so much? Drink soup first!”

Taking off the veil, she took another gulp, swallowed hard, and then looked intoxicated: “Drink well…”

Outside, by the lake.

Yin Zhi was throwing stones towards the lake to play.

In fact, he was still thinking about Yaya’s peerless appearance…

Throwing it away, he suddenly patted his head: “Fuck! She, she, she…couldn’t she be…yes…”

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