Chapter 955 Ya Ya: This is not an eavesdropping! This is definitely not an eavesdropping!

Tushan people!

Could it be… that Ya Ya is the “Tushan Clan” he was looking for?

The more I think about it, the more Yin Zhi feels that this possibility is greater.

The basis, nothing else, just rely on Yaya’s face!

“Tushan people” and “Qingqiu people” have the same roots, and both have the beauty of inverting sentient beings.

The beauty alone is the biggest feature!

It’s not that Yin Zhi has never seen a beautiful woman. He believes that there are few beautiful women in the world that make him lose his mind.

But this Yaya still let herself lose her mind, and she almost couldn’t control herself.

I had this feeling before, and that was when I saw Su Qingqiu!

From this, Yin Zhi judged that Ya Ya was a member of the Tushan tribe—but there was still a lack of “affirmation”.

Do you want to ask directly?

Yin Zhi couldn’t help shook his head.

According to common sense, it is impossible for Ya Ya to know the existence of “Tushan people”.

If I ask her directly, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not arouse her suspicion and vigilance, or even rejection.

When the time comes, I just have a mouth, I’m afraid it will be difficult for her to believe in herself.

What should I do then?

Yin Zhi immediately used his brains.

Thinking and thinking, suddenly the inspiration flashed, and it really made him think of a coup—well, maybe it was a coup?

“Try it!”

Yin Zhi had cares in his heart, so he waited patiently.

Wait and wait, I heard footsteps.

When I turned around, who was Ya Ya who was not dressed in white?

Yaya stepped forward, blinking her big black eyeballs that flickered and blinked, as if she could speak.

“I have finished the soup.”

“Thank you, the soup is so delicious, it can be said to be the best soup I have ever tasted.”

This is true.

Speaking of it now, it seems that the delicious soup still remains in the mouth.

Yin Zhi smiled and said: “You just want to drink it. This soup is good and everything else is good, but it’s too time-consuming. I’ll stew it for you later when I have a chance.”

Ya Ya shook her head quickly, and said, “No, no, why is this embarrassing?”

Yin Zhi smiled and said: “What’s so embarrassing about this, you have a life-saving grace to me, what is a stew?”

After speaking, he sighed.

“I overturned the boat in the gutter this time.”

“After a thorough plan, it fell short in the end, alas!”

“It’s embarrassing now.”

Ya Ya said: “If you need my help, just tell me. I don’t know if I can help, but I will try my best!”

Yin Zhi smiled bitterly and said, “Well, I’m afraid you really can’t help much… You must be very surprised why I let the “Gem of the Prosperous Tang Dynasty” spread the news that I have the “Ember Ring”?”

Yaya blinked and nodded—she was really curious.

Yin Zhidao: “Actually, my most fundamental purpose is to lure out the holy seat of the “Holy Court” Nasha.”

Yaya was surprised, and said: “Your goal turned out to be her?”

Yin Zhi nodded, and said, “Yes, she may know one thing about me! So I can only ask her… It’s a pity that the boat fell in the gutter and fell short. Next time… it will be difficult!”

Yaya laughed, and said, “Mr. Yin, I actually forgot to tell you, I brought back the holy seat of the ‘Holy Court’.”

Yin Zhi began his performance, “What? You… You brought it back? Really? Where?”

Ya Ya said: “What did I lie to you for? It was in the last house. I saw her tied up and couldn’t move, so I took her away.”

Yin Zhi’s expression of joy, excitement and relief suddenly appeared.

“Yaya, Miss you… you are really my lucky star!”


“Allow me to thank you solemnly again.”

Ya Ya quickly said that it was not necessary.

Yin Zhi said, “This ‘thank you’ is not only because I thank you, but also on behalf of my mother. If you can find her, your kindness would be bigger than saving my life!”

Yaya looked at Yin Zhi’s expression at the moment, and her heart was very moved.

Yin Zhidao: “Actually, my mother has something to do with a person named’Tushan Clan’…”

Ya Ya was taken aback and said: “You…”

She just wanted to say “what did you say”, but finally held back.

Ya Ya’s reaction was to surprise Yin Zhi and breathe a sigh of relief at the same time!

Good, good!

Unexpectedly, the “Tushan tribe” who didn’t know how to start searching were found like this!

This is really “there is nowhere to look after you pierce through the iron shoes, and it is all effortless.”

Yin Zhi said: “As long as I find the’Tushan people’, I may find my mother. After some investigation, I finally found a clue-the Holy See of the’Holy Court’ knows where to find the’Tushan’ Clansman’! If you didn’t help me bring Nasha back, I really don’t know what to do…”

These words, he was naturally nonsense.

The purpose is to let Yaya know her own purpose and pave the way for the next thing.

Ya Ya said: “I…”

For a time, she didn’t know what to say.

Yin Zhi couldn’t wait to say: “Yaya, I will ask Na Xia now! Is it the last house?”


Yin Zhi immediately went straight to the house!

Yaya watched him push the wooden door open, and then heard “hahaha” laughter, and then the door closed.

Yaya’s eyes flashed with the color of struggle…

Should I go and listen?

No, no, eavesdropping on other people’s words is very bad. I can’t do this kind of thing.


I thought that Yin Zhi was looking for Naxia for the “Tushan people”, but he happened to be the “Tushan people”-in other words, Yin Zhi was looking for me. I heard that it should be okay?

Thinking about it this way, Ya Ya felt straightened out, and said in her heart: “This is not an eavesdropping! This is definitely not an eavesdropping!”

Thinking about it, Ya Ya approached the small house, her footsteps were very light, she was almost silent on the ground.

Soon, Ya Ya approached the small house, and then heard Yin Zhi’s excited and eager voice.


“Say it!”

“Where can I find the’Tushan people’?”

Soon Nasha’s voice reached Ya Ya’s ears.

“Since you want to know where to find the’Tushan people’… Then I can’t tell you even more.”

Yin Zhi said: “Don’t tell? You are like this. You don’t want to think about it, really don’t tell? Tell you, don’t blame me for not giving you a chance. Now you are in my hands. If you don’t cooperate, hum, I think Whatever you do, do what you do!”

Naxia said: “You will die of this heart. Even if you kill me, I will never confide a word. What are you…what are you doing? Stop! I warn you not to mess around, otherwise I…”

Snapped! !


A crisp sound came from the room.

Hearing this voice, it seemed to be a slap in the face?


“I will kill you! I will kill you!”

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