Chapter 970 How dare you… How dare you hit me?! I fought with you!

Holy Court Headquarters, Holy Light City!

Yin Zhi’s footsteps were blocked by an invisible wall.

He patted the invisible wall in front of him, only feeling very hard, but the first reaction in his mind was: “How much power does it take to break it?”

Just when he was muttering…

Streams of light came from a distance and stopped in front of Yin Zhi-of course, in front of Yaya Miss, she also came with Yin Zhi!

Seeing the person coming, Yin Zhi couldn’t help but let out a “yo” cry.

“Come and see who this is?”

“Isn’t this a handsome young man of the Tushan Clan.”

“Why are you here? Is it a watchdog for others? Tsk tusk tusk!”

Yes, it was Tushan·Leiming and Tushan·Shangliang, as well as several other “Tushan people”.

“You wild species!”

“Your death date is not far away!”

Tushan Shangliang was a “wild species” as soon as he spoke. The person who was stubborn to this point was the “second one” Yin Zhi had seen.

Ya Ya said angrily: “Second brother, enough! Are you a mad dog?! Yin Zhi hasn’t provoke you from the beginning, you are wild species when you meet! The’Tushan clan’ was forced to the present situation, all It is you alone! You are the sinner of the Tushan Clan!”

Yaya naturally hated what Tushan Shangliang did and was very annoyed.

Now when he met, he called Yin Zhi “wild species” again, which completely detonated the anger in her heart.

Tushan Shang Liang was furious and said, “Shut up! You bitch who betrayed the tribe! I am not your second brother, and you are not qualified to be my Little Sister! You have been expelled from the Tushan tribe! From now on, you will no longer be qualified to call yourself a’Tushanren’!”

Yaya turned to look at Tushan Leiming, and said, “Dage! Why? He is crazy, why are you going crazy with him!? Everything was fine originally, it was because of him that made it look like this Why should the entire Tushan Clan take responsibility for his mistakes?!”

Tu Shan Lei Ming said: “He is not crazy, and there is nothing wrong at all. This person is a wild species! This is an indisputable fact! His existence will only tarnish the noble blood of’Qingqiu Tushan’ and make the entire tribe deceived. shame!”

Yaya screamed: “Dage!”

Of course Yin Zhi was annoyed in his heart, but the more annoyed he was in his heart, the smile on his face became brighter.


He slapped his slap and said: “Yaya, I’m sorry, it seems that I have promised you to regret what I promised you. I only said that I would kill Tushan and Shangliang alone. Now it seems that I have to add one more person. Or in other words, everything If I say I’m a wild species, I have to die. No way, you can’t blame me for this, right? His “wild species”, but he scolded all three of my family. This can be tolerated, then I’m in vain as the Son of Man.”

Yaya’s face turned pale, and her red lips instantly lost their blood.

Tushan Shangliang smiled coldly and said, “Wild, you won’t be proud of it for long. The’War of Conferred Gods’ will begin, and you will eventually become a dust in this world.”

Yin Zhi waved his hand and said: “Trouble trouble. Stand a little bit far away, I’m going to break this shell, and then beat you hard. Don’t worry, I won’t kill you with one punch this time.”

Tushan Shangliang laughed “hahaha” and said, “You are not afraid to flash your tongue when you say big things. This’Sacred Realm’ is indestructible, do you want to break it? It’s really ridiculous. But what’s more ridiculous is just Because you two dare to come to the’Holy Light City’, I think you clearly came to die!”

Yin Zhi said: “Yes, you are so smart, I just came to die.”

Tushan Shangliang felt that he took a sigh of relief when he heard the words. He couldn’t swallow or spit it out. He could only clenched his teeth and stared Yin Zhi to death with a pair of eyes.

Yin Zhi let Yaya go a little further, then blew a breath into his fist, and then hit the invisible barrier with a fist.

hiss! !

Yin Zhi took a deep breath-Damn, it’s so hard!

What’s even stranger is that when he hit the barrier, there was no sound at all.

From outsiders’ eyes, he just hit the air with a punch.

Tu Shan·Shang Liang suddenly laughed “hahahaha” triumphantly, and said, “You see it? You can’t break him at all! Wild! Do you want to kill me? Come on, I’ll stand here! Come and kill me!”

Yaya on the side looked at Tushan Shangliang. Although she could not see his face, she could fully imagine how ugly he looked at the moment…

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “This is what you said.”

Then, Yin Zhi directly added the “strength” to 400 points!

In an instant, he felt a force bursting out of his body, as if to burst his body.

This feeling is really…good!

“The system, will the’attribute points’ after 400 get 10 million 1 points?”

Death hunting system: “Didi! Yes!”

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes and said in his heart: “I know it!”

He said lazily: “Then come and taste my second punch.”

Taking a deep breath, he banged his fist against the invisible wall in front of him.

Hum! ! !

This time, there was a dull, weird sound, as if a huge drum was struck.

At the same time, with Yin Zhi’s fist as the center, circles of waves spread around thinking about it, and the ground trembled.

The faces of Tushan·Shangliang and others hidden under the masks and veils changed their complexion.

“Sacred Realm” was actually shaken by him? !


Seeing that Yin Zhi hadn’t broken the invisible wall in front of him, he found it interesting and boring.

But it doesn’t matter, we have a “rich family”!

“Oh, it’s a pity, it’s really a pity.”

“Then, next is the third punch.”

“Guess what, can this third punch break this ‘tortoise shell’ to pieces?”

As he spoke, he had already emptied his “wallet”, and his “attribute points” worth tens of millions of “killing intent” were added to his “power”.

That burst of excitement that made him so refreshing and enjoyable has exploded from his body!

“Attention, attention, the third punch is coming!”

After speaking, he poured 438 points of “strength” into his fist, took a step forward, twisted his waist, and punched!

boom! ! ! !

A loud noise erupted, resounding through the world.

Immediately afterwards, there was a continuous sound of “Kacha Kacha”, and there were cracks spreading everywhere in the air where there was nothing, just like broken glass.

At this moment, the “Tushan people” all opened their eyes wide, and stepped back in shock.

Tu Shan Shang Liang said: “No… this is impossible… that is…”

Just when Tushan·Shang Liang was dumbfounded.

Snapped! !

A slap hit his face directly, shattering his mask.

Well, a face that was so handsome that it was indescribable was exposed, but it was also distorted.

“How dare you… how dare you hit me?!”

“I’m fighting with you!”

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