Chapter 971 Calm! Na Xia, calm down! This enmity will be reported one day!


Another clear and loud slap in the face.

Tu Shan Shang Liang fell to the ground, his left cheek swelled high.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “It’s a pity that you don’t slap a few more slaps and step on a few feet with such a handsome face.”

After speaking, he really stepped on the right half of Tushan Shangliang’s face, and with force, stepped his face into the ground.

Tushan Shangliang yelled straight “Aoaoaoao”, so angry that he was so angry that he was about to explode.

Tushan Leiming shouted: “Do it!”

He took the lead in activating his skills on Yin Zhi, but the skills were directly emptied, and Yin Zhi’s slap was also slapped to his face, slamming him to the ground.

What about other “Tushan people”?

You look at me, I look at you, but no one dared to do it-what a joke, even Tushan Lei Ming was slapped down by a slap, what did they do? Will it be sent up to be smoked?

Yin Zhi looked at the Tushan and Leiming brothers, and said, “Hey! You will make others think that I have a’light-reducing aura’. Look at you, you are all mentally retarded. Did you go out with your brain? ”

As he said, he picked up Tushan Lei Ming, crackling his hijab with a violent twitch, directly drawing his extremely handsome face, which was enough to fascinate thousands of young girls in the world, into a pig’s head.

Of course, I’m not idle at my feet!

Pulling your hands while stepping on the feet, let alone, there is a sense of rhythm when you look at it.

Not far away, Yaya looked at her Dage and her second brother being treated like this. She felt afflicted, but she didn’t want to persuade Yin Zhi–all this was really what they asked for, how to persuade?


If you really persuade Yin Zhi!

This is definitely the result that Yaya didn’t want to see.

At this time she has realized that Yin Zhi may be the only vitality for the “Tushan people”!

For the two Big Brothers, the entire “Tushan people” was in vain… Ya Ya didn’t want to do such a stupid thing.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that whether it is Tushan·Leiming, Tushan·Shangliang, or Tushan·Yaya, they are all trying to save the “Tushan people”.

It’s just that the role of personality, ideas, and prejudices is too strong and ingrained!

The seemingly mentally retarded behaviors of Tushan·Leiming and Tushan·Shangliang are, in the final analysis, due to personality, concepts, and prejudices. In their opinion, Yin Zhi, a “Qingqiu person” and a person born from a foreign race, is a wild Species can only be wild species!

And Yin Zhi absolutely cannot tolerate this!

After Tushan·Leiming and Tushan·Shangliang were forced off the assembly line and stepped on them, Yin Zhi looked at the others and said, “What about you? Who else thinks I am wild? Don’t be shy. Speak boldly and bravely! Anyway, it’s just in the game, what’s to be afraid of, right?”



“…You…you just…wild species…”

The woman said the strongest sentence in the weakest tone.

Snapped! !

Yin Zhi slapped the woman off the assembly line: “Who else?”

At this moment, a dense crowd of people suddenly appeared in the sky.

Judging from their outfits and equipment, it goes without saying that they are the combatants of the “Holy Court”!

Teng Teng murderous spirit fell from the sky.

Yin Zhi “tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk” said: “I said how come out now, it turned out to be the dispatch of troops and generals. Really, what are the platoons so neatly doing? It’s not a military parade.”

One person was riding a snow-white lion with wings, holding a knight’s spear, and shouted: “Kill!!!”


kill! !

kill! ! !

Be sure to make a sound, the momentum is so big that it seems to be breaking the sky.

“Didi! You got one hundred thousand killing intent points from an unknown object, please check!”

“Didi! You got 110,000 kill intent from an unknown object, please check!”

“Didi! You got 90,000 kill intent from an unknown object, please check!”



In a blink of an eye, Yin Zhi has already reaped a “killing value” of up to 800 million, and the amount is still rising!

The money is so easy—well, it’s too easy.

But it’s still **!

Yin Zhi opened his arms and made a hug, his face was full of pleasure and enjoyment, and said, “Come on! Come and kill me as much as you want!”


He is a lunatic!

Oh my God, why did the “Tushan Clan” provoke that lunatic! ?

Although the remaining “Tushan people” have different minds, what they are thinking at this moment is surprisingly consistent!

Then they immediately went offline…

Yaya looked at Yin Zhi’s back, her heart was full of flavours, and then she went offline according to the previous appointment with Yin Zhi.

In the face of the entire “Holy Court”, can he win? Still…

Yaya didn’t know.

Although Yin Zhi is also very strong, he is alone in the headquarters of the “Holy Court”, facing millions of “Holy Court” followers!

No matter how much Ya Ya has confidence in Yin Zhi, no matter how much she believes in Yin Zhi’s strength, it is difficult for her to think that Yin Zhi can win!

However, she could do nothing but wait.

And waiting is often the most suffering!

Wait and wait, wait and wait…

And this time, Ya Ya waited a full five or six hours.

Finally at a certain moment.

Yaya’s communicator rang suddenly, which shocked her.

At first glance, the telegraph was called by Lu Zhan.

Faintly, Yaya felt that Lu Zhan was here to tell her the result, and gritted her teeth, she connected to the communication.

“What did you say!?”

“Can you say that again!”

“Mythical World”, over a huge volcano known as “the death knell of the doomsday”, Na Xia yelled loudly.

She had been using divine power to suppress the erupting volcano before, but due to the need to concentrate, she cut off communication with the outside world!

Once this “doomsday death knell” volcano continues to erupt, the entire continent will collapse and countless people will lose their lives.

Nasha, who desperately needs the “power of faith”, naturally worked hard to suppress the volcano.

It took three days to finally suppress the “Doomsday Death Knell”. Just now, she breathed a sigh of relief, and Naxia, who resumed communication with the outside world, received a terrible news-Holy Light City was slaughtered and cleaned. There is no “Holy Court” player in the whole city!

The assailant was Yin Zhi!

She thought she had heard it wrong, and only after repeated confirmation did she know that it was true…

“Holy Court” is still there!

But “Holy Light City” has been slaughtered.

puff–! !

After digesting the bad news, Naxia directly spouted blood!

How could this be?

why is it like this?

Yin Zhi!

Yin Zhi!

Yin Zhi!

Anger and hatred rushed to the top in an instant, and then burst out of her mouth.

At this moment, Naxia’s roar echoed between heaven and earth!

I am afraid that the eruption of the “Doomsday Knell” volcano may not be as terrifying as her.

After a roar, Nasha calmed down…borrowing two big ear scrapers from her fan!


“Naxia, calm down for me!”

“This enmity will be reported one day!”

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