Chapter 974 Did I Say I See You Once and Beat You Once? Can’t Remember

Looking at Na Xia, who was sitting in a chair with her eyes closed and rested…

Tang Dynasty, Wang Chaoxian, and Shapolang gave each other glances, and they all understood each other’s meaning-what does the woman mean?

Is it possible that she wants to wait until everyone is exhausted before she comes to pick up the bargain?

This can’t work!

They all know how to calculate. People who think of this, such as Tang Dynasty, smiled slightly, took out a great teacher’s chair, walked to the open space and sat down.

Killing Wolf said directly: “Naxia, President Tang, what do you mean?”

Tang Chao smiled and said, “Since it is the’War of Conferred Gods’, we naturally have to wait for the arrival of the gods! Let’s fight for the four of us? Isn’t such a’War of Conferred Gods’ too stingy? So I think we should wait. ”

Shapolang said in surprise: “Is this still waiting?”

Wang Chaoxian smiled affectionately and said, “Chairman Tang still makes some sense. I also think there are so many people. Just wait.”

Even Immortal Wang Chao said so, what else can kill the wolf? Can’t fight the air, right? He can only sit directly on the ground!

Just listen to him: “Hey, waiting here is boring anyway. Let’s not Tathagata guess, see who is the first to climb this Mount Tai. How?”

Wang Chaoxian smiled and said, “Haha. Interesting. Patriarch Wolf, who do you think it will be?”

Killing the wolf said: “I hope it is’President Li’! Hey, if he comes, I will definitely fight him.”

His gleaming cold light, obviously he and the “President Li” of the “Li Dynasty” are very at odds with each other, and there may be enmity.

Wang Chaoxian said: “I guess Ouyang Tian of the’Heaven and Earth Guild’! That little brother has been desperately trying this year… I’ve been robbed of believers. Hahaha.”

Sha Po Lang curled his lips and said, “His kid has suffered a big loss, so he hopes that this’War of Conferred Gods’ can be shameful and revenge, can you not work hard?” After speaking, he looked at Tang. Chao said: “President Tang, how about you?”

The Tang Dynasty opened the folding fan in his hand, with a scholarly elegant temperament, and said: “Me? You must not have expected the person I guessed. But I’m sure I must have heard his name.”

Killing the wolf said “Oh”, “Who?”

Tang Chao smiled slightly, spit out a name and said: “Yin Zhi!”

Na Xia, who had closed her eyes and rested, suddenly opened her eyes, and a strong murderous intent sprayed out of her beautiful eyes.

The murderous intent that broke out at this moment caused the other three people with the “Godhead” to feel embarrassed, and secretly said-that guy, it really is not easy to deal with!

Naxia smiled slightly, but there was a sharp sharpness in the corner of her mouth.

“I also hope he can be the first to come up…”

“I used to be an acquaintance, and I haven’t seen it for a long time. It’s like a lifetime, and I really want to see him.”

Who is Yunzhi?

After thinking about it carefully, Wang Chaoxian and Shapolang remembered, and at the same time the grievances between Naxia and Yin Zhi sounded!

A year ago, Yin Zhi’s name and the limelight were the same!

Yin Zhi, who didn’t know where he came from, suddenly stirred up the entire “mythical world”, and finally slaughtered the “Holy Court” headquarters “Holy Light City”, shocking the world!

Only later he disappeared, and gradually he was forgotten by everyone.

Now that the Tang Dynasty mentioned his name, Wang Chaoxian and Sha Po Lang couldn’t help but muttered in their hearts: “This is also a strong opponent.”

It is really not easy to win the title in this “Battle of Conferred Gods”!

Time, little by little in their waiting.

At a certain moment!

A stream of light flashed instantly.

All of a sudden, the eyes of the four present who were top powerhouses were gathered…

Seeing someone coming, Naxia stood up instantly!

Due to the excessive force, even though she was wearing a strict and Sacred religious uniform, her chest swayed, and she still looked very elastic.

The clear and cold eyes shot out cold and hot eyes!

Who is the comer?

Can Naxia be so excited, who else can have Yin Zhi out of this world?

Yes, the Tang Dynasty was right, and it was Yin Zhi who came!

Ya Ya is naturally with him.

“Is this the world of the strong?”

Yin Zhi’s hippie smile said, “Nashha, let’s meet again. Do you know that I have been looking for you this year so hard. Reunited after a long time, today is really a day worth celebrating.”

Nasha’s hand holding the staff tightened…

Looking at Yin Zhi’s face, she almost couldn’t control herself.

But in the end she still controlled it.

She took a deep breath, then sat down slowly, and closed her eyes again, her expression looking very peaceful.

Not in a hurry……

I’m not in a hurry!

I’ve been waiting for a year, do you still care about waiting for a while?

Yin Zhi, you will soon know how you will end up!

Yin Zhi saw that Naxia ignored herself, smiled, and didn’t bother to post her cold ass, and turned around to say hello to the Tang Dynasty.

After greeting, Yin Zhi asked, “What’s wrong with this? Why are you all sitting? Isn’t it the “War of Conferred Gods”?”

Tang Chao smiled, and said, “Just a few of us, what’s the point? Let’s wait for the others. The crowd is more lively.”

Yin Zhi nodded and smiled: “Not bad, not bad, very reasonable!”

After speaking, he pulled Nasha aside, moved out a bunch of guys, and had a barbecue on the spot.

In a short while, the aroma of barbecue spreads.

Yin Zhi invited the Tang Dynasty and others to have a barbecue, but only the Tang Dynasty was invited.

Wang Chaoxian and Shapolang didn’t dare to agree, and they were not familiar with each other. What kind of barbecue should they eat? What if there is fraud?

The Tang Dynasty is also really big-hearted!

The Tang Dynasty still had some understanding of Yin Zhi, and he would definitely not do things like poisoning, so he opened up to eat and drink with him.

So they just waited patiently while enjoying the barbecue.

After that, people who gathered the “Godhead” came to this platform one after another.

The originally cold platform has gradually become lively…

Yin Zhizhen was eating the barbecue, suddenly raised his brows, handed the skewers in his hand to Ya Ya, and said, “Brother Tang, I’m going to accompany you.”

He stood up and walked towards a person.

Ya Ya’s face changed, and then she sighed helplessly…


Yin Zhi patted someone on the shoulder lightly.

The moment that person turned around…


A clear and loud slap rang, which instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

A piece of mask fragments splashed all over, Tushan Shang Liang who was slapped in the face was immediately stunned, and Shen Jun’s handsome left cheek was swollen high.

“Have I said I saw you once and beat you once?”

“It doesn’t seem to exist, and it seems there is, oops, I can’t remember.”

“But even if you didn’t say it, it’s the same now!”

Snapped! !

There was another slap in the face, and Tushan Shangliang was slapped four or five steps and almost fell to the ground.

“Oh, not bad for me, I have grown!”

Tu Shan·Shang Liang suddenly exploded, “I killed you—”

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