Chapter 975 Come and kill me! Because of the throne of the’God King’, I’m seated!

Bang bang bang! ! !

Before Tushan Shang Liang’s roar was even finished, his “slap in the face” fell on his face.

In an instant, his so handsome and handsome even swelled like it was about to explode!

Originally, he could still stand—obviously, the Ascension strength that he had been working hard for the past year—but after Yin Zhi’s “three consecutive slaps”, he still fell directly to the ground.

“kill me?”

“I think you are kidding me!”

“You want to kill me because of your virtue? Go ahead and dream of your mother!”

After Tushan Shangliang fell to the ground, Yin Zhi kicked him one foot after another.

At this time, Tushan·Shangliang was like a weak ant, being ravaged by Yin Zhi.

Tushan Shangliang couldn’t do anything except scream in pain and anger.

“Tsk, this is too cruel.”

“Isn’t it? What a grudge?”

“That guy (Tushan·Shangliang) is too weak, right?”

“Yeah. With this ability, I still come to participate in the’War of Conferred Gods’.”

A group of spectators around was murmured.

They would not be frightened by Yin Zhi’s brutality.

In the first place, they are already strong, which is so easy to be scared.

Secondly, they have confidence in their own strength, and now they can have “divine skills” – that is, the skills that use the “power of faith” to display, the power is very powerful!


Tushan Shangliang was kicked by Yin Zhi on his chin, and the kick was dislocated.

The white eyes turned straight up, and his body twitched like an electric shock. It seemed that he was about to faint, but he didn’t faint.

“Get me down!”

With that said, Yin Zhi flew another kick, kicked Tushan Shang Liang, flew out of the “Mount Tai”, and fell into the sea of ​​clouds!

The surrounding bystanders suddenly mourned for Tushan Shang Liang, and murmured “Poor fellow” secretly.

As soon as Yin Zhi turned his heels, he walked to the front of Tushan Lei Ming.

He appeared after Tushan·Shangliang!

“And you?”

“What do you want to say?”

“I’ll give you a chance to say three sentences.”

The face under Tushan Leiming’s mask was trembling, and his teeth were tight: “Yin Zhi, don’t deceive people too much!” His voice was trembling because of anger.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “I just deceived people too much, what can you do with me? You have two more words to say.”

Tushan·Leiming’s teeth seemed to bite and bleed: “…”

Say what?

He has nothing to say to Yin Zhi-he just wants to kill the guy in front of him!

Tushan Yaya stepped forward at this time and said, “Dage, you quickly apologize to Yin Zhi!”


Apologize? !

Tushan Leiming suddenly laughed “hahaha”.

Want me to apologize to a wild species?


Absolutely impossible!

It is impossible to apologize if you die!

In the end, the fourth “Ha” didn’t laugh. Yin Zhi slapped him to the ground with a slap. He didn’t use too much force when he hit Tushan·Shangliang before, and he didn’t slap him down. Lei Ming, he worked hard.

This loud “pop” sound was heard by onlookers around them, and they all felt hot on their faces, as if the slap was on their faces.

Yin Zhi grabbed Tushan Leiming’s clothes and dragged him to Naxia like a dog.

“Look, this is the partner of your “Holy Court”.”

“Cooperating with them, you are not ashamed, but I am ashamed.”

After speaking, Yin Zhi dropped Tushan Leiming, slapped his hands, and left.

Tushan Leiming, who was lying on the ground, looked at Yin Zhi’s shadow, and a blood-spattered roar broke out in his mouth: “I want to die with you–hahahaha!”

At this moment, Tushan Leiming really wanted to die!

Face, dignity, personality, reputation… Life is alive, everything except life is lost!

There are only two roads before him!

Or, slaughter in the ridicule of others.

Either…death vigorously!

He chose to die vigorously!

In an instant, a devastating might erupted from his body, thunder and lightning raged all over his body, causing almost everyone present to tremble at him.

Everyone realizes that he is ready to use incredible skills.

They guessed it was right, Tushan Leiming wanted to use the strongest skill of the “Thunder Swordsman”, “Destroying the World Thunder Tribulation”!

Since it is displayed using the “power of faith”, this skill is a “divine skill”!

How strong is “World Destruction Thunder Tribulation”?

In layman’s terms, it means “exchanging the limit for one”-after using this skill, its terrifying power is enough to kill almost all enemies, but at the same time, the personal account of the caster will be permanently deleted, and it will no longer be possible to log in to the “Mythical World”. .

If you use the analogy from the perspective of the real world, it is the complete physical death and the dispersal of souls!

It’s a pity that this “World Destruction Thunder Tribulation” is not an instant skill, and its “foreplay” is a little bit long.

Yin Zhi didn’t even think about it, he kicked Tushan·Leiming out with one kick, and fell into the “cloud sea” like Tushan·Shangliang.

“Do not–”

An unwilling, sorrowful roar came from the sea of ​​clouds, followed by a terrifying thunder from the sky, and smashed into the “sea of ​​clouds”.

In the blink of an eye, the sea of ​​clouds was blown out of a big hole, and thunder and lightning raged like a mad snake, flooding the world.

Everyone secretly said: “If that thunder strikes me, I am afraid it will be offline now…”

At this time, there were still a few “Tushan people” in the crowd, but they had already withdrawn into the crowd with their tails tucked in. They were afraid of being discovered by Yin Zhi, and their hearts were also cold.

“The obnoxious guy finally got rid of it.”

“Huh, what are you all looking at me doing?”

“Do I have flowers on my face? Or am I too handsome?”

Hearing Yin Zhi’s words, everyone was speechless for a while-this guy is mostly a lunatic.

Well, those who behave inconsistent with their three views are all lunatics!

After solving the two obstacles, Yin Zhi went back to barbecue.

Yaya silently accompanied…


A voice rang in everyone’s minds, saying: “The battle of the gods has officially begun! The rules are as follows…”

The so-called “rule” is that the last person to stand on the “Altar of Conferred God” is the “God King”, and then five “Gods” are selected in sequence according to the time sequence, and they are formed together with the “God King”. “Six new god systems” dominate the entire “mythical world”!

When the voice finished speaking, there was a loud bell ringing, and the world shook!


The entire “Mount Tai summit” fell into a dead silence.

This is the rule?

Isn’t this just letting everyone kill indiscriminately?

What is the difference between “Yang Gu”?

For a while, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one spoke, let alone did it.

But at this moment!

“Cough cough cough!”

The cough suddenly sounded. Everyone looked over and saw that Yin Zhi didn’t know when he was standing on the “Fengshen Altar”.

“All come and kill me! Because of the throne of the’God King’, I’m seated!”

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