Chapter 976 Are you alone? Not enough to fight alone! How many more?

“what did he say?”

“Is that guy crazy?”

“Crazy? You are afraid that you don’t know him. Just those things he did, hehe, whoever says he is not a madman, then he is a madman!”

“It’s so arrogant! To put in one’s eyes!”

Yin Zhi’s words naturally evoked buzzing comments.

In response, he scratched his head impatiently.

“Hey Hey hey!”

“It’s almost done.”

“Time is precious, hurry up, numb!”

“Kill me, you will be qualified to compete for the position of’God King’, have you heard clearly?”

As soon as his words fell, one of them shouted: “Then let me meet you! See why you are talking big!”

A man who looked rough and strong yelled and jumped onto the “Fengshen Altar”, banging his fist against Yin Zhi!

But seeing, that fist suddenly burst out of scarlet-like blood, and wherever it passed, there was a long training, like a river of blood-this is his “divine skill”, the river of blood. Magic fist!

Anyone who hears this name will not think “Blood River Demon Fist” is a good thing.

In fact, it is really not a good product!

Tossing out an evil religion to absorb the “power of faith” gained by some people who have smashed into the hell and heinous sinners as believers, what good stuff can it produce?

Anyone who died under the “Blood River Demon Fist” was drained of blood and became a corpse in one fell swoop, which is not miserable!

Yin Zhi was not polite to the blow that came in the face, and raised his fist to greet him.

Boom! ! ! !

The two fists collided, and the bloody mist sputtered like lava from a volcano, making a loud noise.

Yin Zhi was immediately backed up a few steps.

This scene fell in the eyes of other people, and they said with disdain: “I want to be a’king of God’ with this ability? You can only bully and bully a few weak forces.”

The so-called “weak force” is naturally Tushan·Leiming and Tushan·Shangliang brothers.


Although the strong man who used the “Blood River Demon Fist” took a few steps back, he still laughed “hahaha”.

Because he also felt that the guy in front of him who could only clamor had nothing to do with him at all!

“Try my second punch again!”

“This time, you can go to death!”

After all, his two fists blasted past Yin Zhi.

This time the smell of blood is even stronger!

“Didi! You got 100 million kill intent from the target, please check!”


Yin Zhi smiled satisfied after listening to the guy’s words and the prompt of the “death-finding system”.

Yes, that’s right, it’s one hundred million!

This is the impact and result after the start of the “final mission”!

Compared with the past, the strength of everyone present has not only increased by a hundred or a thousand times?

Even ten thousand times!

Yin Zhi yelled “Ha” and said, “Fly, you!”

He flew a kick and kicked on the guy’s arm-a scene that made everyone stare at him, the rough and burly man was kicked out of the sky and fell into the “Altar of Conferred God”.

That guy also resisted the beating. He instantly stood up and was about to attack again, but he didn’t expect that his body had smoked — no, it was not his body that had smoked, but his body had scattered. Become smoke!

“what happened?”

“What exactly is going on?”

The man yelled loudly.

But before he got the answer, a piece of smoke completely dissipated from his body, and the smoke disappeared completely.

at the same time!

A bloody light flashed away, but it shot into Yin Zhi’s body…

Everyone who saw this scene also made a lot of discussions.

Someone put forward a hypothesis that everyone basically agrees: “Could it be because he was knocked out of the ring?”

This possibility is undoubtedly very big!

Otherwise, it is simply not enough to explain this weird scene.

Yin Zhi said: “Haha! Who else? Come on! Why, don’t you dare? Don’t dare to participate in the ‘War of Conferred God’!”

His arrogant and arrogant scene completely annoyed some people.

“Destroy him!”

“Go together!”

“Too arrogant, who do you think you are?!”

In an instant, five people yelled and shot out from the crowd, with visions in each body, and they were obviously performing their own “magic skills.”

At this time, Yin Zhi naturally gained a lot of “killing intent”, and every “didi” prompt, the unit behind is “100 million”!

He didn’t even think about it, so he converted all these “killing values” into “attribute points” – now, Yin Zhijia has the required “attribute points”, the price is one billion high!


It seems a bit exaggerated.

But for Yin Zhi, it is not an exaggeration at all.

Who made his current “attribute average” breakthrough 900?

As you become stronger, the cost of adding points will of course also increase, which has always been the case!




With this punch and that kick, Yin Zhi kicked the six rushing people out of the “Fengshen Altar”, and every one of them disappeared in smoke.

Six lights of different colors shot into his body again…

“Strange, what are those lights?”

“I don’t feel my own strength has increased.”

Yin Zhi whispered in his heart.

He thought those streamers were the strength of the defeated person, and then they shot into the body of the winner himself, enhancing his own strength, but the result did not seem to be the case.

Because Yin Zhi didn’t feel that his own strength had increased at all, except for adding some points to himself.

what happened?

Yin Zhi curled his lips if he couldn’t figure it out or guess.

never mind!

who cares!

Yin Zhi, who let go, laughed “hahaha”, then condescendingly pointed at the bottom, and made another “come here” gesture without saying a word.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely arrogant performance, and he hasn’t put other people to put in one’s eyes at all.

At this time, more people are annoying…

“No one is allowed to move!”

“Let me meet him!”

It was the third largest guild “Wolf Race” who was talking about killing the wolf-he has the only hidden profession, the blood-sucking werewolf!

As he stepped onto the “Shen Shen Altar” step by step, his whole person turned into a furry and weird creature of half man and half wolf!

The long and sharp claws touched the ground, and sparks spattered.

A bloodthirsty, crazy and terrifying aura, as he stepped up the “distraction altar” step by step, and steadily climbed, causing everyone present to mumble secretly, “It’s worthy of killing the wolf!”

It was Naxia, frowning slightly-that slaying wolf, instinctively told her not to be underestimated.

As for Yin Zhi?

He was standing there, how could there be any momentum? He is clearly an ordinary person!

At this time, Nasha didn’t take him seriously anymore.

Yin Zhi curled his lips and said, “You are the only one? You are not enough to fight! How about more?”

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