Chapter 982 So, the most powerful god that all people believe in is the biggest trash can!

I don’t know how long it took…

Yin Zhi opened his eyes suddenly, and the eyes were white.

He stood up and looked left and right, his brows were already frowning tightly.

Where is this place?

I was not…

Thinking of what happened before losing consciousness, Yin Zhi’s face changed slightly-I was killed by the “Wisdom Lord”? !

What’s up?

Since I was killed, why am I still alive?

“You must be curious, why are you still alive, obviously you have been killed by me, right?”

A voice suddenly rang, and at the same time a white light person also appeared in front of Yin Zhi.

Who is it if it isn’t the “Holy Wit”?


Yin Zhi was naturally unhappy in his heart, but he stood up and saluted respectfully: “Senior!”

The “Wisdom Lord” obviously doesn’t care whether Yin Zhi is happy or unhappy. He said: “Actually, the’Chicken World’ is also a virtual world. You know this. So even if you die in the’Chicken World’, you It won’t really be Death either.”

Yin Zhidao: “Since this is the case, Junior doesn’t understand why it is necessary to do so.”

“The Wit Lord” said: “This is an experiment!”


What test?

This question just came up in Yin Zhi’s mind, and the “Wisdom Lord” asked him to answer: “An experiment to deal with the’three plagues, nine disasters and the world’s great calamity’! ‘, you should be familiar with it?”

Yin Zhidao: “Yes, I have heard of…”

“The Wisdom Lord” said: “In the’Mythical World’, those who participated in the’War of Conferred Gods’ gained greater strength through the belief of the people. But all the people have the desire that they can’t ask for, they are subject to various disasters, and They have to do all kinds of evil, so their faith is not pure, which is mixed with a lot of distracting thoughts, and even negative emotions. The faith of all peoples in God, is it not God as a trash can, and their own hearts The rubbish is dumped in.”

God, is the trash can of all people? !

This view… This is the first time Yin Zhi has heard it. It is very fresh. If you think about it, there is still some truth to it?

“Therefore, the most powerful god that all people believe in is the largest trash can. And this trash can will break the’entropy balance’ in the world! The imbalance of the’entropy value’ will cause the’three disasters and nine disasters to destroy the world.’ The catastrophe caused the world’s demise! I first built the “chicken world” and then the “mythical world” to test whether the “entropy value” can be restored to balance if the trash can is eliminated.”

After hearing this, Yin Zhi finally understood it!

What “mythical mission”…

What the “War of Conferred Gods”!

All in all, the “Extreme Sovereign” is building a “large trash can” and then disposing of this “trash can”, so that it seems that the world will be peaceful.

Yin Zhi asked, “So… Has the senior succeeded?”

“The Wisdom Lord” said: “From a numerical point of view, it was successful! However, in the real world, we cannot simply use formulas and numerical calculations. Therefore, a further experiment is needed.”

Hearing this, Yin Zhi stunned in his heart, and said in secret, “Tell me about this. Isn’t it about asking me to do an experiment for you?”

“Venerable Wit” said: “You should have guessed why I want to tell you this?”

Yin Zhi: “…”

“Wisdom Lord” said: “Now, you can tell the purpose of your coming to me. This opportunity for dialogue is your own ability to win.”

Yin Zhi secretly said: “Is this to negotiate terms with me? Nana’s, as expected, nothing in this world is free.”

I was murmured in my heart, but he said: “Excuse me, senior, how much do you know about the Holy Lord of the “Holy Court”?”

The white light that formed the “Witty Sage” shook visibly, and then said: “He is an existence that combines all the advantages of the world and all the shortcomings of the world!”

What the hell?

Combine all the advantages and disadvantages of the world?

Is there such a person in the world?

Well, he is not a human, but he is a “sage”!

Yin Zhi doesn’t care what kind of person the “Holy Lord” is, he only cares about how to kill him!

“Senior had a big fight with him. How do you think he is?”

“Wisdom Lord” said: “The world is invincible!”


Such an answer was expected by Yin Zhi, but when he really heard it, he had a different feeling in his heart: “If I want to kill him… what should I do?”

“The Wisdom Lord” said: “You don’t have to do anything. Because you can’t kill him at all. Nothing in the world can kill him. Even me can’t do it.”

Yin Zhi asked unwillingly: “Does he have any weaknesses?”

“The Wisdom Lord” said: “No.”

After working for so long, he got such an answer. Yin Zhi was obviously not satisfied. He said, “Senior, you have played against him. No one in the world knows him better than you. If there is even the slightest chance, please tell me. I.”

“The Wit Lord”: “…”

Seeing the silence of “Supreme Sovereign”, Yin Zhi immediately brightened his eyes and said: “I would also like to ask senior for his advice. If senior is useful to me, I am obliged to go through water and fire!”

Yin Zhixin said, “I don’t believe you don’t want him to die!”

“Wisdom Lord” said: “Three plagues and nine disasters, the world is destroyed!”

Yin Zhi: “???”

“If you can use the’Three Plagues, Nine Plagues, and the Great Tribulation of the World’, you may be able to kill him-this is the little opportunity you want.”


“That force can also destroy the’Endless Sea of ​​Universe.'”

“If you really want to kill him that much, I will give you a theoretically feasible solution: control the power of the’Three Nine Destructions’, create a world like the’Endless Sea of ​​Universe’, and then lure the’Holy Lord’ In the past, destroy it!”


It’s really a way!

Question… I must be able to do it!

Control the power of “Three Nine Destroy the World”?

Create a world similar to the “Endless Sea of ​​Universe”?

At last, lure “Holy Lord” into it and destroy it?


Difficult, difficult, difficult!

Don’t talk about it. Just thinking about it makes Yin Zhi’s head hurt.

“Yin Zhi, Yin Zhi, you are really good! You just provoke the existence of the ‘Holy Lord’!”

Frankly speaking, for the first time, Yin Zhi had the thought of regretting offending someone…

Yin Zhi asked: “Then…how can we control the power of’Three Nine Destructions’?”

The answer: I don’t know!

Yin Zhi asked him how to create a world similar to the “Endless Sea of ​​Universe”.

“The Lord of Wisdom” told him two words: sanctification!

As for how to lure the “Holy Lord”, “The Wit Lord” still answers three words: I don’t know!

I don’t know two of the three questions, and Yin Zhi has lost his temper.

After that, he asked: “Senior, I have another thing I want to ask you. Is there a ‘Qingqiu Clan’ who has come to the ‘Chicken World’?”

“Wisdom Lord” said: “Yes!”

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