Chapter 983: Coming to the “Chicken World”! I became an all-knowing and almighty God!

Hearing this, Yin Zhi’s heart shook abruptly!

Yin Zhi asked, “Then is she in’Chicken World’ now?”

“Venerable Wit” said: “Not here anymore. She already left a year ago.”

Is there a mistake?

Left again?

Leaving a year ago!

How do you feel always a step slower?

Yin Zhi’s mood was like a roller coaster going up and down, which was a bit annoying.

After calming down for a while, he asked, “Senior, what did she come to’Chicken World’ for?”

“The Wit Lord” said: “She hoped that I could release the Tushan Clan. But I refused. After that, she took a map from a high priest of the Tushan Clan. That map. , I went to the hometown of the Tushan Clan in the endless Zhouhai. She needs something that the Tushan Clan has inherited from generation to generation.”

Yin Zhi said, “What kind of map is that?”

“Wisdom Lord” said: “Don’t be too lazy. If you want to know, you can ask the ‘Tushan Clan’ yourself.”

Yin Zhi: “…”

He scratched his head and smiled bitterly: “The Tushan Clan has already been offended before. They may not cooperate in this way. Unless… they can be freed.”

“Wisdom Lord” said: “No. The’Tushan Clan’ has done something unforgivable. I said that if you want to imprison them forever, you must imprison them forever.”

Yin Zhi said, “Can you give me a few places and allow them to regain their freedom.”

“Venerable Wit” said: “Yes. Then, it’s time to talk about what I want you to do.”

Yin Zhi said: “Senior, please say.”

As soon as the “Wisdom Lord” raised his hand, a holographic three-dimensional sand table appeared on his palm. It was a continent, square and square, and he knew at first sight that it was not a natural formation of a large continent!

“This is a testing ground I once set up.”

“There are two races there. One is the human race and the other is the Zerg. They are all brand new species I created.”

“Whether it is a human race or a Zerg race, they all have one characteristic, that is, they can establish a’spiritual link’-just like the master and the god!”

“Now, Human Race has been controlled by the’Holy Court’…”

“You can choose one of the two, you can choose the human race, or you can choose the zerg, but you have only one thing to do: control one of the races and completely eliminate the other!”

Yin Zhi asked: “This is also an experiment to verify your theory?”

“Witty Sage” said: “That’s right! This time is a partial experiment in the real world. If it succeeds, it can be promoted in the entire “Endless Sea of ​​Universe”! At that time, you can indefinitely postpone the “Three Plagues and Nine Dilemmas” s arrival!”

Yin Zhi pondered to himself. Looking at what Sage did, he seemed to be trying his best to fight against the “three disasters and nine disasters”… Is it really that scary?

Yin Zhi couldn’t understand.

Of course he can’t understand, how many years did he live?

How can a healthy and young person understand an old man’s fear of death and the end of life?

Sage, in theory, has an endless life span.

The only thing in the world that can threaten them is the “three plagues and nine disasters to destroy the world”!

This thing destroys the whole world.

No matter how great Sage is, without a world to live in, he will definitely die.

The longer the person lives, the less he wants to die.

What about Sage?

Even if some Sage can really see through life and death, how many?

Most Sages don’t want to die!

Therefore, the “Ancient Sages” merged with all worlds and created the “Endless Sea of ​​Universe”. Later, in order to prevent the “Endless Sea of ​​Universe” from being destroyed by the “Three Nine Tribulations”, they ran away and even beat each other to create “Yu Ling Civilization”…

At this time, “Witty Sage” is ready to move his experiment to the real world, and naturally needs a “agent” like Yin Zhi!

Yin Zhi said, “I’m afraid that ‘Holy Lord’ will not agree.”

“Witty Sage” said: “He will promise…”

Yin Zhi said: “Okay, I will do it! Then, please trouble the senior to send me to the’Chicken World’. I’m going to meet some people. By the way, it is best to give me some strength. I don’t want to go to the’Chicken World’. The world’s “beaten up” is not a success.”

“Witty Sage” gave Yin Zhi a transparent azure crystal and said, “Remember to wear this when you go to’Testing Ground No. One’. It is your stand-in and will collect the’power of faith’ from others.”


After a strange feeling like a dream, Yin Zhi opened his eyes.

I found myself standing in the middle of a busy traffic!

Strangely, Yin Zhi saw that the vehicles in front of him were all without wheels, all floating in the air.

Long dragons composed of cars are intertwined at high and low altitudes in an orderly manner.

This scene is obviously only seen in “sci-fi movies”.

A car happened to fly by over his head, and the strong wind it brought up messed up Yin Zhi’s hairstyle.

Yin Zhi took a closer look, but still couldn’t feel that he was in a virtual world-awesome!

So next…

Yin Zhi thought, he knew where Tushan Yaya was, and he appeared next to her in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Yaya was lying on a hospital bed, fluid infusion and oxygen inhaled, and her electrocardiogram was still displayed on the screen on the side.

Yin Zhi knew that Yaya had become a vegetable under the influence of “Holy Light Purification”…

Originally he didn’t know, but now, as long as he is in the “chicken world”, as long as he wants to know, he can know!


Because he has obtained the authority of “Chicken World” second only to “Wisdom Lord”-in other words, he is omniscient and omnipotent in “Chicken World”!

Just in time.

The door of the ward was pushed open.

Even if he didn’t turn around to look, Yin Zhi knew that Lu Zhan was here.

Lu Zhan excitedly said: “Who are you?!”

He knows exactly how crazy Ya Ya’s beauty is.

So there are female bodyguards watching this ward, except for herself, no one of the opposite sex can come in, not even a doctor!

Yin Zhi turned his head and said with a smile: “Brother Lu, don’t come here unharmed.”

Lu Zhan recognized Yin Zhi, he was relieved, and said, “It’s you. I was shocked. I almost called someone just now.” Following him, he noticed the problem, “Hey, it’s not right, how did you get in? Yes? There is a bodyguard arranged by me outside the ward.”

Yin Zhi smiled and said: “As long as I want to go, there is no way I can’t go. Don’t talk about this, thank you Brother Lu, thanks to you for taking care of Yaya.”

Lu Zhan said: “Hey, what thanks? Me and her are good buddies.”

Yin Zhi said, “I will take her away now.”

Lu Zhan was startled and said: “Now? But she has become a vegetable now…”

Yin Zhi smiled, walked to Ya Ya’s side, stretched out his hand and brushed her face, Ya Ya’s closed eyes moved, and then quietly opened his eyes.

Lu Zhan was shocked: “This…”

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