Drawing Cards With My Lifespan: Starting By Gamifying Reality

Chapter 168: Who gave you the guts to sabotage my plan? !

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The night is like thick ink, and the stars are like boiling.

The vast Gray Wolf Mountain is like a giant beast crawling on the ground.

And on the back of this giant beast.

Explosions could be heard from time to time inside the mane woven from the dense jungle.

Accompanied by these sounds, groups of mirages with strange shapes exploded one after another.

Turn into rancid pus, or dark dry bones.

Su Mo put away the Qiankun seal, looked at a passage that was pierced again, and led the way full of excitement:

"Let's move on."

Xu Changfeng looked at the corpses around him, and said speechlessly:

"Is it necessary for us to walk on the ground? Isn't it faster to walk in the air?"

"Xu Zhenshou's words are wrong!"

While absorbing the life value, Su Mo replied righteously:

"Although it is obviously faster to travel from the air.

But most of us are wounded, or our strength has not recovered.

Raiding in the air is extremely vulnerable to sneak attacks from the ground.

In addition, the air is not completely free of enemies.

Flying mirages like blood vultures are also very troublesome if there are too many.

It would be better to kill a way on the ground.

You can also take this opportunity to continuously restore your physical strength and energy. "

"But killing mirages along the way won't it also consume source power and affect recovery?"

Zhou Mengtian asked in confusion.

"Don't worry, the Qiankun Seal has absorbed enough origin stones not long ago.

I can call it now with minimal effort.

There is me opening the way ahead, everyone just rest assured to recover. "

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other quite a bit.

To be honest, they didn't intend to take advantage of Su Mo at all.

However, since just now, this kid has been fighting all the way, almost never resting.

The result is still alive and well.

So much so that they all doubted whether the Qiankun Seal had the function of restoring energy.

"Even if we don't kill these mirages, they will still be wiped out when the God Extinguishing Cannon is activated.

You don't need to waste time on them. "

Liu Qinghua added.

Su Mo was a little puzzled when he heard this:

"By the way, what happened to the God Extinguishing Cannon?"

"I'm afraid no one knows this better than us."

Liu Zhou replied with a smile:

"Speaking of the God Extinguishing Cannon, we have to start with the invading mirage.

In the past, when the Bloody Battlefield and the borderland appeared, a large number of mirages broke into the human world.

At that time, we hadn't developed any better equipment.

Only conventional weapons can be used against them.

For example, guns, or even missiles.

Although low-level mirages can't compete with these weapons at all.

Including high-level mirages, they can't hold a few missiles, and can only rely on strong mobility to avoid them.

But after slaughtering a large number of mirages, an extremely obvious problem remained.

That is pollution.

Pollution exists in every mirage.

Traditional weapons have no way to remove these pollutions.

If there are only one or two or a dozen mirages.

It won't take long for the remaining pollution to completely dissipate.

But tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

So much pollution coming together.

It will cause that piece of land to be completely reduced to a wasteland area.

Once any creature breaks in, it will either die or be alienated on the spot.

The best we can do is keep humans out of there.

But the birds in the sky and the reptiles in the ground cannot be prohibited.

And after these creatures are alienated, they will bring pollution to other places.

It will even cause more human deaths and affect the stability of the city.

Therefore, the formation of such waste soil should be avoided as much as possible.

In addition, as the two worlds get closer, space activities will become more and more intense.

There may be a large number of mirages at any time

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The scene of entering the world through the crack.

If such wasteland is continuously produced through conventional weapons.

The territory we humans live in will only become narrower and narrower.

In the end, without the invasion of foreign enemies, this world has been destroyed by our own hands.

Therefore, after realizing the problem, the society immediately gathered elites from all sides and began to develop targeted weapons.

The God Extinguishing Cannon is one of them.

It can also be regarded as one of the weapons at the bottom of the military box.

This thing can burst out a very strong spiritual attack after it is activated.

Mid- and low-level mirages are basically unable to withstand a round.

For it attacks the most polluted spirits.

Relying on the extremely huge energy, it is evaporated in an instant.

In this way, even if only the corpse is left behind, the impact on the surrounding environment will be relatively light.

However, the Extinguishing Cannon has a very obvious flaw.

That is, the charging time is longer.

Generally, it will be used after the frontline battle situation stabilizes.

I heard that the research institute is designing an improved version recently.

It can further shorten the charging time.

Perhaps in the not-too-distant future, the Mie Shen Cannon will become a conventional weapon. "

After listening to Liu Zhou's explanation, Su Mo immediately had a clear enough understanding of Mie Shen Cannon.

At this time, Xu Changfeng suddenly raised his eyes to look to the south, and said in a low voice:


Suddenly, in the southern night sky, a beam of light suddenly lit up.

After the beam of light pierced through the sky, it drew an arc and immediately fell towards this side.

And when it was about to fall, it exploded instantly like fireworks.

Endless dots of light fell like raindrops.

densely packed, uncountable.

These raindrops covered every dense forest, every inch of rock, and every space in Gray Wolf Mountain.

The noise between the mountains and the wild and all kinds of strange calls disappeared instantly, as if the pause button was pressed.

The mirages surging like tides all over the mountains and plains were all frozen at this moment.

Their faces still have the expressions from a second ago, either fierce, or manic, or greedy, or fierce...

All kinds of expressions were frozen at this moment.

It's like these mirages are all clay puppets.

Accompanied by the hollow sound of "哗啦啦".

Many mirages fell down like felled wheat.

Whether it was a one-horned python as thick as a bucket or a four-winged lion as big as a truck, they all fell to the ground.

The world instantly became clear.

The vast Gray Wolf Mountain returned to an unprecedented silence.

But this silence was quickly broken by the light rain that hit one after another.

A total of five rounds of light rain fell.

Thoroughly wash away all the dirt in the forest.

But there are still very few remaining in the field.

Southeast of Gray Wolf Mountain.

The two figures suddenly separated.

Bai Wuyuan's clothes were torn and his body was covered in blood.

Even the neat white hair was oozing with blood at the moment.

He looked at the five-meter-long Demon Claw Crocodile King not far away, and there was no sign of shrinking or fear in his pure white eyes, but was full of high spirits instead.

The Demon Claw King Crocodile glanced at the rapidly growing and recovering left forelimb, and his voice was as deep as a grinding stone:

"Now I can finally understand why the queen bee is folded in your hand.

In fact, if I hadn't swallowed a strange fruit before and possessed extremely strong mental resistance, I might have suffered under your hands this time.

After all, most of us monsters are better than you physically, but we are weaker than you in terms of spirit.

It doesn't matter against the regular 8th level, but against an enemy like you who is good at creating illusions, it will be a headache.

The longer I fight with you, the harder it is to separate reality from fantasy.

It is indeed their luck that this city has a strong man like you.

But such luck should end here. "

As he said that, the Demon Claw Crocodile King looked down at the countless mirages on the ground.

see thousands

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The body of the mirage that fell under the Mie Shen Cannon shriveled up quickly.

The endless flesh and blood energy, as if attracted by some kind of attraction, frantically gathered towards the central area of ​​Gray Wolf Mountain.

Seeing this scene, Bai Wuyuan instantly changed his color:

"This is...flesh sacrifice?!"

In the next second, he suddenly rushed forward.

The Devil's Claw Crocodile blocked his way like lightning:

"I can't let you go now."

"Go away!"

Bai Wuyuan shot out in a rage.

The Devil Claw Crocodile King laughed and took it.

The laughter was like thunder, and the sound shook the sky.

North of Gray Wolf Mountain.

Thousands of chains are woven into a web.

And in the very center of this net.

It is the Chiyan Lizard King who ranks third in Yanshan.

However, at this moment, the flames all over his body were close to being extinguished.

His body, which was countless times harder than fine steel, was firmly bound by thousands of chains.

Even the chains strangled into his body and broke the bones of the magic weapon.

Looking not far away, Jiang Qu with a crazy expression after lifting the blindfold.

The Scarlet Flame Lizard King laughed hoarsely and said:

"So what if you can kill me.

Your own pollution is almost out of control, isn't it?

According to this degree of alienation.

Maybe within a few months, you will become a monster more terrifying than us mirages.

At that time, combined with your extremely terrifying strength, perhaps the disaster caused by you alone will far exceed our invasion this time.

To be honest, I am looking forward to that day, and the scene where you can kill each other. "

"But anyway, that's not something you can see."

Jiang Qu put down the blindfold to cover the scarlet Tong Kong.

With a slight pull of her right hand, the countless chains were tightened again, completely submerging the Scarlet Flame Lizard King.

Then I heard a crazy voice coming from the huge hammer again:

"Even if I die here, it's not a bad thing for the overall situation.

Now that the flesh and blood sacrifice has started, it is time to need the essence of flesh and blood.

If you add my body, the cracks will be opened faster, and His Majesty the Tiger Emperor will be ushered in.

Let the hundreds of millions of lives in this city accompany me! Hahahahaha! "

Amid Zhang Yang's loud laughter, the chains spread out uncontrollably.

But the Scarlet Flame Lizard King blew himself up on the spot!

The terrifying power not only completely shattered a nearby hill.

Even she herself overturned hundreds of meters.

And after stabilizing in the air.

With an ugly face, Jiang Qu found out that the surging flesh and blood energy merged with the terrifying energy of the endless mirage below, forming a scarlet air flow visible to the naked eye, converging towards the central area of ​​Huilang Mountain.

Jiang Qu waved his hand violently.

A bell-shaped magic weapon immediately appeared in front of her, covering countless essences, and then solidified into blood pills of various colors.

Although the speed of condensing Qi into Dan is very fast.

But compared with the transmission speed of essence, it is far from enough.

Even if there are a hundred more, it will not be able to stop the spread of essence.

Not to mention that she only has one now.

For the present plan, the only way is to start from the cracks and completely destroy the root of absorbing essence.

With this in mind, Jiang Qu rushed towards the central area of ​​Gray Wolf Mountain like lightning.

Central area of ​​Gray Wolf Mountain.

A large area originally filled with light gray air currents.

At this moment, it was covered with a faint layer of scarlet.

The scarlet was stained with countless ideas.

Behind each path was once a mirage.

Some of them are even very familiar to King Caiyu Butterfly.

Although most of the low-level mirages are not very smart because of the pollution problem.

Extremely extreme personality, or only know how to eat and kill.

But after growing to level 4, more or less will have

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Have a clearer consciousness.

She has attempted to raise some of these elite mirages in the past.

She even selected several major tribes as her subordinates and successors.

But in this grand sacrifice tonight.

The mirages she valued in the past have all turned into nourishment for cracks.

It didn't have to be like this.

As long as the main channel can be successfully opened.

As long as the Four Elephant Royal Air Formation can play its due role.

They don't have to go this far at all.

But everything is independent of their will.

The main channel was destroyed.

There is also a problem with the Four Elephant Royal Air Formation.

Now they can't find any other way except blood sacrifice.

Follow the original plan.

The kings will lead the monster groups to attack the mask of the outside world.

This process is bound to not be smooth sailing.

There will inevitably be a large number of mirages who died tragically.

And these mirages that died in battle can just be used as sacrificial offerings to help open the cracks.

The plan can be said to be quite perfect.

But no one thought that the Shuguang Society would use such a terrifying weapon.

As a result, all the middle and low-level mirages on the field were instantly wiped out.

The loss this time can be said to be extremely heavy.

Even Caiyu Butterfly King felt his heart bleed.

After all, it included all the subordinates she brought this time.

If you want to cultivate it again, it is destined to take a long time.

The only good thing is.

There is so much flesh and blood energy as a supply.

The crack will surely expand to quasi-saint level in the shortest possible time.

His Majesty the Tiger Emperor will definitely be able to descend to this world successfully.

Iroba Butterfly King looked at the **** light clusters gradually gathering in the air.

A monstrous savagery appeared in the beautiful eyes.

Millions of mirages died here.

Millions of lonely souls wander back to the lonely mountain.

There must be billions of human races as the price.

Let them know what blood debt is!

Endless flesh and blood spirits are used from all directions.

Soon, the huge **** light cluster in the air began to solidify.

A large amount of impurities overflowed from it, and the light cluster became more and more pure.

Under the influence of the **** light group, the cracks that had been stagnant before began to continue to expand.

Every minute and every second, the channel continues to grow bigger.

Seeing that the blood-colored light ball has been condensed and clear like a blood-colored crystal ball.

Caiyu Butterfly King heaved a sigh of relief.

Next, just put this Vientiane blood crystal into the channel and detonate it.

The cracks will expand rapidly under the impetus of essence.

There are Vientiane blood crystals of such quantity and purity as explosives.

Maybe it can blow up a permanent passage.

The corners of Caiyu Butterfly King's mouth curled up slightly, carrying a smoldering look.

She waved her white right hand.

In the next second, the **** crystal ball was seen flying towards the crack not far away.

Seeing that it was about to reach the crack.

A golden seal suddenly appeared in front of it.

Immediately afterwards, in Iroyu Butterfly King's extremely astonished eyes.

Jin Yin hit the crystal ball on the spot.

At this moment, time seemed to stop flowing.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a crisp cracking sound in the air.

A crack appeared on the surface of the Vientiane crystal ball, and then the crack spread rapidly in all directions.

When the whole body was covered with cracks, the crystal clear blood-colored crystal ball instantly shattered.

It turned into thousands of flesh and blood spirits again, rushing in all directions like a wave.

Seeing this scene, Caiyu Butterfly King was struck by lightning.

She stared at the figure behind Jin Yin, suddenly furious to the extreme:

"Who gave you the courage to destroy my plan?!"

As the voice fell, her slender right hand moved forward like lightning.

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Su Mo wanted to teleport away, but the surrounding void was blocked.

Even the teleportation function carried by the sacred weapon cannot be used at all.

He mobilized the massive life value he had just absorbed, and tried his best to activate the Qiankun Seal.

The surface of the Qiankun Seal suddenly bloomed with a bright golden light, and rushed out to meet the slender hand on the spot.

In an instant, they fought thousands of times like phantoms.

If it weren't for the endless vitality all around.

There are massive lifespan values ​​available for intake at any time.

The consumption of the Qiankun Seal alone is enough to kill him in an instant.

Su Mo felt like a repeater.

The majestic life value passed through his body without staying for a second, and was immediately drawn away by the Qiankun Seal.

After being taken away, Qiankunyin completely followed Qi Ling's instinct and kept fighting with the gorgeous but vicious colorful feather butterfly king.

Only ten seconds passed.

The Qiankun seal suddenly flew out, and Su Mo was thrown back dozens of meters.

Even with the aura of body protection and the protection of two high-level defensive instruments.

His chest was broken by the instant impact.

Su Mo used the healing technique and the light of life, and the broken bones quickly recovered.

He raised his eyes to the colorful feather butterfly king not far away.

I saw her slender hands, like a lake of flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood that exuded crystal luster quickly recovered completely, becoming white, slender, and perfect again.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo couldn't help but shrink slightly.

He clearly noticed that the colorful feather butterfly king was much stronger than the previous spirit lock scorpion king.

With the infinite vitality around him as his background, he mobilized the sacred weapon with far more source power than before.

But even so, it was just a lake of flesh and blood that smashed her hands.

In terms of injuries, it wasn't even as serious as the Spirit Locking Scorpion King back then.

And this is already the limit of what he can do at present.

He can no longer supply more source power.

After all, the speed at which the sacred artifact consumes the source power must be lower than the speed at which he absorbs the life value.

If it was any higher, he would have to die on the spot.

In a flash of thought, Su Mo immediately made a judgment—to run away!

If you don't escape, you will definitely die!

Taking advantage of the interruption of the opponent's offensive, Su Mo immediately activated the holy weapon, preparing to open a passage like before, and teleport away.

However, the passage had just appeared in front of him, and soon a slender fist approached like lightning.

The space channel shattered on the spot and turned into chaos.

"Destroyed the Vientiane crystal ball, now let you become a part of the crystal ball again!"

As the words fell, Iroha Butterfly King's slender left hand suddenly produced endless colors.

After the palm passed by, even the surrounding space seemed to crack open:

"God's Palm!"

The colorful feather butterfly king slapped down, and Su Mo's scalp tightened suddenly.

With this palm, even if there is a holy weapon, he will definitely not be able to stop it!

Before Su Mo could react.

In the next second, his waist tightened, and his whole body seemed to be falling into a cloud, and he couldn't distinguish things for a while.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that he had landed on the other side of the mountain.

At the scene, a short-haired, one-eyed woman was holding an iron chain-shaped magic weapon and fighting against King Caiyu Butterfly.

The two sides have fought countless times in a very short period of time.

Su Mo couldn't see their movements at all.

And after a series of intensive explosions.

The heroic short-haired woman suddenly retreated to his side.

Looking at the seal of heaven and earth in front of Su Mo, Jiang Qu was a little surprised:

"Unexpectedly, the Qiankun Seal would fall into your hands.

But only judging from the previous situation of breaking the crystal ball.

You have never failed Mr. Zhu's trust.

Get to know me, I'm Jiang Qu, the deputy head of the Qingyang Mansion Patrollers. "

"Hello, Captain Jiang, I'm Su Mo, an ordinary level 5 sword master."

"So you are Su Mo? What you have done is not ordinary."

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Jiang Qu said meaningfully.

At this time, the Demon Claw Crocodile King and Hundred-Eyed Spider King had also rushed to the front.

On the other side, Bai Wuyuan and others joined Su Mojiang Qu one after another.

"Is it just you two left? Where's the little bee? Where's the lizard king? Where's the scorpion king?"

Caiyu Butterfly King looked at the two kings and suddenly changed color.

The Demon Claw Crocodile King replied in a deep voice:

"The queen bee was killed by the white-haired one across the way.

The Lizard King and Scorpion King were probably also defeated.

I sensed the aura of Lizard King and Scorpion King from them. "

The moment Caiyu Butterfly King heard the news, he felt as if he had been hit hard, and his face was full of disbelief.

The Demon Claw Crocodile King and the Hundred-Med Spider King also had very ugly expressions on their faces.

Before coming in this time, they were all full of confidence, thinking that the whole city was at their fingertips, and hundreds of millions of blood food were waiting for them to devour.

But in such a short period of time, not only the million mirages brought by them were almost wiped out, but even the three kings who were colleagues also fell here.

No matter how good the imagination was before coming here, the blow will be as big as it is now.

Just when their mood was extremely depressed.

There was a slight movement in the crack not far away.

The inside seemed to be condensed into a whirlpool, and a large amount of flesh and blood energy was poured into it frantically.

So much so that a **** air flow visible to the naked eye formed on the field.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo and others couldn't help but suddenly change color.

In an instant, whether it was Jiang Qu, Bai Wuyuan, or Su Moluosheng and others.

All shot towards the crack vortex.

The three kings immediately stepped forward to block them.

Due to the sudden incident, there are still many attacks breaking through their defense ~www.readwn.com~ falling into the vortex.

Seeing that the vortex was about to be crushed on the spot.

A jade-like arm suddenly protruded from the vortex, easily blocking Bai Wuyuan's attack.

Immediately afterwards, another arm appeared, and with a slap, the holy artifact was thrown out.

Then came the third hand.

fourth hand.

fifth hand.

Until the end, nearly a thousand arms appeared on the field.

Many arms moved to both sides together.

A man with a gentle face like a Buddha stepped out of the whirlpool.

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