Drawing Cards With My Lifespan: Starting By Gamifying Reality

Chapter 169: Is this the arrogance of you spirits of all things?

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The man who walked out of the crack was very tall.

He looked almost three meters or so.

He was wearing a washed and whitish sackcloth.

Stepping on a pair of simply sewn gray cloth shoes.

His face looked very kind.

There is compassion in his eyes for all sentient beings.

At first glance, it looks like an ascetic monk who is dedicated to the Buddha in the temple.

But if you contact him with the arms that are densely packed like tentacles.

But it will only make people feel the extreme fear and trembling.

"Thousand-handed king!"

"Boss Qianshou!"

Seeing this tall man, Caiyu Butterfly King and other mirage kings seemed to have found their backbone.

All of a sudden, they were shocked.

On the opposite side, Jiang Qu, Bai Wuyuan and others looked at this strange Thousand-Handed King, all of them frowning and their expressions were serious.

Su Mo's hairs stood on end, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing.

At this moment, all the cells in his body were warning him of a crisis.

Let him run away, run away.

Because this guy is not an 8th order at all.

He is the 9th order standing on the top of ordinary extraordinary!

The Thousand-Handed King looked around, and his eyes paused for a moment on the Qiankun Seal in Su Mo's hand.

Soon, it turned back to the faces of Caiyu Butterfly King and other mirage kings.

His tone was soft and mellow, with the power to comfort people's hearts, and asked in a gentle voice:

"Why are there only three of you left? What about Chi Yan and the others?"

When Caiyu Butterfly King heard this question, he couldn't help feeling sad:

"They are all dead, it was the group of guys in front who killed them!

Boss Qianshou, you must be the master for everyone! "

Listening to Caiyu Butterfly King's hateful words.

The King of Thousand Hands couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"They're all dead."

He sighed in a low voice, two lines of hot tears suddenly rolled out of his eyes, dripping on the ground.

Then put your hands together, and the countless arms behind you all fold together one by one, just like a Buddha with a solemn treasure.

A deep eulogy slowly spit out from his mouth:

"The demon at the end of his life is in the bardo, his body is small, his sins and fortunes are uncertain, he should cultivate his blessings, and may the **** of the dead make him reborn in the pure land of the ten directions. If he inherits this merit, he will be reborn..."

Seeing this scene, Su Mo and others couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.

Fortunately, they were happy to procrastinate.

The longer it drags on, the more everyone recovers.

Time is on their side.

About two minutes later, the King of Thousand Hands finished reading the eulogy.

He slowly opened thousands of arms, looking towards Su Mo and the others.

For a moment, everyone seemed to feel extremely great pressure.

Then I saw the Thousand Hands King said with compassion on his face:

"My friend died here.

Thousands of people of the same family were buried here.

There are so many tragedies in this world.

It's all because all beings don't know how to live in peace.

You call yourself the Spirit of Creation.

Why don't you understand the importance of peace?

Why do you still try to resist us? "

Hearing this, everyone thought there was something wrong with their ears for a moment.

Jiang Qu, who was wearing a suit and black eyepatch, sneered and said:

"What's the matter, do you want us to raise the pennant and line the streets to welcome the enemy who is robbing the living space?"

"This statement is wrong."

Thousand Hands King said softly:

"As we all know, the world is vast and vast, and it should be inhabited by all creatures, not owned by one family.

Just like you human beings, although you try your best to reject us, don't you also accept creatures such as chickens, dogs, cattle and sheep?

Why is it so specific to us? "

"Why are you targeting you? Don't you know?"

Jiang Qu sneered and said:

"Most of your mirages feed on human blood. How could you say we would let you in?"

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"But don't you humans also feed on chickens, dogs, cattle and sheep?

This is the common sense of nature, is there any problem? "

Thousand Hands King said with a puzzled face:

"We can't just allow you humans to eat other creatures, and don't allow other creatures to eat you, don't you think it's too double standard?

Besides, even if we don't talk about it, in your human world, there are also all kinds of dangerous beasts that will devour you humans, but don't they still live well? "

"But those wild beasts can only harm individuals among us at most, and they won't destroy us."

The King of Thousand Hands shook his head and said:

"I remember there is a saying among you human beings that Heavenly Dao reincarnation is not happy in response.

There are definitely not a few groups of beasts that have been wiped out by you in history.

Even while you and I are talking.

There are certain ethnic groups in this world that are going extinct because of your human activities.

It stands to reason that you all destroyed so many ethnic groups.

Now just let you be destroyed.

Why are you so surprised?

Why are you so angry?

Don't you think this is the greatest fairness in the world? "

Jiang Qu said calmly:

"Maybe that's true for you, but it's meaningless for us.

Any ethnic group will have a natural self-preservation.

Those groups that were extinct did not want to be extinct.

It's because they are not capable enough and adapt enough.

So it was eliminated.

And we humans have enough strength to resist, so why not resist? "

"Resistance takes its toll.

Resistance brings loss.

Defiance leaves unresolved rancor.

These are all avoidable. "

The Thousand-Handed King said with compassion:

"And we are not as greedy as you think.

Just like you humans know how to raise chickens, dogs, cattle and sheep.

We also understand the principles of sustainable development.

Therefore, even if you welcome us in.

In the end, it won't do you much harm.

On the contrary, it will stimulate your ethnic group to develop in a better direction.

Just like the hunting of lions, they often eat old and sick sheep.

This will in turn prevent the flock from being infected by disease, making them more active and vigorous as a whole.

Don't you think this is an excellent means of furthering the evolution of your species? "

"Even without your promotion, we will still usher in self-evolution.

What we need is independence, not external persecution.

It's what I do, not what I'm forced to do.

Do you understand the difference between the two? "

"I don't think the difference between the two is that important.

On the contrary, it will be believed that oppressive evolution can bring about faster development.

If there had never been a demonic robbery in the source world.

Maybe we don't exist at all.

But our appearance has caused unprecedented pressure on you.

From this point of view alone, the independence you speak of is meaningless at all.

Maybe it's time for you to reflect on whether there is something wrong with your own evolutionary methods. "

"I have reflected on this matter."

Jiang Qu nodded and said:

"The result of my reflection is that there are too many mirages in this world.

If you kill them all, there's no problem at all. "

The King of Thousand Hands couldn't help but sighed when he heard this, with deep regret on his face:

"What a pity, I have explained the truth to you as clearly as possible.

But you are still turning a deaf ear and refusing to understand.

Is this the arrogance of the spirit of all things?

It seems that I can only eliminate you, and then find a way to find someone who can understand to talk to me. "

As the voice fell, in an instant, the many arms behind the Thousand Hands King shot out one after another like arrows missing.

at the same time,

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The chains in Jiang Qu's hands also exploded on the spot, disintegrated into thousands of pieces, and rushed towards the many arms.

In the blink of an eye, the densely packed arms were tightly entangled by countless chains in the air.

However, before everyone was relieved, they heard the Thousand Hands King say in a calm tone:

"If I were you, I would never choose to wrestle, because there is no chance of winning."

After the words fell, the many arms quickly grew violently towards the periphery.

No matter how tight the chain is, it cannot be suppressed at all.

Eventually even cracks began to appear here and there in the chain.

This high-level magic weapon of excellent quality was faintly about to crack during the wrestling.

Jiang Qu suddenly changed color.

In the next second, she immediately made a decision:

"Break it!"

The chain magic weapon made of purple jade and black gold combined with many rare materials shattered on the spot.

And at the moment of shattering, the seemingly endless fragments, following Jiang Qu's will, burst towards the head of the Thousand Hands King like a torrent.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the thousands of arms that were advancing at a high speed recover like lightning.

They are intertwined and covered each other, forming an airtight protective ball, which protects his whole body layer by layer.

Many chains shattered and smashed on the arm, and a dense explosion broke out.

The eardrums of the people around seemed to be ruptured on the spot.

Thousand Hands King's arm was quickly withdrawn from his body.

Only the dozens of arms that blocked the outermost side left the most obvious injuries, a lake of smashed flesh and blood.

Among them, the most seriously injured ones were even broken on the spot.

But almost in the blink of an eye, his damaged and broken arms quickly grew and recovered.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but sink slightly in their hearts.

Although they knew that the mirage was strong, they never expected it to be so strong.

Even the self-destruction of a high-level magic weapon can only cause such negligible injuries.

It was really too difficult to kill him.

"Is this attack tickling me?

It seems that after all, I think too highly of you.

With such strength alone, you are not qualified to talk to me at all. "

The thousand-handed king looked indifferent, and many arms clenched into fists to accumulate strength.

Then, many fists, like phantoms, suddenly hit Jiang Qu on the spot.

At this moment, almost a million punches were thrown.

If it were another person, even if it was level 9, they might have been crushed to death on the spot.

But Jiang Qu blocked it.

What she relies on is not her physique after years of exercise.

It was a gold seal with a diameter of two meters in front of him.

As a holder who also has the first-level authority of the Qiankun Seal.

After judging that the opponent cannot rely on conventional means to force the enemy.

She immediately summoned the Qiankun Seal.

Su Mo has no objection to this.

Because he understands better than anyone else that in terms of the current situation, holding the Qiankun Seal in his hands is simply a waste.

Not to mention the ninth-level Thousand Hands King, he can't even beat the eighth-level Caiyu Butterfly King with the Qiankun Seal.

Instead, it is better to hand over the Qiankun Seal to Jiang Qu, who is the strongest on his own side and also holds the authority of the holy artifact.

It may not necessarily be able to establish a victory in one fell swoop.

The King of Thousand Hands looked at the face of the Flesh Mold Lake's fist, and then at the Qiankun Seal, which was not stained with a trace of blood, and said in a low voice:


"Do you think you can defeat me with the holy weapon?"

Accompanied by the voice falling.

Suddenly a vajra appeared in his hand.

Twenty fingers long, nine strands, red copper in appearance.

It is engraved with the most mysterious rune seal.

It is changing all the time.

Just looking at it makes people a little confused.

"Quasi-holy artifact?!"

Everyone was shocked suddenly.

The King of Thousand Hands didn't say anything, he held a vajra on the spot and fought with Jiang Qu.

The Confrontation between the Hallows and the Quasi-Hallows, Tier 9

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Fight against the peak 8th level.

The land near the space crack seemed to have an earthquake.

Even the surrounding void has endless ripples, becoming extremely unstable.

Bai Wuyuan and others retreated to the side one after another, three kilometers away from the central battlefield.

But even so, the aftermath of horror still kept coming.

The vast and frantic source power fluctuations made them unable to see clearly the battle situation on the battlefield.

At this time, the three nearby kings headed by Caiyu Butterfly King all looked this way.

In the next second, they all rushed over.

But it was different than expected.

Bai Wuyuan also rushed forward one after another.

And adopted the means that had already been preset.

Headed by Liu Zhou, the six deputy ministers of the Tianmu Military Department immediately formed a formation.

Everyone shouted in unison:

"Bound soldiers formation!"

In an instant, the colorful feather butterfly king and the devil claw crocodile king rushing forward were all trapped in the center of the formation.

For a while, even moving became very difficult.

But Bai Wuyuan didn't care about them at all.

He made seals with his hands, and his blood-stained eyes stared at the Hundred-Eyed Spider King not far away who looked like a hill, and said coldly:

"A Realm of Void Fog!"

A thin layer of mist suddenly appeared in the field, covering the entire area in an instant, completely submerging the extremely huge Hundred-Eyed Spider King.

The Hundred-Med Spider King struggled violently, but the mist shrank quickly as if consciously, wrapping the Hundred-Middle Spider King layer by layer, as if he had been dressed in several layers of white clothes for no reason.

"Forty seconds!"

Liu Zhou shouted anxiously with the veins showing between his brows.

This is the last time for their six 7th-level players to trap the two kings.

"Splitting Star Sword!"

A ball of sword light suddenly burst out from Xu Changfeng's hand, as if it could cut through the stars, and it struck the fog in an instant.

"Extremely true fantasy!"

Zhou Mengtian coughed up blood, raised his hand and pointed at the fog, and a dreamlike light suddenly fell into it.

"Ten Xuanyu! This is my last stock!"

Li Jun, who had just rushed over, smashed a small cloth bag into it on the spot.

"Sly Demon Insect, let me go!"

Li Ruoxi gave an order, and a strange flying insect the size of a thumb flew into the fog like lightning.

"...Suffering Heavenly Venerable, pervading the ten directions, always using majestic power to rescue all living beings, and get out of the way. All living beings are unconscious, like seeing the sun and the moon blindly. Open the door..."

Su Mo recited "Duer Washes the Nerves" and walked towards the fog.

He exudes a hazy white light from top to bottom, like an artifact made of light.

The terrifying spiritual power radiated around him around him.

Under his mobilization, they concentrated on rushing into the fog.

The sound of many attacks and hits continued to sound from the fog.

Occasionally mixed with the struggle and screams of the Hundred-Eyed Spider King.

And soon, there was a bang.

The fog dissipated instantly.

Eight giant pillars supporting the sky suddenly collapsed.

The Hundred-Eyed Spider King, whose whole body was broken, collapsed and fell.

There seemed to be an extra mountain of meat on the scene.


Liu Zhou, Liu Qinghua and the other six retreated together.

Iroha Butterfly King and Demon Claw Crocodile King rushed out in an instant.

However, he only saw the freshly baked corpse of the Hundred-Eyed Spider King.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!


"I'm going to kill you!


Caiyu Butterfly King's eyes are about to burst.

In a single thought, she completely lost her human form and turned into a colorful butterfly with a wingspan of over five meters.

The feather butterfly's wings exude extremely bright colors.

It seems that the entire void is dyed with a layer of gorgeous background color.

No, not as if.

It's that this piece of color is really infecting in all directions.


Bai Wuyuan waved his hand and immediately took Su Mo, Li Jun and others away.

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Liu Zhou, Xu Changfeng and other seven rank-7s followed closely behind.

Everyone rushed towards the battle group not far away.

Caiyu Butterfly King chased after her as if she had completely lost her mind.

And just as she was about to arrive at the scene.

Bai Wuyuan and the others suddenly stopped in their tracks.

Su Mo smiled coldly at her.

In the next second, a ball of golden light suddenly burst out from the Qiankun seal in the battle, piercing through her chest and abdomen like lightning.

Even the colorful butterfly wings on the left were affected by the golden light, breaking off at the same root.

Caiyu Butterfly King let out a shrill scream, and instantly fell downwards.

And at this moment, Bai Wuyuan suddenly ordered:

"Lock formation!"

In an instant, the surrounding six 7th-orders shot one after another.

Seeing that the formation has just been formed.

A big hand pierced through the formation out of thin air, and Liu Zhou and the six spurted blood one after another.

The big hand took the seriously injured Caiyu Diewang back on the spot.

Thousand Hands King and Jiang Qu separated each other under one blow.

Looking at Caiyu Butterfly King who was seriously injured, Thousand Hands King directly tore off a piece of arm without frowning.

Instead, this section seemed to melt, and instantly flowed into the chest and abdomen of Iroha Butterfly King.

Not only will the hole be blocked, but it will be completely repaired.

It even helped to grow a huge flesh-colored butterfly wing.

Caiyu Butterfly King replied with a pale face:

"Thank you, Boss Qianshou, for your help."

Although the current state looks much uglier than before.

But if there is no temporary disposal of the Thousand Hands King.

With her own strength alone, it is even difficult to get rid of the destructive power left by the holy artifact in her body.

At that time, it will not be a question of being ugly or not, but a question of whether one can survive.

After rescuing Caiyu Butterfly King, Thousand-Handed King looked at Jiang Qu on the opposite side and said in a concentrated voice:

"I overturn the previous conclusion, you are indeed very powerful.

The sacred artifact is in your hands and it is not dishonored.

But with your strength, you can't defeat me at all.

Or do you think that while we are fighting.

Can your subordinates kill all my companions? "

"Isn't that obvious?"

Jiang Qu glanced at the corpse of the Hundred-Eyed Spider King in the distance, and replied with a sarcasm on his face.

However, the Thousand Hands King shook his head and said calmly:

"It can only be said that they are too careless to be killed by low-level weaklings.

Since I don't even care about my own life, then I have nothing to say.

Although I will feel sad, I will not avenge them.

Because this is the law of nature and the law that the world should follow. "

"However, even if you kill all my companions here.

Even called your subordinates to come and help you.

Do you think they can play any role in the battle between us?

Or do you think I can't detect that your source power is almost exhausted? "

When Jiang Qu heard this, his heart suddenly sank.

Indeed, as the Thousand Hands King said, the source power in her body has been consumed a lot.

It was worn out when fighting the Scarlet Flame Lizard King elsewhere.

Even if he swallowed the elixir, he would not be able to fully recover so quickly.

Now manipulating the holy artifact, the consumption of source power is like a bottomless pit.

If it is a regular opponent, the power of the holy weapon alone is enough to successfully suppress it in a short time.

But this time the enemy is a level 9 master who has a quasi-holy weapon.

So much so that it has now entered the fighting stage.

The source power originally reserved at level 8 is far inferior to that at level 9.

In addition, the consumption of sacred artifacts is much greater than that of quasi-sacred artifacts.

Comparing the two, her chances of winning are extremely low.

But if you let him go and choose to escape, let alone how much harm this thousand-handed king will cause.

Once the space rift is further expanded by him, everything will be over.

Jiang's repertoire reveals the color of determination.

Prepare to take off the right blindfold again.

Even if the pollution in her body is almost

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Approaching the limit.

After using it this time, it is doomed to an irreparable ending.

But she will still choose to die with the enemy at the moment when the alienation is about to come.

Never allow yourself to become a new source of disaster.

And just when she was about to start.

The Qiankun seal emits a subtle golden light.

In the next second, surging source power suddenly came out from the Qiankun seal and injected into her body.

Jiang Qu was completely bewildered.

What is going on with this pure and clear source power?

It is a holy weapon, where does it come from such a pure source of power?

Jiang Qu was only slightly taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized.

Her eyes quickly focused on Su Mo's face.

She and Su Mo are the only ones with level one authority on the field.

Only Su Mo can use the holy vessel as an intermediary to transmit the source power.

Although I was shocked by the purity of Su Mo's source power.

But Jiang Qu smiled wryly in his heart and shook his head.

She is the pinnacle of the 8th step.

How much source power can a mere level 5 input for her?

It's like trying to fill a reservoir with a small pool.

Even if he is squeezed dry, he will not be satisfied at all!

Even so, Jiang Qu was quite grateful for Su Mo's kindness.

In such a dangerous situation, if it were someone else, they might only think about saving their source power to escape.

Who would give his source power to others like him regardless of the cost?

Mr. Zhu's eyes are really bright~www.readwn.com~ unexpectedly chose such an excellent holder of the sacred weapon.

Regardless of the final outcome of today's war, he had to find a way to save his life.

Various thoughts flashed through Jiang Qu's mind like lightning.

She even made plans to let the holy weapon take Su Mo out if nothing could be done.

At least leave some seeds for the future.

But soon, he felt the source power gradually surging in his body.

The expression on Jiang Qu's face quickly changed from puzzlement to shock, and then to disbelief—

What is going on with this guy? !


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