Drawing Cards With My Lifespan: Starting By Gamifying Reality

Chapter 82: Invitation letter, corpse walker, someone from the Chu family

, the fastest update of Yangshou drawing cards, starting the latest chapter from the reality of gamification!

The place where Su Mo rented is an old district.

Although as old as a dangerous building like Happy Homeland.

But also close to thirty years of history.

Most of the people around us are older.

There are also some decent young people who are greedy for cheap and rent houses.

All in all, it is full of the ordinary of ordinary days.

Almost see the kind of liushi who are at the top of society.

Now, there is an old man whose painting style is incompatible with the border.

She was dressed in an exquisite black tuxedo, her white hair was combed meticulously, and her demeanor gave a feeling of self-cultivation.

The old butler of Zhengwang's family, the senior level 3 ranger who had met Su Mo on both sides.

"Mr. Su, I finally saw you!"

Seeing Su Mo, the manor housekeeper raised his eyebrows with joy on his face.

Seeing this, Su Mo asked in a little confusion:

"Sun Butler, where can I look?"

Butler Sun laughed:

"Mr. Su should have heard from my sister that a banquet was held in the manor recently.

The original banquet was to celebrate my sister's graduation from high school, and she took the exam of her favorite university.

However, Sister Jiu fell asleep in danger, causing all the banquets to be postponed.

Now that the danger is gone, and my sister has regained her health, the holding of the banquet has also been put on the agenda.

The planned banquet will be held at 7:00 p.m. after the 12th, and the venue will be the manor villa you first met.

This time, I will send you an invitation letter.

As my sister's lifesaver, please be sure to attend the banquet! "

Su Mo was slightly surprised when he heard this:

"Actually, I didn't do anything, and there was no need to invite her at all. Rather, the one who really played a role should be Xue Qiaoqiao in our team, who is my sister's life-saving grace."

"Sister Xue's invitation letter has been sent," Sun Butler said with a smile, "Including others in the team, such as Captain Zhang Zhenyu, sister Chu Qingwu, etc., have also sent invitation letters. She is protected and has received a lot of care, if she even invited her to a banquet, that would be true."

Su Mo smiled wryly:

"Since everyone has been invited, there is no need to make a special trip by putting the invitation letter directly in the team."

"Okay," Sun Butler said with a serious face, "The invitation letter must be handed over to me. There, I can put the invitation letter at will, which conforms to the standard of handling things."

Although Su Mo is often lazy, he appreciates being as serious as Butler Sun.

Dang even accepted the invitation, nodded and smiled:

"Okay, I'm sure I will."

"Then welcome your visit."

Butler Sun bowed slightly, and the surprised eyes around him bid farewell.

Su Mo looked at the hard gilded invitation letter and couldn't help but wonder.

It is estimated that the invitation letter alone can sell for several hundred yuan.

If it is linked to the content of the banquet, it is estimated that tens of thousands of yuan will also be willing to buy.

I was not so poor that I sold the invitation letter for tens of thousands of yuan.

Forget it, when the time comes, I will see the scene of the first-class society, and there will be nothing to talk about in the future.

Su Mo casually stuffed the invitation letter into his handbag, touched his dry stomach, and walked towards the Huayue restaurant far outside the street.

Same here.

Inside a Cullinan a hundred meters away from here.

Wang Linglan, who was in the back seat of the coquettish nest, looked at Butler Sun who had just sat in the driver's seat, and asked:

"Uncle Sun, have the things been delivered?"

"Of course." Butler Sun closed the car door and chuckled, "Sister's invitation letter, even normal men will refuse it, right?"

"It always feels so good to touch."

Wang Linglan was slightly distressed.

"Oh? How to say?"

Butler Sun was curious.

"Look, first helped sister Qiaoqiao to heal her, and then killed the culprit afterwards. It stands to reason that if you get credit for it, even if you ask for credit, you will show it off to some extent, right?

After all, men are creatures, right?

Moreover, she is ugly, and her family background is so good. As a result, she just lived in the team and never had any contact with her. It feels like air to her.

Including the secret reminder that there will be a banquet before leaving the second time, they didn't respond at all, and even sent the invitation letter to the door for the first time, suspecting that they had forgotten it long ago.

Uncle Sun, is it so easy to ignore? "

Thinking of Su Mo's initial refusal, Steward Sun glanced at the angry Wang Linglan through the rearview mirror, and replied after deliberation:

"The Neng family is concentrating on cultivation, right?

After all, it is also known that a talented sword master with a very strong combat power, who stepped into the second rank in just two weeks, has a very strong record.

You know, even if you want to create such a terrifying record, you must have worked hard day and night, put in unimaginable energy, exhausted your mind to think and train, and can just look at the brilliance of the stage, but ignore the countless sweats swayed by the stage .

These all need time to invest!

But how could he kill Yang Zhichao and gain his favor?

In the final analysis, it is because of the family's hard work! "

Wang Linglan said weakly:

"...Actually, it was based on the face at first."

Butler Sun's passionate expression froze.

However, Wang Linglan seemed to suddenly have the courage to defend herself:

"It's not wrong to look at the face!

Look at those men who pursue women, they are all attracted by outsiders first?

No outside, who pays attention to the inside?

It's normal for a woman to like handsome men.

I'm short of money, and there's nothing at home that needs help, so is it normal to pay attention to others?

Of course, she is also the kind of girl who just walks around after seeing fresh meat.

The appearance is qualified, at most, it will make the lover interested, and then explore the inside.

If you are satisfied and qualified, the PASS will still be PASS.

Three-legged frogs are easy to find, but handsome guys with two legs are everywhere?

And compared to the appearance, the ability is actually more important.

If the ability is strong enough to a certain extent, it is also necessary to slightly reduce the demand outside the point.

The position you meet, regardless of appearance, capital, or strength, is all above the standard line.

Since everything meets the requirements, it is natural to carry out further observation and contact. "

Butler Sun couldn't help but twitch his face when he listened:

"Sister, why do you think finding a boyfriend is like solving a math problem?"

"Male is just a math problem." Wang Linglan looked in the direction of Huayue's restaurant, her face full of distress, "It's so difficult!"

"Then give up choosing another topic?

"Sun Butler asked tentatively.


Wang Linglan resolutely refused, with a high-spirited tone:

"What's wrong with being Wang Linglan? How can you solve the problem you're looking for? Is it true that the perfect score in the college entrance examination is for nothing? It's really a mess! Just believe in his figure, wealth, and brains, and still use that man!"

Wang Linglan snorted, Tao Hua's eyes were full of determination.

Two days later, Su Mo took a bottle of Jianlibao and leisurely arrived at the Red House.

As soon as he walked to the second floor, he immediately heard noises from the work area next to him.

Taking a closer look, I saw Zhang Zhenyu in a gray suit and a blue polka-dot tie talking excitedly.

Seeing Jin, Zhang Zhenyu's face was slightly surprised, strange:

"Why do you rest at home and run away so soon?"

"I didn't suffer any injuries, and I recovered much after a night's sleep. I went to the side of the team, and I was still stationed in the team. The physical condition, even if there is an emergency, it is very difficult to do the task."

Su Mo shook his head.

Zhang Zhenyu patted his chest, muddled:

"What is that injury? Xue Qi, the treasure of our team, may recover faster than his family."

Su Mo looked at Xue Qiaoqiao on the other side.

Xue Qiaoqiao smiled:

"Don't look, it's not injured, and you can play games freely, more exciting than home?"

Su Mo was really convinced.

"Okay, what were you talking about just now? The tone is so excited?"

"Return to Deacon?" Zhang Zhenyu's smile faded, obviously good news.

"How to say?"

Zhang Zhenyu turned to look at Xue Qiaoqiao.

Xue Qiaoqiao said without pride:

"After my aunt's treatment, Deacon Xu's injury has been completely stabilized, and it is estimated that he will fully recover in a week at most."

Su Mo turned pale in shock when he heard the words:

"Thinking of it, it's actually from the family of the fourth generation!

Let's just say, the profession of [White Wizard] passed down from generation to generation in the family? "

"Bullshit!" Xue Qiaoqiao wrinkled her nose and snorted disdainfully, "The only family, even if you didn't hear the surname of the fourth family, you should know the occupation of the fourth family including [White Wizard]."

Zhang Zhenyu smiled:

"I can testify that Xue has nothing to do with the family of the fourth generation. If we say that the most capable family in our family is Qian Tao, after all, the official family of the fourth generation family is rich in the [Ranger] profession."

"I'd rather believe that Yang will fall, and never believe that Qian Tao will be an official. If you add more identity buffs, those innocent girls, good families and young wives are all finished?"

"Feel biased."

It was rare for Su Mo to say something for Qian Tao.

Xue Qiaoqiao glanced sideways:

"Is it possible that our brother Su also cultivated a deep revolutionary friendship with us?"

"That guy Qian Tao really should be sanctioned, and messing around with him will only make you feel ashamed!"

Su Mo was upright.

Xue Qiaoqiao was speechless.

Zhang Zhenyu continued:

"Maybe Su knows that Xue's aunt [White Wizard] is well-known among them. She is a real high-level professional. She usually treats those wounded at the 8th and 9th level. She accidentally saved a deacon on the way. However, other Even if the hand can be saved, at least he will lie in bed for two months, how can he recover so quickly?"

"That's really good news," Su Mo smiled, "The reorganization of the Extraordinary team should take a while, right?"

"The problem of counting down," Zhang Zhenyu sighed, "The superhumans provided by the military, the missing candidates will be replenished in place soon, and the running-in within the team may take a little time. In the four districts of Mushi, except for the loss of the second mission If you lost a few hands, Deacon Ji Lanji also lost a lot."

After hearing this, Su Mo froze between his brows:

"If I remember correctly, Deacon Ji hunted down the traitor Zhang Lie? Zhang Lie is only level 4, and he is a combat professional. Is it so difficult to chase?"

Zhang Zhenyu sighed:

"It's normal to be hard to chase. After all, many of the things that guy brought are related to space, and he can flee immediately if he finds out the right one. Hunsi has left a lot of clues, so it's probably easy to chase him now.

And also Zhizhi understands the reason for rebelling against the Hunsi, and awakens the evil profession [Dead Walker]. "

"What?" Su Mo's expression changed slightly.

"It should be known that evil cultivators only have complete occupations, and there are also many special occupations with complete paths.

In contrast, even a complete special occupation can communicate with each other, discuss with each other, and jointly study advanced methods.

And for those special evil professions that suddenly awakened, there is no follow-up path at all. They have a basic understanding of the promotion ceremony and completely find their way.

It's better like the Three Evil Cultivation Organizations, which can master the promotion paths of certain special professions.

Those who are a little bit off the beaten path don't even have the Three Evil Cultivation Organizations, and the only way to practice is to wait for death.

The [Corpse Walker] awakened by Zhang Lie, the secret travel agency has a follow-up path.

For my own safety, I chose to betray the government, I am afraid that I have already made the plan after awakening the evil profession. "

"There's nothing you can do about it. After all, the official policy against evil cultivators is so strict, it's normal to defect."

Xue Qiaoqiao shrugged, looking helpless.

Zhang Zhenyu snapped:

"Even if it's the case, the official's internal credit will be culled on the spot as soon as it is discovered.

There were no similar cases in the past, but those who behaved well, half of them lived well.

A few even sealed the progress of the evil profession, relied on their own profession to break through to become saints, and gained great fame.

Zhang Lie knows all the real cases.

Even so, he chose to rebel, kill and create corpses, and cultivate the progress of [Dead Walker].

Such a guy, die, who dies? "

Su Mo to smooth things over:

"Awakening evil professions can only be said to be good luck. The world has always been fair. Buying lottery tickets is easy to get the first prize, and you can go bankrupt and get everything.

If you were an extraordinary class, if you were lucky, for example, you would awaken the [Jugmaster] class on the spot, if you were lucky, for example, Zhang Lie, you would awaken a special evil class.

But it's just luck, and the most critical thing is the choice.

For example, if you don’t get a prize when you buy a lottery ticket, you can buy it later. There is no need to sell your car or house to buy a lottery ticket.

And now that Zhang Lie gave me the feeling that he was completely desperate, eager to turn over through [Dead Walker].

Although I know how much temptation [Dead Walker] has caused to me.

But there is no doubt that this move is absolutely not good.

The official is completely right, not to mention just a special evil profession, even complete professions like [Dark Wizard] and [Puppet Master], there are very few people who have been killed in history. "

"It doesn't matter, since I made the choice, I have to pay the price for my choice."

Zhang Zhenyu said coldly:

"The support patrollers are already on their way. Although they have been delayed for a while because of something on the way, they will arrive in Lie after a while. Even if Zhang Lie can run again, it is difficult for Zhang Lie to return from the sixth-level professional who specializes in hunting down evil cultivators. Escape by hand? Find everything, the last dying struggle."

"Okay, let's talk about things, after all, what about the tasks in our team, sister Qingwu?"

Su Mo looked around and asked in doubt.

"Qingwu station picked up."

Xue Qiaoqiao smiled and returned immediately.

"Who are you picking up?"

Su Mo was a little surprised.

"Who else, of course a high-level professional from the Chu family!"

The corners of Xue Qiaoqiao's mouth curled up slightly, looking very gloating:

"The puppet master thought he had played a trick and severely damaged the official transcendental world, but he knew what to expect once his identity was revealed. He really thought that the direct descendants of the transcendental family were so easy to kill?

Keep hiding until you break through to the saint, and you dare to jump out at the 4th or 5th level. It's just that the old birthday star drinks arsenic and thinks his life will be long.

Let's see where the mouse can hide again after the Chu family's reunion. My sister still remembers the previous revenge! "

Looking at Xue Qiaoqiao who was secretly grinding his teeth, Su Mo always felt that he had seen the end of the puppet master clearly.

Since the pursuit of high-ranking guys, it can generally be dealt with.

After chatting with the two chatterers again, Su Mo didn't waste any more time, and went directly to the ground training room to prepare for training skills.

Same here.

Huarong District.


An unnamed forest.

The thin Nian was running away in a hurry.

In the distance behind him, three armored walking corpses were fighting against the extraordinary.

With an explosion-like sound, all three walking corpses were knocked into the air.

A woman in a red skirt with a bumpy figure in the lead looked at the Nian who had fled away, and pointed out:

"Yan star burst!"

A little spark shot out from the fingertips like lightning, pierced through countless trees in an instant, and landed on the ground.

Like a shell falling to the ground, a terrifying stream of flames suddenly exploded, sweeping towards all directions.

The dense woods were instantly burned, and the air was crackling everywhere.

The woman walked quickly, where the flames gradually extinguished.

When it hit the landing point, there was only a straight deep pit left in the ground.

There was nothing in the pit except scorched earth and gravel.

Frowning, he took a magic weapon in the shape of a compass.

Watching the direction of the pointer's constant rotation, and finally set the north, waved:

"Keep chasing!"

The Transcendents who had taken care of the walking corpse behind them responded in unison.

The group continued to chase towards the north.

And to the south is a road near a forest.

Song Qiyang looked at the forest with thick smoke rising in the distance, and smashed the steering wheel with his fist.

After venting, he picked up the mobile phone beside him, pressed the call button, and said in a concentrated voice:

"Boss, Zhang Lie is sincere and cooperative at all.

Every time I respond to ~www.readwn.com~, I will deliberately lead him to the side of the pursuer.

He clearly wants to be right with the Shuguang Society group! "

"Then just kill it,"

Lu Chuan replied lightly:

"Maybe a test of sincerity."

Song Qiyang hesitated:

"Obviously a better way..."

"Forget, everything including the evil holy token is there, the initiative is now to shake hands."


"Let's do it. The things around me are almost getting cleaned up. Wait, I hope to see Zhang Lie in the teahouse."

"It must be as you wish!"

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