, the fastest update of Yangshou drawing cards, starting the latest chapter from the reality of gamification!

There were bursts of screams in the empty training ground.

Accompanied by some sharp screams, a sword qi crazily slashed the tennis **** thrown everywhere.

Soon, the entire throwing court will be covered with shredded tennis balls.

The catapult stopped.

Su Mo stood among the tennis pieces all over the floor, but his brows were slightly frowned.

Today I am here, in order to improve my skills through practice.

According to general principles, skills can be improved through perceptual practice.

Comprehension is about illusory, meet and seek.

But with practice, normal transcendents can do it.

Through thousands of times of practice, improve the proficiency of skills, and continuously accumulate skill experience, so that skills can be upgraded, break through the original shackles, and reach a higher level.

Of course, the further you go, the more difficult it is to upgrade your skills.

Under normal circumstances, the skills beyond one level of oneself have been practiced to the limit.

It's almost impossible to go any further.

And Su Mo didn't think about upgrading his skills from level 2 to level 4.

After all, even if it is really promoted to the fourth level, the source power in the body is enough to use it once, it is really meaningless.

But now, after practicing level 2 skills to break through to level 3, I discovered a very obvious problem. .

Then the speed of practice is really slow!

Take the [Arc Light Sword] that I just practiced.

After cutting more than half a tennis ball, the source power in the body was completely exhausted, but the skill panel and [Arc Light Sword] didn't gain even a single bit of experience.

Yes, nothing at all!

Logically speaking, it should look like this.

Skills through practice, will definitely become more proficient, reflect the panel, the increase in experience value.

But the current experience value has not moved, indicating that the practice just now has no effect at all.

That being the case, how did he master higher-level skills?

Su Mo thought about it carefully, and he probably knew the reason.

Normally speaking, when a transcendent is promoted from level 1 to level 2, the skills of the level 1 are still retained.

Only through the practice of flux, combined with the perception of the professional promotion belt, the first-level skills can be upgraded to the second-level in a relatively short period of time.

But raising the skill from level 2 to level 3, the difficulty inside has increased a hundred times.

Because he is only a level 2 professional and has a level 3 professional perception, it is equivalent to groping for a way out of thin air, and the difficulty can be imagined.

Among the second-level professionals, those who can master the third-level skills are very few.

Either it is pure talent, or it is the careful guidance of senior colleagues.

It is absolutely difficult for ordinary extraordinary people to do it.

It is also the reason why stepping challenges are relatively rare.

Tier 3 professionals release most powerful Tier 3 skills at will.

If you fight with level 2 skills, you will be short at first, and you must make up for it with its advantages, otherwise it will be very difficult to come back.

After understanding the reason, Su Mo also knew why it was so difficult to improve his skills.

After all, the lowest level of skill is level 2. If you want to upgrade from level 2 to level 3, do you just create from scratch?

But discouraged reason.

Now that I am in the world, I can't encounter monsters all the time, so I can increase my lifespan casually.

If all the time is used, is it difficult to sit idly and wait for the task to drop?

Absolutely Su Mo's mind.

With reference to his talents, he could push his skills to a higher level, but after practicing for so long just now, he didn't even increase his experience points.

It must be due to other reasons, and there must be some problems in the practice just now.

What is the problem?

Su Mo frowned and thought for a moment, not thinking about why.

After all, for a complete novice in training, once you think about it, it's normal.

Decided to ask others for advice.

Su Mo took out his phone and opened the communication group.

The group of sword masters in Qingyang Mansion was as deserted as ever.

Even let doubts die at all.

Su Mo clicked on the account of [This night is full of stars and rivers are white].

After careful consideration, send a message cautiously:

"Hello, I heard your reminder for the first time and exchanged [Sword Detailed Explanation]. The content in it really enlightened me and benefited a lot, but after watching it repeatedly, I also had a little problem. I hope I can ask you for advice." some."

Then, without any hesitation, Su Mo immediately asked his own question:

"I found that the practice skills have broken through to a higher level, and there is a problem that the proficiency cannot be increased after practicing for a long time.

Although it has nothing to do with having a higher level of professional perception, but the training method should be some skills, right? "

Su Mo looked at the message that had been sent, and heaved a sigh of relief.

In order to let the other party answer, he schemingly asked the question on the spot, and even linked it to [Sword Detailed Explanation].

After all, [Sword Detailed Explanation] You wrote it, so if the buyer has a problem, should you sell it?

Of course, Su Mo also knew that he was just a little smart, and even if the other party really replied, there was nothing he could do.

In the end, the strength of the world is respected.

Just as he was thinking about it, a message suddenly passed through the dialog box.

Su Mo was so excited that he almost jumped up, and quickly took a closer look:

"There are indeed corresponding skills to master advanced skills through practice, so find your own limit, and then continue to break through the limit until the skill is truly advanced."

Seeing the jargon, Su Mo only felt that a door to a new world opened in his mind, and countless inspirations sprang up in a room, so he quickly replied:

"Thank you, let's practice!"

Saying that, put down the phone, and returned to the projectile.

Looking at the tennis pieces all over the floor, Su Mo felt exactly the same feeling.

Knowing that he has gone the wrong way, it is enough to practice the skills simply by cutting the tennis ball.

Maybe go from Tier 1 to Tier 2 to do that.

But breaking through from Tier 2 to Tier 3 is absolutely fine.

Tier 2 skills were originally at a level that a Tier 2 Juggernaut could master.

If you want to break through to level 3, you have to find your own limit and keep breaking the limit in order to push your skills to a higher level!

A word to wake up the dream!

Su Mo rested for a while.

Feeling the source force in the body, it probably recovered to one-third of its appearance.

It's enough for training.

Su Mo didn't hesitate any longer, and turned on the catapult again.

Facing the thrown tennis ball, start looking for the limit of your skills.

Every time the arc light sword is fired from the hand, it will be aimed at the tennis ball neatly.

But the same, the attack distance of each sword should reach seven

Try to reach the target attack limit.

And aim at the thinnest position of the tennis ball to increase the accuracy of the attack.

At the beginning, I was a little proficient, and I was hit by tennis **** one after another, and even missed a few balls.

But as Su Moduan made adjustments, it got smoother and smoother.

After training every sword with all his strength, his attack distance began to increase slowly.

From 70% to 70% to 70%...

The progress bar on the panel, which has not moved for a long time, also began to squirm and increase the progress.

Su Mo was keenly aware of this change, and was overjoyed.

Knowing that he was on the right path, it was impossible to break through the third level of skills!

And it also has the help that I had never imagined!

Su Motong observed the growth rate of the experience value on the panel, and constantly adjusted his attack posture and attack methods.

In a very short period of time, he found the training method that can increase the experience value to the greatest extent.

This kind of training that increases strength all the time is really cool.

Su Mo felt another kind of refreshment that was different from drawing cards to add points.

This refreshing feeling also makes me completely addicted to training.

Intermittent passage.

In the evening, the training ground welcomed several unexpected visitors.

Looking at Su Mo practicing his skills, Zhang Zhenyu was about to speak, but was stopped by an old man next to him.

He looks about seventy, with short gray hair, deeply wrinkled face, and a habitual smile.

And next to him, there was an old man wearing the same clothes and looking exactly the same, but with a smirk on his face.

The two twins are the 7th-level masters sent by the Chu family to deal with puppet masters.

The elder brother with a kind smile is named Chu Guofu.

Gou Yanxiao's younger brother is named Chu Min'an.

Looking at Su Mo who was practicing his skills in the distance, Chu Guofu rarely showed surprise on his face.

Said to Chu Qingwu next to her:

"Just the Juggernaut you mentioned?"

Chu Qingwu hummed and nodded honestly.

"It's really simple."

Chu Guofu gave a compliment, and then:

"First I heard that it broke through to the second level within a few rooms.

I thought that the cultivation endowment was extremely strong, and there must be some other weaknesses.

For example, the mastery of skills is solid enough, but the empty high-level occupations have no high-level combat power.

This situation is actually not rare.

But judging from the practice situation, the progress of the child's skills is faster than that of the professional! "


Zhang Zhenyu on the side was stunned, and his thoughts were a little confused:

"If I'm not mistaken, does Su practice Tier 2 skills?"

"Really practice Tier 2 skills."

Chu Guofu nodded in response:

"But see the level 2 skills that are improving all the time?

Clearly sprinting towards Tier 3!

And it is calculated at the normal training speed.

It even took two rooms to master a level 3 skill.

Not to mention that guard Xu from Mushi.

I'm afraid it's the woman who is the Lord of Qingyang Mansion.

than age. "

Zhang Zhenyu was dumbfounded and shocked.

Xue Qiaoqiao on the side pursed her lips, feeling a little aggrieved for no reason.

Difficult to become the weakest in our team?

Can you still play games well?

Chu Guofu looked at Chu Qingwu who was also surprised, and said in a serious tone:

"When I ran to the side alone to investigate the puppet master, my family was very supportive of this, and the old man also opposed it.

But the stubborn character of hitting the south wall and turning back, that incident took root in his heart, and a catastrophe occurred. If he finds a way to untie it, he can break through to the third level in his life, and he will die after performing the ceremony.

For the sake of the future, the family reluctantly agreed to help modify the file and stuff it.

Although I have been by my side for three years, the family has always paid attention to the situation.

For a few days, the old man still told me, if it is implemented, we can go home. We will break through to the third level in our lifetime, and there is nothing to lose. Is it difficult for the daughter of the Chu family to marry back?

But no one thought that they actually ran into the puppet master, so one or three years of waiting would be considered a waste of time.

Now I see Zi again. He has a very high talent, and he is also a sword master. "

"Grandpa Six, what are you talking about?!"

Chu Qingwu suddenly blushed, her heroic brows and eyes aroused a layer of embarrassment, Xue Qiaoqiao and Zhang Zhenyu who were watching were completely dumbfounded.

Have you ever seen Chu Qingwu's dew-like daughter posture?

Chu Min'an, who had always had a solemn expression, suddenly said:

"The family agrees."

"That's two votes, hahaha!"

Chu Guofu laughed heartily.

Chu Qingwu stopped still.

He stomped his feet fiercely, glared twice, then glared at Su Mo who was looking to the side from a distance, turned around, stepped up his two long legs, and left the training ground with patter, even giving the illusion of running away .

Su Mo looked at Chu Qingwu who left with a dazed expression.

Waiting to practice swords on the spot, why did you still provoke them?

Same here.

The entire section of the highway leading to Mushi was completely overturned.

Thick and long steel bars with broken cement residue everywhere.

In the wilderness on both sides, there are overturned and smashed cars everywhere.

The gurgling blood flowed along the gaps of the cars.

Occasionally, moans and cries can be heard echoing in the wilderness.

And the most severely damaged road is in the middle.

The two figures are fighting fiercely.

It looks like a phantom, and the figure is erratic, and every time it flickers, it can appear tens of meters away.

The other woman was covered in white clothes like snow, her hair was also pure white, and her temperament was extremely cold.

Every time he strikes, it will form a huge wind blade, or form a rain of ice cones.

Every time the attack will drop to the point of phantom, interrupting the trajectory of action.

A series of obstacles and persecution forced the phantom to within meters.

"After running away for so long, it's almost time to go!"

"If you die today, all the innocent souls at the scene will not be able to rest in peace!"

"[Dark Chaser], give me your life!"

As soon as the voice fell, the temperature around the body suddenly dropped sharply.

The movement of the phantom showed a bit of stagnation, and the woman held a spear made of frost in her hand.

Before waiting to shoot, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

Gritting his silver teeth, he opened the high-level amulet he carried with him, and the spear shot out!



The two shouts sounded almost at the same time.

In a second, with a soft "噗嗤", [Dark Chaser] suddenly revealed his figure on the spot.

Looking at the chest pierced by the frost spear, his face was filled with resignation.

The fugitive who was offered a high reward came to the end of his life.

But the white-haired woman staggered back two steps.

After finally killing [Dark Chaser], there was no joy on his face, but he looked solemnly at his left hand.

The high-level talisman in his hand had all been burned out, and the back of his left hand was replaced by a jet black color.

Comparing the white right hand, it looks like the left hand is splashed with ink, and the black is still extending towards the arm. After taking a precious medicine to dispel the curse of pollution, he looked up at Lu Chuan in the distance.

Lu Chuan looked at the "Dark Chaser" who had begun to cool down, with a look of pity on his face:

"I didn't expect it to be a step too late in the end. If you give up the organization that you successfully joined, another high-level professional will be born in the future. Unfortunately, everything will be destroyed."

"Then kill?" The woman smiled slightly, "If a level 7 [Dark Wizard] kills a level 6 [Ice Wind Fighter], it should be easy, right?"

When Lu Chuan heard the words, he replied calmly:

"Captain Qiao really underestimated himself. As a combat elite from the borderlands, he is now the deputy captain of the [Stalker] detachment. His combat skills can be compared with ordinary level 6. Besides, even if he is forced to kill with the help of realm suppression, he can still do it." , but I’m afraid I’ll escape too, right?”

"Oh? How should I say?" Qiao Ya smiled slightly, "Don't you have any confidence in your own strength? Anyway, it's one of the evil master's jobs."

"Is it normal to have no self-confidence? Who dares to say self-confidence in a woman's face? That's something that even the vice president of the Demon Emperor can severely damage.

As long as you only desperately use the Trapping God Art to trap you for a minute, with that woman's speed, you may be able to kill from Yaoguang City directly, and it will be easy to kill the 7th rank? "

"I didn't expect to know quite a lot about the hunters."

Qiao Ya's expression is slightly regretful~www.readwn.com~ Then let's talk more, look at Mushi, then as the master of Mushi's dark side world, I will definitely sweep the couch and wait for your visit. "

Lu Chuanchong bowed slightly, his body suddenly turned into smoke and disappeared.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, after confirming that Lu Chuan had really left, Qiao Ya's face turned pale suddenly, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of black blood.

Looking at the curse that could no longer be suppressed, a ruthless look suddenly flashed across his eyes,

Holding an ice blade in his right hand, he raised the knife and dropped it.

Joya snorted, watching the rapid decay of the left arm, and finally turned into a pool of disgusting mucus with a strong smell.

Taking medicine, freezing the wound, and staggering towards Mushi...

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