Drawing Cards With My Lifespan: Starting By Gamifying Reality

Chapter 91: Humans are not as good as Gods

When Su Mo launched an attack on Zhang Lie.

Xue Qiaoqiao didn't hesitate.

She propped up her weak and empty body, gritted her teeth and said to Wang Linglan beside her:

"let's go!"

"But Brother Su..."

Wang Linglan looked anxious.

"Staying here is of no use."

Xue Qiaoqiao replied calmly.

Compared to Wang Linglan who grew up in a comfortable environment since childhood.

She has been tempered for quite a long time in the Dawn Society.

There have been many missions.

Therefore, more mature, but also more rational.

He glanced at the two people who were fighting fiercely.

Xue Qiaoqiao said to Wang Linglan in a concentrated voice:

"Su Mo is originally level 2, even if he has mastered multiple level 3 skills, he cannot last too long under the hands of level 4 Zhang Lie.

And Zhang Lie has an obvious covetous heart for you, and now I have exhausted my energy due to two rounds of treatment.

If you and I stay here, it will only become a burden to him, so we have to leave.

Only when we leave, will he have a chance to escape from Zhang Lie's hands.

Otherwise, sooner or later you will die here! "

Wang Linglan bit her lip, stopped talking nonsense, and fled to the distance with Xue Qiaoqiao.

Seeing this, Zhang Lie on the other side's eyes froze suddenly, and he was about to knock Su Mo away and chase after Wang Linglan on the spot.

Su Mo was aware of Zhang Lie's thoughts, and without any hesitation, he immediately swallowed a Yuanling Pill.

The violent source power transformed by the Yuanling Pill instantly poured into his limbs and bones.

For a moment, Su Mo felt as if he was going to be blown up.

He immediately used his skills frantically, venting the source power in his body wildly:

"Sword Qi Slash!"

"Soul fixation!"

"Rainstorm Sword!"

"Instant Sword!"

"Soul fixation!"

A series of skills were released from his hands like lightning.

Even though Zhang Lie has reached level 4, he cannot ignore the power of those level 3 skills.

For a moment, his whole body was dragged down.

Wait until this wave of offensive is dealt with.

Wang Linglan's figure had disappeared from his vision.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Lie almost laughed angrily.

Not long ago, he had just completed a preliminary transaction with the secret travel agency, and obtained a large amount of equipment and advanced resources, which was the time when his self-confidence was extremely inflated.

He thought that he would not be defeated even against a level 5 transcendent, and he could even fight back on the spot.

As a result, in the villa, he met three fourth-order transcendents headed by Xu Liushuang.

These three fourth-tier opponents who were not in his eyes at all not only slaughtered all the puppets he transformed, but also suppressed him all the way to beat him, making him completely unable to return.

It is true that this has something to do with the rich experience in combat with many instruments and tacit cooperation.

It was also related to the fact that he didn't have enough Transcendent corpses to manipulate.

But this is the exact opposite of what was expected.

It still made Zhang Lie feel extremely aggrieved.

Fortunately, he couldn't kill the opponent, and the opponent couldn't kill him for a while.

After being passively beaten for a few rounds, Zhang Lie simply thought about it.

Even if he broke out and killed all three of them, it would actually be meaningless.

After all, the situation on the scene is always controlled by those two top 7th-level powerhouses.

Whichever side can win will have an absolute advantage, and the remaining little shrimps will not be able to turn over at all.

So Zhang Lie decided to preserve his strength.

It would be great if Shen Qing could win.

If Shen Qing loses, he won't be completely powerless to protect himself.

Therefore, with the help of space transfer equipment, he quickly left the battlefield.

After that, he tried every means to find a safe place to avoid the searchers and the aftermath of the fighting between the two sides.

After groping around, he finally came to the third basement floor, where he bumped into Wang Linglan and the others by accident.

Seeing Wang Linglan, he thought he had changed his luck.

In the end, Su Mo's ferocious outburst took him by surprise.

This Transcendent, who was only at the second level, showed extraordinary combat power far beyond his own level.

It even suppressed him for a while so that he couldn't move forward.

In a trance, Zhang Lie wondered if the other party had some ability to hide his aura.

He's actually a Tier 4, not a Tier 2?

But soon he reacted.

If the other party is really Tier 4, why are those two girls running away in such a panic?

Blocking Su Mo's attack again, looking at the empty passage, Zhang Lie suppressed the rising anger in his heart, and said to Su Mo coldly:

"I didn't expect that you, a mere second-order, could stop me for such a long time.

He really deserves to be a [Juvenile Saint], a top combat professional.

Originally, I planned to grab the spiritual blood and forget it.

But now you've managed to **** me off.

I decided to kill it first, and then make it into a corpse puppet.

At that time, if I take you to meet those two girls, they should feel very desperate, right? "

Speaking of this, a cruel smile suddenly appeared on Zhang Lie's thin cheeks.

He rushed towards Su Mo on the spot.

Su Mo's eyes turned cold, and he greeted him head-on.

"Sword Qi Slash!"

The sharp sword energy suddenly cut towards Zhang Lie's waist.

But he didn't care, and rushed towards Su Mo like a thunderbolt.

The sword energy struck Zhang Lie's body, but it seemed to have hit some extremely smooth object, and it slid away from his waist.

Su Mo knew that this was a defensive weapon held by Zhang Lie.

The defensive weapon covered his whole body, and there was almost no cover for a sneak attack.

This was detected by him through dozens of sword master skills.

But the absence of loopholes does not mean that there is no consumption.

Theoretically speaking, defensive magic weapon consumes more source power than attack magic weapon.

Because the defensive surface will be relatively large, and it must have sufficient strength.

Once unable to defend, it is likely to rely on the body to bear the injury.

Therefore, it is obvious that his attack cannot cause significant damage to Zhang Lie.

He never stopped.

It is to consume a lot of source power in the opponent's body.

This not only allows him to gradually accumulate advantages in battle.

Even if you can't stop and have to run away in the end, you can greatly shorten the opponent's tracking distance.

And after this sword, he faced Zhang Lie who was attacking from close quarters.

Su Mo originally planned to use [Shadow Jump] to get out of the way.

But when he was about to leave, he stopped abruptly.

"Xue Qiaoqiao and Wang Linglan have just escaped. If I hide here, maybe he will take the opportunity to pursue them."

"Besides, Zhang Lie's initial occupation was not a combat occupation, and the awakened [Dead Walker] has to rely more on corpse puppets. His combat power is actually very average, at least not comparable to Deacon Xu and the others.

If I fight him head-on, I may take a risk, but the possibility of dying on the spot is extremely small, after all, I also have defensive instruments and defensive skills.

In addition, when fighting against him, with my fighting experience, I can think of ways to trick him into wasting more source power, thereby accumulating advantages and reducing his threat. "

Like lightning, Su Mo decided on a new action plan, and immediately raised his air sword horizontally to block Zhang Lie's sharp claws.

There was a crisp sound of "Keng".

Not only was Zhang Lie's palm not cut off by the Qi sword, but it made a sound like gold and iron colliding.

Su Mo keenly noticed that his hands were different from normal people's.

Not only are the palms wider, but the nails are also sharper and sharper.

The entire hand was a poisonous purple.

No, it's not poisoning, but it's itself poisonous!

Smelling the rotting corpse-like stench from those hands, Su Mo's mind was slightly dizzy, and he soon woke up.

He knew that [Poison Immunity] was working.

However, [Toxin Immunity] can immunize the corpse poison contained in the smell.

Once caught face to face, it's hard to say.

After all, this is at least a Tier 3, or even a Tier 4 [Dead Walker] skill.

Relying on Level 2 [Poison Immunity] alone may not be able to stop it.

But Su Mo didn't feel afraid because of this, or even backed down.

After many battles, he digested and mastered many extraordinary skills.

He was no longer the ordinary person who was caught by Lin Keke and could only wait to die.

Su Mo blocked the opponent's sharp claws on the spot, stepped back and swung his sword again.

Zhang Lie didn't even look at his attack, and still stretched out his poisonous hands to greet him.

Juggernaut's skills have a major feature, that is, the release speed is extremely fast.

This may not have seen anything special before.

But now, it allowed him to defend against the opponent's poisonous claws in time after he slashed out with a sword.

From time to time, Zhang Lie probably consumed more than three times as much source power as he did.

But Zhang Lie obviously didn't realize it, or if he realized it, he didn't take it seriously.

Who would have thought that a level 2 professional would compete with him in energy consumption?

This is simply a big joke!

Zhang Lie was still aggressively grabbing Su Mo.

Su Mo dodged while attacking.

But it didn't hide too much.

From time to time, two loopholes will be sold.

It seemed that his own strength was about to fail.

He is like hanging green tea to lick a dog.

Give the other party an illusion that no matter how hard they work, they will succeed.

Zhang Lie, who had rarely fought on the front line, was obviously fooled by Su Mo.

He snorted and tried his best to get Su Mo to get a claw.

Once he is recruited and infected by the corpse poison, he can gradually be controlled by him, and even directly transformed into a walking corpse.

Zhang Lie didn't think there was anything wrong with his strategy at all.

Let you come with a thousand swords, and I will only go with one claw.

With absolute defense, he didn't believe that Su Mo would never make mistakes.

Not to mention that this guy is only a mere Tier 2.

Even if he is extremely talented and skilled, he can constantly block attacks.

However, the source of power is always limited.

Let me let you see how big a gap exists between Tier 2 and Tier 4!

ten minutes later.

Looking at Su Mo who was still about to collapse at any time, Zhang Lie was somewhat skeptical about life.

At this time, even the stupidest guy can sense that something is wrong.

As for him, after realizing something was wrong, a surge of reverse blood suddenly rushed to his forehead.

"This guy, how dare you play me?!"

Zhang Lie was ashamed and furious.

These days he is being chased up and down by the Shuguang Society.

After coming here, he was surrounded by Xu Liushuang and three others and beat him.

Now it's hard to come across a level 2 that can be kneaded at will.

In the end, the other party dared to tease him face to face with a level 2 strength!

This made Zhang Lie feel that his dignity had been challenged like never before.

"You asked for this!"

Under the extreme anger, the mental influence exerted by the dregs of Yuanli made it even more difficult for him to contain the **** killing intent in his heart.

Zhang Lie took out a palm-sized exquisite and simple hand crossbow.

The moment he saw the hand crossbow, Su Mo felt his scalp almost explode.

An extreme sense of horror and danger enveloped his whole body.

Every cell is sending him an early warning:

"Can't escape! Absolutely can't escape!"

"Once you get shot, you will definitely die!!"

Despite feeling this prompt, Su Mo still didn't give up, and retreated like lightning.

Seeing Su Mo retreating face to face, Zhang Lie's face was covered with deep sarcasm.

The next second, he pressed the hand crossbow.

A terrifying crossbow arrow condensed by the source force suddenly shot out.

The moment Zhang Lie shot, Su Mo used [Shadow Leap] without hesitation.

However, when he jumped to a place twelve meters away.

But he found that the crossbow arrows were still shooting towards him.

The breath became more and more infiltrating.

"With tracking effect!"

Almost at the same time, Su Mo moved away again.

Moving several times in succession, each crossbow arrow will be closer to him.

Wait until the next time it is confirmed that the crossbow bolt will hit him on the spot.

Su Mo jumped behind Zhang Lie.

He opened the fish pendant that Wang Linglan lent him with a hostile face.

A fish-like bubble enveloped his entire body.

Then there was an undetectable crisp sound.

The crossbow arrow hit the bubble.

An unprecedented terrifying force suddenly struck.

Su Mo's whole body, including Zhang Lie behind him, was knocked out together.

It seemed to vaguely hear the sound of fracture.

Su Mo groaned.

He stuffed the last Yuanling Pill into his mouth, raised his hand and released three lights of life for himself.

Although it was only for a moment, the defensive magic weapon just now almost drained all his source power.

Just like that, he was hit by the crossbow arrow and fractured on the spot.

This is if the source is insufficient.

Or he used [Streamer] instead of this high-level defensive weapon.

Possibly he has now become a corpse.

Survive from the opponent's attack by luck.

Su Mo's back was covered in cold sweat.

And after regaining consciousness, the extreme fear immediately turned into extreme anger.

He has a golden finger like a game panel.

It can be said that he is destined to become a peerless powerhouse in the future.

But just at that moment.

He almost died in this remote and desolate underground space.

How could he not feel furious because of the aggrieved feeling that he was almost capsized in the gutter? !

Su Mo looked fiercely at Zhang Lie who was knocked over by him.

Before the opponent could prepare for the second attack, he leaped to the back with the help of the shadow, and slashed down with his sword on the spot.

Zhang Lie changed color for the first time.

Although the crossbow attack is strong, it consumes a lot of energy.

All the pills he used to replenish his source power were used up in the fight with Xu Liushuang and others.

I never thought that I would be forced to this point by a Tier 2 now.

Zhang Lie dodged in embarrassment.

Offensive and defensive reversal.

At this moment, Su Mo displayed a posture of being unreasonable and unforgiving.

One sword after another, the swords connected to each other, the violence of the offensive shocked even Zhang Lie.

And after dodging Su Mo's attack again.

Looking at the blood flowing from his left arm, Zhang Lie's expression suddenly turned extremely ugly.

This is the first time he has been injured since he defected from the Dawn Society.

Previously had space transfer equipment.

Later, there was a high-level defensive magic weapon ~www.readwn.com~ But now, the space-splitting stones that supply space transfer equipment have been used up.

The source power to maintain the high-level defensive magic weapon has also been insufficient.

It seems to have reached the end of the road.

Zhang Lie looked at the murderous Su Mo, but smiled awkwardly and said:

"At first, I thought that I had cheated the secret travel agency, and it should buy me a lot of time, so I could choose a safe place to use this hole card.

But who would have thought that it would be forced to use it by a Tier 2 opponent in the end.

It can only be said that people are not as good as heaven. "

As Zhang Lie said, he stretched out his hand and tore open his chest, and took out a **** triangular token from inside.


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