Seeing this weird and bizarre scene, Su Mo's pupils shrank instantly.

Regarding Zhang Lie, his understanding is actually very limited.

Because all along, Deacon Ji was responsible for arresting him.

Outside of dedicated action teams.

Unrelated members like them.

At most, he knew that Zhang Lie had awakened the evil profession and had taken away a large amount of space equipment from Hun Tiansi.

And after joining the task of arresting Zhang Lie, the intelligence they received was not as much as expected.

A considerable part of it is related to those space equipment.

Prevent them from accidentally missing it in the process of hunting.

The second is Zhang Lie's occupation and ability, which were exposed during his previous escape.

Otherwise, it's almost blank.

When did the other party wake up? do not know.

How many extraordinary corpses did the opponent control? do not know.

Has the other party corrupted other space equipment over the years? do not know.

When did the other party hook up with the secret travel agency? Also do not know.

All of these questions are shrouded in a cloud of fog.

Only by catching Zhang Lie for interrogation, or conducting a long-term investigation, can it be possible to find out the truth.

Before the hunt, what everyone can be sure of is that there must be other cards in him.

So from the very beginning, he was handed over to Qiao Xunshou.

After all, no matter how strong his cards are, it depends on the person to use them.

A level 1 transcendent, even with an attack weapon comparable to level 9, is absolutely unable to kill level 4.

His own extraordinary characteristics are too weak, and his source power is too little, so he can't exert the power of the magic weapon itself at all.

It may not even be able to start.

But no one expected that during the official battle, Qiao Xunshou, who was originally trying to capture Zhang Lie, would be entangled by other people.

But Zhang Lie, who was stopped by Deacon Xu and others, finally appeared on the third underground floor.

Su Mo's first move was to cover the evacuation of Xue Qiaoqiao and Wang Linglan.

After the initial battle, he found that Zhang Lie was not as powerful as he had imagined.

So he moved his mind to hold the opponent or even kill him.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Lie used that magic weapon, which almost capsized him in the gutter.

Fortunately, the initial battle strategy worked, and the opponent's source power was about to be exhausted, and he was suppressed by his side.

But now, seeing the **** triangular token in his hand, Su Mo's temples throbbed and he felt a strong sense of crisis.

He didn't know the token, nor did he know what the token was for.

Through dark vision, he could vaguely see the engraved inscription on it.

It looks very similar to the Ascension Token that I picked up earlier.

But the two are worlds apart in terms of material and faint breath.

Su Mo guessed that this token is probably some kind of high-level token produced by Wandao League.

Even if it wasn't the Wan Dao League, it must be a certain cultivation force that once existed in the source world.

So what is he going to do with this token?

The human world is not the source world.

Transcendents are not cultivators either.

How does this token work?

Suddenly, various thoughts flashed through Su Mo's mind.

Although I didn't figure out what the token was used for.

But because of the sense of crisis this token brought him, Su Mo would never let his opponent use it wantonly!

"Instant Sword!"

Su Mo straddled a distance of twelve meters and slashed at Zhang Lie's head with a sword.

However, he smiled sarcastically at this, and opened his mouth to spit out a few words.

Su Mo had never heard the pronunciation of these words.

The moment he spoke, the weird triangular token immediately changed.

The runes on the surface of the token glowed brightly with blood.

As soon as the sharp sword light touched the **** light, it immediately melted away.

Su Mo sensed the mortal danger, a shadow jumped and retreated like lightning.

The blood-colored light spread out rapidly like a ball.

I saw that where the **** light touched, whether it was a solid wall or a thick ground, everything corroded and melted.

The small triangular token, like molten iron, quickly climbed towards Zhang Lie's body, as if to completely wrap him up.

Seeing this horrifying scene, Su Mo didn't stand still, and flicked out a finger sword.

The sharp finger sword pierced through the increasingly thinning **** light, leaving a **** opening on Zhang Lie's right shoulder.

Zhang Lie couldn't help but groaned in pain.

Su Mo flicked with both hands.

Finger swords shot out from his hand.

The **** light almost disappeared.

The finger swords shot out fell on Zhang Lie one after another.

Blasts of blood burst out from his body that had not yet been covered by molten iron.

The shot hit the place covered by molten iron, but there was only a clear and crisp sound, as if the hit was not a human body, but a stubborn and hard iron object.

In just two or three seconds, the molten iron covered his entire body.

Immediately afterwards, the ashen metallic luster completely disappeared, and it merged with Zhang Lie, becoming a part of his flesh and blood.

At this moment, Zhang Lie's aura instantly surged.

From the weak 4th level to the 4th level peak, and then break through to the 5th level, and then to the 6th level, it is almost an instant.

When he reacted, he had already reached the peak of Tier 6!

Su Mo was shocked to the extreme by Zhang Lie's terrifying improvement.

What the **** is that token?

How could it be possible for people to obtain such a terrifying improvement in such a short period of time? !

You must know that the advancement of a transcendent has always been gradual.

Even a genius beyond ordinary people's imagination must climb to the top step by step.

Because in the process of advancing, it is necessary to constantly consolidate one's own foundation, stabilize one's own extraordinary characteristics, and obtain the source power that conforms to the extraordinary characteristics.

Any mistakes in this step will lead to the interruption of the future.

What's even more frightening is that it will directly cause oneself to lose control and become a complete monster.

This is also one of the reasons why the turbid cultivation is more likely to lose control.

But now, with just a token, Zhang Lie has crossed from the 4th level to the 6th level under his nose!

Such an increase in speed is even more unreasonable than his game board!

While Su Mo was thinking, he used the shadow jump and fled towards the distance at top speed.

Not to mention Tier 6, even if the opponent recovers to Tier 4 intact, he is definitely not an opponent now.

That crossbow-shaped high-level magic weapon can kill him on the spot as long as it shoots three times in a row.

The source power in his body is not endless after all.

And the last Yuanling Pill was taken by him just now.

In this case, facing Zhang Lie who suddenly rose to the 6th level, there was no other way to deal with it except to run away.

However, Zhang Lie, who was supposed to come to hunt him down, seemed a little strange.

One bump after another suddenly appeared on the surface of his skin.

Each bump is the size of a ping pong ball.

Like a game of whack-a-mole, disappearing here and reappearing there.

It feels like there are countless living things under his skin.

The chest he tore open before no longer bleeds.

Instead, two rows of teeth grew, criss-crossing each other.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo couldn't help gasping.

This state is obviously already alienated.

Horrific elevations are often accompanied by equally horrific aftereffects.

Instantly rising from level 4 to level 6, the price he has to pay is to give up his human form.

And even more!

Just as Su Mo was thinking, the next second, Zhang Lie, who was already at the end of his field of vision, suddenly appeared in front of him.

His head was right in front of his eyes, and his nose seemed to almost touch the tip of his nose.

At such a close distance, he could even see the third eye suddenly opened in Zhang Lie's scalp.

It was an eye with only the white of the eye, which was densely packed with egg-like substances.

It was as if his entire head had become a bug nest!

At this moment, Su Mo only felt his scalp explode and his heart skipped half a beat.

And when he came back to his senses, he was about to use the shadow jump.


A laugh suddenly came from Zhang Lie's chest.

In the next second, Su Mo felt his whole body take off.

He hit the wall at the end directly, crackling all over his body, and spewed blood on the spot.

Then, it slid softly to the ground.

"...Is this the power of Tier 6?"

Su Mo's head was buzzing, his eyes were bright and dark, and even various colored spots appeared.

With the protection of a high-level magic weapon, although he was not slapped to death on the spot by that slap, he is not far from death now.

He suffered heavy injuries all over his body. At this moment, let alone using skills, he couldn't even move a single finger.

"The gap between Tier 2 and Tier 6 is too great after all."

"This is far from the threshold that can be crossed by leapfrogging challenges."

"Who would have thought that this guy would have such a hole card?"

"However, since this hole card is used, it seems that he will not live long."

"That level of alienation is simply not something a transcendent can handle."

"Not to mention that he was originally an evil professional."

Su Mo looked at Zhang Lie in the distance with blurred eyes.

His body is constantly expanding.

The internal organs overflowed from the big mouth on the front chest, seeming to be full of activity, crawling in all directions, and even made a rustling scream.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo felt that his brain was broken.

Otherwise, how could there be such a bizarre and terrifying hallucination?

Even if it was a revolving lantern before death, it shouldn't be like this.

"No, I can't die in a place like this!"

"At least, you can't die at the hands of that monster!"

"If this gets out, will I still be famous in my first life?!"

Su Mo felt a strong desire to survive for no reason.

This desire to survive is so strong, far more than when he was held hostage by Lin Keke.

With a slight movement of his mind, the familiar mysterious starry sky appeared in his vision.

He glanced at his life value: 373.

Compared with the tragedy that he is about to die now.

This lifespan is simply a great irony.

"If you don't bring it with you when you die, if you don't take it with you when you die, what will you do?"

In one thought, ten links were clicked continuously.

The lifespan drops rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.




not enough!



not enough!




Between life and death, Su Mo did not hesitate to break through the bottom line of 70 for drawing cards.

Fortunately, he finally managed to maintain a sliver of sanity.

The remaining 1-year lifespan on the panel was not exhausted on the spot.

After the card draw was over, he didn't even look at the golden jobs.

Directly convert them all into experience points.

Combined with the drawn 【Cultivation Experience Book】.

All of them are added to the [Juvenile Master] occupation column.

In an instant, the last 10% progress of Tier 2 was directly full.

【Juvenile Saint】Profession has been promoted to level 3!

The moment he broke the rank, he awakened a new skill.

The extraordinary characteristics of the Juggernaut profession have been further strengthened.

And gained a lot of experience and insights.

But these are not what Su Mo urgently needs.

In the next second, majestic source power suddenly poured into his body.

Su Mo vomited two mouthfuls of blood on the spot.

Without any hesitation, he held on to the consciousness that was almost fainting.

Continuously release the [Light of Life] to yourself.

One after another, pure white light fell on him.

The weakened breath of life slowly climbed up.

The body's natural healing and repairing abilities are activated to the maximum.

Start treatment to make up for damaged parts of the body.

Five minutes passed.

Su Mo's right hand fingers barely moved.

It was this that made him breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, endless exhaustion hit him.

That is the sleeping instinct that comes with life,

It is a state of rest that inevitably occurs when repairing a serious injury.

However, Su Mo gritted his teeth, relying on his tenacious will to resist this instinct.

"No! It's not time to rest yet!"

"The enemy is still by my side, we must determine what Zhang Lie's situation is like!"

"And this is not a place where you can take a good rest! You must not sleep here!"

Su Mo bit his tongue.

The sharp pain made his temples throb.

After lying on the ground for another three minutes, Su Mo managed to regain some strength.

He supported the wall next to him, struggling to stand up from the ground like a grandfather.

This process alone took him a full minute.

Su Mo stood up, as weak as a robe, wrapping his whole body tightly.

He leaned on the wall and moved forward step by step.

There is no such creature as Zhang Lie in the original place.

It was countless flesh and organs scattered all over the ground and even the walls.

It feels like every part of Zhang Lie's body has gained free will.

They want to escape, want to leave Zhang Lie, and want to gain their own freedom.

They did indeed do so and the result of this was the collapse of Zhang Lie, a humanoid creature.

He no longer possesses human form, no unity of will.

Accompanied by his death, those flesh and blood that had been freed also quickly withered away.

What was left in the end was such a miserable and terrifying scene.

Su Mo straightened out the internal reason.

In the next second, countless flesh and blood organs disintegrated and turned into gray smoke.

And within the gray smoke, powdery cyan particles floated out.

These cyan particles gathered together and quickly fused completely, turning into a simple triangular token.

With a "clang", it fell to the ground.

It landed in front of Su Mo.

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