Chapter 59 What Fell Down?! 【First order! 】 】!!

After the meeting, Cheng Huahe and Yubei immediately rushed to the headquarters of the general assembly.

Directly called Zhang Feng, the former test pilot of the B2 stealth bomber.

Cheng Hua looked at Zhang Feng and said solemnly: “Zhang Feng, do you know the situation in the south?” ”

“I know, Mr. Cheng!! Zhang Feng has been on standby! ”

Zhang Feng’s face was calm and he saluted Cheng Hua and said.

But my heart also began to get excited!

After all, calling him over at this time, apparently there was a decision from above, and they were going to fight back!!

“Well, now there is a combat mission for you! Now you immediately fly the B2 bomber to the south, and we will carry an empty bomb for you, and your mission is to drop this empty bomb on the aircraft carrier ‘Outer Root’ accurately! Can it be done. ”

Cheng Hua nodded, and then looked at Zhang Feng and said.


Zhang Feng roared with his throat, and the blue tendons on his neck were exposed.

“Well, do you have any other pilots to recommend?” We also need a pilot with experience and the ability to operate the B2 bomber to fly the second B2! ”

Cheng Hua said again.

“Yes, my apprentice Han Xiao! He has recently been practicing to fly a model B2 and has been tested to be able to fly a B2 bomber!! ”

Zhang Feng replied, and then couldn’t help but ask more,

“Report boss, do we only have two bombers past?!”

“That’s right.”

Cheng Hua nodded.

Hearing Cheng Hua’s words, Zhang Feng was stunned.

They have to face two aircraft carrier formations in the beautiful country! Can it work with these two bombers alone?!

Isn’t that halfway through the flight and it will be detected by the radar on the opposite side?!

“Hehe, I know what you’re worried about, don’t worry, we definitely won’t let our hard-trained pilots die, and you won’t have any problems despite your mission!!”

Seeing Zhang Feng’s expression, Cheng Hua smiled and said.

Zhang Feng immediately said: “Report to the boss, we are not afraid of death, we are just worried that we will not be able to complete the task!” ”

“If you can do it, you have to believe in yourself, and you must also believe in the B2 bomber you pilot!”

Yu Bei was on the side, and suddenly interjected.

Only then did Zhang Feng nod and leave.

Since it has been decided above, they are definitely going to go! Even if you die for the country, you will not be afraid!

From the moment he first became a pilot, he understood that he would be on an airplane all his life!

After Zhang Feng left, Cheng Hua glanced at Yu Bei with some concern: “Yu Bei, do you say that they will really be taken down by two empty bombs in the beautiful country?” ”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Cheng, they are not afraid of two empty bombs, they are afraid of our stealth bombers.”

Yu Bei said calmly.

Seeing that Yu Bei was so confident, Cheng Hua also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and nodded.

On the other hand, after Zhang Feng returned to the unit, he told his apprentice Han Xiao the news that he was preparing to fly the B2 bomber to the south!

Han Xiao is over twenty years old this year, and after hearing his master’s words, he almost jumped up with excitement!

Being able to run to the battlefield and strike a long sky is definitely the highest dream of a pilot!

“This mission may be very difficult, and it may even be life-threatening, I recommend you to go, you don’t blame me, right?”

Zhang Feng looked at the young apprentice and sighed.

After all, he still didn’t have much confidence in the fact that two bombers flew directly into the middle of the two aircraft carrier formations and dropped bombs on the aircraft carriers!

In general, it’s likely that they’ll never return this time.

“Hahaha! Master, if you don’t recommend me, I’ll be angry!” Don’t worry, who is not prepared to be a pilot?! I’m not afraid of death, I’m afraid that the task won’t be completed! ”

A sunny smile appeared on Han Xiao’s face.

And seeing his apprentice’s smile, Zhang Feng’s heart suddenly became relaxed, nodded, and took Han Xiao to the airport, and the two flew a B2 bomber, and after taking off, they drove towards the south!!!

After a round of shelling, calm returned to the sea.

“Just five nautical miles from their maritime domain.”

On the “Dog”, the major held up the telescope, and the corner of his mouth raised a proud smile, this precise blow was enough to make those onlookers startled!!

“How? How was the reaction from the other side? ”

And at this time, Colonel Assef also walked to his side and asked.

“Oh, Mr. Colonel, they are all about to be scared silly. That frigate does not dare to retreat until now, and does not dare to talk about advancing. ”

The major put down the telescope and said with a smile.

“Well, let’s fire for the second round. Be careful or keep your distance! We are only intimidating, not wanting to go to war. ”

Assef nodded, then reminded.

The major also nodded, then licked his lips with his tongue and ordered: “All units are ready, the second round of shelling begins!” ”

With his order, the aircraft carrier formation of the “Outer Root” fired another burst of shells!

The formation of the ‘Linbuken’ not far away also cooperated with this firing!

For a while, the sea surface, which had been quiet for a while, roared again!!

“Damn, endlessly!”

Lan Ying saw another round of shells across the sky and immediately cursed.

Linde’s chest also heaved, if not without orders, he really wanted to fight back!!

“Colonel Linde, when will we be able to wait for support?! What the hell is going on above?! Hit and don’t let us fight! ”

Lan Ying couldn’t help gritting her teeth and said.

“Now you’re starting to hurry again?!”

Linde looked at him with a frown, and then took a deep breath,

“In short, it must be more far-term than we think, we just need these orders.”

And at this moment, a soldier ran over: “Captain! Call from headquarters! Hearing this, Linde and Lan Ying looked at each other, and their expressions were shaken! ”

Then the two immediately trotted back to the command room!!

Linde grabbed the phone: “Report, I’m Linde!” ”

“What?! Let’s lift the combat state and stand by to watch the show!? The beautiful country will retire itself in two hours?! Chief, this.”

However, after hearing the content of the phone, Linde was stunned, and was about to say a few more words, but he was already hung up!!

Linde’s face is extremely ugly!

Lan Ying also looked puzzled: “Colonel Lin, what is the headquarters doing here?” Let’s stay put, and the beautiful country will withdraw its troops within two hours!? How is this possible!? Could it be that they let the beautiful country finish fighting there and leave on their own when they have all the fun?! Didn’t we become a joke then!? ”

“Okay, don’t say it! Execute the command! ”

Linde took a deep breath and didn’t argue with Lan Ying about it! He still chose to trust the command of the headquarters!!

“Huh, have you given up already? This is your warrior spirit? It won’t be the same! ”

The major looked at the battleship opposite Linde, who had actually canceled the combat state at this time, and couldn’t help but mock at once.

As a descendant of soldiers who once died in the Northern Kimchi Country, he has a natural malice towards the Great Xia Country!

Now seeing the frigates of the Great Xia Kingdom announcing ‘surrender’ under their artillery fire, he couldn’t mention how happy it was in his heart!!

“It’s a pity, it’s just a drill, otherwise I will definitely blast you into scum!” The major licked his lips and said. ”

Subsequently, he simply ran to the deck of the aircraft carrier “Outer Root” with a better line of sight, and directly let people put parasols on the deck.

And while giving the order to continue the shelling, he lay down on a chair, wore sunglasses, and leisurely drank juice!

At the same time, after more than two hours of flight, Zhang Feng had almost reached their destination!

Han Xiao, raise the distance! At least so that they can’t see us!!

Zhang Feng shouted into the radio, and then operated B2 to rise directly to 24,000 meters, and there was no trace at all from the ground!!

And the reason why they were able to rise to this height, in addition to the amazing lift of the B2 bomber itself, is that they did not carry live ammunition, and a plane was just hanging an empty bomb!

“Get into the enemy’s radar detection range immediately! Han Xiao, let’s act separately and enter from both sides! Be careful!! ”

Zhang Feng took a deep breath.

“Understood, Master! If I can’t go back, you must remember to take care of my mother! ”

Han Xiao on the side said.

“Stinky boy! Clean your mouth for me! Stop talking nonsense! You have a wife, I still have it! ”

Zhang Feng scolded.

Han Xiao smiled, didn’t say anything more, and then drove another B2 away.

And Zhang Feng also took a breath and continued to drive towards the ‘Outer Root’ aircraft carrier formation!

However, when he entered the detection range of the other party’s radar, Zhang Feng unexpectedly found that he was not recognized!!

What’s going on?!

Zhang Feng’s heart shook violently, and he thought of what Yu Bei said when he left.

“Believe in yourselves, and believe in the B2 bomber you fly!”

Could it be that this B2 bomber could not be detected by Lei Shu?! An incredible idea surfaced in Zhang Feng’s mind!

He naturally would not believe that with the strength of the beautiful country, the radars of the two aircraft carrier formations would malfunction at the same time!

So, the crux of the matter is this B2 bomber! Zhang Feng was excited, and both eyes were shining!

He finally understood why only two of them were sent over! This is simply a ghost! The ultimate killer of the enemy command!!

“Master, I have reached the sky above the ‘Linbuken’! They didn’t find me! ”

And at this time, Han Xiao’s excited voice also came over!

“Me too! Drop the height to ensure that the bomb can be dropped accurately! Once you’re done, you’ll be back to the air! ”

Zhang Feng suppressed the excitement in his heart and said.

So, after descending to a certain height, both of them pressed the button to drop bombs!!

Two empty bombs, falling from the sky, fell towards the two aircraft carriers respectively!!


The sea breeze suddenly blew away the juice that the Major had put aside!

He scolded and got off the chair, just bent down to pick up the juice, and suddenly felt that his scalp was a little numb.

Frowning and looking up, I saw a huge black shadow falling towards me!

God, what is this?!

This was the last thought that crossed the major’s mind! Then, I heard a loud bang!

The air bomb falling from a height of 10,000 meters directly hit him, smashing the deck out of a big hole and bright red blood flowed out of his stump!!

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