Chapter 60 In the North Miaoji to the world! Two empty bombs to return the aircraft carrier! 【Ask for automatic subscription! 】!!


Although the huge impact sound cannot shake the huge aircraft carrier, this sound is eye-catching!

The soldiers on the aircraft carrier “Waigen” heard the movement and immediately came. Immediately, I saw a scene of blurred flesh and blood!

And even more creepy for them!

That bomb that plunged straight into the deck!!

“There are air strikes!! Sound the alarm!! The ‘Outer Root’ was attacked!! ”

Someone shouted.

And the entire aircraft carrier immediately sounded a sharp siren!!

There are even many soldiers with poor psychological quality, and their faces change greatly after seeing this bomb!

Then he directly didn’t care about anything, and jumped off the dirty mother!! There are not a few such people!

The whole ‘Outer Root’ was chaotic at once!

And the ‘Linbuken’ on the side, the same scene also appeared at this time! A large number of soldiers jumped ship and swam frantically towards other battleships!!

“What’s going on?!”

On the side, the flagship of the aircraft carrier formation, the command room of the ‘Dog’, Assef heard this movement, immediately stood up, and exclaimed,

“Major Arthur! Major Arthur!! ”

However, no matter how he called the major, he still did not have it! At this time, a lieutenant hurriedly broke into the command room!

“Colonel Assef is bad, we have been attacked by air strikes! Major Arthur he was killed by a bomb!! ”

The captain said to Assef with a pale face.


When Athoph heard the captain’s words, his face immediately changed and he said angrily,

“Nonsense, I’m in the command room, if there is an air strike, our radar will definitely detect it!!”

“What the hell is going on, where the hell did Major Arthur run!?”

“Can’t say I’ll send you to a court-martial!!”

Assef narrowed his eyes and directly pulled out his matching gun and pointed it at the captain and said.

“Colonel Assef this is true, bomb 487 fell on the ‘Gaiden’!!”

The captain said with a bitter face.

“Take me to see!”

When Athoph saw the captain look like this, his heart immediately sank, and then said in a deep voice.

“No, Mr. Colonel, there are really bombs over there, and many soldiers have already jumped out of the aircraft carrier! The situation is dangerous! ”

The captain saw that Assef wanted to go over and immediately stopped him, after all, Assef is now the commander of the entire formation, if something happens to him, then the problem will be big!!

After all, they don’t even know where the enemy planes are now!!

“Get out of the way!”

Assef tried hard to break free from the captain, but he was held by the captain, and he seemed to have to grit his teeth and grab the telescope from the captain’s neck and go straight to the deck!

However, the scene in front of him made his whole person almost fall to the ground all of a sudden!!

Just looking at the sea there are many soldiers in beautiful country camouflage uniforms swimming and on the deck of the aircraft carrier “Outer Root”, a black bomb is quite eye-catching!

Assef suddenly turned pale!

He didn’t expect what the captain said to be true!!

There were actually enemy bombers who dropped bombs on their aircraft carriers!

And what’s even more terrifying is that they didn’t even find a trace of the bomber!!

“Colonel Linde, you are coming to see what is happening on the other side!!”

On the other side, Lan Ying, who had been holding a telescope and observing the opposite side, saw this scene, and was also shocked, and called Linde over excitedly!!

Linde hurriedly walked out, and then saw the scene in front of him, and was also shocked.

The soldiers of the beautiful country who were inexplicably defeated, and the black unidentified objects inserted on the decks of the “Outer Root” and “Linbugen”!

Let Linde’s cheeks twitch!!

“Is that black thing a bomb?!”

Linde asked subconsciously.

“It must be, otherwise what are those turtle sons doing jumping ship in such a panic?!” Hahahaha, the guy opposite who was still drinking juice just now was smashed to death! What a relief!! ”

Lan Ying held the telescope and saw the major who was smashed to death on the deck of the ‘Outer Root’, and immediately couldn’t close his mouth with a smile!!

“This… Is this what headquarters means?! This is what our bombers did!? But I was in the command room, and I didn’t see anything on the radar!! ”

Hearing Lan Ying’s words, Linde was even more shocked, and then his heart was also excited!!

Although I don’t know what’s going on, at least this shows that there is no problem with their plan at headquarters!!

Their Daxia country has a real killer!!

“Haha, it’s so refreshing! Such a big bomb can definitely blow up a big hole! This group of guys from the beautiful country deserves it! ”

Lan Ying continued to watch, her mouth kept burying the beautiful country, and she expressed all the grievances that had been suppressed in her heart before!!

Linde was also relieved, excitedly stood on the deck to watch the situation, and did not return to the command room.

However, almost five minutes passed.

That black bomb still exploded!

“Huh, what’s going on? Why hasn’t that bomb exploded yet, is it an empty bomb?! ”

Lan Ying saw this and suddenly said to herself with some doubts.

But Linde seemed to have thought of something, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

“It’s definitely empty, the headquarters is the headquarters in the end, what you think is really different from us!!”

“Ah, what an empty bomb?!”

Lan Ying was stunned for a moment, and then put down the telescope with some pity and asked,

“Colonel Lind? What do we do with empty bombs? Why don’t you put a live bomb and blow up that group of beautiful turtle sons once!? ”

“You know a fart! That’s deterrence, you know! After all, the beautiful country is always provoking and does not really enter our territorial waters! If we take the lead, it will undoubtedly be an act of declaration of war! ”

“Throwing an empty bomb at them at this time is to make them sober and clear.”

“We can quietly throw an empty bomb onto an aircraft carrier, and naturally we have the ability to quietly drop a live bomb on their aircraft carrier!”

“How would you feel if an enemy plane evaded our radar and dropped an empty bomb on us?”

Linde’s eyes flashed with excitement and said to Lan Ying.

“Someone dodged the radar and threw an empty bomb at us… Shh ”

Lan Ying came to her senses, couldn’t help but widen her eyes, and gasped! Subconsciously looked at the sky, as if he really felt an invisible ghost bomber hovering above his head!

This fear of the unknown is even more psychologically crushing than direct fire!!

“Shhh… It’s actually an empty bomb!! ”

And after confirming that the bomb would not explode at this time, Assef also boarded the ‘Outer Root’ under the protection of everyone, looking at the bomb stained with blood, he couldn’t help but gasp!

Then, Assef came to his senses and quickly ordered: “Let all the fighters take off immediately!” Look for traces of enemy aircraft! ”


A soldier received the order and immediately went down to carry it out, and it took less than ten minutes.

All the fighters on the “Outer Root” took off!!

But Assef looked at the empty bomb in front of him and was silent!

This is not only because the major who smashed to death is a nephew of his boss, but also because he could not imagine how the other party evaded the radar and dropped the bomb on the aircraft carrier!!

This is many times more important than the death of the major!!

“Colonel Assef, there are words on this!!”

At this time, a soldier suddenly found the clue on the empty bomb and couldn’t help but exclaim.

And Assef was also about to run over immediately, looked in the direction pointed by the soldier, and immediately couldn’t help but gasp!!

I saw that on this black empty bomb, I don’t know what was used to engrave two lines of words in Chinese and English up and down!

The meaning is very concise! For the first time, empty bombs! If you do not retreat, the second time, live ammunition!!

When Athoph saw these two rows of words, his eyelids twitched!!

This could not be more obvious, this is the Great Xia Kingdom’s response to their exercises!! He did not doubt at all that if they did not leave, the next drop would definitely be a live bomb!

“What has this Great Xia Kingdom studied, and it can actually do this step Assef couldn’t help but mutter.”

And at this time, the captain of the negative fighter came to Assef!

“Colonel Assef We have searched the airspace around us for fifteen nautical miles and have not found any trace of enemy aircraft!!”

The captain said to Assef, and his eyes were also full of fear!!

For a pilot, he knows that if he only faces a fighter that is better than himself, they may not back down!

But if they don’t even know where the opponent’s fighters are, this battle can’t be fought at all!!

“Colonel Assef, what should we do now!?”

The captain couldn’t help but ask out loud at this time, he was really a little scared!!

Assef also fell into silence, and it took a full five minutes before he heard him sigh.

“Pass on my order, and the whole formation will retreat twenty nautical miles!” At the same time, I immediately sent a message to the headquarters, saying that we were bombed by unknown enemy planes!! ”

Assef said in a deep voice, this is the most suitable method he can come up with temporarily!!

Only in this way will he be able to avoid that their aircraft carrier will be bombarded by unknown enemy aircraft!

After all, the value of an aircraft carrier, whether it is early research and development or later maintenance, is very expensive!!

If it is damaged or even sunk here, it will be a huge loss for the beautiful country!

And after the captain heard Asseve’s words, he was also relieved in his heart, and hurriedly went down to help convey the order!

So, in the eyes of outsiders.

The two aircraft carrier formations, which were obviously still shelling at the beginning, suddenly began to slowly turn around!

Directly exited twenty nautical miles away!!

This scene not only made everyone on the ‘Zhongliang’ ship cheer!

It is that the forces that are guarding fifty nautical miles away to watch the excitement are dumbfounded!

After all, they are still a little far from the place of the incident, so no one can see what is really happening!!

And what they can clearly know is that the two aircraft carrier formations of the beautiful country suddenly began to retreat without warning!!

In other cases, everyone was shocked! What the hell is going on here?!


The news of the retreat of the “Outer Root” and the “Linbugen” also spread all over the world at once!

The entire Great Xia Kingdom suddenly burst into jubilation!! As for the beautiful country side, Tom was shocked and called the supreme council again!! Looking at the information in his hand, he had a terrifying guess in his heart!!

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