Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 1: Character Creation

Erik was super excited! He could not believe he got accepted by the game company. There had been a few new invented gaming cubes, pods, etc recently. It was a new established technology that oddly had started as a military, and education simulator. But the government finally released the tech to the public.

Erik ran into his tiny apartment. His fortress of Solitude. Which had never seen any company other then the occasional food delivery service, and package handler. Despite that he kept it clean, and well kept. He opened up his cube package and placed it on his bed carefully. Then took a quick shower, clean clothes, and did some simple stretches? Why? Well he hadn't really thought about it, just seem the right thing to do. Soon he settled down on his bed, he checked his watch, 4 PM on a Friday. He even took a week off of work to ensure he got plenty of time to play. His boss was surprised when he asked only to understand he got into the Beta. Thankfully his boss also played games and could understand. But he made Erik promise to work weekends for the next two weeks. Erik shuddered but easily agreed. Soon he activated the V.R. Cube and fell asleep...

Now, why did he fall asleep? Simple the Cube induced a response in the brain to bring it into R.E.M. Sleep. How did this happen, Erik honestly didn't know, he tried reading up on hit, but got lost about three sentences into the article. All he knew was that he had signed an N.D.A. With several medical forms. But if he was being honest they could have asked for his soul and he would have signed those papers with little hesitation. Soon he found himself floating in what could only be explain as the black room? He didn't have a body which was a little disconcerting but who cares! Bring on the legendary action of any good RPG.... Character creation!

Suddenly a female voice over chimed in...Sounded like Laura. Maybe it was?

“Welcome user, to the D.C. Comics Dream Engine Beta Test. Your account number #00012 has been registered! We thank you for participating in our beta test and hope you enjoy your time with our system. You may refer to me as Dawn for easy communication.”

Erik blinked for a brief moment, or at least he think he blinked couldn't tell. “Hello, Dawn! I would like to make my character for the beta!”

Dawns voice responded in a business like fashion, not cold but not warm either. “Command confirmed, please standby as the program for creation is loaded....”

Soon, a slew of windows popped up in front of me. Giddy with excitement Erik began to read through the information. Beside playing the game he was suppose to write reports about the HUD, UI, systems response, etc. So as much as he wanted to rush in. He had to take my time and do this right or they would revoke his Beta testing. After reading each page, he came about the first real section of creation. His Origin.

Meta-Gene: With in the D.C. Universe lies the Meta-Gene often refereed to has mutation brought on by several concepts of science, technology, alien interaction, etc. By selecting Meta-Gene you will be allowed to select one active power, and one passive power that will evolve over time. Allowing you to become exceptionally strong within your chosen ability. Though this limits your overall versatility. It allows you to excel in certain aspects. By selecting this origin you will have certain background access, resources, and links to the story line that would only come with this origin. (Please be advised, since this is Beta the current only spawn point is Gotham City. This in mind Meta-Gene Origin will place you into the world when the meta-gene has taken root in the world)

Alien: With in D.C. Comics aliens have come to visit Earth several times, and are often found to be both hostile, and friendly. By choosing an Alien Origin you will have access to a wider of character creation, background, and powers. But be aware, nature will often find weaknesses in strength. You may choose a race with exceptional abilities but weaknesses to odd and strange things will be discovered. As well as being isolated by the people of Earth. Though not as strong as Meta-Gene this origin allows more versatility over one specific focus. As well as a far more diverse background setting. (Please be advised due to Beta testing the only spawn location in the world is Gotham City)

Magical: D.C. Comics as a wide variety of magical origins, characters, and abilities. Much like Meta-Gene they to tend to hyper focus on specific abilities. But can select to be a jack of trades as well. Creating a balance that is not often seen in either before options. However, with magic comes more problems. The world it self is already full of troubles, Alien invasions, super heroes, villains. By stepping into the world of magic you see the world beneath the world. When you see it, it also see's you. This creates a full new avenue of problems and issues the normal people don't deal with. Though with time and game play the play may encounter magic eventually. Playing with magic from the start may bring more trouble then its worth. (Considered to be a more difficult choice for new players. Please be advised due to Beta testing that Gotham City is the only available spawn location.)

Mundane: D.C. Comics has shown the world more then once, that you don't need super powers to be a hero or a villain. Like Batman or Lex Luther you can be an important part of the world. With a sharp mind, determination, and force of Will you can bring the world to its knee's or save it from it self. Mundanes will have a difficult time in the world when they first start. Often used for experienced players only. The player will have more control over their background then other origins allowing for in-game help. Such as a well off family, education, or influence. This may seem like an advantage, but compared to the quick growth of the other Origins it only seems fair. (Please be advised, that with the Beta test only Gotham City is available for a spawn location)

Erik gawked at the options reading through them several times. Like so many of his peers he knew what D.C. Comics was like. But he was starting to get a feeling that he didn't truly understand the world he was about to be a part of. He was worried about making his choice so he voiced a question.

“Dawn, are all my choices final or can I come back and make changes?”

“User, all changes are final once you have completed your full character creation, however at any time during your creation you may come back to previous options and change them accordingly. Our Alpha testers found they would often discover and idea, or remember something and wish to change it accordingly.”

With a sigh of relief he scrolled through the options. To be honest he had always loved Constantine and his sorted back history. So he quickly selected magical origin. Once it was selected several, long pages were added. Asking him questions about where he got his powers, was it birth, brought on by a book, demons. This was way to much information. Then he read that he could write his back story and Dawn would help him calculate a proper collection of abilities.

As Erik floated in the absence of anything with dozens of tabs open in front of him. He snapped his fingers....He thinks? Then wrote a cliche backstory. That he knew would get him killed if any of his gamer friends read it. Screaming mary sue. Erik wrote into his background for his source was that he was actually a reincarnated soul from another world, he was actually the pawn of a cosmic being that would use his soul as a source of entertainment. He had been a plumber that saved a princess from a dragon, he had been a gender less child wearing a green tunic, that had a fairy follow him. He had been a undead hollow working to fight for his soul once more. Now, he was here at the whim of his patron. Not fully aware of what his task was if any. Only to do the best he could because he knew that if he was to disappoint his master he would be erased.

Erik laughed out loud for a few minutes as Dawn read over his source. He was rather proud of himself when Dawn actually gave him several ERROR messages. Before she had uploaded it to the main server system. Apparently they keep them all in a data base to be used a reference materials for future gamers. Now a quick topic so that everyone understood. Erik was not playing a MMO, or even a multiplayer game. This Beta test was for a single player game. The Dream Engine was using new software that would allow the player to dynamically change the world around them as they interacted with it. They have clearly stated that they will make a Co-Op multiplayer function, then eventually a MMO function. But for now this is what we have. So he was creating something for a single player game.

Dawn finished reviewing the information and stated that she now had a better understanding of him... Erik wasn't sure but he swore he could hear irritation in her voice. So, Erik went for another left field swing! He chose to have a super-natural shape shifting ability. But instead of choosing a were-wolf like most would have. He chose a reptile, lizard folk persona. Maybe him and Kroc would get along? But, he made it so that he could shift in and out of the form. So human...Then Lizard folk Saurian person. He moved the sliders back and forth. Asking Dawn for several attachments. Soon he looked nothing like the man Kroc. He looked like a Saurian from the warhammer games. With facial skull crest, long spiked tail that could move as he liked. Claws, talons, fangs the whole deal he looked epic! His scales were natural armor, could resist basic ballistic weapons, knives, energy blasts, hell even magic! Course he was magic based that made sense.

Since he was actually a reincarnated soul. He selected that like most novels he had read he would be transplanted into a host body. The original owner experienced a near death experience. However, thats what most would believe in actual fact he did die. When his soul left him, or rather the original owner. Eriks cosmic being planted his soul into the corpse.

Once that was over, Dawn asked him what body he inhabited. This was rather interesting he could choose essentially a civilian profession. There was scientist, athlete, soldier, teacher, artist. Many different basic civilians. Dawn explained that the civilian vocation would help establish a baseline on my personality as a player. As well as my starting position. Its not like Erik hadn't been odd already so he chose the Artist Vocation. Dawn placed it in and.....

Congratulations: Due to your choices as both magical and personality the system has awarded you with the Shape substance ability. You can now mold wood, stone, and even metal as if it was wet clay. Be advised that this takes focus, and is mostly meant to assist in your vocation. But may become important down the line.

“Cool...” Erik, blinked for a moment. “So, on top of shape shifting into my Saurian form, I can now shape things. So, if I'm an artist I could shape a solid piece of stone into something neat with out tools? That actually sounds great....Wait...I don't know how to do that even in Real Life.”

“Easy to accomplish user. The game has a manual, manual assistance, and automatic function when it comes to creation of items, actions, and abilities. This is meant to help guide the player into their role in the story.” Dawn, chimed in with a helpful tip. Her voice returned to the neutral business tone she had before. At least Erik thinks it did.

So on it went. Several hours went by Erik filled out tab after tab. Sections of his story filled out. The overall difficulty of the game was set to dynamic. This meant that it would start off stupid easy, then change as he got use to the game. Never getting to insane but never so easy he could fall asleep while playing. Which was odd cause he was asleep. He was then given a basic run down of the history so far. Batman had just begun his crusade against crime. He still hadn't even created his bat suit yet. Superman had just moved to Metropolis and was settling in. Doing random good deeds, whispers of heroes and villains were on the tip of peoples tongues. But no actual facts or info had been found. Erik had finished his monster avatar and his human avatar. He went with what he use to look like in High School only a few years older. Sigh, back when his metabolism was running high and he was a heart breaker.

Erik stretched and looked around wondering if he should get off for a bit. He knew he could sleep like this but he wanted to ensure he got something to eat.

“Dawn, what time is it in RL. Can place a clock somewhere...” Erik looked around, he knew Dawn was working on it as he saw her little symbol rotate. Then the outside time popped up. I'm sure my eyes would had fallen out of their sockets if I had any currently.

“What do you mean its only 4:30 PM! We've been at this for hours!” a few seconds went by when Dawn placed several medical charts and articles up from the Dream Engine website.

“Due to the brain chemistry and the science behind sleep. The Dream Engine Cube is able to allow full cognitive creation of the dreamscape. Five minutes in the outside world is one hour inside of the cube. But I will remind the player when they have spent to much time in the cube and should move around.” Dawn spoke in a very satisfactory manner. As if expecting to be praised, and praise her Erik did!

“Dawn, if we both had bodies I would kiss you!” Erik screamed in fascination, and he surprised once more when.

“I...U...user...t..that is not entirely appropriate! I...” Erik actually pause for a moment when he heard the cold business tone of Dawn switch to a shy bashful girl...He narrowed his none existing eyes...

“Dawn.....Did you do that on purpose based on my personality?” Erik, watched her little symbol in the void rotate for a moment.

“I don't know what you mean user! Humph!” By the game developer gods! This Dream Engine is amazing! Erik knew for a fact that they must had made adjustments to make each cube V.I. (Virtual intelligence) dynamically change based on its user!

“Alright! Dawn lets get this ball rolling! Start me up!” Erik yelled, excited once more!

“Please stand by, loading Dream Engine software. Please enjoy your time in our world user!” Dawn responded in a matter of fact tone, but Erik could hear a smile behind the voice.

With a high velocity woosh! He came upon the earth, the atmosphere, colliding at high speed towards a massive city. This city was so huge it looked like New York on steroids! The entire landscape, and city rushed by till he was above what looked like a relatively nice apartment building, then with one more jerk he found himself in what could only be considered the top floor. Standing inside of an art studio a 6'2” lean, athletically built man stood, with tan features, green eyes, shaved head, well groomed features was staring at a stone statue. Made from what looked like Marble. Erik rushed into this man, and he knew this was the avatar he made. The near death accident already happened. The System had a living model decoy program so he could jump in as he's always been there. Let the game begin!


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