Erik Lash shivered for a moment, he was looking at his new creation. The marble was depicting a beautiful women from the shoulders up, with long curly hair cascading over her shoulders, a vivacious look on her face with a single up turned eye brow, and a smile tugging at her lips. Long slender neck, and tone frame with wide shoulders. He's not sure why he went with the shoulders this way but it seem to speak to him. Reaching out with his bare hands towards the statue he focused his mind and an almost eerie light crawled over his fingers, then with out a single tool, shaped the length of the hair with his finger tips. Shaping solid marble. If his agent could see him do this she would lose her mind! But thankfully the door was locked, and the windows were tinted and obscured while he worked to prevent anyone from watching him. After he changed a few hair lines he stepped back. The glow on his hands faded. He smiled satisfied basking in his work when....

“Lash!” The door to his art room has being knocked on by a fiery red head he knew lovingly referred to as Lizzy. Or Elizabeth Shaw as she was actually called. She was a cool beauty that stood at 5'8” with pale skin and a beauty mole just below her left eye. Deep blue eyes, and a well toned body that always looked great when she would wear her business suits. She and him had known one another since high school...Or rather she knew the original owner. But lets not get into that right now.

Erik Lash...Or just Lash rolled his eyes and walked towards his art room door. “I'm coming Lizzy hold on!” His voice had a deep base tone to it. Almost as it was gravely, however if you looked at his neck you would see a long jagged scar from when his neck was cut a little over two months ago. When Lash first arrived here. Unlocking the door, Lizzy stood in a pencil skirt, and green blouse that highlighted her hair wonderfully. She had on her blue rimmed glasses today. Which means she was in a bad mood. She brushed past him, trying to collide against with his shoulder. In order to get her point across she was in a bad mood. But when she hit his shoulder he didn't move back like most would. He was a solid rock, she actually gave out a little squeak in surprise. Then glared at him as to say he did that on purpose. Don't misunderstand Lizzy and Lash got a long great. They had a good working relationship, and had been friends for years. Which is why she acted like this sometimes because she knew she could be real around Lash.

Lizzy walked into the room still smoldering at the provocation of the shoulder clip which was not Lash's fault no matter how much she thinks it was. Then paused looking at the statue for their client. She eyed the floor noticing not a single stone flake on the ground believing that Lash had cleaned up before letting her in. She gave a curt nod in approval in his cleaning habits. If only she knew. Lashed walked around her after closing the door softly. Trying to measure why she was so angry.

“So....Do you want to talk about it?” Lash, said softly. Which unfortunately still sounded like to slabs of stone were grinding against each other. Lizzy for her credit took a deep breath trying to relax her shoulders.

“The Collins believe that the statue you made for them is some how fake. Believing it impossible that you could carve that with a single stone. They are having an expert appraise the statue before they will pay us.” Lizzy replied while gritting her teeth.

Lash nodded his head as he thought about the piece he made. It was a wonderful Ship sailing across the ocean, with amazing detail and natural effects. Any normal artist would find it impossible to carve with a single section. But with Lash's abilities he could do it with one.

“Who's the appraiser?” He asked trying to sound sincere...But Lizzy knew it didn't really matter to him. It shouldn't matter to her, they made plenty of money in their business. But she hated how someone questioned their credibility.

“Gregson....Thankfully” Lizzy took another deep breath. She walked around the state that he had recently carved with a smile on her face. “This is beautiful, Lash....” He smiled at her, enjoying not just the compliment but also the appeal of looking at a beautiful women.

“Thank you, its ready for our next client, if you want to arrange the shipment. I'm sure Mr. Whats his face will be able to surprise his wife with it.” Lizzy rolled her eyes at him. Annoyed that he wouldn't remember their clients names. She took out her phone and made a few I.M.'s arranging the pick up. Then walked over to Lash with a critical eye, watching him carefully. Lash met her eye with a raise brow.

“Did you eat today?” Lizzy asked, Lash stopped and had to think about it....Maybe?

But his look of hesitation was enough for her. She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room towards his living space which was located on the same floor. Lash rolled his eyes as he let her pull him, he could easily just abruptly stop if he wanted too. But he love to watch her worry over him. They made it to the kitchen and she pulled out some dietary nutrition thing his cook made for him and had him eat it after she re heated it. Lash would often forget to eat anything, generally he would find a spark for his art and zero focus on it. Lizzy watched him eat with a satisfied smirk on her face. Then walked over rubbed his bald head for luck. Lash would groan and she would laugh at his protest. Ever since his homecoming Lash hadn't been able to grow any hair on his head. He wasn't sure why.

Lizzy left his place to return to her own office. Though they made great money together. Lash was not her only artist she and her family worked with. He would see her again when they had another project. Lash stood and placed his dish away after a light rinse. Going to his security check he put on an auto close and shutter protocol. All the windows in his living space, along with his studio went dark. Making his entire home nearly pitch black. Despite the lack of light he could actually see just fine. Making an audible sigh.

“Lets get this over with..” Lash removed his shirt, shoes, and pants. Then took a deep breath, not looking forward to the next part. He reached into his mind and flipped a metaphorical switch. Then he grit his teeth and groaned as he felt his bones begin to snap, twist. His muscles tore creating an audible snap several times over. Soon his skin was replace with scales as it covered him. Soft deep green scales in area of his movements, hard leather scales on none optimal movement area's. His face elongated, with ridges produced around his eyes, and head. A long tail grew with in seconds from the base of his spine. Claws grew from his nails and toe nails, as his teeth became razors. His color was a deep forest green in light, but attributed to black in the dark. The reptilian eyes blinked for a moment as he adjusted to the new size difference. Then in all his glory stood a 4' foot Saurian adolescent...

Looking at his young form. Lash had no idea why his Patron gave him such a small body. But he felt that with time it would grow. But he could almost feel his patron in the cosmos looking down at him with a grin. Lash had to change daily otherwise his...Other half would get restless. He scampered around his home climbing on this and that, rummaging through his fridge at which point he ate a five pound t-bone steak...raw. He played with one of the discarded pieces of stone in his art room making it into a stone knife. Why? He honestly didn't know. He would lean against a window and listen to the sounds of the city. Closing his reptile eyes he could almost hear...see the world outside. Watching as things that are not seen with a common eye would walk by his building. He would stay like this, in this shape for several hours. Before he would feel that his other half was content. Then he would break, shift, and mend back to his human shape. Collect his cloths and go to bed. Only to work, and change again in the morning. Though he felt that his slow and relaxing days were soon coming to an end.


Erik found himself back in the black room. He screamed for a good while then looked around.

“DAAAAWN! What the hell was that? I feel like I wasn't even in control. Like I wasn't playing a game but living a new life! Please explain!” Erik was jittery, confused, but also in a way excited!

“Welcome back User. As you have just experienced the first iteration of automatic use. Your avatar was set to Auto to let you understand the feeling of being in the body. Giving you the information about your skills, traits, personality, and relationships you have with your avatars connections. When you return to your Users avatar a second time the system will set to Manual Assistance. Allowing you more control over your Avatar, but the systems V.I. Will step in when necessary to ensure interaction with specific people important to the Users story. Until they are fully prepared to adopt their new persona...” Dawn chimed in with a helpful blip about the how, why, and when.

Erik was totally freaked out! He knew Lash's whole story, he had glimpses of dozens of different life times. Most of them from the perception of first person as if he had truly been there. He also remember Lizzy, his bodies entire life. It wasn't word for word, but it was enough to get a feel. This feeling was breath taking! He quickly wrote up a short report about his feelings and had Dawn send it to H.Q. Then took a deep breath and went down for his second run.


Just like last time the entire world flashed by for a moment...Then Lash looked around the room, looking at his clock at his night stand. 4:30 am. He sighed....Then shivered again... Looking around the room differently he sat up. Looking down at his hands with a new appreciation.

“Ok....I can do this....Hi..Lash. Lets get along...Ok? Dawn? Question, why does my Saurian shape look so different?” Lash spoke into the darkness of his bedroom. His mammal eyes adjusted to the darkness far quicker then they should have. Allowing for near perfect adaptation.

“Hello User! Please be aware that though you can hear me. No one else of this generated world can. Ensure you take notice of that in the future. Because if you speak to yourself, and some one over hears the world will change its perspective of you accordingly. The reason is simple, you are just starting. Like most pre V.R. Games during character creation. It would show your avatar wearing one of the best possible gear set, to allow what you would be your final appearance could be. When you fully develop that is a firm standard of what your Saurian shape will look like. But as of now you have an adolescent shape based off of your super rank. For information on your rank please say Rank Status out loud or in your mind.

Lash took a moment to process that information. Realizing that if he spoke to Dawn in the public, the game would think he was crazy and act accordingly?! Holy crap! But back to it!

“Rank Status!”

Name: Erik Lash. Or often referred to as “Lash”.

Origin: Magical

Rank: G-

The user is currently just starting there adventures in the world. They have yet to decide if they will be a force for good, or evil. Their abilities match that of an average human with no training! Look out its a tiny lizard with a stone knife! Hide your children!

Skills: Material Shaping, Shape shifting (Saurian)

Lash's eye brow twitched in mild annoyance. But was ultimately confused.

“Dawn, where are my stats? Like Charisma? Or strength?” Lash waiting for a moment before Dawn explained.

“User, the Alpha testers deemed that to many people put to much attention to Stats. Expecting that if their intelligence stat was high then obviously they should be smart. The developers deemed that what you have or don't have should be based off of the user themselves. As you play through the world the system will identify the how, when, why, and if of the users actions. Helping to automatically authenticate, assist until the user can manually control their avatar. But the Alpha testers kept some of the old with the new. Claiming that if your overall state was improved and measured it would increase your willingness to grow. When you improve your strength the system will tell you. I.E. Through hard work and determination you have improved your strength by 0.1.”

Dawns tone had returned to a neutral base. Filling Lash with a sense of confusion. But after a moment he understood. Then before he could ask..

“However, the Alpha testers suggested we try the first application then allow the users to decide for themselves how they wish to be measured. If the user wishes we can go with the traditional method of measure. But we wish to inform you that though the method of measure may be different the overall effect will be the same. Just how you view it.” Dawn spoke to Lash, this time taking on a more Teacher like tone, though it had a hint of playful expose in her voice.

“So, even if I saw a traditional stat sheet like most games, it wouldn't actually effect what I have or don't have. No, lets keep the original method. The one the Alpha testers decided. Actually not having that makes it easier to understand...But I guess I can always change my mind later. So, do we have at least quests? Stories, scenario's, or am I free roaming this?” Lash asked curiously.

“Yes and no. The Alpha testers could not give a definitive answer based on this. But because of your back ground. Having a cosmic being watch over you. Quests will be given by said being in order to facilitate a sense of purpose. So, would you like your Patron to give your first quest?” Dawn spoke once more with a voice that suggested she was smiling.

Lash thinks the system knew that the cosmic being was just him being a smart ass. But what ever lets see how far this rabbit hole goes. Giving confirmation a new tab opened on a … he wants to say holo screen that only he can see.

Quest: Your patron has allowed you time to get control of yourself. But understands you still need to get your feet wet. 1) Choose to either join the local neighbor hood watch? Or a local gang. 2) Commit five petty crimes, or five upstanding citizen deeds.

Rewards: Magical perception; Allowing you to see the world under the world. Please note, this quest has no time limit. But, your patron encourages haste.

Lash nods his head, taking a moment to thank Dawn for the information. Standing up, he went to the bathroom and took care of his morning ritual. Shower, sha...well he doesn't need to shave oddly. Thank goodness he still has eyebrows that would just look weird. Having been dressed and eating a light meal. He went to his computer in his home and looked up local Neighbor hood watch locations. Needless to say he was going to be a hero...But maybe not a good hero. He laughed at himself. Lets just not aim to be an edge lord shall we?

Finding a website that allowed him to punch in his zip code. Turns out there are several area's even in his low crime area that uses the watch. He wrote down the address and went to go see the location for himself. Before leaving he packed up the completed order. The statue of the women carved in stone into the cargo collection. Lizzy's people would pick it up today. But he wouldn't be here to sign for it so he wanted it available. Putting on some black boots, blue jeans, a black collared shirt, and a leather jacket. He paused and looked at himself in the mirror. He carefully placed a pair of sunglasses on his eyes due to the simple reason that his eyes keep shifting between mammal and reptilian. Great! Side effects, that wont get complicated! Thankfully he wasn't ectothermic.

Lash left his building, having lived on the 20th floor he would always get some light exercise since he rarely took the elevator. Passing by the security desk who easily recognized him. He smiled and waved. Never learning their names. Not to be impolite but he just didn't think about it. Walking outside he found that it was a dreary fall morning. Moist air filled with pollution, and the sound of traffic. As he merged into the foot traffic on the side walk. He hated crowds his other half would growl inside his mind. Being surrounded by strangers. Lash would often have to slow down because he would accidentally slip into the sensory awareness while moving. It was nice being able to see everything around him with in a 3 meter area. But holy crap! Walking in Gotham in the morning was suicide with the ability on! He nearly tore a kids head off the other day thinking it was going to attack him...

Erik was struggling with control over Lash, it wasn't really necessary, but he was more just looking around trying to memorize the street he lived on. Asking questions to... Himself? He guessed, which oddly Lash would respond. Both parts, though the Saurian seemed more simple. Not in a bad way, just...

-Danger....Food...Useful....Smell something.....LOOK OUT! Saurian Lash would mutter. Making human Lash pause more then once. Making those around him grumble in irritation when a big guy would stop in the middle of foot traffic for no reason.

“Dawn, is there a map function I can use?” Erik, asked softly under his breath. Dawn replied with in a moment softly into my ear as if she was there with me. It was both eerie and kinda hot to have an attractive female whisper in my ear. Human Lash laughed me softly.

“Yes there is, User. However you have not done the required mission, test, or challenge to acquire it. But continue to use your manual assist with your human avatar Lash he will guide you accordingly.” Dawn spoke softly, almost teasing to me in my ear making me blush. It had been a long time in the outside world since a women had done that to me. Glad to see the Dream Engine was realistic enough to get that down.

Lash did lead me well. It was like having Auto GPS. In the outside world Erik doesn't have such a good memory. But Lash seems better equipped for it. Erik received a momentary flash of a memory of when Lash was jumping through rooftops in an old European style city being chased by city guards. Before it snapped back to where we were.

“What the hell was that?!” Erik hissed into Lash's mind.

“Sorry, Erik. One of my former lives. Memories do that, try to not let them bother you.” Erik muttered a thank you. Then went silent as Lash led them on. This was super weird! Erik was sharing a body with two other... People? But it felt so natural. The past lives memories felt like a dream he had. If he tried to chase them they would fade into the back ground. But he just let them rest he would catch glimpses of it on the side of his awareness.

-Stop talking! Keep looking! Focus! Saurian Lash reprimanded Erik. He was shocked for a moment then fell into line. Trying to get a feel for moving around like Lash. The issue was that Lash and Erik have VERY different body types. He's in super great shape and Erik is...... Well not!

Eventually making there way to the community center where the neighbor hood watch collection was held. We could have called but Lash and....other Lash prefer to get a feel for a place first. Even if they go back home and end up calling. It was nearly ten miles from our home. If this was the outside Erik would be sweating like a pig. But to Lash just felt like it was a light walk in the morning... This was getting complicated. Erik was tempted to log out and go for a walk in the outside... NO! Must...Keep...Playing! For....SPARTA!

“Sparta?” Lash paused mid step going to the front door.

-Oh shit! You heard that!? Erik wanted to curl up into a ball and hide from the world. Lash chuckled and moved on. Once inside the center it looked a little worse for wear. But it was being used, that was far better then other places Lash had seen around Gotham. Walking to the main desk he saw an older gentlemen and asked about the Neighbor hood watch. The old man was surprised Lash had asked, but pointed him down the hallway with a genuine smile.

“Nice to see more young people helping in the community!” The Gramps commented as Lashed walked down the hall making to the door he went to the handle only to freeze.

Saurian Lash was hissing across their link. A Predator was nearby and watching them. Taking a deep breath Lash calmed his nerves opened the door towards the watch center and moved in. Once the door closed the feeling left. Sitting behind the counter was an older teen or maybe early college years girl playing on her phone. Not even registering that someone had walked in. Lash walked right up to the desk looking at her. The Saurian in him peered out from behind his eyes and stared at the prey in front of him. The girl to her credit kept an ice grip on her phone like it was an important tool that could save her life. However, the rest of her face paled as shot back a good 10 feet from the desk. Knocking her chair over. She shouted looking like a deer caught in the head lights.

“Hello there! Sorry didnt mean to scare you!” Said Lash. -Yes you did, commented Erik in his mind. Lash kept a smile on his face but nodded his head in his mind.

“C...c..can I help you?” The girl stuttered her words a few times trying to look composed but we both knew she had lost it. Kids her age are always trying to stay composed as if the world was watching them every moment of their lives.

“Yes, my name is Erik Lash, I was interested in joining the Watch in the area. I read online that this was the meet up place for my zip code. Is there someone I can talk to?” Lash kept a smile on his face. But... He often forgets that his voice is very rough on people ears. Though they can clearly understand him. Most people shudder, especially when they see the jagged scar across neck letting them know why he sounds like that.

Despite her appearance, Saurian Lash had his fun and retracted his predatory charm. Pretty good for a four foot tall monitor lizard. The girl visibly relaxed, but you could tell she was still wary of Lash. “J..Just a moment I'll get my dad...H..He's in charge of the watch here.” Lash remained standing, at as he watched her leave in a hurry. Practically running towards the office in the back. Stumbling into the room she squealed to who Lash can only assume was her father. Clearly flustered by the event, a few moments pass as a 6'8” solid built man came from the office. With a short cropped black hair, brown eyes, pale skin, wearing simple casual office cloths. But carrying a cane to help with his obvious limp. Also noticing his side arm on his right hip. When the man came out and saw me. We both paused to look at one another.

Though Erik Lash from before was a honest average artist grad from a Gotham University. The current Lash was a bit different. The way he carried himself screamed combat ready to those with similar vocations. The man standing before Lash, was clearly a retired soldier, or maybe a cop? As they continued to size each other up the girl from before peaked around her dad's huge figure. Looks like she was this situation.

“You a soldier?” The man asks in a deep base tone voice. Holy CRAP! Lash thought he had a bad voice.

“Something like that...” Lash replied to the man. Clearly that was not a satisfying answer. Lash could clearly see the man tense at his answer. “Maybe we can go into your office and talk about it...Away from Prying eyes.... connection to the world wide web.” I smirk while looking behind the man. The girl squeaked and hide behind her dad. But clearly continuing to record the whole thing on her phone.

“Alright. Marie stay out here. I'll talk to our potential recruit in the office.” The man did an abrupt face, but Lash could see as his grimaced. Momentarily forgetting about his injury. Definitely a soldier. Marie who he assumes is the daughter squeaks again, but looks with concern at her father. Nearly letting her phone drop. At least her priorities are straight. The man walks into his office Lash follows a few steps behind.

Closing the door softly, Lash waits at the door for the man to get comfortable, and politely waits to see if the man will invite him to sit. The older man notices what he's doing and a small glint of appreciation is noticed in his eye before he waves his hand to the empty seat in front of him. Lash moves with purpose and sits, not slouching but sitting upright. Erik was slightly confused, because the moment they walked in the office he lost control. Attributing this to like a cut scene he just sat back and watched. Lash removes his sun glasses so he can look directly at the older man.

“Sorry about my daughter fresh from high school, wanted to take a year off before college. Been helping the watch since she was a young-in. But sometimes I feel like that phone of hers put some kind of hypnosis on her. She lets go of it. I'm David by the way, David Skaleg” There is a momentary flash in Lash's mind as he is pushing an oar on a Nordic ship. Pushing with the drums as the spray of sea water splashes across his face. He laughs as he jokes with his friends about having a drink when they get home. As soon as it arrived its gone!

“Skaleg? As in Nordic myths? Friend to Thor? Skaleg?” Lash asks, a bit of interest in his voice. David's facial expression perks up.

“Ummm, yes actually eh, I'm impressed most don't know about the name. Done some research on the old country?” Lash chuckles softly...You could definitely say that. -Holy shit! You were a viking? Did you know Thore? Erik asked...But soon quieted down when Saurian Lash growled at him.

“So, you are interested in the Watch right? I must warn you its a community service, you don't get paid for doing it. Not even I get paid, though I'm retired I do this to fill some time and keep me active.” David spoke, his voice a bit softer now.

“I understand, I've been victimized in the past. However, instead of taking matters into my own hands like I've seen so many people do. I felt that this was a safer choice. I could have bought a gun and walked around with an itch trigger finger. But I felt being trained even if so by the night watch would be better then that.” Lash spoke softly, but David understood more then once glancing at the jagged scar across Lash's neck.

“Happy to hear that! You are right, we do get a lot of die hard vigilante's showing up thinking they can get their start here. Its good to see someone more grounded in reality.” David reached under this desk and pulled out a application information form and handed me a pen. Lash began to fill out the form. Carefully reading each segment and correctly filling it out the first time. -Yaaaaa, I never fill it out right the first time. Erik said softly in their shared mind. Lash smiles a bit before handing it back to David. The retired soldier then took out a pamphlet, and a schedule of meetings.

“So before you can come on the patrol we need you to attend a few classes. Meet the other people in your area. Get a feel for everyone. Please be aware you don't have to like everyone. But try to be polite. Of course with the way you handle yourself I am sure you'll pass right through the courses with out issue.” David stood and shook Lash's hand with a good firm grip. Returning in kind he smiled at the old soldier before looking at the door with a grin. David looked confused. Lash let go of his hand, then before the old man could ask. Lash was opening the door with a sudden yank. Having Marie tumble into the room. As she had been pressing her self to the door to listen.

“EEEEP!” Marie falls across the floor dropping her phone for the first time in the entire time I've known her. She looks up visibly paling at the sight of me looking down at her. Turning to David with a smile before putting on his sun glasses. David's flushes with embarrassment at his daughters antics. Lash smoothly leaves the room so not to involve himself and makes his way back home. Maybe he'll drop by the park and let Saurian Lash watch the birds fly about...

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