Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 3: Neighborhood Watch

Lash came back to the community center that evening after he had let Saurian Lash scamper about in his home. Thank fully Saurian version didn't feel the need to mark its territory in the animal way. Which made Erik happy. He did not want to have to clean up after himself. Maybe that's what they will call themselves when they are more established. Saurian? Short and to the point. But they could decide that later at another...

Erik paused in his recollection realizing he was speaking in they, and them terms. The Dream Engine was doing its job making it seem.. Normal? Erik was carefully walking up to the Center listening to Lash's directions. Erik had walked here himself even with Saurian chattering in his ears.

-Whats that? STOP.....Look over there. Hungry.... Chase the shiny bug! Saurian, that's just a laser pointer... Wait why is there a laser pointer out in the open like this. People will get the wrong idea. Turns out it was a kid sitting up in a window near by flashing the laser across the ground enjoying watching people get excited. Lash waved at the little one which prompted the kid to pale and hide in his home away from his eyes. Erik, asked Dawn a few questions about mobs in the game. Apparently he was still in the established tutorial. Once he was 'set' the game would begin to create situations akin to a normal game. Where in a fantasy game you would have random mob Wolf appear and attack the player. You will have opportunities to show off who you are to the world. Example; You'll see someone getting mugged and have the chance to help. Or, you'll see some one drop their wallets allowing you to help them, or take it. These effect will happen almost comically often. But Dawn assured me that he was not the only around...

“Wait...Dawn what do you mean I'm not the only one? I thought this was single player?” Erik paused for a moment before he entered the Center. He wanted this out of the way before he went in. He already got stared at by several people when he went to the park with Saurian.

“Due to the Dream Engine connection the wide server. All copies of the original Beta Testers are being constantly updated. Though you will not be playing with anyone else. You may encounter a Life Model Virtual Intelligence of the user inside of your own world. The Alpha testers proposed that D.C. Comics would have more then just main plot characters you normally read about. The back ground characters. So they suggested that the Users themselves be those side characters. Currently there are #34678 different V.I. Model replicates in your world.” Dawn finished speaking using a gentle tone but still remained in a business like fashion. Reminded him of Lizzy. Made Erik wonder if that's why Lizzy was like that.

“Dawn, will I know if they are player models? Or...” Erik asked hesitantly. He was actually kinda excited. Remind him of the Souls games.

“Not intentionally. A majority of the V.I. Model will follow the same path pattern as your own V.I. Model Lash when they are in control. But, many of them act oddly in the world....” Dawn's voice took on an amused spark. Erik realized it would be like if they suddenly paused and began speaking to no one or nothing in the air. Like he was doing right now.... Great!

Finally walking into the Center it was busier in the evening then during the day. Which makes sense. Following the instructions on the papers David had given him before, he took a Right turn instead of a left heading to what he assumed was a class room. Only to hear shouts, hoots, and jeering. Stepping towards the door he could smell the scent of dozens of unwashed bodies. From the work day residing inside. Stepping in Erik looked around as about three dozen people where standing around several floor mats as instructors from what he could assume were from the police station. The room itself reminded him of a smaller school gymnasium. Open bay windows at the top, long fold able benches on the side that could fold in an out. Patterns for certain games painted onto the floor. Thankfully the floor mats were placed above them.

Spotting someone he...recognized. Saurian suddenly took control and slipped across the room in near total silence. Erik was surprised for a moment at the intrusion but let it happen. It was cool how no one in the room seem to notice a 6'2” man slip past them with out a sound. Erik felt a shiver cover his whole body for a moment. -That's Saurians passive stealth he has. Its not that he goes invisible but he just hides his presence much like a predator would. Lash chimed in across the connection. Then before Erik knew it. He standing right behind Marie...Davids daughter. She was watching her father instruct a few kids on proper grapple techniques. David paused momentarily as he looked towards Marie and grimaces before looking back at the kids on the floor mat. Marie noticing the look was confused. Before she turned to her left only to let out a cute squeal of surprise. There stood the man from earlier today. He wasn't inside her personal space. But was close enough to elicit such a response.

Lash stood in what he had today, except his pants were replaces with loose fitting khaki pants to allow freedom of movement. With easy to slip on, and out running shoes. With his sunglasses on. -I wear my sunglasses at night....So I can... So I can♪ Erik chimed in across the link. Having switched places with Lash. Lash's eyes would still switch between Mammal and Reptilian eyes on occasion. Completely spooked few people at the park today.

“Gerrrr! Why did you do that!” Marie pointed an accusing finger at Lash. In her other hand she had a death grip on her constant companion, her phone. She had been working on it as she was I.M.ing the kids fight to someone.

“Because its incredibly fun to see your reaction, Marie!” Marie flinched softly at Lash gravely voice. Like most people do when they hear it. She glared at him before shifting a few feet away, to continue watching the kids throw one another around.

“Alright, that's enough we have a new recruit today I want him to step in and see what he's got.” David chimed in. The kids stood up and thanked David before stepping away. He looked to Lash gesturing him to take his coat and shoes off to the side. There was what looked like a mother watching every ones things. Lash walked over stripping from his shoes, jacket, and keys with wallet and phone. With of course his sun glasses. He gave a playful wink at the mom. Who to her credit smiled at him and looked down bashfully. He could hear Marie humph behind him.

Stepping onto the mat. Lash looked around waiting for someone. Only to realize they were waiting. “OH! Sorry, Hello everyone. I'm Erik Lash joined today came to see what I could do for my home.” A majority of those around the floor mat were startled by Lash voice. He could see a few unspoken questions. Lashed pulled his collar down letting everyone see.

“Two months ago, I was mugged on the street for the money in my wallet. The people took a knife and slashed across my neck giving me this.” Lash pointed at the jagged cut across his neck going from left earlobe to right collar bone. “I should be dead! However, a near by citizen wearing a coat just like that.” Pointing at the Coat David had draped over a chair, had the words Gotham Neighborhood Watch on it. “Found me, applied pressure and called for help. I unfortunately never got their name so I could thank them. But I thought why not join on the Neighborhood Watch myself so I could pay it forward.” Finishing his speech, everyone around the circle including David and Marie had a stunned look on their faces. -Is that true? Erik asked across the link. -You know its not. But they don't need to know that. Lashed responded softly...

Congratulations to User! You have obtained the skill. ACTING; You wont be wining any broad way performances. But you now have a basic idea on how to incite human emotions in those around you. Basically you lied.

Erik was confused and filed that under asking Dawn about it when everyone was out of earshot.

“Cool!” One of the kids that was sparing before said, out loud. Relieving the tension that hung in the air. Everyone chuckled at the youths innocent response. But all of the adults including David seem to gain a gleam of understanding.

“I am actually an artist. I graduated from Gotham University with a Bachelors degree in Art History. I'm a sculptor, working with wood, stone, and metal. If Marie wants she can go to my site to look at my portfolio so you can get a sense of me.” Lash gave a quick web address which to Marie's credit typed it in with due haste suddenly interested. With in a few seconds she let out another adorable squeak soon becoming wide eyed. Several people stood up to crowd around Marie. Each one gaping. There on her smart phone was the Shaw Art industry site. Looking up Erik Lash, there was a photo before the accident. Along with several of his Art pieces under the picture. Showing even latest creation the beautiful statue of the women. Having sold it for about $25 Grand. Several of the single women.... and single men in the crowd started giving Lash coquettish glances hear and there. Eyeing him with renewed interest.

Clearing his throat, but with a smile David spoke up. His base tone voice startling a lot of the people. There was a moment when everyone realized they would now have TWO gravely voices to listen to. Both David, and Lash smirked at each other.

“So, with that out of the way. Lets see what you have.. Carl care to show our new artist how to react to a knife? If that's alright with you, Mr. Lash?” David points out a young man similar to my age he bounces to his feet with hidden talent of someone trained. But has an easy going smile on his face, Carl was 6' foot, with dirty brown hair high and tight like you would expect from a solider, tanned skin from spending time in the sun, with a firm build.

“Just call me Lash, I got use to it in college even my employer calls me that. And yes, I don't mind. After the accident I've been attending a few MMA studios to get an awareness of myself. So I'm not totally fresh.” Lash bowed slightly from his waist towards Carl for his credit, Carl was not surprised and even responded. He took out what looked like a plastic training knife that you often see in video's I could see Gotham Police Department written on it. G.P.D. Lash took a stance waiting for his attacker. -Wait, if that attacked happened two months ago shouldn't you be still healing? Erik raised a valid point. But before Lash could respond Carl took a step forward into Lash's personal space and went to stab him like a standard thug. They both knew Carl could do better. But he was play-acting the part even had a stupid sneer on his face. What should have been a simple thrust, dodge or parry soon evolved into something else.

Carl thrust the blade forward, Lash did an under hand curve towards Carl's arm. The trajectory bounced away. Then Lash stepped into Carl's bubble and gripped his shirt collar pulling him down so he could knee him. Carl Switched the knife to a reverse grip reached up with his other hand and palmed Lashes knee.

Carl then shoulder checked into Lash, his Play-acting Thug sneer turning to a genuine smile. Lash pushed off of Carl's hand to get some space between each other. Then pivoted his weight on the balls of his feet, lowered his center of gravity and twisted. Putting the weight of his hips then spinning his body around as he brought up the heel of his back foot up to Carl's face. Carl's reaction time was perfect as he ducked down as a foot nearly collided with his temple.

At this point no one was looking at Marie's phone anymore. Not even Marie! As the crowd started to watch what they could only refer to as a choreographed fight scene you would often see in a movie. Carl would swing, and maneuver the knife towards Lash going for limbs, attempting to leave shallow cuts. When you have a knife you don't need to necessarily kill. Small skin deep cuts will cause bleeding, pain while moving, and cause a victim to become light headed. Once they begin to stumble that's when you move into to kill.

Lash kept moving in and out of Carl's reach attempting to engage in grappling, and quick moves. Soon he stopped trying to be flashy and just went to attacks that would disable or put down. But never took such an aggressive stance that would think he was trying to kill Carl.

But soon Carl made a mistake, he thrust the blade towards Lash's neck going for an artery. There was a brief moment when Lash's eyes switched to reptilian irises turning to slits. As Saurian Lash growled across the link. No longer enjoying this play fighting. Lash moved with speed quicker then anything he had done before. Ducking under Carl's arm he stood behind his back. Wrapped his arms and legs around Carl and forced him to the ground. Keeping a choke hold, that also restrained his limbs. The change was so abrupt the Carl went bug eyed as he fell. Thankfully David stepped in and tapped Lash's shoulder...HARD! Getting his attention.

“Let him go!” It had been maybe two seconds since they were on the ground. But Saurian relented. He was a guest in another packs house. His eyes returned to that of a mammal. Lash let go and rolled away.

“Sorry...I...Caught up in the moment.” Lash said, Carl coughed a few times but still had a smile on his face as he stood up a bit wobbly.

“Not at all! That was an amazing fight. But I knew I went overboard the moment I went for your neck. Split second decision wasn't thinking. But you handled yourself well! Much better that I thought you would.” At this point we had actually been going back and forth in the fight for a good ten minutes. We were both sweating, and taking in deep breaths.

“That was....EPIC!” Shouted kid from across the mat. With out realizing it the entire room had come to watch the fight. Saurian seemed jumpy, he hadn't noticed the new arrivals and was chiding himself for losing focus. The kid sprinted towards Carl hugging him, the kid came up to his waist. But Carl smiled down and hugged him. Looking at them both Lash realized they must be related given how they have same features. Several people clapped and cheered. Marie brought bottles of water to us both. But she made a point not to look him in the eye. But her ears were red with...Embarrassment? -Its nice to be good looking, employed with a good job, and interested in helping the community. Commented Erik with a clearly snarky but good humored tone. Lash nearly choked on his water he was about to drink. Chuckling...

“Alright! Listen up!” David called out to everyone. “To those of you that were on the other side of the room. This man here is Erik Lash our new recruit. But as you can see he is well trained so as long as he's OK with it. He'll be helping myself, and Carl to help train you all in Self-Defense...” Making a point to look at us, as well as many of the attendee's. Lash raised a brow in a question? David waved his hand suggesting he'll tell him later. “Right, every ensure you stretch out your muscles and come listen to Carl as he goes over the do's and do not's” David made a wave at me to follow him. As Carl gathered everyone up at the Benches and floor mats going over the rules of the watch. -For the Watch! Erik said, laughing at his own joke. Though he soon fell into the background as David and Lash went to the other side of the room.

“Sorry about that. Remember today when I said we will some times have a few vigilante hero types that come to the Watch thinking they can take the law into their hands?” Lash nodded his head, David didn't say exactly that but he understood it. “Well some of them are here tonight. I'm hoping I can weed out that unstable element in them. But I don't want to out right kick them out. I'd rather they be here learning the right way, then out there with some one else filling their heads that could lead to getting themselves and others hurt.”

“Carl was in my unit. He's still on reserve at the Military base. That's his son Luke, his wife Abby is the nice lady you winked at when you gave your coat over.” Lash winced at that. As both Saurian and Erik laughed in his head.

“Don't worry, Carl wont sweat the small stuff and Abby will just take it as a compliment. Carl is an M.P. On the base. Been doing this with me for a few years now. But he is just like me, will only Teach Self-Defense. If the people want to learn how to hurt and kill they can go some where else and pay their own dime.” David took out a booklet and handed it to Lash.

“Sorry didn't have this before, this is the rule book you'll have to pass a written exam before we can get your civilian license.” -Wait what? Erik commented. Lash was also confused and it showed on his face. David laughed at that. “See that's where a lot of the wannabe hero's get it from. G.P.D. Will actually citizen deputized the Neighborhood Watch as long as you pass all the regulations. You can preform citizen arrest. Walk into public to private ish security area's as long as you wear the uniform and badge. Helping the local guards with a bit of watchful eye. Though not everyone will welcome it. Think of it like Private Eye's or even informants. G.P.D. Has made several arrests and crack downs due to our watch alone. Crime in our area went down by 2% when I took over. May not see...” Lashed waved his hand to stop him.

“No, that's huge! Especially in Gotham! I don't suppose anyone in your group told a story about helping someone with a cut throat?” Lash showed a keen interest in the answer acting the part.

“Sorry but no, I was surprised to hear your story. But tell you what, I'll ask the other patrol area's and see if anyone knows anything. They may want to remain annomist, if your wondering why we've actually had several citizens try and sue some of our people for helping them. Some bullshit response as like 'I didn't ask for help! You could've killed me' when we return some ones purse or wallet from a pick pocket. Thankfully the G.P.D. Camera control is on in the public area's. Most of the time when some one tries to sue us the Police back us up, show the camera footage and they shut their mouths.”

“I guess I understand why some people would react a certain way. In certain circumstances... But returning a stolen wallet? That's screwed up!” Lash said, David nods his head. Seeing someone trying to get his attention he waves, and holds up a hand telling them to wait. He hands Lash a list of names of the wannabe heroes in the group, points a few of them out. Then walks off towards the group. With his cane helping him move.

-Alpha leader should go to sick house, disease in his body growing. Early, can still catch! Both Lash, and Erik's eyes went wide at that. -Wait you can smell that he is sick? Erik asked. But Saurian went back to being quiet...

Congratulations User: You have gained the skill Basic Martial Arts by bobbing, weaving, and moving your body to the song of combat you have discovered the music of all combat. Work and study hard Grasshopper! For maybe one day you'll be able to defeat common house cats!

-Ok hold on a second! Erik chimed in. Lash took out his cell phone and sat down on a nearby chair. After he retrieved his items from Abby at the table. Pretending to talk to someone on the phone.

“Dawn, can you explain why I am gaining skills when I am not technically in control?” Erik asked gently, a tingle excitement in his voice.

“Of course User, Lash as what is often referred to as an alternate persona. You and him are linked. His overall progress is your progress, as well as Saurian Lash. But you will only gain new skills from this point on. Unlike before. As I'm sure you know Lash is a talented Artist or Saurian as you have grown to call him has hunting skills. These are skills they have, but you have to learn them. So as they are used over time, you the User will come to learn them as well. But this takes time. You can also learn new skills as you progress through the generated world.”

“Ohhhh, so Lash, and Saurian already know these skills but I'm the one learning them. With the system notifying me of the update. I have to say that's pretty nice. How convenient would it be if in the outside world I read a book about wood working and suddenly got a notification that I had learned the basics.” Erik had a grin on his face...As did Lash still pretend talking on his phone.

“That is correct, User. The Alpha testers believed that having a prompt for every new skill, or progress would encourage the Users to keep moving forward. So far from Dream Engine we have collected the data stating that this is indeed very helpful for the overall growth of our Users. I would like to remind the User that he should write up another Beta report telling of his experience. That it has also been several hours in the outside world.” Dawn spoke in a neutral tone again. But I was thankful for the information.

“So, wait what happens when I log out...Does Lash disappear?” -I hope not! Spoke Lash.

“No User. This actually arose in the Alpha testing. When an Alpha tester logged out their avatar would fade from sight in the game. The pre generated populace noticed that the User faded from sight and reacted accordingly. Some Alpha testers suggested that the world should pause while logged out. Others suggested a soft progression with pause application.”

“Ummm...Dawn, can you explain soft progression?” Erik asked with a befuddled expression. Several of the people in the room noticed Erik's face and was showing signs of concern.

“Of course, User. Soft Progression is when you log out. Your alter persona still remains. The world continues to spin and progress. As your V.I. Model goes about their lives. They eat, drink, do their jobs. All with out interaction from the User. However, when something important to the story occurs. Such as a crime, or explosion, or alien invasion. The world pauses because it is out side the realm of the Models choice engine.” Dawn spoke softly to Erik, he wasn't sure if she needed to take a breath or if the Engine just did that for effect.

“Many Alpha testers suggested this because several back grounds, and Civilian vocations had to be done during the early stages. But most Users don't want to spend hours on end doing an average nine to five job. So, the Alpha testers would return to the Black room or even log out. Thus when they returned they would find their counter part either at a stage of User choice that needed input. Or something story driven occurred. Thus allowing the Users to always be active. But please take note that while you are in Soft Progression the User does not obtain any new skills, or abilities. The Alpha testers did not want someone to 'Use a rubber band on the joystick to get stealth to max 100'. But, the user's persona will collect their paychecks, and interact with their background characters unless an important story driven choice arrives.” Dawn spoke in a teacher like tone. But, her strong but feminine voice was beginning to grow on him.

“Alright, lets go back to the black room, I'll log out for a bit. Then do a report for the Dream Engine before I come back. I guess I'll....Be you later..Lash?” Erik was still confused on this, but Lash nodded his head, as did Saurian with a chuckle.


Gotham's beautiful City rushed past Erik's eyes. Flying into the atmosphere to an undisclosed location. Then he was back in the black room. He said good bye to Dawn and logged out. Coming to consciousness on his bed. He looked around the room it was 6:15 pm of the same Friday... Holy crap this Dream time thing was amazing. But he could tell his body was stiff. Standing up he moved around his apartment. Then did something he hadn't done in a long time. He went for a walk...A short one! He wasn't crazy! He got back to his home in about 20 minutes. Having walked to a convenience store buying a giant drink...Baby steps...everyone baby steps. Jumped on this computer and wrote a report for Dream Engine on the D.C. Comics story. He jumped on the Beta Testers forum reading up on advice and tips. The page reminded him about his N.D.A. Not disclosing information out side of controlled sources to the developers.

Apparently, one user was able to tweak his background and became Alfred Penny-Worth's nephew. Erik vaguely remembers Alfred having a family outside of Bruce Wayne. But this Player had already met Batman but the System prevented him from screaming at him with fan-boy glee. Erik laughed at the antics of his fellow Beta Testers. He posted his own story, and even the cringe worthy background for his magical source power. With in seconds dozens of people flipped out, and laughed at him. But were surprised that the system took the input. Even asked about his Cosmic patron. Apparently not everyone had a quest system. Some people were completely free in their progression. One player suggested everyone to get a blue-tooth phone and have it on. So you could talk to your V.I. In the world. So people would think you were speaking to someone on the phone. Erik had to admit it was a good idea.

Most of the backgrounds he read had people in reliable places with in the city. You have to specifically request and twist the system to get you into a homeless shelter, or beat and run down area. Every persona was 18 years or older. All of the Beta Testers were of age as well, he had known a lot of younger gamers that would love to be a Beta Tester for the Dream Engine. Which actually confused Erik why the Dream Engine developers would do that. Until he read about how someone went into a strip club in the red light area of Gotham... Ya...There was no mature rating censor. It was open and available, he even bought a lap dance. He lost his freaking mind because he said it felt just like the real thing. This blew into a huge discussion on whether or not you could have sex with characters in the world or not. Erik shivered...Turned to his Dream Engine Cube on his bed.... It had been many years since high school. He quickly logged off from the forums. Jumped onto his bed and re logged onto the Cube heading back to the black room....

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