Erik came into awareness inside the black room before being greeted by an enthusiastic Dawn!

“Welcome back User, I would like to inform you that The Dream Engine Developers have taken an interest in your generated world. Specifically, your Cosmic Patron background. They would like you to continue doing reports on how you interact with the quest and mission system. Of course they hope you will continue to enjoy playing in the generated world.” Dawns voice was...Excited! Like a child that had been praised by a parent for achieving something. Erik had to admit it was pretty cute to listen to her.

“Of course, Dawn! You and me will make a great team! I'm looking forward to our growing relationship!” Erik smiled...

“R..R...relationship! I..User I'm not that Kind of V.I.!” Dawn spoke in an almost a whispering voice. Erik waved his hands around in surprise...At least he thinks he did, he still didn't have a body in the black room. Only to grumble when he realized Dawn was joking as he heard her laugh. The Dream Engine was definitely adjusting Dawn to fit his personality and input.

“Annnny ways, can I have service report of what Lash has been up to since I left so I'm not lost when I go down?” Erik asked in a grumble, Dawn still softly giggling in the black room showed a tab of info. Several days had gone by actually. It was actually the night of his first patrol with the Watch. He apparently passed the written test, physical examination, and back ground check with flying colors. Was given his Night Watch license and badge? He wanted to say it was a badge, but it mostly just a laminated card. But it had a chip in it and a bar code. So the local police could scan it making it convenient for the future. They also gave him a Neighborhood Watch coat with a liner so he could wear it in fall, winter, spring. Then they gave him a Watch Vest for summer. It was actually made from light weight Kevlar he was surprised. Then he saw it. On the inside of the collar was. 'Wayne Enterprises' When Lash pointed it out, turns out the entire Watch program is funded by Bruce Wayne! Ah!

“Alright! Send me down Dawn! Auto bots! Roll out!” Erik cheered and was SHOT into the atmosphere!


Erik watched as the Earth skyrocketed towards him. He felt like he was sky diving! It was an exhilarating experience. Then with a sudden slow decent, he was suddenly back! Listening to David talk about routes and patrol area's. The varies cops on patrol, and their car, and badge numbers. Everyone was given a list, along with their patrol car number. -Welcome back young one! We be going on a hunt soon! Erik was a surprised. Saurian seemed a little more... Grounded then before. -Welcome back Erik. Switch with me, this should be easy for you. Take it step by step.

Lash briefly shivered. Thankfully no one noticed the change. But if one looked with a critical eye his posture seem to change. Lash was attentive, adjusting his get up. He was wearing a cotton cap to keep his bald head warm. Tight long sleeve black shirt, with the Night Watch coat over. The reflective letters being picked up by the nearby lights. Black cargo pants, with black boots, and leather gloves. If he was not wearing the coat, some would think he was either going for a night on the town, or up to no good. Wearing an ear piece in his left ear, testing the frequency. Thankful that the kids stopped playing with the chirping setting. They were actually requested today. It was Friday night, and there was a community fair in the area. They, along with the cops would be running security for the event. Why would the city want to use the Neighborhood watch? Well the event is being hosted by The Wayne foundation has a source of Charity. David said it was a publicity thing. But he was thankful for it. The uniforms they had did come from them after all.

They began to move out. Lash was actually assigned to move on his own. During these past few days he had proven himself to be competent, detailed, and thorough. Everything Erik was not! But who would tell? Lash was promoted to a team leader on probation. So all the privileges but your managers would watch for ANY mistakes. A few hero wanna be's in the group were actually irritated with him. This new guy comes out of no where and is already above them in rank. Saurian would often growl, leaking out his predatory aura in the air when they would be near. This had actually caused issues. Making several lighthearted people to become dazed, or even turn the other way around with out realizing why they did that. But much to Erik's great surprise he got a notification from the System as he began the night.

Congratulations User! You have completed your Cosmic's Patrons quest. 1)You joined the neighborhood watch. 2) You have done 5 upstanding citizen awards. By volunteering to work the city's event. You've eased the tension for many people letting them recognize your zip codes team efforts. As well as proving to be a good leader. You are awarded the skill Magical Perception

Erik was surprised! This hadn't been him. It was Lash doing his V.I. Model thing. “Dawn explain why did I just complete my quest, Please!” Erik spoke into the night air. With the fair going on no one paid any attention to him.

“As the quest was issued while the user was present, and completed while the user was present. The Engine believed that you had successfully completed the task. But, reviewing the information you are correct that should not have happened. Shall I send a bug report in for you? Do not fear, User will keep the skill obtained, this was our doing not yours.” Erik said yes please do that. The report was sent, but he already had it so he looked it over.

Magical Perception: The magical world is all around you. But few have the ability to see it. Well now you do! All SIX of your senses are attuned to the super-natural world. But be warned if you do not control your surprise you will find many things do not take kindly to being found. Side note: Due to your chosen Magical Origin the animal spirits of the Super-Natural world will be sensitive towards you. Some friendly, some not.

Lash shivered involuntarily for a moment, as Saurian hissed across the link noticing far more.... Different people nearby. Lash took control of his breathing and looked around. His eyes changing to reptile irises. Erik nearly lost his shit, and had to give control back to Lash. The Fair ground was covered in dancing lights, transparent creatures of a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and Love Craft style mutation's dancing from person to person. He saw several peoples eyes take on an un-natural...No Super-Natural glow! Almost like wolves reflecting the light. Then... He saw David, standing with his daughter Marie across the fair ground. David had transparent image super imposed over his body. Looking like a Warrior Viking holding a great axe. The night creatures kept a large berth around him. Except for a few that actually perched on his shoulder. David for his most part as much as he could tell didn't seem to notice. Marie... Looked normal. But...

The Ghost like warrior over David turned to look directly at us. Lash froze in place, feeling like he was just thrown into an ice cold river. Saurian's metaphorical scales were rattling in danger. The Warrior seem to deliberate what to do. Then chuckled and looked away. David seem to not even notice the exchange. Lash released the breath he hadn't realized he was holding. Cold sweat dripped down his back. -What the fuck! What the fuck! Erik screamed across the link. After a bit of convincing, Erik resumed control.

Watching as the fair grounds now LOOKED completely different. Lash did his patrol. Trying to not look the part of 'I just discovered a hidden world, please don't notice that I notice'. Understanding why Magical Origins were believed to be the more difficult aside from Mundanes. This makes sense...The world is already in trouble to begin with. Add magic to the mix and your just asking for more trouble. But, trouble is what Lash asked for.

Quest: Your patron is enjoying the new development. Thus has tasked you with a new mission.

1) Continue your task as the Watchmen but ensure the security and safety of not only the Mundane people but also the Super-Natural.

2)Befriend, or scare away 5 friendly or unfriendly denizens of the Super-Natural world. Yes these two points stack. I.E. 3 friends, 2 unfriendly, for a total of 5.

Rewards: skill Beast Speak: Allowing the User to speak to animals natural or otherwise. Yes you can switch this skill on and off at Users discretion.

Time limit; when the sun rises.

Lash took a deep breath and started moving through the crowd. He called into his radio to let everyone know he saw someone suspicious. Stand-by. That he did, he saw a pale youth moving through the crowd towards a young teenage girl. Boys are often attracted to girls especially at their age. But given Lash could see a blood red aura around the boy, and Saurian was growling...-I smell blood lust. Pale one is on the hunt for food. Lash moved in for an interception course of the kid. He looked like he may be 17 or older. But it was eerie how he moved through the crowd, almost if it was a river and he was swimming through it. Lash watched as the girl seem to notice the boy but didn't like the attention. She was hear with her family. But...A brief moment passed as the boy caught the girls eye. She seem to stiffen like a board, then almost become drowsy, or even intoxicated. As she stumbled about. Right as the pale faced boy was about to reach for her. Lash stood in his way. Saurian let a growl out. Though it was not audible to human ears. The pale boy actually hopped back a few feet in surprise!

“Warden....” The boy whispered softly. Lash almost didn't hear it. When Lash didn't respond the kid seem to try and inflate his chest to look intimidating. “What do you want, Mall Cop! I'm just minding my own business trying to talk to my friend...” That's when the boy noticed the girl was no longer...'intoxicated' She was hurrying to stand next to her family hiding behind her Dad. The father looked at her in surprise, leaning in to listen to her. Then looked up at the kid, and Lash wearing his uniform. Lash never took his eyes off of the kid. The kid...was surprised. -Something was latched onto child. Saurian broke... Not like pale one! Lash's facial expression exposed a grin, but with out realizing his teeth had actually elongated. A mixture of human and animal fang. The boy took another step back. Then a massive hand clapped onto the boys shoulder...

“Well hello there Bobby! I distinctly remember telling you not to come to such events like these! Its important that we keep a civil no law breaking environment! Don't you think...Bobby!” There stood behind 'Bobby' Was David...The ghostly viking Warrior had his axe out and was glaring at the boy. His voice was deep, and scary to listen to. But there was an undertone that Lash didn't hear before but now did...Thanks to his updated Perception. There was a hum of power. Daring the Kid to dis agree.

“B..W....Warden! I...I was just..trying to talk to my fri...friend. Th...then this.” The kid was in full panic now. Like you would see when a young punk was caught by the cops doing something they were not suppose to be doing. David grinned at him, as the Viking warrior spirit towered over him.

“This is my deputized Warden, Erik Lash. He's new to the city. But seems to be fitting in nicely. Isn't that right, Lash?” David never took his eyes off of Bobby, as if trying to drill a hole into the kids face with his eyes alone.

“Yes sir!” Lash commented keeping a stand ready stance. But letting David take the lead. He looked at David's hand on the kids shoulder and could almost hear the kids bones creak in protest.

“Aha! that right! S..s Sorry for the mix up....Warden's! I...I'll just leave...I just remembered I have to go talk to my house about...Ummm...My uh.. Job! Ya got a new job! At the Packing plant!” Lash wasn't sure how, but he watched the already pale kid, become paler.

David let him go and shooed him away. Bobby sprinted away, still doing that eerie swim through the crowd trick. David, the Viking, and Lash kept their eyes on him as he left the fair grounds. Lash paused as he watched what looked like a Giant Bat like creature flutter from the ground from the sky, change into....FUCKING Person. Adult male, wearing a really nice expensive suit that was tailored fit to him, slapped Bobby upside the head. Not making out the conversation, but the adult man-bat was clearly upset with Bobby. Then dragged him away around the corner. Lash turned to the young girl with her father. He saw that the father was grateful for the intervention. The young girl only briefly looked up at Lash, then hid behind her father shyly. Lash turned to look back at David. Gritting his teeth in surprise, as the Ghost Viking's nose was inches from his face. -EEEK! Saurian called across the link they shared. Clearly surprised!

“So.....I think you and I should talk. But...We have a job to do...So we'll save that till after. Alright?” David said to me his lips twitching into what he could only assume was a smile, as the Viking continued to do his best impression of a stone cold 'Don't fuck with me' Look. Lash hastily agreed. David limped away, but now Lash noticed that the Vikings axe he carried was actually David's Cane. Making him wonder if David even needed the cane or simply carried it as a convenient method to hide the axe. The Viking floated after David keeping 1,000 yard stare at Lash before returning to his look out across the crowd.

A simple notification beeped, telling him he had scared away One unfriendly super-natural denizen, four to go! Lash spent the next few hours talking to a few people, helping the cops look around. A few of the officers even thanked him for his good work. He paid for a few candy snacks and gave them to...He wanted to say a fairy creature. It was size of his hand, but unlike tinker bell from peter pan this thing had a gaping mouth with shark teeth inside, black skin, with elongated claws on its hands and feet. Many of the smaller balls of light avoided it. But it oddly took a liking to Lash. -Small one senses friendly hunter in us. Good friend in future! Saurian whispered across the link. The little thing sat on Lash's shoulder for about an hour eating an entire ball of cotton. Oddly enough no one seem to notice the cotton candy disappearing. He'll have work on that. After a few hours, and about hundred dollars later. Lash had about 18 of these little gremlin fairies sitting on him all eating candy. Despite the hole in his wallet, they pointed out a few trouble makers for him. More then once he saw David's Viking looking with surprise at him.

After the announcer said to the collected audience that the fair night was now over, he thanked the police department, and the Neighborhood Watch for helping to keep security. Embarrassingly enough, they even called Lash by name to thank him for his hard work. Thanks to the Gremlins, Lash had even discovered a drug deal that was going on. The cops swarmed in and kept it quiet a majority of the Fair had no idea.

Congratulations User! You have completed your Patrons quest and will be awarded!

You've obtained: Beast Speak; Now the User may communicate with the wild life of the natural and super-natural world. Please take note, that some are more primal and simple then others. It will take some getting use to.

“...This was fun! Who is the human!”

“Apparently he is a new Warden! The old one is retiring soon! Maybe this one is the replacement!”

“Awww! I like the old one! Always nice to us!”

“This one is nice too!”

“Well yes! But having two nice humans is even better!”

Lash paused for a moment then understood that he was listening to the Gremlin Fairies. Looks like the Beast Speak is switched on automatically. -Yes! Yes! Saurian will have many friends! We all go hunting together! Have many good feasts!

“Eh...EHHHHH!” All the Gremlins flew off of him and fluttered about in front of Lash.

“You can talk to us! Why you no speak this entire time!”

“Stupid! Warden was working, keeping us safe. Couldn't be distracted!”

“Oh...Ya that makes sense. Old Warden same way! But old one never spoke to us!”

“Old one spoke to us, we just didn't understand him, nor he us! I like this new Warden!”

“Can we have more Candy!”

“No! No! Warden spent money on us! Lot, and lots of money! We must repay him! So no more Candy!”


Lash couldn't help it but laugh, then was stumped when he understood that they could hear Saurian. He hadn't spoke that out loud but the Gremlin creatures heard him. -It's alright small hunters! All come on next hunt and help! Yes! Yes! We shall feast! Saurian called out! The Gremlins paused for a moment then cheered! Hooping and calling! All of them took a moment to rub themselves on Lash. He didn't know why but he understood that they were 'marking' him so they could find him again. Then with a flap of their bat like fairy wings they flew off. Lash absently waved at them. Actually kinda missing their companionship. -Worry not! Small hunters will come again! Saurian assured him.

“So.....Lets talk.” Lash turned around to see David standing there... Oh right.

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