Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 5: So… Want a new job?

Lash sat in David's office inside the Community Center. Marie was there, for the first time in the entire time he had known her. She was NOT tweeting this on I.M.. Stealing glances at her he still didn't see any super-natural effect. But that could mean a lot of things. Erik knew that Constantine for the most part looked completely normal...At least at the start. David sat behind his desk writing in what can only be said to be a massive book! Lash had no idea where David even pulled it from. The desk is not that big! But all the same, Lash had a bit of a smile. Not because of the circumstance but because of his notice.

Congratulations User! You've obtain a passive skill from your Saurian counter part. Sensory Awareness; This skill allows you to be aware of your immediate area. With in three meters of yourself you can see around you. An important skill for a predator as well as a prey. Keep practicing less you become somethings breakfast!

Lash almost lost his dinner when it first activated. It was incredibly disorientating. He experienced it when he first came to the center. But after that day it never came up again. Maybe Saurian was keeping it back and slowly let it out so we could learn it. After a few minutes Lash adjusted and had to admit it was neat! -Is this what Dare Devil feels like? Oh shit that's Marvel, wrong brand! Erik commented. Then went back to being a professional. The line separating Lash and Erik was growing thinner. There were still many things Lash could do better then Erik. But instead of being a passenger. Erik felt that he was actually helping to drive the narrative now. Lash was like the driving instructor. While Saurian was the overly excited K-9 dog in the back. Friendly, helpful, excited to be out and about, and more then willing to rip someones throat out if needed. Lash felt that Saurian had grown, he was still clearly an adolescent but felt that maybe he grew a few inches.

“Near death experience...” Lash said all of a sudden. Marie narrowed her eyes, and David stopped writing. He didn't look up, as if waiting for Lash to continue.

“I wasn't born like this. Then...with what happened before with my mugging. I woke up, different. I thought I was crazy at first. But, I guess I did the smart thing and did not tell my friends and family about it. Probably would have committed me.” David seem to think about that for a bit, then continued to write in the book. Marie's...Glare lessened but she kept eyes on him.

Lash looked up at the Viking spirit floating just behind David. It made them think that maybe Saurian was floating just above him? Transparent? -No! Hunting partner Lash! We are one and the same. Same body! Same soul! Just more limbs! Saurian said...Lash knew he was trying to be helpful but the image of a multi limb, head, tail version of Lash made him a little queasy. Saurian laughed across the link at the imagery. -I'm right there with you! Erik said.

“So, today you stepped up in a big way. Not just with the Neighborhood Watch, but with being a Warden.” David saw I had a question but raised his hand to stop me. “A Warden is a lot like a cop but for the super-natural world. A better reference would be a Sheriff in the wild west. Just like the wild west. Some Sheriff's are good people, some are not. I'm sure you've seen some old movies that can give you an example. Sheriff's are free to deputize people in order to help establish a bit of law. Fortunately, I was able to speak up on your behalf tonight. Bobby is a member of a Blood-Kindred house in Gotham.” David pauses for a moment to see if Lash had any follow up questions. Lash of course didn't, but the Viking ghost noticed that he was white knuckling all of sudden.

The sounds of screams rippled through the dark cavern, as Lash and his fellow hunters moved into the darkness with not but their faith, and torches to light there way. That coward priest from the church ran claiming it was god's will he must survive. Then they all saw it, the cavern opened up a room filled with bodies, men, women, children, elderly. Some impaled on spikes, others hanging from the ceiling from stalactites. There was small girl crying for help. As a pale skinned abomination torn into her neck from behind. Blood and viscera bathed down her naked front. Then the long limped creature stood up towering over us. It let out a screech as it stormed into our line... YOU WILL DIE DEMON!....

“LASH!” David was calling his name... Lash broke from his memory. Looking up, at David he saw the look of concern not only in his eyes, but on Marie's and the Viking spirit as well. -Be calm and breath deep partner Lash. You are here with us, you are safe! Saurian said in a comforting voice. Lash shuddered, cold sweat had collected on his body.

“S..Sorry..D..David. J...Just um...Re living a past not my own.” David look surprised. Clearly evident on his face. A brief moment when Davids age showed...He must have been in his fifties but despite the look he was still strong. David chuckled.

“If you had said that to any one else I think it would have been confusing. But we both know why I understand you.” David had a half-smile, while the Viking behind him nodded his head in confirmation.

“Ummm, Hello I don't get it!” Marie was waving her hand at the both of them. David looked to his daughter then back at me. Letting me decide.

“Ever heard of Past lives? Reincarnation, Marie?” A look of understanding dawns on Marie. Taking out her phone she tells us she is looking it up online so she can keep caught up with us.

“Well as I was saying, Bobby is part of a Blood-Kindred house here in Gotham. I'm not sure what past transgressions you have with the Kindred. But they are 'Legal' citizens of this city. As Wardens we are duty bound to protect them. But also bound to administer severe punishment to them if they break the law. Now, I say we because tonight you not only helped me. But also stopped Bobby, in trouble or not he will tell his house about you. If you don't age....”

“OK! I'll join up...I don't have to quit my day job do I?” David paused...Then let a smile grow across his face.

“No, you do not! You should in fact keep it. Wardens in a lot of ways are both a part time job and a full time job. Including weekends and holidays. But it's important to keep yourself ground in the mundane of society. Yes, you do get paid for being a Warden. But I guarantee we don't pay as much as you make from one of your statue's. I'll send one of the Fae Court envoy's to you. They will get you registered and give you your duty assignment. You'll be a deputy Warden on probation. Just to see if it sticks. No offense.” David said, as he stood up...Showing that he did in fact NOT have a limp. So the cane is meant to hide his Spirit's axe. He held out his hand for a shake. Lash stood and took it...There it was again, that hum of power that danced across Lash's body. But this time Saurian pushed his own against it. Not violently but a show of force. Lash felt that the old Viking could have squashed him if he felt the need. But didn't.

“I see that there is more to your circumstance than what you said. But, we all have our secrets and I wont pry. I hope you will do the same courtesy for me. But....If it jeopardizes the mission and the job YOU WILL tell me. Understood?” David made a point of looking at his young and overly naive daughter when he said secrets. I nodded my head.

“For better or worse if it effects the job or the mission I'll inform you... So...do I call you Boss?” David laughed a big booming jovial sound. Lash had a momentary flash of him standing around several other soldiers, warriors around a table drinking the night away. As music played in the tavern. All of them laughing over something that clearly was not that funny. But what they were actually laughing about was that they had lived another day in this world.

“No you do not! David's fine! Or you we can take a page from your book and you could call me Skaleg!” David smiled wide at him. Then...

“Alright...Skaleg...” When Lash said the name, both David and The spirit had a moment of recollection. As if they remembered something, they reflexively let go of his hand. Lash wondered if that's what he looks like when he does remember. No one wonder they were concerned for him. Skaleg shook his head clearing his mind. Smiled wide at Lash.

“Go home! The Court will contact you with in a day or so!” Lash smiled then bid them goodbye, Marie was attached to her phone looking up light novels and fantasy books on some site named Scribble something. Barely replied to my words. Lash made his way home, stepping from the community center most of the night watch people had left. Some were talking all them did a small greeting but he could tell they were all tired. Stepping out into the cold autumn night he made his way home.

Lash was still marveling at how different Gotham looked now. It was like putting on a pair of those old 3-D glasses with a color shift and things that would normally be simple, would just POP! He passed a beggar on the street, normally the rags covering them and how they spoke to no one would be a cause for concern. But now he saw a ape like creature selling his wares to a few pixies. Looked like sugar canes for consumption. Lash enjoyed this moment of serenity, in this moment he felt that maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Getting back to his building he took out his door card, and punched in his code. The security glass door slid open. He had a long day, but froze when he looked at the security guard behind the desk. Just as much as the guard froze looking at him. The guard looked like he was in the process of eating something that was not entirely...'Normal'. He realized that I realized that I could see him.

“Hello, I'm Erik Lash..New Deputy to Warden Skaleg...” There was this tense moment..Then the guard smiled..His mouth going from ear to ear in a far to wide impossible manner. Like the Cheshire cat in Alice.

“Hello Mr. Lash! We've actually met before! Of course that was when you were...Mundane! But that's wonderful news to hear the a Warden stays in my place of employment! Worry not! My meal is sanctioned by the Fae courts of Gotham!” The Guard's over all features began to change into what I can really see to be a humanoid version of the Cheshire cat, tail included.

“I'll take your word for it. Good night...I have a meeting with the Fae Court envoy sometime in the future. Should let you know.” The Chester cat's eyes turned crescent as his mouth grew wider with his smile. His Three rows of razor sharp teeth revealed. Lash walked by and felt the guards eyes on his back the whole way...Even as tired as he was he still took the stairs.

Getting back into his home he peeled off his cloths and prepared for what comes with every day. The shift. Bones broke, muscles tore, and Lash groaned in audibly pain. But the shift though still painful was shorter then it was before. Then stood the 4'2” Saurian Lash in all his glory. Though was completely shorter as he hunched over. The Kobald like reptile scampered around the house. All the windows and doors locked and shuttered. He may have joined the super-natural community but was not ready to let the natural community to know that. Saurian made a few simple tools out of stone. Knife, Spear, cup. Mostly just for practice. Double checked every entry and exit of the house ensuring his territory was secure. Then jumped onto the bed making a nest out of blankets. Curling up to sleep. Not being the first time he had done this. He'll revert to human Lash while he sleeps.

“New day! New Hunt, my partners! Soon we will be big! Soon we will Feast!” Saurian said softly. His glowing reptilian eyes in the dark slowly close. Falling asleep.

Erik... Lash dreamed of his life. Working with his father on the farm, watching his mother with a new child in her arms. Bouncing them up and down with a smile. It was a happy moment...Then his father reached out to him with a death grip. Lash turned to look at him, to see that his father had doubled over. An arrow sticking from his back. His mother screams made him turn...Only to see a giant brute of a man swing a long sword at his face. No...NOOOO!

“Nooooo!” Lash bolted awake! In his bed...Looking around wide eyed, confused, covered in sweat. Looking for danger, he hears a soothing voice across his mind. Saurian is trying to settle him. -Your safe partner. You are safe. Saurian is here, no one is around, checked we did. Lash laid back down across the bed...Panting for breath, he looks to his clock...4:30 am. Just like last time. Slowly standing up from his bed. He walks to his bathroom naked, since Saurian went to bed like that. He turned on the shower to brisk cold to help him wake up. Stepping into the shower he watches the bathroom mirror. He sees his reptile eyes peer back at him, as what can only be described as a creature slithering under his skin. Like watching a snake wiggled under the sand.

Stepping from his bedroom fully clothed he makes his way to the kitchen. Makes a simple dish from what his nutritionist made for him. He wrote down a note on his fridge. 'Make sure to thank Lizzy for finding your nutritionist.' Settling down at the kitchen table. He presses on a remote controller found near his table. The window shutters rise up letting the still dark Gotham morning, he leans back...Trying to clear his head from his dream when he freezes. Chicken and lettuce a few inches from his mouth. But he is staring at the super model female....elf standing on his landing...Waving at him. The women was about 5'5” with long black hair tied up in a tail. Showing off her clearly pointed ears. A dozen or so silver gleaming ear rings align her lobes. She is wearing a long leather coat that fits her like a glove showing off her curves even with the jacket on. He can see that she has a suit pants on, with dress heels on. Dark skin, with piercing red eyes, and a flirty smile. She gestures towards the door leading to the landing. There on the handle is one of the Gremlins I met at the Night Fair.

Lash slowly stands up, moving towards the door. Unlocking it and opening it. The Gremlin flies in with a squeal!

“I found you! Yep! Yep! I did! Jessabell! I found him!” The Gremlin fairy fluttered around Lash then went to the kitchen table to begin munching on his chicken. Lash turned to...Jessabell?

“Hello...I'm...” Before he could continue..

“Erik Lash, well respected artist who is known to be able to make complicated art pieces from single pieces of wood, stone, and metal. Your pieces have even attracted some of the courts. Because even we can't see how you did it, with a single piece no less! I'm Jessabell, Unseelie Court Envoy. May I come in?” Jessabell blinked innocently at him. Lash was not afraid to admit that he was stunned. So much so that he even said it out loud. Jessabell, laughed and her voice sounded so sweet on.....-HISSS! Lash partner wake up! Huntress casting charm on you! No! No! Saurian let a growl ring out. Once more it was not audible to human ears. But Jessabell actually stepped back in surprise. In that moment Lash saw her, she was still gorgeous. But that....other worldly charm that pulled him in was gone. Lash's expression turned hard.

“Why do I get the feeling that Fae are not supposed to do that..” Lash's question made Jessabell raise her hands in surrender.

“Sorry, sorry. I was told to test you. I'm pleased to see that you passed that part. Though in an un conditional method. But yes, that is technically against the law. Fae are not allowed to use glamour on Warden's or mundanes to get them to do what they want. Unless given law binding permission. But..May I come in?” Lash stepped out of the way, gesturing for her. Though he didn't say the word. He was curious if it was a invitation thing. Proved wrong because she just passed like it was nothing. Maybe she was just being polite.

Closing the door behind her, and locking it out of habit. He walked over to the kitchen and pulled out a Honey Dew tea. Making two cups of it. He wasn't sure why but he felt that this was the right choice. After a minute or so, he brought it back to the table placing one in front of the Gremlin then one in front of Jessabell. Her eye brows rose a fraction in surprise at the gesture. Took the glass he assumed to be polite only to make a 'hmm'! Sound as she begin to drink it in earnest. Lash looked back, his breakfast was gone, and the Gremlin was currently licking the tea cup clean. Lash hadn't even seen it move.

Lash moved to gently pick up the gremlin and begin petting it. The Gremlin froze for a moment then settled down. Letting out an audible groan...Or maybe a purr? He wasn't sure but it sounded like the gremlins teeth were rubbing against each other. Jessabell watched the Gremlin with interest. Then back at Lash...

“I've....Not seen a human be able to pet a Griak like that in....Ever.” Jessabell's eyes moved to his own. Of course she couldn't hear...-Yes! Yes! Small one, welcome to Lash's home! Be calm! Be safe!

The Gremlin...Or Griak as the Fae referred to it as was in heaven. Enjoying the petting. Lash felt it was like he was petting wet sand paper. But continued to do it. He kept his eyes on Jessabell, then.

“Do you mind if I carve a statue of you?” Jessabell's eyes flashed with delight, at Lash's question.

“Can I watch while you work?” Jessabell asked, while Lash grimaced.

“Unfortunately I don't let people watch me work, no offense but it tends to distract me while others are in the room, especially beautiful women. Plus if you did you would discover my secret.” Jessabell smiled at him.

“But how will you carve me with out a model present...Oh! Do you do it from memory? Would you like to see the rest of me for reference.” Jessabell undid her coat.

She was wearing a form fitting suit vest but with no shirt. Letting him see plenty of dark skinned cleavage. She wasn't bursting at the seams. But she had plenty, she caught him checking her out with a mischievous smile. Unabashed she stood up. Setting her coat down, she did a small spin in front of Lash. Her suit vest just barely reached her hips. So when she twisted he could see the skin of her waist, revealing her navel, this caused him to look further down letting his imagination wonder. But! Even with all that, Lash did look at her, memorizing her size, feature, movement. Jessabell stopped and looked at him. Nodding her head, understanding that despite the show he was serious about making a statue of her.

“If we had more time I'd let you see...All of me.” Jessabell teased as she undid the top button of her vest. Just to let him know she was not wearing a bra.

It was at the moment he was happy he was sitting down. Because other parts of him at this moment were at complete attention. He swore he kept his composure. But he felt his ears burning, and watched as Jessabell enjoyed his reaction. He coughed trying to clear the tension from the room. The Griak had fluttered to sit on his shoulder and was watching the entire exchange seeming oblivious to the entire... moment.

“But alas we can not! Work first, once I'm done the Seelie court will be here. I'm sure you'll enjoy her as well!” Jessabell sat at the table once more. Pulling out a book that had no business being in her coat pocket. Just like Skaleg's it was huge. Softly placing it down, she opened it up, taking out a gold feather pen. She tucked a loose strand behind her ear, gently biting her lip, a small blush crawled up her cheeks.

“Your doing that on purpose...” Lash spoke softly, watching her. Jessabell giggled softly and went back to the book. Acting innocently as nothing had happened to begin with.

Lash stood up and refilled the Honey Dew for Jessabell, and the Griak. Taking out some cheese and crackers he set it down for the tiny Fae. Fluttering down it began to munch on the provided snacks.

“So good! New Warden is so nice! Honey Tea! Jessabell! Did you see the tea! I like this one! Lets keep him! Wish wash those other prancy see see courts.” The Griak devoured the snacks like a blender. Though not a single crumb ever landed on the table.

“Who are the See See courts?” Lash asked...Jessabell froze at the question. Lash noticed the change but before anything could be said.

“Those are the prancy ones..They were at the festival! Bright shiny lights! Always so mean to Griaks! We try to be friends, but the stupid See See's always look down on us! But new Warden bought us candy! Many of the See See's Asked about you! But Griaks claim friend first! Willing to share! But Share they must! No Steal! Nope!” The Griak declared to the room, to the Warden, and to Jessabell.

-Yes! Yes! All tiny hunters welcome with Lash. But must share and be friends! Or no friends be having! The Griak nodded its head several times to Saurians comment. Jessabell looked at Lash with intense eyes.

“Did...You just understand the Griak?” Jessabell asked, this time licking her lips. But not in a sensual sex appeal. But like a happy, excited motion.

“Yes....Can't you speak to them as well. They've been saying your name several times so far.” Lash was a little confused. Then it clicked! The system must classify the Griaks as beasts of Super-Natural origin. Which means 'Sentient' speaking supers cant understand them. Unless they have a prerequisite skill or ability.

“I take it...That speaking to the animals of natural or Super-Natural in the Fae courts are.... Uncommon?” Lash carefully asked. Jessabell sat up straight and looked at Lash like she wanted to lick him up like an ice cream cone, annnd! Lash was back at attention, glad he was sitting down.

“Yess....” Her words her almost in a seductive purr. “Its incredibly rare, With proper training the Fae court hunt masters can learn to speak. But every beast has a unique language. Think of it like learning the same language with different accents. Some are easy to understand. Some are so thick and constrained from the normal that its like learning a new language. Are you telling me that you not only speak, but also understand the language of beasts? Natural or otherwise?” Jessabell was practically vibrating with excitement.

Lash did a quick check on the systems description of the skill. Then slowly nodded his head in a yes. Jessabell jumped out of her seat and proceed to jump up and down in a very lively manner. Her suit vest bounced with every move. Making him think she would fall out of her top.... Wouldn't be so bad! The Griak fluttered around as well, not entirely sure why. But was excited because Jessabell was excited. -Focus, Partner Lash. Do not fall prey to Huntress milk sacs! Lash laughed softly at the abrupt and un-intentional humor brought on by Saurian.

After a few minutes Jessabell had calmed down and was writing in her book and a furious pace. Still clearly excited, after a few minutes she began to inform him that with his ability. He would be tasked with a far wider range of districts. But, because of this, several Wardens would be assigned to cover Skaleg's area. Why? Because not a single Warden in Gotham could speak to beasts. There are many disagreements between the Seelie and UnSeelie courts. Many them also involve the beasts. They may not have a written language but many of them are just as old, and powerful as the Fae. Skaleg would also get a bonus to him and his family for finding Lash. Now the Fae courts were not the only Super-Natural element in Gotham. Many of them were oblivious to each other, some were an intricate part of it. Warden's are meant to enforce the law, help guide new prospects into the society if they so choose. So, Sheriff, Soldier, Mentor, Tax collector, Hunter, Lore Keeper all rolled into one. That is what a Warden was.

Erik was confused, he didn't remember reading anything about Wardens in the Comics with Constantine. Maybe he did his own thing? Maybe Wardens went by another name? Maybe the Dream Engine made the Warden system for those that wanted to go the Magical Origin route? He would have to spend some time on the forum and ask around.

So, Jessabell went over everything before she left. We had been talking for a few hours. She new the Seelie court was waiting to talk to him. Lash was responsible for the ENTIRE Gotham City Area. However, a majority of his assignments will be mediating between Magical beasts or...'Others'. Because he was covering so much, his own area would have other Wardens. All of good and up right standing! Jessabell was rather proud about that, the other Wardens would cover the district that he was suppose to take over from Skaleg. He would get hazard pay due to what danger he may encounter. Skaleg and his family would get a bonus for discovering him. Skaleg was retiring in a year and had been looking for a replacement. Wardens contracts are by a ten year by ten year basis. You could retire with full honors after ten years. That's what Skaleg had done. But if you sign up again you get more privileges and rewards. Lash would get a full training course by the Fae, and other Super-Natural society people so he would not be blind to the culture or his job. He would of course still be allowed to pursue his Mundane job, and his life, friends, and family would be protected as best as possible with in the law of the Courts. Jessabell shook his hand, then hugged him! Which surprised him. He had the impression that she was trying to literally paint herself onto him, he wasn't complaining! But at this moment he was standing up, in more ways then one. Jessabell wiggled with excitement. Ignoring the new appendage digging into her hips, or maybe she didn't care. Because she kissed him before she left. The Griak also kissed Lash on the nose then flew behind Jessabell. She left behind a card with her work phone, and personal phone on the back. In case he ever wanted to get an in-depth look for his statue. He carefully placed that in his wallet. After he had seen them to..the...Balcony landing they both just faded from sight.

Lash cleaned up the kitchen, washing his dishes. He moved back to his bathroom to clean up. Then went to his art room. He began to draw from memory Jessabell on a canvas. Placing her in different poses, all still wearing her clothing. After a few minutes he heard a tapping, from his balcony window again. He came to the main room, to see another... Elf? She was 5'8” Wearing a business grey suit, that fit to reveal her lavish curves. She had pale skin, blond hair, and light blue eyes, with red ruby earrings, her hair was short, coming to her shoulders, with bangs just above her eyes. Her neck line went into the deep recesses of her cleavage. Jessabell was busty, but this Fae was ridicules...How did she walk? Didn't that cause back pain! All on top of a hour glass figure.

Lash moved to the door, opening it. He looked at her...He knew it was coming. Like a breath of air when you sit next to a beach away from the pollution of the city. She smelled wonderful, her smile bright....-Hissssss! Saurian hissed, just like that the glamour broke. The women seem surprised for the briefest of moments. Then returned to a professional expression.

“I see why Skaleg decided to recruit you. If that's your only feature then even now I can pass you off.” Lash stepped back, and waved his had gesturing for her to step in.

She fluttered her eye lashes at him and walked in playing the bashful young maiden. This time Lash was prepared for it. Though he still quickly adjusted his standing erection keeping it in his belt so that she didn't notice a towel rack ready for service. He watched as she swayed her hips with every step. Her ass perfectly taunt and ready to smack. She carefully pulled out a chair, distinctly avoiding the one Jessabell used. Lash went to his kitchen and pulled out, morning dew tea this time. He had an entire cupboard full of different tea's. Lizzy bought them for him, said it would help him get that creative spark. But he noticed the last time he went to her home. All of the tea boxes her mother bought for her were oddly...missing.

Placing the Morning Dew tea in front of her. She glanced at the glass, sniffing. Her little nose wiggling. Her eyes gleamed, carefully sipping the hot glass. She let out a little, hmmmm of appreciation. She took her small pink tongue over her lips far more then necessary. She was watching him out of the corner of her eyes, checking to see if he was enjoying the show. Lash was, but unlike Jessabell, he didn't offer to carve a statue of her.

“So, first off. My name is Li' Ana. You are Erik Lash an artist of Gotham City well respected, and well earned for your trade. So I just have a simple question...Well two! Actually, One, why do you want to be a Warden. Two, why did you and Jessabell talk so long?” A slight look of irritation passed over Li' Ana's face when she said Jessabell's name. Lash leaned back against the chair, crossing his arms across his chest.

“I assume you know what Reincarnation is?” Lash said softly, Li'Ana raised a brow, then gave a nod. “Something, some one, maybe from before just tells me that its the right choice.” That was a incredibly vague and stupid answer. Its not like he could tell them that he was playing a game, and was trying to become a super hero. But Li'Ana still took out a massive book from a hand bag she was carrying. Just like before it was larger then what it should have been. She took out a gold feathered pen. Than began to take notes.

“The reason why Jessabell and I spoke for so long is because I have a unique ability as she called it. That would make me suited for being a Warden. Especially when working with magical beasts. I can speak the language of beasts. Natural, or Super-Natural.” Just like Jessabell, Li'Ana froze when she was writing in her book. She slowly looked at him, her neck rotated like one of those ghosts you watch in a horror movie. Had to say it was creepy looking.

“Y..You can speak to beasts...No matter their breed?” Nodding his head Lash responded.

“Yes, Jessabell brought a Griak in with her. I met them at the City fair last night. I didn't know this but Griaks are hard to speak to, and are even harder to understand. Each one likes to talk differently. But to me it all sounds the same. I was able to carry a full conversation with the one Jessabell brought.” Just like Jessabell, Li'Ana's eyes got all big and round. She stood up, but unlike Jess, she didn't bounce and cheer, she walked around the table. Well, walk is not the right word she was prowling. -Hisss! Run Partner Lash! She is about to attack! Let me out! I will take her for the Feast of many bones! Lash jumped to his feet, and put the kitchen counter between them.

“OK! I know Fae seem to be physically intimate! But, you look like your about to attack me!” Lash said with a hint of edge to his voice.

Li'Ana stopped, realizing how she was acting, coughed and went back to her seat. Unlike before when she was clearly playing her part up. This embarrassed blush was authentic. She took her pen out once more and began to write in her book. Lash came back to the table. After that everything went the same as Jessabell. Went over this and that, a few details specific to the Seelie Court. She gave him her business card, with her private number as well. If he ever needed any extra info. Warden's and envoys would often work with one another. This was not the last time Lash would see Li'Ana.

“Congratulations, Erik Lash by this time tomorrow, you will be an official Deputy Warden!” With that, Li'Ana bid him goodbye, left through the balcony and just literally ghosted out...

Attention User: Your Cosmic Patron has issued a grand quest!

1) Become an official Warden! Reward Skill; Minor Regeneration for both human and Saurian form.

2) Optional, seduce and bed one of the Fae Court envoy's you have previously met. Jessabell, Li'Ana, or BOTH! Reward skill; Minor Glamour Charm.

3) Optional, Kill one of the Fae Court envoy's you have previously met. Jessabell, Li'Ana or BOTH. Reward skill; Devour, Consume, Evolve.

4) Befriend two or more Super-Natural societies. Reward Skill: Depends on the Society you befriend...... Good Luck, your patron is watching with anticipation!

“Well Fuck...”

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