Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 105: Great Summer Hunt

(Warning Long Chapter)


***HR. WWN Studio***

Sara Bradley, and Luke Brendon came to their assigned seats and took up their positions. A make up artist came up and did a few adjustments to their make up so their eyes would pop more. Fixed a few spots in Sara's hair, and moved Luke's suit around. Then the artist left the set piece and the studio attendant came up with a pack of notes and ran them through a few post shooting issues. Sara asked a few questions while Luke read through his papers. After ten minutes the attendant stepped off the stage then music started to play.

“Recording in 10....9...8....7....6.....5....4....3....” The camera man held up two fingers, then one and they were rolling.

“Hello everyone! I am Sara Bradley!” Sara said with a bright smile that carried a hint of pride.

“And I'm Luke Brendon.” Luke said with a half smile, as he turn to look at Sara who nodded at him then they said together.

“And this is World Wide News!” They said, and the theme for the broad cast played on the new holographic television in the back. A globe of the Earth was shown highlighting different parts of the world. Specifically the new portions such as Themyscira, and Atlantis! Then the holographic display panned back to show the moon, and a little further back it showed a symbol representing the Watch Tower Station.

“Today's top story takes us to Eastern Europe. Like so many places across the world during the invasion they saw just as much devastation as we did here in the states. But unfortunately their destruction wasn't caused by the invasion forces. But their own people.” Sara said as she turned look back at the camera.

“That is right, Sara! During the invasion money lost all value. What people relied on was cans of food, drinkable water, and medicine. With out the ability to travel long distances those things came in short supply. So, many people turned on one another even for scraps. Thankfully the JLI, Atlantis, and local governments came together to establish distribution centers providing much needed relief.” Luke continued on the line of news, then swapped out with Sara.

“One of the aspects of the invasion was the emergence of those with Meta-Powers! Individuals granted unique, wonderful, but also incredibly dangerous abilities. These abilities range from nuance levels like being able to emit static electricity at will. To lifting and throwing a military tank across several dozen yards. During the invasion hundreds of thousands of Meta's across the globe came into view of the public.” Sara continued, as the holographic display showed different cities across the globe. Along with specific scenes such as. One showed a man extinguishing a fire with hydrokinesis. While another was using pyrokinesis to set a building on fire.

“Now what does this have to do with our top story? Well let's watch this clip and we'll explain why!” Luke said, and pointed at the holographic view screen. The studio camera man adjusted so the viewers only saw the display.

The exact country, and city was not displayed but from the architecture one would assume it was low economy Europe. Buildings made from stone, not concrete or brick. But stone, with modern day utilities attached to walls, or dug through. A ruined castle in the background, with possibly an ancient Roman Empire road paved across a pathway. The city it self was busy as people came and went during the middle of the day. Standing in the middle of a major intersection of foot traffic was a JLI logistical team working on setting up a water tower.

Then in the middle of the construction they hear a woman scream for help. The JLI stop their work and look towards the sound. A young woman, maybe in her early twenties is sprinting towards them screaming for help! Behind her are three men wearing battle uniforms carrying AK-47's dead on her heels. Before they can grab her one of the JLI team members teleports across the space grabs the woman then teleports back to their team. The soldiers stop and start shouting at the JLI team. Then captions start appearing on the holographic display.

“That woman is a person of interest in a case! We must take her to head quarters!” The soldier shouted towards the JLI. The captions translated, but the studio was working on and stopping any sign of a certain language being present in the display.

“He's lying! My Father is a Meta! They are taking our family hostage to force him into military service!” The woman shouted at the soldier.

As soon as those words left her lips the JLI went into full combat mode. One the team mates floated up in the air and lighting danced across their body. While another took on an animal form in the shape of a giant furry beast. The soldiers clearly didn't expect this much resistance! Especially when over a dozen spring jump ribbons appeared. In less then a minute, thirty JLI teams were in the town square! They apprehended the soldiers and with the woman's help went back to her home. They found that the soldiers were still trying to pack up the man, and his family. He was a terrakinetic, newly awakened! Didn't know how to use his abilities yet.

With in ten minutes the JLI had the soldiers on the ground in hand cuffs. But the trouble was just starting as APC's and jeeps rolled up with more soldiers. This wasn't an isolated incident. This country (Still unknown) had taken several meta's and their families as hostages and conscripted them into military service. It was such an issue that in continued to escalate until Superman himself showed up! But of course that didn't stop a foolish soldier from firing at Superman! When the shots started firing who ever was responsible for the recording stopped at the point. The cameraman in the studio panned back into include Sara, and Luke again.

“So, as we were saying why are Meta-Powers important to our today's top story? This is why! We have reports from across the globe. Even here in America! Where people with meta abilities are being rounded up for either forced military service. Or internment camps! If they refuse then their families are taken hostage and held under duress!” Luke finished his thought, he was white knuckling. Trying to hold in his rage.

“I'm a meta!” Sara said, and Luke looked at her in surprise. Sara gave him an crooked smile. Sara raised her pen off the ground. It floated in mid air. “That's all I can do. A JLI team member informed me its called partial-telekinesis. It's a nuance level ability. I'll never get stronger than this. But this raises a question. Should I be placed in an interment camp? Should I be placed into military service?” Sara said, and Luke shook his head back and forth in a clear no.

“If people want to join up and serve that is their choice! But one shouldn't be forced into service, and especially their families should not be taken hostage if they refuse! If meta's used their powers illegally yes they should be punished just like anyone else that breaks the law. But this...Never this!” Luke said that directly to the camera then smiled at Sara who smiled back.

Sara, and Luke continued to discuss the topics of the meta's being exploited or turned on. Many meta's outside of the JLI had helped during the invasion and were now being hunted down and thrown into camps! Witch hunts were happening across the globe. While certain countries were militarizing their meta's. Some against their will! The public was afraid, they wanted someone to blame. Violent actions against meta's of any kind, even JLI members had scaled up by 15% world wide. Barely a month had passed since the invasion was over and the world was already tearing itself apart over some trivial issues.....


***HR. Atlantis, Royal Palace***

Arthur Curry aka the Aquaman aka the King of Atlantis was incredibly bored! He was stressed, over worked, and was in desperate need of something to hit! Arthur was 6'3” with a wild mane of dirty blond hair to his shoulders that had a dozen or so braided beads tied in. Along with a well groomed beard that went to the top of his chest. He wore a golden armored fish scale suit, with green leggings. A golden vambrace, and spaulders attached to his left arm. This armored attachment was from the JLI. It had several tech attachments including a holographic link to the JLI message board.

Floating next to Arthur was the golden trident of King Atlan. The pure orichalcum three point trident glowed with magical inscriptions from tips to base. It gave a soft hum every few minutes, and a golden ripple of energy cascaded through the royal office. The golden light cast the sea green room in a light that both invigorated, and soothed anyone near by.

The royal office looked like the inside of a giant clam shell. Smooth shell like walls that reached up to the ceiling where a giant white pearl gave off light. Along the floor was a mosaic of pictures depicting several different kings performing different actions from the establishment of Atlantis, to fighting a great war, etc. The mosaic used a combination of rare gems, gold, and coral to depict the stories. Along one wall was crystal clear membranes that revealed the technological marvel that was Atlantis proper. A city that used the inspiration of sea life and mimicked it. Towering structures in the shapes of giant shells. Bio-mechanical vehicles swam by. While some local wild life were still used for transport. A team of Atlantis guards rode on great white sharks.

Arthur stared out of the window for a bit watching the ebb, and flow of the city below. Then he looked out across the city towards the great walled barrier between Atlantis and the rest of the ocean. Giant hydro cannons were seen every few hundred feet. Every other cannon pointing inside the city, while the others pointed out. A magical shield extended from the barrier over the entire city. Preventing anything from getting in, or out. Unless they had a whole lot of power. Cough! Superman! Cough!

“My King?” A familiar voice called out to him. Arthur turned to see his old mentor standing there, Vulko.

Nuidis Vulko was 5'11” with long black hair tied up, and back in a artful twist. Reminiscent of what you would find in ancient japan. He had a strong athletic body that was contained with in a deep blue fish scaled armored suit. With a long blue spear across his back. Vulko moved through the water with ease, and grace that was fitting of an Atlantean warrior. He had a bright expression on his face, as if saying the words 'My King' filled him with great pride.

“Hay Vulko! Hows the wife?” Arthur asked after Than'Keth the former high priestess of King Atlan. Now loving wife of Vulko, and spiritual adviser to Arthur.

“She is well! Currently teaching at the Sorcery Academy, and over seeing the next school wing under construction.” Vulko said, a smile growing across his face.

“So, whats the word in the courts?” Arthur said with a sigh as he swam across the room to overlook a map of Atlantis, and the neighboring kingdoms of Xebel, Fishermen, and Brine. Vulko's good mood evaporated as he pressed his lips together into frown.

“It is not going well my King. The high borne once more petition that we recall our troops from the surface. While some are even requesting that we lay claim to several surface world's cities.” Vulko said, as he pointed out several key points in the map.

“They can't be serious!” Arthur asked in pure shock!

“Very, my King! They point out that we've all but taken over as the local government during the invasion. By declaring that cities are now under Atlantis rule it would justify why we have stayed, and given so much. It would also silence the high borne that want to recall our troops.” Vulko declared, as he drew a line through the holographic map.

“You are not suggesting that we do as they suggest?” Arthur asked, looking at Vulko in confusion. His old mentor stared at Arthur for a good minute before answering.

“Several of these cities are poorly governed. Their own nations treat their people like indentured servants. I suggest that you consider the possibility.” Vulko said, as he circled several different cities. Specifically along the West African coast line.

Arthur looked at the 'cities' in question. No, these were not cities but simple port towns, and fishing villages. Many of them were not even hit by the Dex EMP bombs. They were third world countries, and their life had seen little change during the invasion. No, that wasn't true. Their lives had improved! Thanks to Atlantis showing up and helping. But now the local corrupt governments, and warlords were showing up to shake the villages down. Something that the Atlantean guard put a stop to quickly.

“I am not comfortable laying claim to land. But I could see the locals asking to be taken in as Vassals.” Arthur said, he narrowed his eyes at the layout of the map.

“They already have! Thirty two towns, and villages wish to be brought under the banner of Atlantis. They will keep their local government, but will be free of the nations that have miss treated them. We'll be helping the locals, and silencing your opposition in the courts.” Vulko replied, sharing Arthur's distaste for the situation.

“Let this be clear! We are not enslaving them. I will not have the high borne bulling the weak like they did when Orm was in power. Make them understand that!” Arthur said, the golden trident hummed with power emphasizing the point. Vulko nodded in acceptance.

Arthur, and Vulko continued to discuss the politics, and situation in Atlantis. Along with the list of towns, and villages that would come under the banner of Atlantis. This was sure to cause issues in the United Nations. They'd have to reach out to their contacts, as well as the JLI. As long as it was proven that the people were being miss treated by their own nations. That Atlantis was only providing more material, and cultural aid. It shouldn't be a problem. Shouldn't being the word of the day. But many nations across the world would take this situation out of context.


***HR. Gotham City***

Harley Quinn was having a little to much fun with her new seedling abilities. The Divine Spark of Loki had just started to grow inside of her so she could only Warp the immediate area around herself. So she kept swapping between different outfits, styles, and her own body. She also discovered she couldn't make something from nothing. So her clothes could be changed, but she couldn't simply pull cloth from the very air. At least not yet!

The JLI secured the building along with a few dozen Manifestation Saurus Warriors. Dozens of low, to mid level mobsters were staying at the inn. The inn's management claimed they had no idea that this hotel was not following the city wide mandate of opening its door to the civilians population. A very nice, and enthusiastic Shield and Sword lawyer team ensured Lash that they would sue the hotel company for everything they were worth.

They did escape the scene before Captain Gordon showed up with the MCU. Lash had given a full after action report, passing it along to a reluctant JLI android. Filled out the required paper work, and reported that Carmine Falcone resisted arrest and had been killed in the altercation. The General Warrant paper work was filled out. However, the excessive amount of information that Lash acquired helped fill in several gaps. Lash essentially knew all of Falcone's criminal enterprise in and out. Any time he came up with a blank he would reach across some distant connection and he would receive the knowledge. Then they jumped into the Booraku mobile and took off!


Congratulations User! You've received the blessing of the Norse God Loki.

Child of Lies and Deceit: The User can now sense when someone is lying to them. Be it Alien, Magical, Meta, or Mundane.

Side-Note: The User can not discern a lie when the target in question believes what they say to be the truth.

Child of the Silver Tongue: The User can read, write, speak, or understand any language that Loki knows. (See tool tip)

They took Harley back to the women's shelter. Harley kissed Lash in his human shape and bestowed the blessing of Loki on him. The blessing was of great surprise to Lash. Lash, and his crew spent the rest of the day visiting Gotham's City Wardens. Lash also visited the old workshop that belonged to Nast'rok the dwarf who dragged Lash through the shop and had him update all the healing tree's that Lash had made way back when. Eventually their day came to an end and they retreated back to Lash's home. Where dinner was made, and plans were discussed.

The Great Summer Hunt would be done in the Fae Wilds. It was happening on a large strip of land. Nearly ten miles wide, and over a hundred miles long. The forest itself would be enchanted to impede both hunters, and hunted. The tree's roots would reach out and trip or ensnare people that moved through it. They also could not be enchanted, animated, or turned against either side specifically. So Lash lost that edge.

Each hunted, and hunter would receive a magical compass that would point in the direction of the finish line. Why was this important? Because there would be a magical fog of misdirection placed in the forest. If one traveled in a straight line to quickly. The fog would displace the individual, either causing them to be completely turned around or turned sideways. This was to prevent people like speedsters from sprinting to the end. Running was of course encouraged! But full of magical, or meta sprint to the finish line would cause a misdirect to happen.

Killing was prohibited, as was direct maiming! Every hunter, or hunted would receive a spell ward placed on them to transport them straight to the medical ward in the Seelie Court castle where death and life spell casters were on standby. Any spell and/or attack that would remove all portions of a body were highly restricted. So reality slicing was off the table. The Seelie Court referee's understood accidents did happen. A fireball that was cast could have unforeseen consequences. But if one used a spell to remove a target from existence. There was no excuse.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day. Tomorrow was the Summer Solstice Ball. Many of the ladies were attending and would be traveling to Edwardo's for dress fittings, and ensuring that their spell wards were in place. They would leave from there. Booraku took Lash's bedroom to sleep. Lash opted to stay awake and practice his domains for a bit. Lash walked outside to his garden balcony and took a seat. Gotham was eerily quiet, and the sky scrapers dotted the horizon were with out power. So it looked like a mountain line of jagged teeth.

“Dawn, may I please see the store catalog?” Lash asked, after he set up a baffle field to prevent anyone from spying on him. A book made of starlight, and golden pages floated down towards him.

Lash had 1,300 DP, 22 DP on his Credit Card, and 50 AEP. He flipped through the pages looking through the shopping list with an impartial expression. He wasn't sure what he wanted. No, that wasn't true. He wanted more Spell Domains so he could obtain 20. Thanks to the Domain of Enchantment he had 17 Domains. So, he did what he always did in this situation. He accessed the recommended tab.

A long list of Skills, Powers, Domains, Traits, and equipment showed. Lash took a bit to read the reviews of a few interesting concepts then he slowed to a stop when he read the latest upgrade key to the Watch Tower. It seemed the price had changed again. D grade to C grade was now 1,000 points. Which was cheaper then the 1,320 it was last time. But the price for G to F to E to D had increased. Erik the gamer reminded them that it was still technically Beta. Everything was subject to change.

“Dawn, what would you suggest?” Lash asked his ever present VI Representative, and technically Game Master of the Dream.

“If your current goal is more Domains. I would encourage obtaining ones that will help you in your efforts ahead.” Dawn said in soft, and sweet tone. Several Spell Domains were highlighted in the recommended list.

Spell Domain of Order: The Caster can utilize Order Magic, allowing mastery of spells capable of manipulating and/or reconstructing reality and the very fabric of existence, and bring about order to the cosmos.

Side-Note: May have unforeseen consequences when mixing with the Domain of Chaos.

Dream Point cost, 100 DP.

Spell Domain of Void: The Caster can utilize Void Magic, allowing the mastery of spells capable of manipulating sub dimension of power found with in all things. Void is the vastness of nothingness, and everything. Everything comes from it, and everything will one day return to it.

Dream Point cost, 50 DP.

Spell Domain of Elemental: The Caster can call, command, and manipulate the fundamental elemental forces in their magic. Often found, and tied to aspects of nature itself. Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Through practice the Caster can eventually call on combined aspects of elemental power.

Example: Lighting, Lava, Ice, etc.

Dream Point cost, 50 DP.

Spell Domain of Life: The Caster can utilize powerful spells which can bring anything the Caster sees fit to life. Statues, machines, furniture, suits of armor, etc. The Life Domain also helps with healing, and resurrection.

Dream Point cost, 32 DP.

Side-Note: The User has almost learned the Life Domain. Price decrease is shown.

Spell Domain of Nightmare: The Caster can utilize powerful spells to manipulate nightmares found in either their own mind, or the minds of others. Partially manipulating reality so their creations may exist, if only for a short time.

Dream Point cost, 50 DP.

“Please be aware User that several spells found in your current Domains may jump to any of the new Domains you purchase. Since they will be a better fit there.” Dawn said to Lash with a teacher like tone. Lash rubbed his face as he looked at the recommended options from Dawn.

The Life Domain would be useful for his support spells. It would dramatically empower his healing, Kiss of the Grave, and Death Ward. He was interested what would happen if he purchased the Order Domain, Dawn wouldn't suggest it if was impossible to obtain. Something about the Void Domain called to him, or more specifically Saurian. His partner nudged him towards that specific Domain.

Attention User! You have purchased the Spell Domain of Void!

Purchased cost is 50 DP.

Spell Domain of Void will be paired with the Space Domain. The two Domains will empower one another.

New Spell/Power obtained, Portal Creation: The User can open a hole in the universe connecting two non-adjacent locations. This may be done in a very neat manner, such as connecting two doorways in the universe, or it may be done very sloppily like breaking a rift in the space-time continuum.

Effect: The User can open a portal for one minute, and create another portal at any location they have previously been planet side in their current dimension and/or reality.

Effect: This Spell/Power has a 24 hour cool down.

Effect: Consumes 50% of total power reserve.

Attention User! You've spent 2 DP to evolve Portal Creation into Minor Portal Creation.

Effect: The portal range has increased to near orbital reach. In example the User can now portal to the Moon, or anything with in that range.

Effect: This Spell/Power has a 20 hour cool down.

Effect: Consumes 45% of the total power reserve.

Lash took a moment took a moment to feel the power of the Void settle into his system. Spell inscriptions danced around his body for a brief moment and he felt across the shared link that Saurian had shifted, and changed slightly. He also felt Darkness Manipulation gain a bit of power from the new Domain. Fascinating! Once the last of the spell inscriptions faded from sight Lash continued to purchase his next Domain, two to go till 20.

Attention User! You have purchased the Spell Domain of Elemental!

Purchased cost is 50 DP.

Spell Domain of Elemental will be paired with the Nature Domain. Two Domains will empower one another.

New Spell/Power obtained, Elemental Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate elements. Will work in tandem with Material Shaping when it applies.

Attention User! You've spent 2 DP to evolve Elemental Manipulation into Minor Elemental Manipulation.

Effect: Increase in spell power, decrease in spell energy consumption, increase in ability to manipulate.

“Partner, do you think we can breath fire now?” Lash asked Saurian. His partner chuckled across their shared link. Lash leaned back in his chair and slowly exhaled. A small flame sparked from his mouth. Like a dragon hiccuping!

Attention User! You have purchased the Spell Domain of Order!

Purchased cost is 100 DP.

Spell Domain of Order will be paired with the Chaos Domain. Two Domains will empower one another.

Warning! WARNING!

A GIANT beam if light crashed from the sky right on top if Lash. For a moment the entire night sky was bathed in a golden light. Time slowed to a crawl, and Lash was gently pulled up from his chair as a voice called out to him. No, not a single voice but two different voices. One a woman's smooth, and sweet as honey on the ear. The other a sinister, and malevolent voice that felt like a knife was slicing his ears off.

“We've been watching you.” They both said to him. “We see why he likes you. Your Cosmic Patron. Many would believe that Chaos, and Order can not work together. But this is not true.” The voices said together.

“Chaos, and Order are part of the same coin just on different sides. We walk hand in hand together as the universe changes. As we destroy, we create. You understand this better than most. For you bring change to a stagnant universe. Keep it up! We are looking forward you your progress.” The voices said together.

“I am the Goddess of Magic, Hecate.” The woman's voice said sweetly.

“I am the Upside Down Man, maybe we'll share a meal together in the future.” The man's voice said with a sadistic laugh.

Time resumed, and Lash crashed into his chair. He jumped to his feet and the world around him was normal? It looked like no one had noticed the event. Lash felt a burning mark on his chest, he pulled his chest armor to the side as much as he could and he saw the 'Witch' mark of Hecate on sternum. Beneath that was another mark, but this one had no design. No style, no color. It seem to flicker in and out of existence.

Congratulations User! You've earned the Achievement, 'What kind? Otherkind!'

The Otherkind are aware of you now. You may live to regret that. This Achievement has unforeseen consequences.

Congratulations User! You've earned the title, Archmage!

Active Effect: Evolve one spell ability once a month. No charge!

Passive Effect: Obtain Magic Intuition....Alert! Magic Intuition already obtained. Magic Intuition evolves into Minor Magic Intuition.

Minor Magic Intuition effect: The User learns, and adapts quicker. Allowing for greater control over their spell craft, and ability to change and or tweak existing spells.

Title Consolidation detected!

Attention User! You've learned 20 Spell Domains! You may not purchase anymore Spell Domains. The User can still learn new Spell Domains.

Lash was shocked, and a little bit angry! So he couldn't purchase anything new from now on? He could still purchase spells for his Domains. He had been hoping to get Abjuration at some point. But he did like his new title, especially the active effect. He thought for a moment, what was a spell he wanted to evolve? Healing Aura! That would be useful for the Summer Hunt.

Attention User, you've used your Archmage Title to evolve Healing Aura.

Basic Healing Aura has evolved into Intermediate Healing Aura.

Effect: Healing range has increased to 120 ft.

Effect: Restores 4% of total health, and energy.

Effect: Decrease in spell energy consumption.

Lash reactivated his Healing Aura the first initial pulse hit all the sleeping Griaks in their little tree house, and all the near by Gargoyles. The stone sentinels effected by the spell looked over at Lash then went back to their silent vigil. The Griaks snored louder, but that was about it. Lash smile satisfied with his evolution. He picked up the store book and went to something he had been putting off. He had 50 Ability Evolution Points. So he decided to spend them on something worth while.

Attention User! You have selected True Damage for evolution. Because of the unique ability it will take an increased amount of points.

You have spent 25 AEP. Basic True Damage evolves into Master True Damage.

Master True Damage: The User now does 100% critical damage at all times.

Sub-Ability, Monomolecular Edge: The edge is one molecule thick, capable of splitting molecules. (Can be turned on and off, otherwise a passive ability)

Attention User! You have selected True Body for evolution. Because of the unique ability it will take an increased amount of points.

You have spent 25 AEP. Basic True Body evolves into Master True Body.

Master True Body: The User is now immune to 100% critical damage at all times.

Sub-Ability, Reality Armor: The User can empower their existing gear to with the power of reality itself. (Can be turned on and off, otherwise a passive ability)

Comment: Plot armor anyone!?

The very air around Lash seem to ripple for a brief moment as his Warden/Daemonic gear was infused with the very essence of the reality he was currently in. It was strange, the gear from an outside perspective hadn't changed one bit. But from Lash/Saurian's view point. Their gear had taken on a whole new level of power. They were of course reminded that they could still be hurt by normal damage. But things like say, Darkseid's omega beam? They could now shrug that off.

Lash stepped back into his home and sat down across the floor and began to Meditate he created a silent alarm for his Clock to sound off at 4:30 am like always. He began to pour through his Domains one by one. Twenty Domains, twenty area's of power. Now that he knew he couldn't purchase anymore Domains it made him wonder if he should have chosen different Domains? Maybe, but he was happy with his choices. He could still learn more at a later time. Maybe he could go poke Constantine later?

The wooden floors creaked softly as someone walked across the room. The individual in question sat down from across Lash and started to take slow deep breaths. Lash reached out with his Sensory Awareness and found Booraku sitting with his legs crossed in front of him. The giant of a man wore a pair of gym shorts, and a massive tee shirt to fit his broad chest. His short hair was slightly messy from rolling around on the bed from sleep.

Booraku took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. The Pack Bond between them flared with renewed energy. The new Spell Domains passive abilities crawled across the connection and empowered Booraku. Who inhaled sharply as the powers reached his base. Lighting danced across Booraku's skin. Seemed he had a natural talent for Lightning Elements.

“You've been busy.” Booraku's deep bass voice rumbled from his chest.

“Reached 20 Domains. Now, I just have to learn to use them correctly.” Lash replied, as he continued to use Meditation.

“Your growth potential is amazing pack brother Lash, and partner Saurian. Fills me with fear, and awe as I wonder what you would have been like if you had gone the path of pure sorcery.” Booraku said, he took another measured breath and let the lightning dance across his body.

Lash thought about the comment, and when he did he considered the very real possibility that he would be dead! There had been so many times with his Domains that if he had made the wrong move with sorcery it would have ripped him apart with the backlash. He was happy with his choice, and happy for Booraku for reminding him why he would be happy.

They both stayed on the floor until 4:30 am rolled around. Then Lash jumped to his feet and scurried off to take a shower before all the hot water was taken! He pulled off his Warden/Daemonic gear and set it aside with loving care. Then jumped into the shower and washed down. His whole body was covered in tribal marks his magic foci for his spell craft. After he finished with his shower just for good measure he cast Immaculate on himself.

When Lash stepped out of his shower with nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. Booraku walked passed him into the master bathroom to take his own shower. Lash walked across his room and picked up the ceremonial hunting gear set that he had obtained from Nast'rok when he visited the shop. Lash had decided on leather and hide armor this time.

The leather/hide set of armor was tailor made, and form fitting for Lash. Soft leather pants, and soft leather shirt. Covered by hard leather boots, greaves, cuisse, and tasset protection. Each section was belted on. Then he moved to his gauntlets, bracers, and vambrace. His gauntlets were finger less gloves. Then his cuirass, plackart, pauldrons, gorget, helmet/mask. He had crocodile scaled hide fitted over his armor to give him a reptilian appearance.

The armor was far more flexible, and lighter than what he wore in the Winter Hunt. But then he used his new found ability, Reality Armor. The energy from his home reality poured into the armor and he could feel the True Damage immunity taking effect. He tied off his belt, and tied his helmet/mask to it. Then walked out into the common area and started to make breakfast. Another advantage was he could actually sit down in this gear set. Hazah!

“Wow! You look nice!” Lizzy said as she came out of her room with wet hair. She wore some simple running pants, and sports bra. Something easy to take off. Since she was headed to Edwardo's to get dressed. She came over and kissed Lash on the cheek.

“Thank you, Nast'rok made it for me.” Lash said with a grin, and hugged in her return. Lizzy, and Lash stayed that way for a bit. Simply holding one another, he empowered the Pack Bond with her and she felt the new Domains transfer across the line.

Then Lizzy squeezed Lash's ass and he jumped slightly in surprise. She grinned at him and wiggled out of his arms. Lash blinked at her then a small smile grew across his face. That was something Lizzy did. Did odd things to get a reaction out of people. Nothing hurtful, unless you were an asshole! It was also something she would normally do. He missed that about her. She walked up to the coffee maker and pouted at it. Then turned her pout at Lash. There was no coffee! Heresy!

Lash shooed the pouting Lizzy out of the kitchen with the promise of coffee in a few minutes. He started to make coffee the real way with a press, and fresh coffee beans. Isabella soon joined them in the kitchen. Showered, and ready to tackle the world in slip on jeans, shoes, and a t-shirt. She hugged Lash, and he returned the embrace. Then she climbed into her wife Lizzy's lap and started to make out. Lash rolled his eyes at them and soon interrupted them with two cups of fresh, pressed, turkish coffee empowered with magic! Mana from the heavens!

Vyllith was the next to come out. She wore ceremonial hunted armor just like Lash. She had insisted on accompanying him on the hunt. He wasn't going to argue. Her armor was more like a gambeson in dark forest green. Hard leather boots, and greaves. Then she had a leather trench coat on, with hood, and lower half face mask. Splint mail, and hard leather gauntlets, with bracers, the trench coat had metal rings sewn into it in certain sections. The coat was woodsmen camouflage pattern.

Vyllith saluted Lash, and he returned the salute. Then he reached out and gave her a hug. She stiffened for a moment then returned the embrace. They both felt one another. Then Lash leaned down and licked her nose for good measure. Vyllith startled for a moment and wiggled her nose. She rolled her eyes at him preternaturally and took a seat at the table.

Booraku was next and the monster of a War Troll came out wearing what could only be described as fantasy barbarian armor! Splint mail boots, greaves, cuisse, and tasset protection. With a thick belt, and a bone head buckle. His left arm was covered in plate mail gauntlet, bracer, vambrace, and a pauldron. The color scheme was muddy brown, and crimson. Strapped across his body were several pieces of bear hide, along with belts, and buckles. Lizzy let loose a wolf whistle soon followed by Isabella. Booraku grinned at them.

“You do know we are running, right?” Lash asked, and Booraku gave him a dead panned expression.

“Suuuure we are...” Booraku said, and sat down at the kitchen table. The wooden chair groaning in protest so much that Lash reinforced it a bit with his magic.

Next was Koriand'r! Wearing what many cosplayer would consider a wet dream when it comes to fantasy armor! Leather hide boots, short leather tasset skirt, with belt, showing a lot of leg. A hard leather breast plate exposing her midriff. Splint mail gauntlets, and bracers. With hard leather pauldrons. Her brilliant orange skin had an assortment of belts, and buckles stretched across her seductive curves that made any man, or woman drool. Yearning to help her take it all off. The color scheme was dark purple, and black high lights. She flew through the room and came next to Lash looking at him with a huge grin.

“Can you do my hair?” Kory asked, she softly bit her lip in a seductive manner. Lash rolled his eyes and gestured for her to sit down. He used Manifestation and called a Saurus Warrior to continue making breakfast.

Kara came next wearing soft leather pants, boots, and greaves. She wore a bone buckle belt. Then a soft leather short trench coat top that only went to her thighs. Under her coat one could see a hard leather breast plate like Kory. She wore plate mail gauntlets, and bracers. The coat didn't have a hood, and she let her long blond hair down. The color scheme was deep navy blue, and gold high lights. The house of El was inscribed across her breast plate. She came in with a brilliant smile, and sat down next to Kory hoping to get her hair done as well.

Lash soft dread locked Kory, and Kara's hair. Weaving silver, and gold thread into their hair. Then he created simple but artful in design hair clips capable of holding the mass of hair at the back of their heads. Lash received several prompts of experience in Artist. Lash wasn't sure why but they both seem to really enjoy it when he would work on their hair. Kara especially seem to become a bit shy, and bashful as he worked on her.


After about an hour of discussion they cleaned up and headed downstairs to the Booraku mobile! The climbed into the armored limo SUV and drove to Edwardo's! The boutique of fashion and design was in a single word to be described? Busy! Hundreds of supernaturals, and pseudo-mundanes were pulling on their Summer Ball dresses, and tuxedos. There was a long line of cars waiting to take them towards the Gotham City Warden HQ where the dimensional gate was. It wasn't even noon yet!

Lizzy, and Isabella stepped into a waiting que that was dwindling fast. Edwardo had the boutique fully staff, and than some. Booraku, and Lash had their heads on a swivel. As Kory, and Kara followed Lizzy, and Isabella. Vyllith was following them but kept her eyes about. Despite their location they needed to maintain a defensive stance. One of these days Lash would go to a Fae Court party and not have to worry about being stabbed.

Supernaturals from all walks of life fluttered about the store. Sylvans, dwarfs, god to honest Orcs!? Giant green skinned humanoids with bulging muscles, knife point ears, pronounced canines, and aura that spell a fight would break out at any moment. Unlike most fantasy genre's that Erik had read. They didn't have pig noses. They were just big green people. More than a few females looked at Booraku, and Lash with appreciation. Booraku grinned at a few.

“Lash-Rao, hello!” A woman's voice called out. Lash turned to look at her.

The woman in question was Gozith's sister. She was a Kryptonian demigoddess, and daughter of Flamebird, and Nightwing. She had bronze kissed skin, brilliant flaming red eyes. Literally flaming eyes! Long curly flaming hair past her shoulders, and she wore a feathered top, and skirt. The feathers were bright orange, red, and gold. The top covered her chest, exposed her midriff, and her back. Then the skirt reached to her ankles. The skirt itself was long strips of fabric? Feathers? So if she stepped wide one could see her legs. She wore a pair of naked toed three inch red heels. She was approximately 5'6”, with a golden ratio hour glass figure.

“Juvenate, daughter of Flamebird. Hello!” Lash called out to her and bowed from his waist up holding to Warden etiquette. Something that Juvenate found delightful as she laughed lightly, and covered her mouth with her hand.

“It is good to see Lash, and partner Saurian, Children of Cythonna. What are you wearing?” Juvenate asked, as she walked over and gestured towards the leather armor.

“We are taking part in the Great Summer Hunt. We are part of the hunted.” Lash/Saurian replied together, as he ran a hand over his armor. Several people nearby were listening in on their conversation. Juvenate's eyes widened just a bit at his admission.

“Why would you volunteer to be hunted? I think you would be a wonderful hunter.” Juvenate asked, she was close enough now to run her fingers along the edges of his armor. Sparks of red flame danced up and down her skin.

“It is more challenging. At the last Winter Ball we attended we were able to get all of the hunted across the finish line. While we also took out several hunters.” Lash/Saurian informed her and Juvenate's eyes grew bright in delight. Her skin glowed with divine energy, the Divine Domain of Monsters also responded lightly.

“That does sound more like you. Always one to protect others before yourselves. I will inform our kin of your choice. We will cheer for you!” Juvenate said with a brilliant smile. She leaned in and kissed Lash on the cheek. But even Saurian could feel the touch.

“Thank you, Juvenate.” Lash said, and responded with a bow from his waist at a perfect 90 degree angle. Juvenate laughed once again, the sound was memorizing. She wondered off at a gradual pace. As if she had all the time in the world.


Several hours passed where Lash visited with several people both new, and familiar. At some point some one congratulated Lash on his status as a demigod. After that anyone who walked by him either saluted, or bowed to him. Something he found rather annoying since it pointed him out to nearly anyone nearby. Vyllith, Kara, and Kory eventually came to his side having escorted Lizzy, and Isabella to the dress fittings. Several house Kuldr knights had arrived to ensure their safety. Not that either of them needed it.

Lizzy came out wearing a skin tight black sequin short skirt dress. Her tanned skin, and Amazonian muscles being freely shown. The skirt went to her mid thigh, her left high was exposed all the way to her hip. Along her exposed leg were several diamond strips. The dress had no back, along with a deep V neck cut in the front. The strips of cloth covering her chest were held up by golden bands that wrapped around her neck like a collar. On the collar was Lizzy, and Lash's Warden glyph. She wore black spaghetti naked toed heeled shoes. Invisible to the naked eye were dozens of enchantments, and defensive spell wards in place. Her long curly red hair was swept back to one side exposing her collar, and she wore a golden snake earring that covered her entire earlobe.

Isabella came out wearing what looked like a single band of red silk wrapped around her voluptuous body. The band of silk wrapped around neck, the wrapped around her chest exposing her upper back, then wrapped around her lower back, exposing her midriff. Then the red silk wrapped around her waist into a short skirt with a red silk trail that was tied to her right hand. Her long auburn hair was tied back into a french braid. She wore two silver colored earrings, with a bright red jewel hanging from each ear lobe. Then she had four inch high red heels. Like Lizzy's dress this was inscribed with enchantments, and defensive spells.

With their group finished they returned to the Booraku mobile! Then drove to the Warden HQ! It was mid afternoon at this point. They still had several hours before even the first guest would start to arrive at the Seelie Court, Summer Castle. But there was something else they had to do! They had to get Saurian ready for the ball! Saurian was huge these days, so Nast'rok had sent the ceremonial armor to Warden HQ. Lash had been surprised when he heard that Saurian could come out during the hunt. Did they not understand how large he was? Or did that just make him an easier target now?

While they drove up the Warden HQ. Lash discussed in detail about what they would do during the Hunt. As much fun as it would be to utterly destroy the hunters. They couldn't do that. The current Summer Queen would be taking part in the hunt. Defeating her would be a huge dishonor. Though Lash was sure the Winter Court would love it. Lash did want to get all the hunted across the finish line just like he did last time. But he presumed even with the geas scrolls in place there would be hunted that would want to be captured.

“What are the chances that someone will try and kill you during the hunt?” Kara asked after she looked over the rules of the hunt. Lash leaned back trying to calculate the chances.

“I'd say 50/50!” Booraku said from the driver seat. They were about thirty minutes out from the HQ. Gotham City traffic was no joke when the only bridges in use were the ones Lash built a while ago.

“Even with all the geas scrolls in place, and the rules being thought out. 'Accidents' happen all the time. I wouldn't be surprised if someone feigns that they didn't think I was that weak. Then over power a spell in an attempt to destroy me.” Lash replied with a grin, as he felt his Reality Armor pulse with energy.

“Should I be concerned that your not concerned? Because if you die during the hunt I am going to kill you!” Lizzy said from her seat, twisting around to shake her fist at Lash. Threatening him with the wrath of doom. DOOOOOOM!

Everyone laughed a little at the antics of the two adoptive siblings. A few side glances told Lash that they were still worried about him. They were worried about Lizzy too, but she had more time to grieve than Lash was allowing himself to have. He was throwing himself into his work, they all knew it. But for now it would be enough. Along the drive Lash was making a city wide map that needed reconstruction. He had already messaged Vigil ahead of time. Once his required days off were spent he would be spending time in Gotham helping it rebuild.


Thirty minutes later they arrived at the Gotham City, Warden HQ. Then it took another thirty minutes to get through security. The Warden HQ was a modern day castle or Chateau with an expansive estate, huge gardens, and thick stone walls. That was at least what the mundane eye saw. Most of the Warden facilities were built underground and designed to survive a nuclear warhead. Thousands of sentinel gargoyles were stationed along the walls invisible to the naked eye. Unlike the gargoyles that guarded Lash's home. These creatures were armed, and armored.

Thousands of spell wards, and defenses both magical, and technological were placed around the Warden HQ. It may seem a little excessive, but most Warden HQ's played not only the central hub of communication, and logistics for their area. They were also apocalypse bunkers meant to keep everyone safe. Over half of the Supernaturals in Gotham City, and the rural area around came to this HQ for protection during the invasion. Not only that, they had room to spare!

Despite several hours before the Summer Ball, there were hundreds of cars already arriving. A collection of Magicians, Sorcerers, and Champions were in the process of linking the dimensional gateway to the Summer Fae Wilds. Last time Lash watched the creation of a portal it gave him a severe headache. Now, he noticed he was obtaining experience in Portal Creation. Booraku parked the car and everyone climbed out. They had some time to kill so Lash went to the library to visit an old friend.

Lash walked towards the library of the Wardens standing behind the service counter was Sir Rupert! He was a Technomagical Construct. He looked like a suit of knight armor that was animated by magic, and living essence. If Lash was being honest, Sir Rupert was probably something even more advance than that. As soon as Lash stepped with in fifty of the service desk Sir Rupert went to full attention and placed a hand over his breast plate.

“Respectful greetings to you, Natural Mechanic! How may I be of service!” Sir Rupert's voice was dignified, and respectful.

“Been a while Sir Rupert, I've actually come to see how you are doing? Any issues?” Lash asked, coming to a stop right next to the desk. He looked the construct over with Magical Perception noticing several points of observation he didn't notice before.

“I am healthy as ever since the last we saw one another, Warden Lash! I see that you have grown stronger in your path as a Natural Mechanic. Have you learned, Source Code yet?” Sir Rupert asked, he stepped out from behind the desk and stood before Lash.

“I have, is there something wrong with your code?” Lash asked, and Sir Rupert took a knee. Despite being a suit of armor, the magic imbued into him allowed him full motor control.

“I believe it was a gradual process! Something that you fail to notice until it happens. I distinctly remember doing things once before but can not now. May I please request your aid?” Sir Rupert asked, bowing his metal helmet in respect.

Lash reached out and activated Source Code. A very complex, and layered diagram of universal program code appeared around Sir Rupert. Sure enough there was degradation to his code. Little errors! But the errors eventually stacked on top of each other. It his current level he could only fix minor inconveniences. Lash didn't want to mess with the overall energy, or composition of materials. Sir Rupert's creator was a master of their trade.....

“Lash.....Lash?...LASH!?” Vyllith yelled at him, and he turned around to look at her in confusion. She looked at him in concern, then looked at the clock. Several hours had gone by!

“Gah! Sorry, I got stuck in my work again.” Lash replied, and closed the Source Code diagram. He was also reminded that no one else seems to be able when he is playing with it. Sir Rupert stood up with a triumphant cheer!

“Wonderful! I feel my mind is working far more efficiently again! Thank you once again for the favor great mechanic!” Sir Rupert bowed from his waist, and Lash noticed a fair spark of life flickered to life with in the core of the construct.

“You are very welcome, I am sorry I couldn't do more. But when I get more practice I'll come back and visit you again.” Lash said with a smile and bowed back.

Lash, and Vyllith excused themselves from the library, and Sir Rupert stood up and looked around. A glimmer of intelligence was seen his visor that was not there before. He felt his hands through his leather gloves and felt alive. Something had changed, something that his original creator had not intended for him. But now Rupert would spend his new life granted to him by another master, another creator. Wonderful! Though Rupert didn't have a face exactly, just a helmet. One would think him smiling with out exaggerated his movements were.

An attendant for the HQ showed up to guide Lash, and Vyllith to a private garden. In this garden stood several boxes filled with ceremonial hunting gear for Saurian. Lash stepped to the middle of the garden and called on his partner to come out. A cloud of absolute darkness consumed the immediate area. The ambient magical energy spiked, and aspects of the Void leaked into the area. Then the darkness was pulled back to reveal Saurian.

Saurian towered over the area. Standing on his legs like any humanoid would he was approximately 60 ft. tall if you counted his skull crested crown maybe a few feet more. Slightly tucked under his crest were six reptilian eyes, three on each side. He opened his jaw and let out a soft growl that still sent a vibration through the area. The tree's, flowers, and grass grew, and expanded as if in greetings. He opened his jaws, and his mandibles spread out with serrated teeth pushing out. A long serpentine forked tongue flickers out. He turns to look down at Vyllith, he drops to a crouch and his snout gently nudges his Hell Knight. Vyllith reaches out with her gloved hand and runs her fingers along his lips.

“Greetings to you, Lord Saurian.” Vyllith said respectfully, and bowed her head in submission. Despite his massive size he gently nudges her like a cat, or a dog would. Earning a soft laugh from her.

Saurian stands up and looks around the garden. He shuffles towards the boxes and opens them up. He had four finger claws on his hands, and feet. While he had two tentacles on his back, and one that was his tail. When closed all three looked like spear points at their tips. But when opened clawed pincers capable of not only casting spells, manipulating powers, but could also be used to grip things. They carefully started to pull off the designed armor they had. Then slowly pulled on the ceremonial gear. The Warden attendants stepped back in wonder, and a little terror. Saurian was a terror all on his own.

Beneath his skull crest, along the back of his neck were hundreds, if not thousands of tendrils. One would think they were simply his hair. But Saurian never had any hair. The tendrils were scaled, and moved about in an erratic manner. Until the armor pieces were set then they reached out, reacting to outside stimuli. These tendrils went down his neck, along his spine, to the edge of his tail. Then along the back of his arms, and legs to the elbows, and knees. Saurian's scales were dark forest green, and metallic.

With Transformation, and Adaptation available. Saurian could change his shape according to his needs. If he wanted to be faster, he could slim his current mass down to be more dynamic. Flexible, allowing for better movement. He could change his limbs, and even his spine to work for all fours. He could also go the other way and gain muscle, and bone density. Right now he was 60 feet tall, and 120 feet long. But he never said he couldn't be bigger. One of these days, just for practice. Saurian, and Lash would use Size Alteration, and Enlarge/Reduce and see just how large Saurian could get. It would be...Fun!

“Are we up to standard?” Saurian asked, his voice rumbled from his chest and he used Partial-Telepathy to be clearly heard.

“Yes, Hunter Saurian. You fulfill the criteria!” The Warden attendants called up to him. Then with Darkness Manipulation, and the Void. Saurian shrunk down and swapped out with Lash.

“Damn! Your partner got big!” A familiar, and older man's voice called out. Lash turned to see who was speaking and a smile grew across his face. Walking towards him, and Vyllith was his old mentor David Skaleg, retired Warden. Walking next to him was Mutalia his wife, and Seelie Court Fae Sylvan.

Skaleg his old mentor looked good, retirement suited him. The old Viking had built up a lot of stress of the years and it showed while he was working. Now? He stood up straight, had a smile on his face, and a glimmer of life in his eyes. Behind him, almost a specter was the Viking Spirit that had joined with Skaleg since long ago. The specter was a lot like Skaleg, as far as Lash knew they were actually the same person just different reincarnations.

The specter had giant wooden shield on his back, with a grand war axe in hand. He wore a combination of leather, hides, and chain mail. He had a long mangy beard, and hair braided down his back. Skaleg was not much different! Skaleg stood now at about 6'3”, with clear blue eyes, a rectangular build, and long silver braided hair. He wore a tuxedo spell crafted suit, with animal hides across his back, and shoulders. His wooden cane by his side that would easily turn into a magical axe at his call.

Next to him was Mutalia, she was 5'8” with long brown hair tucked back behind her ears. She wore a long silver chain wrapped around her neck, that dangled into her cleavage which was abundant in her long green, lace, and floral pattern dress. The dress went to her ankles, and covered her feet. The sheer lace, and floral patterns hide the important bits, but showed off the rest. As it hugged her hourglass figure very well. Lash noticed a fae glamour that hide a few wrinkles, and gray strands of hair. Fae were vain like that, even if Mutalia didn't care. She was attending a Seelie Court Ball. Her vibrant green eyes looked Lash up and down. Was this the first time they had met? Lash couldn't remember.

Lash walked up and hugged his old mentor and squeezed him just a bit for the old man to exhale in annoyance. Then Lash stepped back, and bowed at a ninety degree angle towards Mutalia who smiled at him. He said a Sidhe greeting in ancient fae to her. Her eyes grew wide at his pronunciation of it. Loki's blessing for the win! Then Lash turned an introduce Vyllith to them, Skaleg's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets when Lash said he was a Count of hell.

“How is Marie?” Lash asked, as they walked side by side towards the dimensional gateway.

“She's fine! Stuck out the invasion like a champ at Gotham University. As much as I wanted her to come stay with us.” Skaleg grumbled in good nature, while Mutalia snickered at him.

“What he means to say is that she help lead the defense of the University grounds against several interlopers, and meta's that got a little to handsy!” Mutalia said with a proud smile. Lash grinned at that, happy to hear Marie was well, and it seemed Mutalia got along with her.

“She got extra credit in tactics, and strategy from the University. Which is something since she claims she wants a major in music. At least this year!” Skaleg barked out a laugh of annoyance. But Lash could tell the old man was happy. Marie was a smart woman, and thanks to Skaleg she could stay in school for years and not worry about paying tuition.

“Oh! She does say hello, and she was curious if you could tell the JLI to try and fix the University utilities. She really wants to take a hot shower in her dorm room sometime this year!” Skaleg said with a grin, and Lash rolled his eyes.

“Ya, her and millions of other people.” Lash said with a small smile. Skaleg, and Mutalia nodded in agreement.

“Lord Count, the others have already traveled through the gate. Shall we head off?” Vyllith asked, standing next to Lash. Lash smiled at her, and took her arm up in his own. A smile tugged on her lips, but she remained mostly expressionless.

“We shall! Let's see if I get floored like I did last time!” Lash said with a grimace, as Skaleg laughed and held up his dimensional ground key. It would help him transition between the dimension, while Mutalia was a Seelie Court, Summer Fae. She was born of this.

They all stepped into a long queue to get into the Summer Fae Wilds. The gateway was established, and working properly. As always it was a breath taking all be it confusing piece of spell craft. A stone arch way made from spell inscribed stone. Perfectly measured, cut, and placed to create a archway with enough room for four people to walk side by side, and tall enough for two War Trolls to stand on top of one another with room to spare.

It was night time in Gotham, and the stars were out. But because they were close to the city a lot of pollution prevented them from seeing the stars. In the Fae wilds that was not an issue! Lash, and Vyllith stepped through the barrier and they saw it above them! A clear ocean of stars unseen in their world. A vast nebula of energy, eclipsed only by the three full moons in alignment above them. Each one slightly larger then the one before them. One green, one red, and one silver.

They stood on a stone pathway that stretched for miles ahead of them. The pathway was guarded by giant tree's of a variety of type, breed, and color. Colorful petals were constantly falling from the tree's above. But they never ran out, as if they were in constant bloom. In transition from spring, to summer. At the edge of the path was a giant wooden, and stone castle. The reached up to the moons above. The castle stone seamlessly merged into the wood, and the wood curled, and wrapped around like a living thing. They had built a giant tree house, literally!

Congratulations User! Minor Portal Creation has evolved into Basic Portal Creation.

Effect: The User can open a portal to another Dimension, as long as it is with in their limited range. The User must have visited said location at least once.

Effect: Spell/Power has a 16 hour cool down.

Effect: Spell/Power consumes 40% of the total power reserve.

Lash waited for it, and waited, and waited. Skaleg, and Mutalia came through the portal expecting him to be on his knees. Vyllith was waiting for it to happen as well. But when Lash didn't collapse after a few minutes she stepped back and gave him a look over. Something was different? Every time he'd gone through a separate dimension it had always floored him. Taken his abilities from him. Did his achievements finally even out and remove that little quirk? Was it one of his new Domains? What would happen if he visited a Rift? Technically when he visited the Alternate Reality he didn't lose any of his abilities. But when he did the Time Fragment he did? But maybe that was a Dream Engine mechanic?

“Well, let's not stand around waiting for something that wont happen! Time to party! Time to watch the hunt! I'm looking forward to watching you thrash everyone, Lash!” Skaleg said with a giant guffaw!


***HR. United Kingdom, London***

“Come on John! We have to get going!” Zatanna Zatara said as she finished clipping her last earring on. She pulled on her long black satin gloves that reached her elbows. Smoothed her hands over her short skirt black evening gown. She looked at herself in the mirror with a satisfied smirk.

“Ya! Ya! Ya!” Constantine called out from the bathroom. He stepped out wearing a nice tuxedo, with a red silk handkerchief in his front pocket. His two top buttons were undone, with no tie. He was flicking his lighter open and close then let out a whistle at Z's short skirt.

“Do you like it?” Zatanna said with a wink, as she did a twirl. The short dress skirt had no back, and the straps were tied to a choker on her neck leaving her shoulders free.

“I'm looking forward to taking it off of yau later!” Constantine said with a smile. Zatanna rolled her eyes, and touched up her red lipstick.

“Remember John, just because it's an open bar-” Zatanna began then was interrupted by John.

“Wait'! It''s an open bar!? Why didn't' yau say so!” John yelled in glee, he pulled out the Summer Ball invitation and started to say a chant for instant teleportation.

“Stars above what have I done!” Zatanna said, as she grabbed her invitation and came to John's side.


***HR. North America, Metropolis***

“So, where are we going again?” Lois Lane asked, as she zipped the side of her dress. She went with a deep crimson red, with a lace backing. The skirt went to her knees, and a slight slit went up one thigh. She wore comfortable three inch heels something that would be easy to slip off if she needed to move in.

“The Summer Court Ball, we were invited.” Clark said from his side of the bedroom. Trying to do his tie, but he kept getting it tied wrong. Until Lois laughed at his attempts and came over to help him do it. Clark wore a form fitting, tailored made, spell crafted tuxedo.

“I know that part! I am talking about the fact that its in a different dimension, Clark?” Lois said, as she finished with Clark's tie. She brushed her short black hair back, revealing her left ear with one of Wraith's jewel set pieces he had made for her. With the house of El symbol.

“They have two a year. One for Summer, and one for Winter. While the twilight groups have a more informal gathering. They also have the Great Hunting games. Lash will be there, participating in the hunt.” Clark said with a smile as he pulled out the invitations.

“Isn't that a little unfair? Having him hunt everyone down like that?” Lois asked, as she tucked a small recorder down her dress. She was an investigated reporter after all.

“Oh no, he's being hunted. He says it is more of a challenge.” Clark said with a smirk when Lois looked at him in shock. “Oh by the way, that wont work in the Fae wilds. Sorry Lois!” Clark said as he pointed at the recorder down her dress. Lois grumbled and pulled it out and tossed it aside.

Clark pulled the window open, and opened his arms waiting for Lois. She rolled her eyes at him and climbed into his arms princess carry style. Then they flew out into the night air of Metropolis, under the guise of a glamour charm given to them for tonight. They were not the only ones flying tonight. As they saw several carriages, and creatures flying in the night under a similar charm. Which allowed them to see each other.

“None of them are aliens?” Lois asked softly, knowing Clark could hear her.

“Nope!” Clark said with a smirk, and Lois desperately wanted to get her recorder out. But she had signed a geas and couldn't report on anything she would see tonight.


***HR. Watch Tower Station***

“When did we get this thing?” Victor Stone aka Cyborg asked. As he pulled lightly on his tuxedo collar.

“Only a little while ago, it was one of the modules recently given to us by Wraith.” Svadeni aka Dia Nyx said with a seductive smile.

Victor had to get a specific type of enchanted tuxedo so his cybernetic parts would still work in the Fae wilds. He filled it out rather well, something that Dia kept teasing him about. Victor was once again reminded of how life like his poly-metallic skin could be as he felt a blush crawl up his neck into his cheeks. Dia wore a skin tight dark latex purple dress. The skirt barely went past her ass, and she would definitely flash anyone if she bent over. Or course she would also fall out of her top, as it barely contained her bursting chest. Something that Victor kept glancing at despite his best efforts.

Dia's arms were wrapped around Victors own as they took another step towards the door. There were dozens of people ahead of them. Dia kept winked, and blew kisses at both men, and women they saw. Only to catch Victor checking out her low cut dress again. He would quickly look away, and his artificial blush would deepen. Dia enjoyed teasing him! She spent the next few minutes pressed right up against him claiming she wanted to ensure the tuxedo was working.

“Hello Nurse! Owe! What? Your sister is hot! Owe!” Beast Boy aka Garfield Logan said from behind them.

Garfield unlike the rest of the men in the line wore what looked like a modern day mongolian garb. Long billowing sleeves tied down with leather bracers. The dress top overlapped each other tied with a sash. Then decorative pants, and boots. Then a monkey king crown on his head. He kept twitching, and jumping as his date kept pinching him for staring at her sister.

“Just because she is doesn't mean you have to say it out loud!” Raven said with a glare that could melt steel. But despite the fierce glare she gave Garfield. He just kept smiling at her, super excited to have her on his arm tonight.

Raven wore a long midnight black starlight mermaid gown, with lace. The dress wrapped around her neck, and left her shoulders, and the upper half of her back exposed. She wore long black satin gloves that went to her upper arms. She wore her short black hair in a bob cut. With a few purple, and red highlights. The gold, and red jeweled belt hung on her waist, and the jeweled clasp she traditionally worn for her cloak was a neck piece.

“You look nice, Raven.” Victor said, and Raven blushed crimson. Very prominent on her pale face.

“Thank you, Victor...” She mumbled, then pinched Garfield again who jumped in surprise.

“I didn't even do anything this time!” Garfield complained, looking at her in confusion.

“See, that is how you compliment someone!” Raven said with a glare for Garfield.

“Oh I don't mind, sister!” Dia said with a grin, and Raven rolled her eyes.

“See! Owe!” Garfield jumped again.


***HR. Summer Fae Wilds***

Nearly thirty percent of the Justice League: International had been invited to attend the Summer Solstice Balls found across the world. Many of them were supernaturals, or pseudo-mundanes. Justice League: Dark worked with the Wardens, and Supernatural council. But everyone had to sign a geas scroll, and many people wore glamour charms to hide their identities. The Summer Solstice Ball was meant to bring people together, and celebrate the what they had survived, and what had yet to happen.

Lash found himself being trapped between a rock, and hard place. More specifically he found himself pressed up against a crowd of people that wanted his attention. While a beautiful Poison Ivy pressed up against him in her paper thin red dress trying to pull him away for some fun. Ivy had found him half up the path towards the castle. She was sitting in a tree awaiting his arrival.

Ivy had her long red curly hair swept back. She wore a skin tight red crop top with no sleeves. Then she wore a skin tight red mini skirt. The color she chose highlighted her green olive skin, and her red painted toenails. She went barefoot, because that is what she would do! When Lash had walked towards her the tree had bent down to deliver her. Lash had reached up to pull her down and she had fallen into his arms, and kissed him. The toxic kiss poured into Lash, and his Nature Domain made him immune.

“Can't we go somewhere and talk.” Ivy said with sultry look to her eyes. Lash rolled his eyes at her and smoothed his fingers down her spine.

“We only have an hour before the Hunt starts. The things I would like to do to you would take longer than an hour.” Lash whispered into her ear and used his Subliminal Seduction ability on her. She bit back a moan and ground her hips against him.

“Fine! But, I get to have some one on one time with you before Harley joins!” Ivy said with a smirk when Lash blinked at her in shock. She kissed his cheek and slipped away into the crowds. Before he could get swarmed by people wanting to talk to him Vyllith slipped up to his side.

“Are you here to save me?” Lash asked his knight and she gave him a grin...That would be a no.

So, Lash gradually made his way to the party center for Gotham City proper. He spoke to many court fae about his intentions. Many of them giving well wishes, and underlying gifts or threats because of his new status as a demigod. Along the way he saw, and spoke to a few familiar faces. More than once he had to peel a seductive woman off of him. All the while Vyllith tried, and failed to hide her laughter at her Counts clear frustration.

Knowing every spoken language by Loki may not have been a boon after all. Lash spoke perfect sidhe now, and understood many ancient dialects that hadn't been spoken by a 'mortal?' in centuries. He also over heard several people insult Vyllith for being a pure blood demoness. He snapped out a growl that made the whole immediate area freeze in place. The fae soon learned not to insult Lash's people in any language with in ear shot of him.

Vyllith was indifferent to being insulted. But Lash could feel across their connection as Master, and Servant that she did like that he defended her. Even if it was unnecessary for her. To Lash it was the principal of the matter. The only reason he hadn't broken bones at this point was because he was a guest in someone's home. After asking for directions, and sidhe servant led them to the Gotham City party center. Lash fed the sidhe a few nature spells and thanked them. Once again he felt like a drug dealer as the servant turned into a puddle of delighted goop!

“I challenge you!” A male sylvan shouted out at the top of his lungs. It took Lash a good ten seconds before he realized the man was pointing at him. Lash looked at the sylvan like he was crazy.

“Dear Sir, though I am not one to run from a fight. We only have ten minutes until the hunt starts.” Lash replied, and the sylvan male scoffed at him.

“So you forfeit this challenge of skill!” The man said, he looked a little young. He wore a combination of armor, and tuxedo. Along with a short bone spear that was tied to his back.

“Is there a referee available to watch the duel, and remind us when the hunt begins?” Lash called out to the crowd that had now started to form. A sidhe servant wearing a form fitting white tuxedo suit. (Servants tuxedos are white)

“Yes, Warden. We'll call the duel a draw if there is no victor before the two minute mark.” The servant replied.

“Very well, I agree.” Lash said to the sylvan. The servant clapped their hands and Lash and the upstart were teleported to the middle of the room where an arcane magical barrier was erected.

“Ailen Orifir has challenged Warden Lash to a duel of skill. By win, lose, or draw no grudges will be held against either party. Agreed?” The servant referee called out.

“Agreed.” “Agreed.” They both said, confusion in the area was clear. They only had a brief moment until the hunt.

“No killing, or direct maiming will be allowed. Both participants ready?” The servant asked, and they both nodded. “Begin!” Just as the servant finished his words the entire area shook with a violent crash.

Lash stood over the poor man, the boys arms in a lock with Lash's knee in his chest. The sylvan male coughed up a bit of blood and was struggling to breath. The floor beneath him had been cracked. Something that was hard to do, Lash knew from experience. The young man attempted to struggle free but Lash used Gravity Stride's other ability and increased his overall weight by 20%. The man screamed, but refused to yield. Lash rolled his eyes and popped one of the mans arms out of socket.

“Gaaaaaah!” The young man screamed, but still refused to give up.

“How much time is left?” Lash asked the referee. Who looked at his watch before he replied.

“You have two minutes left before we have to stop the duel, Warden Lash.” The referee replied. So Lash stayed on top and pulled the other arm out of socket.

“What is the point of all this? Did you challenge me just before the hunt so you could say you brought me to a draw?” Lash asked the man, who continued to struggle under him. At the thirty second mark Lash flooded the man with sleeping pheromones and the man passed out.

“The duel is won by Warden Lash. Ailen Orifir has fallen asleep and can not continue.” The referee called out, and the spell shield collapsed. Lash stepped off the man and walked away with out a second thought.

“Anyone else? We have fifteen seconds before we have to stop.” Lash called out to the crowd. He noticed there was a lot of seething glares tonight. “No? Great!” Lash said with a smile when a horn rang out across the entire castle grounds.

“Attention everyone. Tonight's main event, The Great Hunt will be starting soon. Everyone who volunteered to be a hunted please stand clear you'll be teleported to the starting line, all hunters stand clear you will be teleported to the rally point. Everyone else, you may watch from the grand halls or watch from the main grounds. Good Luck and may the odds be in your favor.” The voice that spoke was gender less.

A spell ribbon began to wrap around Lash but before it wrapped around him Danger Sense, and Foresight activated. Lash side stepped as a magical dart flew past him and nailed into the ground! Lash looked back in surprise. They hadn't even fucking started yet!? An alarm went off.

“YOU DARE ATTACK ONE OF THE HUNTED IN THESE GREAT HALLS!?” The voice that spoke before yelled out and lifted a man from the crowds in an angry red spell ring. They burst into a flash of light just before Lash was teleported away.


Lash, along with two thousand other hunted all were teleported to the very edge of the hunting preserve. In the distance was the Summer Castle. On their left arm was a magical compass that pointed towards the finish line. It pointed towards a vast, densely populated forest. Difficult terrain is the phrase that came to mind. This was so much different from the Winter Hunt. The tree's were covered in black thorn bark. Twisted, gnarled roots, and branches reached out and attempted to ensnare anyone that tried to get close. A thick billowing fog rolled through the whole place.

Lash turned to look around him, and extended his Pack Bond, and Temporary Pack Bond. 1,352 people were linked through him. The rest were not considered friendly. Lash assumed some would even be hostile towards him. Geas scrolls, and tradition of the great hunt be damned Lash knew many would try and slow him down. Then a horn range out above them. Hundreds of purple arcane eyes burst into being and flew through the forest above.

“ATTENTION! ATTENTION! The hunted will have a five minute head start. There are currently 2,342 hunted. Once the five minutes is up, 1,567 hunters will be deployed to chase after the hunted. The longer the hunted stay in play the more points they will accumulate. If a hunted passes the finish line at the end they will have a multiplied added to their point total.” The gender less voice of the grand referee said across the preserve.

“Hunters will obtain points from every hunted they capture, injure, or disable! Killing, direct maiming, or dismemberment are NOT allowed. We will be watching very carefully! Once a hunted passes the finish line they can not be captured, injured, or disabled. Take notice! Certain hunted have been marked for special point totals.” When the voice said that, a hundreds of people were temporarily highlighted among the crowds. Lash had a 10,000 point total above him. Great.

“Let the Great Summer Hunt begin! May the odds be ever in your favor!” The gender less voice shouted, and the horn range out again. A giant clocked above the forest started to count down. A sphere of absolute darkness swallowed Lash.

“ROOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRR!” Saurian called out with a Rallying Call! The thick billowing fog was blasted out in a wide area around him.

“TIME TO PLAY!” Saurian called out and thousands of voices cheered!


Five minutes later exactly hundreds of teleportation circles popped into existence just outside the tree line. 1,567 hunters appeared at the edge of the preserve. Including but not limited to the royal Summer Queen guard. The Summer Queen Titania sat on a white stag, wearing hunting leathers, plate mail, and a exceptional long hunting bow, and a quiver full of enchanted arrows on her back. The armor was of course tailored made, and form fitting showing off her curves. Next to her rode several Summer Knights riding on giant cats, stags, horse, and even a giant snake!

“Well this is interesting...” The Queen said, her voice were several women rolled together as one.

Standing in front of the entire hunting party was a massive dirt, and stone wall! At least thirty feet high, and it ran the breath of the preserve. All ten miles of it. The hunting preserve was ten miles wide, and a hundred miles long. Far larger than normal, but this was not a normal hunt after all. The Queen raised her hand up and several trumpets were sounded off. Figures stepped forward from the crowd. All them wearing assorted robes, and hunting gear. But one familiar trait was they all carried wooden staffs.

Each of them raised their staffs into the air and Nature spell magic erupted from them. These were Druids! When they slammed their staffs into the ground the wall of dirt, and stone came crumbling down into a mess. Another horn went off, and hundreds of arcane spell familiars flew from their casters into the forest. After a few minutes hundreds of proximity release Mud Marsh spells fizzled out.

“Call the were-breeds, give the orders to march forward.” The Queen said to her aid. Several spell familiars flew off down the line. While another aid rang their horn. The hunters began to march forward keeping their guards up.

“Summer Queen?” A alpha Were-Wolf walk up. Wearing simple leathers mostly for decoration than anything.

“Take two hundred and sprint to the end. Ignore or outright avoid the hunted. Once you get to the end turn around and slowly make your way back. Make a kill box!” The Queen said to the wolf who grinned at her and bowed deeply from his waist.

“It will be done!” The were-wolf said.

The two hundred or so were-breeds, and exceptional faster hunters moved towards the Druids. The Druids in question cast Nature's Passage, and Chameleon on the entire group. They faded from sight leaving barely a ripple of in their wake. They left not a trail, or even a scent as they moved. At last the rest of the hunting line stepped into the forest. The Druids could not bend the tree's to their will, it would be against the rules. Just as Warden Lash, and hunter Saurian could not. So everyone had to step lively to avoid being ensnared.

“What do you think? Did he leave any more traps?” The Queen turned towards one of her aids. The aid in question rode on a white panther. Wearing hunting leathers, and a long cloak to hide her identity. The aid turned from the Queen and it seemed she was struggling not to answer.

“That is an order, tell me what you think? Li'ana.” The Queen asked, and Li'ana all but screamed at the Summer Queen for it.

“For the next few miles there will not be any traps.” Li'ana nearly bit her own tongue off. She didn't want to answer her. The Queen seem satisfied with that response and turned back towards the forest. Another horn rang out and the entire hunting group slowly started to jog.

At mile marker five is when people started to fall! A thundering CRACK! Would ring out in the dead of night. The chosen target would fly backwards and be recalled to the castle to seek immediate aid. Which made the rest of the hunters apprehensive about moving forward. Casters with the Abjuration Domain, and magicians cast spell shields. Then when another CRACK! Shattered a shield and sent another hunter to the castle did the Queen call an all stop.

“What is this? What is he doing?” The Queen turned towards Li'ana and became startled. Something out of order for a Queen as old as her. Li'ana was smiling at her. “I am happy that you are happy, but what is going on?” The Queen asked her.

“He figured it out. He knows I'm here. Even if we can't talk.” Li'ana said with a snicker.

“How!? We placed spell shields to prevent the pack bond from being made!” A knight next to her asked.

“He tracked a god-kin across an open body of water with only a scent of spilled blood. You think he can't smell me?” Li'ana said with a laugh as they all noticed one small issue. There was an air current in the forest, Warden Lash and Hunter Saurian were down wind. The wind carried all their scents straight to them.

“Ahahahahaha! Most delightful! Inform the Druids of the situation!” The Queen said with a smile on her face. Despite the set back she was actually having a bit of fun. CRACK! One of the Druids burst into particles as they were recalled to the castle.


“Wow, your really good at that!” Booraku said, a grin on his face as Vyllith squeezed the trigger on the electromagnetic rifle.

“Thank you! I had a lot of practice in Tartarus!” Vyllith said as she stood up, and pulled the weapon off the ground.

“Hunter Saurian! The Druids called the wind to stop we are blind once more!” A sylvan called out to Saurian who was currently crafting a ATV jeep.

“Are you sure this isn't cheating?” Kara asked, as she was floating next to Saurian. She watched him with a careful eye, and a smile on her face.

“There is a arcane eye above us. They have not called foul. We are not allowed to bring such things in with us. But creating them while we are being hunted? Not an issue.” Saurian said, his deep base voice made her bones shake.

Saurian finished the ATV, a Saurus Warrior jumped into the drivers seat while a three passengers jumped in and they drove off. Saurian had been busy! There were several Elemental spell casters, and a few Terrakinetics in the hunted group. So they crafted a simple dirt wall at the start to buy them a few seconds. They had been surprised when Druids had been seen taking the walls down. Figures that the Summer Court would ask them to come.

It wasn't long before Saurian smelled a familiar scent on the wind. Li'ana was with the hunters. There was no doubt in Saurian's mind that she was there against her will. She would have said something, and they would have made it into a game. But since she kept her silence that meant she was ordered by the Queen to be there. Most likely as an adviser against them. There was no rule against. Many were-breed packs played both sides, not to cheat! But to play. See if they could out do one another.

Let's move out! -Saurian said across the telepathic link of Temporary Pack Bond. Hundreds of confirmations were sent his way.

Saurian had sent 10 elites towards the finish line. One for each square mile. They were currently mapping out the terrain and sending it back towards the pack. The Summer Court had gone all out with this preserve. Dense forest for nearly 30 miles, then a system of caves for another 10 miles. After that 25 miles of clear grassy hills. Follow by 10 more miles of forest. With a half a mile wide raging river! That was where the Elites had stopped. Beyond the river they had spotted canyons, and cliff edges.

100 Saurus Veterans had been casting Nature's Passage, and Chameleon on every hunted they could find. Little by little they were leaving no tracks. Except for the hunted that refused any, and all aid from Saurian and his group. Whether they didn't like them, or just wanted to do their own thing they were not sure. But several hunted had just wanted a nice normal hunting game but they had been forced to either join the great hunt, or skip this year. Saurian could understand the frustration.

Enemy contact, engaging! -Saurus Warrior said over the telepathic link. Saurian used Parallel Minds and focused on the conflict.

A group of fifty Saurus Warriors had been sitting underground waiting to ambush the hunters. When out of no where a group of two hundred were-breeds with Chameleon stumbled onto them. To bad! So sad! Though Lash/Saurian had been forced into ceremonial gear. Manifestation was under no such compulsion. The Saurus Warriors were wearing full magitek armor! Blue Psionic Blades (shock) burst from their fists, twin tentacles, and tail tip. While cannon turrets popped from their backs to fire into the group.

It wasn't a battle, it was a slaughter! All the while the arcane eyes above the fight didn't call foul. A warrior dove under the waiting claws of a were-wolf and stabbed straight up into the alpha's chest with the Psionic Blades. The Alpha screamed in rage and ripped the warrior in half. It burst into green, and blue particles. While another warrior raised his wrist mounted weapons and shot a burst of DB's straight into the Alphas chest. The Alpha dropped and was transported back to the castle.


“Hold the line!” The Summer Queen shouted out as she fired arrow, after arrow from her bow! The white stag she rode moved from side to side and jumped over the waiting claws of a reptilian warrior.

These creatures were marvelous spell craft! Bipeds in nature, but could easily drop to all fours. They would jump straight their prey with hands, and feet pointed forward. Claws, and talons stretched out to cleave through flesh, and bone. Then the magical armor they had was most impressive. Spells either bounced off or were outright absorbed. Blades, spears, arrow tips glanced off or were stopped by the armored plates. Only death blows would put them down for good! Bursting into green, and blue particles!

The Summer Queen knocked an arrow and pulled back. Careful aim, down the arrow shaft. She let loose and the arrow zipped across the line straight into a reptilian warriors eye! The creature burst into particles! Then a warrior! A veteran burst from the shadows and tackled her white stag! Never in her long life had any creature ever struck her mount. Queen Titania back flipped off her steed and shot an arrow mid flight straight into the eye of the veteran. The creature's tentacles whipped around and blocked the strike. Marvelous!

Her white stag rolled to their feet and gored the veteran. Who bounced away and faded into shadow. The thick fog that the Druids continued to disperse would always return. Then like the morning dew the assault of the creatures faded into the night. Titania knocked an arrow and looked around, keeping her head on a swivel. She stepped over a ensnaring root from nearby tree. She looked, and waited, and found nothing.

“Who is still with us! Sound off!” Titania called out.

Hundreds of scattered voices called out. Despite the surprise attack they had not lost many of their number. Titania looked around for her aids, and Knights. While she passed several hunters who looked fierce, and clearly angry about the situation. She also encountered many people with smiles. Some of them were having just as much fun as she was. Maybe in the future they could hold a War Game where they fought against Warden Lash, and Hunter Saurian's forces. Could be fun?


“So there are spiders in here?” Kory asked, a frown on her face. She had never liked spiders, to many legs, dripping mandibles, and terrible dance partners... Maybe she was thinking of something else?

“Spell constructs made for the game, yes. About the size of a standard human. They will craft minor illusions to impede and confuse. Some will even attack. But they are meant to slow us, and the hunters down. Just like the forest was.” Saurian replied as Invoke Animal Spirit-Spider was cast in a wide area of effect on anyone that wanted it.

The caves were a maze of twisting tunnels, gaping holes. While stalagmites, and stalactites forced many to squeeze through. Saurian used Size Alteration and Enlarge/Reduce to shrink down to 20 ft. tall, and 40 ft. long. Even then it would be a tight squeeze. The caves had been enchanted to prevent destruction, and slipping through via phasing, or Earth Swimming. So the hard way was required.

Do you think they will make their move now? -Kory asked across the telepathic link, a more private version. Saurian came over to and nuzzled her. She smiled in delight and hugged his snout.

Perhaps, either way you have our back. -Saurian replied,

Always! -Kory said, and kissed his snout.

Saurian used Transformation, and Adaptation to adjust his body for more speed. He went to all fours, lost a lot of muscle mass. His skeleton adjusted to moving on all fours, and his legs became double jointed. Kory floated next to him and created starlight energy that illuminated the cavern they moved through. The Saurus Elites had mapped out a majority of the cavern system. Everyone that was linked to them had a map in their head. Those that moved with them, but were not linked were given a rudimentary map. Then asked to follow along.

“ATTENTION! There are now 1,235 hunters still in play! There are currently 2,342 hunted still in play. Good luck! May the odds be in your favor!” The referee sounded out. Even though they were underground they heard the words as if they were right next to them.

Danger Sense and Foresight activated Saurian used Blink to shift 30 ft to his left. A red corrosive beam shot past his recent location. The red beam disintegrated the stone floor, and continued to burn for a few seconds. The caster whipped the beam around in an attempt to follow after Saurian. To his right Kory was dueling against another fae warrior. Her starlight energy being shot out in rapid succession. Saurian Blinked across the cavern towards his attacker. The fae in question was wearing simple ceremonial leathers. But had crafted a destruction rune in the air. Observant Learner activated....10%.....30%.....60%......90%.....

Congratulations User! You've learned the Rune of Destruction.

The destruction rune activated and another disintegration beam shot out. Casting Personal Time had no effect, as the beam corroded through the spell. The time bubble shattered and Saurian crashed into the ground and time being brought forward. The fae snickered lightly, then turned around to shoot a beam at an Invisible Saurus Warrior. The warrior burst into particles but that was just long enough for Saurian to Blink behind him and send a SHOCK through his whole body. Unlike most of the shock cantrips that Lash uses. Saurian poured this one on and until the fae was nearly dead!

“You alright?” Kory came flying over. She threw the barely alive hunted fae next to their companion. She looked a little singed around the edges.

“I am uninjured, how are you?” Saurian asked, looking her over.

“I chipped a nail! Clearly these fae assassins are trouble!” Kory said as she crossed her arms under her chest in a mock pout. Saurian stared at her, then began to laugh.

“Summer Court referee! We have a complaint! Two fae hunted attacked us. One used the Rune of Destruction. I am willing to submit to a Rune of Truth!” Saurian called out, an arcane eye appeared next to them.

“Please stand by!” The referee called out. A rune was placed directly onto Saurian's brow. A flash of memories were watched in quick succession.

“ATTENTION! Arlen Wyncan has been found guilty of using a Rune of Destruction on Hunted Warden Lash, and Hunter Saurian. They will be disqualified, and punished. ATTENTION! Ivaran Eilfir, has been found guilty of attempted assassination of Hunted Princess Koriand'r of Tamara! They will be disqualified, and punished! Hunted total number has fallen from 2,342 to 2,340!” The referee's voice boomed across the entire preserve.

“Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Good luck!” The referee said to them both and burst into particles.


Arcane energy danced, and bolted across the armor of the Summer Queen. She had just heard the announcement. Two hunted had betrayed the sacred right of the Great Hunt!? Why? She would take great pleasure in peeling their skin off! Many believe that the Seelie Court is the 'good' side of the Fae. The mundanes are fools! This is not about being good, or evil. This about making an example out of the impudent!

“I'm sure he is fine...” Titania said to Li'ana who looked worried. She snapped her head up to meet Titania's eyes and nodded.

“How many more assassins are waiting for a chance to kill him?” Li'ana asked, as she pulled her mask back up.

“I wish I could say zero, if they knew what was good for them. Pity my children are foolish enough to think they would get away with it.” Titania replied....

The hunters moved in a group. Learning what would happen when they separated. Dozens sometimes hundreds of reptilian warriors would pop out of the ground and attack. Together they would survive. Though the warriors, and occasionally a veteran would attack. They were quickly dispatched. The hunters soon arrived at the entrance to the caves. But something peculiar was seen. Tall metal boxes were placed in a sporadic pattern. Then the tops of the metal boxes slid apart, and a twin tri-barrel turrets popped up. Sitting between the two guns was a tiny, minuscule, red target.

“EVERYONE TAKE COVER!” Li'ana shouted and dove off her mount. Titania was so surprised by the shout that she didn't fight Li'ana from yanking her off her stag.

Over a hundred twin tri-barrel automated turrets began to shoot into the forest! Straight at the hunters approaching them. Blue tracer rounds glowed brilliantly in the night air as hundreds of mounts, and hunters were shredded with DB's, and shock spell inscriptions. Dozens of shadows sprinted towards the automated turrets. The fae hunters merged into darkness and flowed across the ground. Only for several turrets to point at them and start to fire!

“ATTENTION! The current number of hunters have fallen from 1,235 to 986.....976.....924.....889.... 889 hunters still in play!” The referee called out across the preserve.

Titania spelled an arrow from her bow and shot it straight sideways from the tree. The arrow despite its odd targeting swerved and headed straight towards the turret. Two metallic disks attached to either side of the turret barrels started to spin. When the arrow was close enough. The disks shot out a point defense beam. Shooting the arrow down. Titania swore under her breath. The rest of the hunters pulled out arrows of their own and then were met with silence? The turrets had stopped firing.

“My Queen! They are reloading!” A knight shouted out, and Titania peaked around the tree she was hiding behind. A little clock was sitting above each turret. While several ammo boxes were being swapped out on automatic conveyor belts.

“CHARGE!” Titania shouted out, the hunters broke cover and sprinted towards the turrets. While their expert archers shot straight at the tiny targets between the barrels.

The point defense beams were still active but clearly could not track them all. Once an arrow struck one of the targets the entire turret assembly burst into energy particles! Once the warriors saw this they bee lined towards the targets. 37 turrets were destroyed before they reloaded. The hunters dived for cover, many of them sprinting towards the caverns. Only for those hunters to arrive into the waiting arms of Saurus Warriors!

“Why did you save me?” Titania asked Li'ana as they waited for the turrets to run out of ammo again.

“Despite Lash, and Saurian's appearance they do care about being a Warden. They do care about their oath of neutrality. If you are removed during the hunt it would be an act of dishonor. I will not have my friend, and pack mate branded an enemy of the Seelie Court.” Li'ana said, she looked away and tried to not show that she clearly had more rude, and improper words to share with her Summer Queen.

“I understand... Thank you, I would have regretted losing so quickly.” Titania replied with a smile and prepared another arrow. Li'ana was right, if Titania had fallen during that bullet storm the Warden would have been declared an enemy of the Seelie court. All because Titania hadn't felt the rush of battle in many centuries. She was rusty.

The turrets hit another reload phase. When the hunters popped out they were met with a surprise. Only half of the turrets had been firing. The other half spun up and started to rain a hell storm on top of the hunters. Despite the surprise more turrets fell. Creating a large enough hole for the hunters to gather up and move into the caves. Once the last hunter had entered the cave the remaining turrets burst into particles.


The next part of the journey outside the caves was 25 miles of slopping grassy hills. With giant fucking birds attempting to swoop down and pluck people from the ground! The Saurus Elites had been Invisible and had not met any resistance so this was all brand new to the hunted as they moved across the fields! Though it wasn't all bad! As hundreds of motorcycles, and ATV jeeps sailed through the air then crashed into the ground and zipped across.

“WooooooooHoooooo!” Booraku cheered as the jeep was sitting in got some air time. Then he swiveled the turret barrel he was aiming around and started to shoot at the giant birds swooping down.

“You know! I thought this whole thing would just be a lot of running! I mean that is what the last games I saw all were. The hunters would run down the hunted and it would be over in an hour or so. Sometimes a hunted would get lucky, avoid capture, or maybe, just maybe get across the finish line!” Booraku yelled over the turrets roar.

“I CAN'T FUCKING HEAR YOU!” One of the fae court hunted said as he plugged his ear.

“I know right! Fuck them! Ahahahahahaa!” Booraku yelled back, clearly not understanding them.

The birds in question were spell constructs. Just like the spiders in the cave had been. But only more terrifying! You were only allowed to fly above the preserve by a half a mile, if you left that marker you were disqualified. So the birds would swoop down, pick a hunted up and fly straight into the sky. They would be teleported out.

“ATTENTION! The hunted numbers have fallen from 2,340 to 2,045....2,043.....2,035.... Holding at 2,035! May the odds be in your favor!” The referee called out.

Saurian's twin tentacles whipped around and shot another Eldritch Blast into the air. Twin beams of red energy cut a giant bird in half. The creature burst into particles, and Saurian noticed his bounty had gone up another few points. He was worth 15,000 points now. Saurian had returned to his 'normal' size of 60 ft tall, and 120 ft long. He was also transporting people on his back as they attempted to shoot down the birds.

Everyone who had neglected to join with the team had been removed at that this point. Though there were still plenty not in the pack. Saurian, and his warriors were using Insight left and right to find out who was hostile or not. So far they had found over fifty people with hostile intentions. So they were quickly kicked off their transports much to their surprise!

A giant red beam of destruction seared across the landscape and slammed straight into Saurian's armored side. Saurian toppled over and slammed into the ground throwing everyone off of his back. He looked at his armor and found it melted through. Saurian gave himself a mental face palm. He had forgotten to use Reality Armor on the gear. Another red beam shot out across the grass and blasted straight into Saurian.

“Greeaaaaaaaaah!” Saurian shouted out in pain as his scales melted, and flesh sizzled. True Body sent him a prompt. 100% critical damage immunity! Fuck that still hurt!

Then a seismic event took place as a blur of motion zipped across the sky and broke the sound barrier. Kara catapulted herself and shot straight at the attacker. Saurian's eyes went wide as he sprinted across the grass to get to the impact crater. Magic could harm Kryptonians! But Saurian's worries were unfounded as Kara had dismantled the attackers with out killing them. Saurian Blinked next to Kara and looked her over. She smiled at him, lighting up his world.

“What, worried about little ole me? I'm fine!” Kara said, sticking chin out. Saurian rolled his six eyes at her and nuzzled her gently.

“Summer Court referee! Once more members of the hunted group have used the Rune of Destruction! I am willing to submit to a Rune of Truth!” Saurian called out, and the arcane eye appeared and they went through the same song and dance.

“That is the second time referee that we've been attacked! You said you would be watching carefully! We are in the open! Why did you not catch that!?” Saurian snarled at the arcane eye.

“Unclear....” The arcane eye and burst into particles.

“The referee's have always been impartial. Otherwise the games couldn't exist. So, that means that something is blocking them from seeing us. Or, someone has twisted their spell craft.” Saurian said softly to Kara.

“At least the birds are gone?” Kara said, trying to cheer up the situation.

Saurian with the help of Kara picked up their downed passengers and returned to the trailing convoy of vehicles across the grassy hills. Eventually the giant birds did return but they were easily dealt with. Once more they reached the next section which was 10 miles of forest. But unlike the forest before, these trees were massive! The size of sky scrapers, and roots as wide as city streets. Once more Saurian turned the ATV's, and motorcycles into something else than their group ran through the forest as quickly, and safely as possible.


“Explain it to me! They were in the open in the grassy fields and you didn't see the attackers!” Queen Titania was shouting at an arcane eye.

“Unclear! Could not ascertain the truth until called.” The gender less referee voice responded in a nonchalant voice.

“Then why don't you stick an eye right on top of him!”Titania shouted at the referee.

“It would break a court rule. All eyes must remain visible. Placing an eye next to him would reveal his position.” The referee replied.

“THEN DO YOUR JOB! Because if I hear one more assassination attempt on his life then I am scrapping you!” Titania shouted at the arcane eye. Then for the first time the iris of the eye constricted.

“...Understood.” The referee replied, its voice strained.

“It may not be its fault. Something, or someone could be blocking it.” Li'ana said softly.

“Who would break this honorable game? To earn the ire of the Summer Queen?” One of the Summer Knights asked, looking at Li'ana. She rolled her eyes at him.

“Twice he's been attacked! Both attempts with destruction runes! Are you naive or just stupid?” Li'ana snapped back, and the knight pulled his sword from his sheath.

Li'ana jumped from her mouth and slammed her fist straight into the Knights breast plate. The man went skyrocketing off his mount and collided into a nearby tree. The whole hunting team stopped and stared at the knight, then stared at Li'ana. Her hand had grown scales, a strength rune glowed brilliantly along her knuckles. Titania pulled Li'ana back by her shoulders and stared at her. Li'ana's eyes had a reptilian slit to them. Before she blinked and knelt before her Queen.

“Send him back to the castle for healing.” Titania called out to the air, and a teleportation circle ported the knight out. So the arcane eyes could see them just fine?

“Seems you've obtained more than just a voice from your pack master. But also a bit of strength!” Titania said, her face a cold mask of indifference. “But don't do that again, understood?” Titania's voice grew cold as ice when she looked at Li'ana.

“Yes my Queen.” She said in barely a whisper.

“My Summer Queen!” A tracker came from the front.

“What is it?” She replied, the tracker looked hesitant reading the room as it were. “Speak up!” Titania said, putting power into her voice.

“The next area is the grassy hills. There should be birds attacking us to slow us down...There are none present.” The tracker replied immediately.

“Show me...” Titania said and urged her mount forward. While Li'ana slowly climbed her mount and followed behind.

The tracker had been right. Not a single bird in the sky. How odd, the referee had said that the birds attacked the hunted. So why are the hunters not being harassed. Flying above the field were several arcane eyes. If they could be seen then logically they could see them. Then an eagle cry slowly called out across the night sky. Ah! The hunted must have jus! Li'ana yanked Titania from her steed and pulled her to the ground. Li'ana quickly covered the queen with her body just in time as an artillery shell exploded next to them!

“ROAAAAR!” No! Not just an artillery shell! A creature made of rock, and stone crawled out of the crater and roared at them. One of the few remaining Druids sent a burst of energy into the stone creature. Only for the spell to rebound back at them.

Several more eagle cries sounded off in the night sky as explosions shook the whole forest! Titania pulled Li'ana off of her and pulled out her bow. Shooting the shells mid air! Which only seem to make the situation worse! The shells exploded, the pieces fell to the earth and took the shape of war hounds. Warriors, and knights pulled weapons free and met the enemy face to face.

“We can't stay here! They'll keep hammering us! We have to get to their placement!” Li'ana called out to the hunters.

“Mount up and move out!” Titania called out, and climbed onto her stag who came to her call. “Li'ana! Where would they be placed!?...Li'ana!” Titania shouted, and turned around to look.

Li'ana had the look of abstract surprise, and laughter on her face. A blue Psionic Blade was sticking out of her chest. A Saurus Veteran stood behind her. The electrical current brought Li'ana to her knees. Then as she was shocked into unconsciousness the referee teleported her out of the game. The veteran wasting no time sprinted straight towards the Queen only to be shot point blank with an arrow. Titania screamed in frustration! She had lost her guide! Well played, Warden!


“Hopefully she won't be mad at you.” Vyllith said to Saurian in comfort. She was currently sitting on his neck as he ran through the giant forest.

“From what I understand, Li'ana had saved the Queen more than once during the hunt. Makes me wonder what she'll do now?” Saurian replied, as he moved across the roots with ease.

Over a thousand hunted were moving through the giant forest at a healthy pace. Saurian had cast Invoke Animal Spirit-Flying Squirrel on them. That was right! They were climbing the trees with dexterity, and gliding to the next branch, trunk, or root. Just like flying squirrels! Thanks to the evolved form they could take on two different traits. Watching Booraku climb a tree, and jump off and spread out his arms, and legs like that had made Saurian's night!

“Referee! May I speak to you for a moment!” Saurian called out as he ran....Nothing... Saurian slowed to a stop and looked around.

“Booraku! Can you call to a referee?” Saurian shouted across the trees. Booraku stopped and looked back at him. After a moment he looked around confused.

For fuck's sake! Are we under a baffle field or something? -Booraku said across the line.

Can anyone get in touch with a referee? -Saurian asked across the expansive telepathic list they currently had.

Ya! They can't seem to find you? -A fae hunted responded, they were at the front of train.

“ATTENTION! A master spell baffle field has been placed across the across the preserve! Currently 689 hunted are missing from our perception!” The referee shouted out across the preserve.

WHAM! Something slammed straight into Saurian at high speeds and sent him flying through the giant forest. He collided straight into a giant tree trunk! 20% of his health pool drained with the strike. Vyllith was shot off like a cannon but was caught by Korry before she got to far. Saurian dropped onto a giant root and looked up at his attacker.

“Well, this is a surprise!” Saurian said with a snarl!

Standing in a set of black plate mail armor. Skull ornamental details on the mans pauldrons, belt, and helmet. The man was 7 ft tall easily. With flaming red eyes under the helmet. In his hands was a giant spiked metal mace. With wicked points, and a spike on the other end. A giant billowing cloak was behind him. He pointed his mace at Saurian and roared in fury then jumped straight at him.

“Hello again.....God of War!” Saurian shouted, red Psionic Blades erupted from Saurian's fist. With Size Alteration, and Enlarge/Reduce Saurian shrunk down to 20 by 40 and slammed into Ares! The impact created a sonic boom!

In the movies, comics, and books the protagonist, and antagonist trade quips mid fight! They smack talk, they talk about their moves, and how they will never discover their weakness. Aside from The Flash for obvious reasons. Saurian had never known anyone to actually do that! So this was clearly a surprise, as Ares really liked to hear himself talk!

“It is all your fault!” Ares shouted as he brought his mace down straight onto Saurian's skull crest. Saurian roared in pain and swiped at Ares with a red energy blade. Ares jumped to the side easily enough.

“But now it's my turn! I'll break your bones! Your skull will adorn my trophy wall!” Ares screamed in glee as he shoulder charged into Saurian.

Saurian used Reality Armor on himself. Ares slammed into him and only pushed Saurian back a few feet. The shock was clear on Ares face. But even more so as a red Psionic Blade slashed through his armor like paper. Monomolecular Edge activated and dipped Saurian's energy levels. But the shock was enough for Ares to jump away.

“This is adamantine! Forged by Hephaestus himself! How dare you! Gah!” Ares shouted, then roared in fury as Kara slammed her fist into the back of his skull!

Saurian quickly checked his Shaper, and Transmuter title effects. Yes, they obtained the chemical formula for adamantine. Great! Kara was flung across the forest but Saurian reached out with his tentacle and caught her mid flight. He sent another red Psionic Wave towards Ares who jumped out of the way!

Stay hidden and wait for an opening! Hit him! Then jump away! -Saurian called out across the link. Nearly every hunted ran for it at the sight of the God of War. But Booraku, Kara, Kory, and Vyllith remained at his side.

Saurian sprinted towards Ares and used Bending the world around them distorted slightly. Ares was flown off balance by the sudden shift. But easily adapted to the change. His mace changed into a spear, and shield. He rushed towards Saurian and hundreds of spears magically appeared in the air and flew towards him. Crap! Foresight activated and Saurian could predict some of the spears point of entry. While the rest...! A giant stone wall burst from the ground that was quickly turned into swiss cheese.

Saurian dove under the ground thanks to Earth Swim sending a thank you to Booraku for manipulating the ground. Then he burst out of the ground right under Ares and snapped his jaws shut. Ares eyes went wide in surprise, Saurian bit onto his leg and began to shake Ares around like a dog with a chew toy!

“You can't kill me! I'm a god of Olympus!” Ares shouted, and slammed his shield into Saurian's face again, and again until Saurian was forced to let go. His nasal bone broke inward!

CRACK! An electromagnetic rifle shot went through the forest and blew a hole the size of a quarter through Ares spine. The god of War screamed in agony. A brilliant glow of pure green starlight turned the night into day for a brief moment. Kory shot a charged shot straight into him and blew the gods helmet, and part of his face off.

“Impudent Bitch!” Ares shouted, then fell to his knees as Kara flew from the forest and kicked in the knee that Saurian had been chewing on. “You will all fall before me!” Ares shouted and raised his arms up in the air.

Hundreds, no thousands of weapons were pulled into being and pointed straight at them. Another CRACK! Rang out and a quarter sized hole went straight through Ares throat. He coughed and sputtered losing his concentration! The weapons faded from sight. Saurian sprinted across the field and whipped his tentacle blades in a scissor motion. Ares produced two short swords and cleaved them from Saurian!

Saurian slammed into the god of War and began to wrap his body around him. Transformation, and Adaptation started to shift Saurian into more snake like. His limbs became longer, and more flexible but with stronger crushing power. Ares flipped mid hold and started to wrestle with him. Ares leaned forward straining his neck then be bit down on one of Saurian's eyes! He ripped it off with a triumphant grin and chewed on it. Saurian screamed in agony, but refused to let go.

Kara appeared right in front of Ares and pummeled his exposed back with everything she had. Saurian could feel the percussion through their bodies but didn't stop her. Ares dislocated one of his shoulders to pull his arm free and he back handed her. Kara went flying into the forest and out of sight. Kory flew after her.

“Your women will be my slaves! They will clean my floors, and warm my bed at night! You are nothing to me! Nothing!” Ares screamed at Saurian. Then Saurian opened his mouth and bit down on Ares's helmet and started to crush it.

“YOU CANT KILL ME! YOU CANT KILL ME! I AM A GOD YOU PATHETIC CREATURE!” Ares screamed, and tried to break free.

Attention User! Your Cosmic Patron has issued a dynamic quest!

Optional Quest: Kill Ares.

Optional Quest: Kill Ares.

Optional Quest: FUCKING KILL ARES!

Saurian roared in savage glee as he used Soul Bite, Dream Eater, and Devour, Consume, Evolve! True Damage/ Monomolecular Edge activated and the helmet slowly crumbled with Ares's head still in it. Ares was screaming, and flailing around trying desperately to get free. He created weapons and stabbed them into Saurian. He cast spells of destruction and burned armor, scales, flesh, and even bone.

“YOU CANT KILL ME! YOU CANT! I AM A GOD! PLEASE! ZUES! HELP ME! FATHER! HELP ME!” Ares was screaming in horror as he felt his skull being crush. Blood was oozing out of his eyes, ears, and nose.

“YOU CANT! PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!” Ares screamed, and with one final CRUNCH! Ares stopped moving all together.

Congratulations User! Your Cosmic Patron is pleased!

Optional Quest: Kill Ares. [+] Complete!

Optional Quest: Kill Ares [+] Complete!

Optional Quest: FUCKING KILL ARES! [+] Complete.

Reward: God Slayer Title!

Reward: Your Cosmic Patron will temporarily hide your actions.

Congratulations User! You've obtained a new title! God Slayer!

Active Effect: For 10 minutes the title holder will do maximum damage to any God, or Goddess. 24 hr. cool down.

Passive Effect: Divine Domain added. Current list: Monsters, War.

War, Active Effect: Call on the ancestors of War into battle. A army devoted to you will hear you call and come to your aid for duration of the specific battle. Cool down, once a month.

War, Passive Effect: For every minute you are in battle obtain a temporary 0.1% stat increase. For every minute you are out of battle lose 0.1% of the temporary stat increase.

Devour, Consume, Evolve benefit earned.

Advanced Weapon Master has evolved into Master Weapon Master.

Effect: The User can now use any weapon they wield as if they have used it for centuries.

Effect: Side-Ability, Critical Eye: Innately know the best location to hit your target.

Ares body, and his armor burst into golden energy. It flowed around Saurian with gentle affection and then flew off into the night sky to find its next God-Kin. Despite the circumstances Saurian didn't feel any aggression from the divine energy. But time would tell! He slowly picked himself up and looked up. His friends returned to his side safely, and an arcane eye appeared next to him.

“ATTENTION! Master spell baffle field has been removed. All hunted are accounted for!” The referee called out across the preserve.

“Inform the Queen that the issue did not fall onto you, referee. Also I have a suggestion that I think she may want to hear.” Saurian said to the arcane eye, its iris turned crescent clearly pleased to be out of the dog house, or in this case the eye house.


“Ares? The god of War in Olympus? Zeus needs to keep an eye on his children!” Titania said through gritted teeth.

“Where is Ares now?” Titania asked, the arcane eye hummed with energy for a moment.

“Unknown! Warden Lash, and Hunter Saurian had a request they wish to speak with you.” The gender less referee said to the Queen.

“Oh, what is it?” The Queen asked, as their hunting party had reached the giant forest edge.

“For every Saurus Warrior slain the hunters will receive a single point. For every Veteran slain ten points, for every device, and trap dismantled twenty points. On top of the standing bounty for any hunted. We have an accurate account of ever hunters actions.” The referee replied, and Titania stopped her mount. The hunters, and trackers who were listening stopped to look at her.

“We can not make it official. But I'll agree to personal reimbursement.” Titania said with a smile, as the hunters who heard her started to grin.

“ATTENTION! A bargain has been struck! Though not official, The Summer Queen has offered personal reimbursement. Every reptilian warrior slain is one point. Every veteran slain his ten, and every trap dismantled is twenty. While the original point system is still in play! May the odds be ever in your favor!” The referee called out across the preserve then burst into light.

“INCOMING!” A tracker at the front called out as a thousand Saurus Warriors sprinted towards their location.

“Firing line!” The Queen shouted with a smile.


The rest of the hunt was oddly quiet. The hunted reached the half a mile wide river and found something delightfully terrifying! Five Saurus Elites had stayed at the river preparing for their arrival while the other five had traveled across the river to map the rest of the preserve out. Normally in this situation one would think they would build a bridge? Or boats? Or maybe use the spell Water Walk. Well Water Walk is difficult to use on a rapidly moving body of water like a raging river. So instead they used Falling Glide.

How did they do this? The Elites under Saurian's direction created man sized sling shots! As long as the hunted didn't fly higher than the preserve they would be fine! So they were shot across the river, and with Falling Glide spell effect they fell from the air with style! Many of them even reached the cliff edge that they had to climb up to travel on! Booraku cackled like a maniac as he was shot across the river. While Vyllith simply jumped onto Saurian's back as he swam across. Kory, and Kara could of course fly!

Once the last hunted was across the river the sling shots were turned into a trap for the hunters. The Elites dove into the water and swam across at best possible speeds. Saurian pulled himself from the river and groaned in irritation. His tentacles were rapidly healing thanks to Regeneration but it would be several days before he, or Lash could use them again. As they climbed a cliff face a single arrow struck the back of Saurian's tail and bounced off. He turned to look back and saw a beautiful woman mounted on a white stag sitting at the other end of the river.

“Heh, they caught up!” Saurian said with a grin and turned around to keep going.

What ground the hunters had gained was quickly lost as giant mechanical tanks burst from the river and started to shoot at them. There were several clearly marked targets in place for them to attack. When struck the tank would burst into particles. Of course they would have to hit the target! The referee did several announcements. Then with only a few miles left to spare.

“ATTENTION! The first hunted has succeeded in passing the finish line. Rewarded Virion of house Nerikas” The Summer Court referee shouted across the preserve.

That was the first, it was not the last! The total number of hunted that crossed the finish line numbered to 1,945. While the remaining hunters was 567. From start to finish the only hunter to even hit a hunted was the Summer Queen. The arrow that had bounced off of Saurian. But, the hunted did get a consolation prize. The referee had an accurate number for warriors, veterans, and traps destroyed. All in all it was a good hunt! A little more exciting that Saurian had hoped for.

“Hopefully we won't get stabbed this time!” Saurian said, as the teleportation circles started to port everyone back to the Summer Court Castle.


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