
***HR. Alpha Centauri System***

On the tail edge of the system a small tear opened up between dimensions. The tear let out an eerie blue light as ghostly specters seem flee from the tear only to reform into cosmic energy and fade into the darkness that is space. From the tear was a giant ruined ship! The ship was massive in size, and it was only matched in its size by its warped, and twisted parts of the machine. Four giant engines on the back of the ship sputtered, and spit, then completely shut down. Bulk heads were torn asunder as it pulled free of the dimensional tear. Luckily no portion of the ship that was torn asunder was populated.

The ship itself was nearly a mile long, with 1,500 feet as a radius. The ship itself was in fact several hundred smaller ships linked together around a specific engine drive core. That specific drive core was a phantom zone engine. This ship was Kryptonian in origin, using the drive core they skimmed the edge of the true phantom zone and used it to travel vast distances.

The giant ship made up of civilians pleasure yachts, transport ships, and military vessels. The designs looked similar to crystals designed with a mechanics hand. To metal ships that looked aerodynamic as possible. To giant behemoths warships with a variety of cannons, and broken wing frames. Long, angular designs, like spear points jutting into the night sky. One by one tiny sub-light engines turned on and the ship lurched forward.


Contained within one of the massive military vessels stood the command deck to this whole mess of a scrap heap. There was a man floating in the empty space of operations. He turned, and gently pushed against the deck towards a station off to his right. The man floated over to he station and the soldier their saluted him. He nodded in return and looked at the display. He signed in annoyance, then the door to operations opened up and a engineer floated in.

“General Zod! Our sensors tell us that the next system is our destination.” A man with the uniform of a military engineer informed Dru-Zod with a bit of good news.

“Good, but how long will it take for the phantom drive to spin up again?” Dru-Zod asked the man. Who looked like he had bitten into something sour.

“It will be several months until the drive is ready for the next jump. However, a bit of news there is an asteroid belt with metals similar to our ship structures. We can use this time to make repairs to our ships.” The engineer replied with a tight smile that was mirrored by Dru.

“Very well! Make best speeds to the belt.” Dru ordered and the soldiers on the deck saluted and went back to their task. The engineer left the operations room, and Dru floated back to the main command console.

General Dru-Zod stood at approximately 6'3” with midnight black eyes, black hair, and chocolate colored skin. He was built with an inverted triangle physique. He was a rare specimen even among Kryptonians. A sharp body, mind, and many would suspect even a soul. For he was one of the few to not lose his mind with in the inner regions of the phantom zone. Unlike others that had been lost to the zone. He wore a typical black polymer thread suit with the house of Zod across his chest.

“Hmmmm...” A hum sounded out behind Dru, he turned and a ghost of a smile was seen on his face before it was replaced with a indifferent expression.

“Non, what is your report?” Dru asked one of the few people he would consider a friend.

“Engines.... Running out....” Non said, struggling with the words. Then he passed a data pad to Dru who took it and read over it.

Non was a giant of a Kryptonian even compared to Dru. Non stood at approximately 6'6” with a rectangular physique. He was wide as a door and had often used that to his advantage when ordered to hold a specific chock point. He also had a brilliant mind... had, had a brilliant mind. The Science Council has lobotomized him as a punishment when Non refused to give up Dru, and Ursa's location during the rebellion. Now the Kryptonian was slow, and had a hard time comprehending orders. But was still just as determined to do his job as any other time. Maybe even more so.

“How are the treatments going, Non?” Dru asked, after he finished reading the data. They were running out of fuel.

“Hmmmm...” Non replied in the same enthusiastic response he always gave. He kept his military bearing but Dru could see that his friend was fighting against despair.

“As much as we all hate Fort Rozz their medical facilities are superior to anything we have here. You along with so many of our brothers, and sisters will find relief when we catch up.” Dru said to his old friend. A glimmer of hope was alight in Non's eyes.

“Thank you for the report, Non. You are dismissed.” Dru said to his friend, then turned back to his command console. None left with out a word, and did not make a sound. Something that many people found a little eerie for someone so large.

Dru continued to work at the console for several hours before he left the operations room to another soldier. He drifted through the ruined, and patched work hall ways. Then came to his private cabin, more than a closet with a harness to keep him from floating around and a computer. He ensured the room was locked, and checked for any listening devices. Old habits! Then he keyed up his computer and watched an old video.

The video was of him, and Ursa sitting in a hospital room. Ursa had been feeling sick lately, it was effecting her duties. Dru had been worried for one of his best soldiers, and...His lover. When the doctor had come in to inform them that Ursa was pregnant it had shocked them both. Dru ordered a stasis drug be placed around the child until they could figure out what to do. Ursa obeyed with out question. It wasn't until they had all been sent to the phantom zone that Dru had time to think about that day.

When Krypton was destroyed it had shook the entire foundations of their society. Krypton had several minor colonies across the different star systems that had not grown enough to be self sufficient. They died out, it wasn't until the largest colony made a desperate plea and opened up the phantom zone seeking help. Dru, along with so many others escaped the zone. But so many were left behind on the prison ship Fort Rozz. Like Ursa....Like their unborn son. Lor-Zod.

“I'm coming Ursa.... Keep our son safe, that's an order.” Dru said softly, more to himself than any other. But Ursa had always followed his orders no matter the distance. Dru was sure she would now.


***HR. Wayne Manor, Bat Cave***

With an audible pop! A spell ribbon spring jumped into existence across the lone platform. Only select personal in the JLI had access to the Bat Cave. Bruce only wanted confirmed, and cleared by security head Hex to have access to his home. Supergirl aka Kara Kent stepped off the platform wearing pink running shoes, blue jeans, and gray sweater top. She had tied her blond hair back into a loose ponytail and looked around the cave with interest. She had never been here before.

“Hello...?” Kara called out, a few chattering calls answered her from above. Bats, lots, and lots of bats. But then a shinning orange light burst into being from the darkness and it flew straight towards her. Kara braced and took the giant hug from her friend Kory with a smile.

“Kara! I thought that was you!” Kory squealed in delight as she picked Kara up and spun her around in a hug. Kara laughed in reply and hugged her back. Then a soft flash of a light distracted them. Kara turned her head to see Richard Grayson taking a photo of them on his holographic.

“Straight onto my private collection for that one.” Richard said then winked at Kara who rolled her eyes at him.

“How is he?” Kara asked the question that was on her mind. Also the main reason she had teleported into the Bat Cave. Kory's easy going expression wilted just a bit.

“He's not 100%. But he's stubborn, he'll pull through.” Richard replied for her, and gestured for them to follow him.

Kory flew across the cave and landed next to Richard taking his arm into her own. Something Dick was more than happy to allow. Kara flew over next to them and walked side by side with them. Dick explained a few nick nacks that Bruce kept as trophies such as a giant penny, along with what looked like a baby version of a Saurian? Oh no that was a T-Rex. They came around to the main area of the cave and Kara smiled a bit at the sight.

Elizabeth Shaw was in a training ring with Jason Todd. They were both wearing gym outfits and Lizzy was pinning Jason every few seconds. Something that was clearly frustrating Jason to no end. Isabella Kuldr was talking to Selina Kyle about something as they watched the two fight inside the ring. Barbara Gordon was standing over near Bruce Wayne, and Kathrine Kane. As Lash worked on the machine shop work bench. Despite the work that Lash was doing that Kara was sure was filled with intense detail he stopped working for a brief moment to turn to look at her. He smiled, and winked at her. Kara smiled back, and felt her ears turn red.

“Kara, everything alright?” Bruce's hard, but oddly soothing voice slowly called out to her. Bruce walked across the cave with practice grace of a predator.

“Clark wanted to know when you were available to meet his parents. He's...Well he's excited to show them off to everyone.” Kara said with a brilliant smile. She was so happy to see her uncle Jor-El, and her Aunt Lara Lor-Von. But it made her miss her own parents.

“I'm sure. Once we finish up here.” Bruce said, and made a point to look at Lash. Kara nodded in agreement. “Then I'll be more than happy to meet his parents.” Bruce added, and guided Kara over to the machine shop tool bench.

“Make sure you add that auto clean function. I love that about my suit.” Barbara said to Lash who smiled, but kept his eyes on the task. Barbara turned to give Kara a small wave then went back to watching Lash work.

“Kathrine Kane, please call me Kathrine.” Kathrine introduced herself to Kara who did the same in return. Kathrine's eyed Kara up and down with a appreciative gaze. Kara had seen that gaze before from Kory.

“Where is Vyllith?” Kara asked, looking around for the hell knight.

“With Alfred, they are both upstairs learning from each other. Alfred is a master of wrangling Bruce around so he is teaching her how to do so with Lash.” Barbara said with a smirk and Lash grumbled just a bit.

Kara came around the work bench and saw a black on black bat suit that was clearly designed for a woman. It had a bright red bat symbol on its chest. A light exoskeleton mechanical structure with polymer suit, and flexible armored plates. Kara realized that Lash was making a suit for Kathrine. Oh oh! There were a lot of people in the JLI that wanted Lash to make their suit for them. Watching Lash make a suit was an art form in it self. He would pull energy from the very air and thread it through the suit. Strings or starlight sewn into the blackest night.

'We are happy to see you again...' -Lash/Saurian said across a telepathic message. Kara grinned at them, and felt the knot that had grown taunt in her chest loosen up a bit.

“Done. Barbara can you help Kathrine put it on I need to see if there is any issue with it.” Lash said softly. Barbara jumped to it grabbing the uniform, and Kathrine who smiled in anticipation.

Lash stood up and walked over and swallowed Kara in a hug. She squeaked softly in surprise then buried herself into his chest. She tucked her arms up and just inhaled his scent. Warm, safe, and happy. That what Lash was to Kara. For a brief moment she felt a towering monster coil around her and Kara smiled almost hearing the scales rattle in contentment. But as good as she felt Kara focused on Lash. She floated up off the ground and kisses his cheek.

“How are you?” Kara whispered, Lash shook his head softly.

“Ask me again later...” Lash replied, then licked her nose. Kara flailed a bit and wiggled her nose.

“So mean!” Kara said, and stuck her tongue out at him. Lash replied by sticking out a long forked tongue at her that gave her the shivers in all the right places. She remembered what Lash was capable of doing with that tongue. Oh great! Now Kara's mind was in the gutter.... Sigh.


Lash had spun the latest Orichalcum, Nth metal, Mithril, and Oan metal into Batwoman's suit. Along with a host of spell effects, inscriptions, and gizmo's. It may be a light weight exoskeleton, but it could complete with with medium gear sets when it came to equipment. It only took a few minutes for Kathrine to come out in uniform. The suit acted like a second skin for her and showed off the contours of her body. Every line, every curve, were accentuated. Then the flexible armor plates went over the polymer body suit. She had a top half mask just Batman did with fiery red hair for her disguise. Her cloak moved about just a little like it was a living thing.

A wolf whistle sounded out across the cave as Lizzy called out. She had stepped out of the fighting ring with out breaking a sweat. While Jason was gasping for air, and was struggling to stand. Everyone came over to give Batwoman a look over, she spun around and acted the part. Normally Kathrine was a little more conservative but she felt like showing off this time.

“Go run the obstacle course. Tell me if you feel anything off.” Lash suggested to her and she agreed.

The Bat Cave had a very long, functional obstacle course that was ultimately parkour to the 5th power. Went from cave walls, to concrete slabs, to suburban rooftops. All the way to jungles, and back to cave walls. Batwoman went through the whole course in record time. More than once she simply stuck to a wall thanks to animal spirit invocation. When she came back around Lash asked her to do the course again with only certain tools. Namely only technology, and no magic. She was noticeably slower, but still did it in record time.

“Want to spar?” Batwoman asked Lash, and the room went quiet. Kathrine looked around confused, was she not suppose to ask that?

“OK...” Lash said with a smile and walked towards the fighting ring. He pulled off his Glamour and revealed his Warden/Daemonic armor. With a soft hiss his helmet grew out of his collar and wrapped around his face.

Lash chose the medium gear set for adaptability, and versatility. The mechanical exoskeleton expanded and covered his body. Long, sleek, reptilian design. His face mask looked like a reptilian skeleton face. His armor plates were design after scales you would find on a crocodile, or maybe a dragon? He decided to stay in human form and jumped over the fighting ring ropes. He landed softly in the center and turned towards Batwoman who swallowed audibly. She squared her shoulders, thrust her chest out, and lifted her chin. She walked across the cave then jumped into the air thanks to the boost to her stats. She landed in the fighting ring with out a sound.

“Ummm....Begin?” Jason said softly from the side of the ring. Then Isabella chimed a little bell. Then a resounding BAM! Echoed through the whole cave. Batwoman was face down with her arm pulled back in a lock.

“Gaaaah!” Batwoman screamed out in pain, and in shock. Less than a second had passed! Lash let her go and stepped back to the other side of the ring.

“Wait! Wait! I think we should set some rules!” Selina said as she came over with a smile.

“Lash only use mundane abilities please. Its not fair otherwise. Remember its just a spar.” Selina said, and Lash nodded in agreement.

Lash had used Personal Time and simply planted Batwoman into the floor. Batwoman slowly stood up and Lash watched as the suit sent pulses of energy into her 'injured' areas. She would soon be up and about with no issue. She took a more controlled stance and said she was ready. Lash did the same and the bell was rung again. They both stood there, well Batwoman was bouncing on the balls of her feet waiting for something. Lash stood perfectly still watching her with a careful eye.

Then Batwoman made a feint to her right and Lash sprinted across the arena moving in on her left. He whipped his leg out in a spin and brought it down hard across the floor mat. A resounding CRASH! Rang out across the cave as Lash brought his boot heel into the ground. Batwoman sprang jumped away and threw a batarang at him. Lash snatched the batarang out of the air. The device exploded into smoke!

The smoke was harmless but it would confuse and disorient the untrained. Lash sprinted through the smoke with ease and found his target. She jumped to the side using her suits user interface to predict his movement. Then she landed and did a one-two punch maneuver quick and easy. Then jumped away. Lash snagged her left ankle and swung her down into the floor mat. She bit back a groan and tried a spin kick into his face. But Lash had a firm grip on her ankle, she would have to break her tendons to spin.

“Bruce, how would you get out of this?” Lash asked, after about a minute of struggle from Batwoman.

“Do I know who I am fighting? Or are you a stranger?” Bruce asked objectively.

“Stranger.” Lash replied, still holding onto Batwoman's ankle. She was holding back a scream of frustration but was listening all the same.

“Batarang, flash bang. With the abilities you've shown so far I would assume you are a strong meta that could take a direct flash. So I would throw it directly at you.” Bruce said as he came around to look at Batwoman who quickly reached into her utility belt and threw that very thing. Everyone covered their ears as the BANG! Went off.

Lash let go of her. Though he didn't flinch at the BANG! Something Bruce noticed. Batwoman began to attack as quickly as she could. Almost with reckless abandonment, as if she had something to prove. Lash would bob and weave, roll to the side, and duck under kicks. He would catch a few unplanned attacks and throw her across the ring. But he wasn't attacking anymore. Batwoman was lagging behind now. She was tired, despite the exoskeleton doing a lot of the work. She was angry, and spending to much energy.

Bruce jumped into the ring and caught her from behind. Batwoman spun around with a mechanically boosted fist that would break bones! Bruce easily caught her hand and flipped her with a twist of his hip. She landed on the mat with a scream of frustration and jumped up in fury. Then felt an absolute calm fall over. Lash cast Calm Emotions onto her. Her breathing slowed down. She took stock of the situation and realized her mistake.

“Last time I saw Lash spar was in Themyscira. He fought against Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and about 50 elite Amazon guards. That was over a year ago. So don't feel bad.” Lizzy said to Batwoman who was slowly feeling her emotions come back to her.

“Did he win that one too?” Jason asked, and Lash barked out a laugh.

“Goodness no! We only stopped because I cut Superman. It was such a shock that we stopped.” Lash replied to Jason, and Kara looked at him in shock.

“Wait, you actually cut Clark? I didn't think that was possible.” Kara asked, and a few people looked at Lash with a new found respect, and a bit of fear.

“Kryptonian's have a weakness to magic. Even Selina in her divine aspect form could cut Clark.” Lash said, supplying an alternative to the subject. A few people turned to look at Selina who had a smug smile on her face.

“You all must also understand that my Lord Count is a demigod of monsters. It makes perfect sense that he can hurt even the mightiest of beings.” Vyllith called out from the stairs being followed by Alfred. They had heard the conflict and came to see who was fighting. That made everyone in the room turn to look at him.

“Its new, it was a reward from the Rift.” Lash said, shrugging his shoulders with a boy next door vibe that no one was believing.

“A reward from who?” Batwoman asked.

“The pantheon of Krypton. You could say they sponsored me.” Lash replied, and Kara's eyes went wide.

“Wait!? The pantheon of Krypton are real!?” Kara shouted in shock.

That started a whole new discussion. Lash healed Batwoman, and repaired her suit. He noticed a few things that were wrong with the suit and updated it. The suit needed an intuitive UI program to help her make decisions based on limited knowledge. Something that would help train her on the suit itself. It was something that Lash noticed was not in any ones suit. He sent an update data packet to Watch Tower to do that for all of the JLI. It would cut down on training time immensely. Then they discussed the pantheon on Krypton. Along with Gozith's kin. Then the pantheon on Earth. Jason was struck dumb when he found out that Lash held the divine spark of Loki in his arm.

“Can I have it?” Jason asked, and Lash looked at him in interest. Jason was definitely an interesting character in the comics, as Erik the gamer said. But this Jason was different. Bruce was far more of a father to this Jason thanks to Selina's influence.

A wisp of divine energy flowed out of Lash's arm. The spark of Loki snaked around Jason. Then flew back into Lash's arm. Lash shook his head in a clear no. Loki for the most part had enjoyed his time with Lash. He could look through the spark and watch all of Lash's adventures. Lash wouldn't be surprised if Loki was sitting on a couch with his Cosmic Patron laughing at the crap he got into.

“Do you have any one in mind to give it to?” Isabella asked, as she poked the mark with interest.

“Harley Quinn.” Lash said, and Dick choked on his own saliva and started to cough. Barbara looked at Lash like he had lost his mind. But Selina seem to step back and think about it.

“That...Actually makes a bit of sense. She's really turned over a new leaf. She opened that women's shelter. She's been helping a lot of people. But despite all that she is still a bit crazy.” Selina said thinking over the reasoning.

“What is a, 'women's shelter?'” Kory asked, confused on the subject.

By the time they finished telling Kory what the shelter was she seemed both intrigued and horrified that such a place even needed to exist. Why would men ever treat women in such a way? Of course Tamara had far more advance social programs, and every one was super strong. So conflicts were settled differently. Kory wanted to visit this women's shelter. So they decided to visit the shelter tomorrow morning.

Speaking of which! It was late so Lash packed up his crew which had expanded by one. Vyllith, Isabella, Lizzy, Kory, and Kara packed into the spell enchanted SUV. While Lash was in the driver seat, they said goodbye to the Bat-family and drove home through Gotham late at night. Lash was on the look out, this would be a perfect time for a dynamic event. But nothing happened!? It was almost like his Cosmic Patron didn't want to do the expected.

Unlike the night before, not everyone piled into Lash's bed. They all went to into their own guest bedrooms. More to say that Isabella, and Lizzy had a room. Another guest bedroom shared together by Kara, and Kory. While Lash had his own. But Lash didn't sleep this time. He sat out on his garden balcony in Meditation looking through his Domains.

A pair of soft, but strong arms wrapped around Lash from behind. He smelled a member of his Pack and leaned back against Li'ana. She had used the fae envoy portal hub on his balcony to visit him in the early morning. Days away from the Summer Solstice Li'ana must have been bouncing off the walls with energy. Li'ana was approximately 5'9” with jade white skin, golden blond hair, light blue eyes, with sylvan features. She wore a pair of tennis shoes, a pair of black running pants with a pink strip up both legs. With a black sports bra, and a lose leather jacket.

Lash could smell the sweat on her body. She had just finished her morning work out. An attempt to burn off the excess energy. Her body was warm, and vibrated with energy. He reached out and held her hands in his own and breathed her in. He established the Pack Bond with her. Both their stats jumped by 30%, and she could feel his anger, and boiling rage. But also his guilt, and regret. She hugged him tighter, and he could feel her reliable energy pressing against his own. She was happy to see him, sorry to for his pain, and was wondering if she could have morning dew tea?

“Yes of course! Please come in!” Lash said with a laugh and stood up in a fluid motion. He took a brief moment to hug Li'ana and she returned the gesture. Then Lash kissed her lips gently, and she reciprocated with a soft moan.

Lash broke the kiss after a bit a minute. Clearly wanting to continue but Lash saw that Li'ana had her bag with her. Which meant work was to be had. Li'ana leaned her head against Lash's chest and breathed him in. Then they stepped inside his home. Lash went to the kitchen and started to brew some tea while Li'ana took out a big golden leather bound book. Along with a golden pen. She began to flip through the pages until she found what she was looking for.

“Edwardo contacted the Seelie Courts and told us you would be interested in a solo hunting games. Is this true?” Li'ana's voice was clear, and sweet on Lash's ears. Lash glanced back at Li'ana and found her sitting up right in her chair, with perfect posture. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her pointed ears then looked at Lash.

“Yes, I didn't realize that was even a possibility. May I ask why you didn't suggest it?” Lash asked, as he came over to the table and poured her morning dew tea. Then he came around to the back of her chair and started to massage her neck, and shoulders.

“I...gaaa....I....OK! Stop! I can't think when you do that!” Li'ana wiggled out from under his hands and pulled him to sit down beside her.

“I didn't suggest it. Because it would be you alone against over a thousand different Fae hunters. Including the current selected Summer Queen. Now, since Edwardo suggested it the Summer Queen want's to know if you are really willing to participate in a solo hunt?” Li'ana asked, and pegged him with a glare. Lash shrugged, but had a smile on his face.

“Yes, I would love to do a solo hunt at the Summer Solstice Ball.” Lash replied, and Li'ana groaned. She wrote a simple letter into her book. The words were absorbed, then a reply was sent back in a timely manner.

“Despite the fact that the Ball is in less than two days they are sure that hundreds of Fae houses will participate in a chase to hunt down Warden Lash. You have also been included in an exclusive protection spell ward to avoid any form of cheating. They don't want anyone influencing your decisions.” Li'ana said with a grimace.

“Anything different about the hunt?” Lash asked, as he began to play his nails up and down Li'ana's neck. She leaned into his hand but didn't shake him off.

“You can't wear enchanted gear. You can't wear magically enhanced gear like leather imbued with Orichalcum. Just standard a started leather kit. Like you did during the Winter Ball your first year. To compensate for your Space, and Time Domains they will extend the hunting area by a large margin. You also only have a single minute head start instead of five.” Li'ana went through the little details. But pulled open her golden book as it filled out the intimate details.

Half way through the contract the words disappeared and were replaced by a question. Was Lash interested in joining the original hunt. But tailored to his unique abilities? So they would 2,000 hunted countered with 1,000 hunters. Along with a longer hunting field. Apparently the hunted had heard about his private match and wanted to just join his. Lash grinned at the unexpected event. Ooooo, that was going to be fun! Li'ana's shoulders sagged and replied with a favorable response. However, she wanted everyone to sign a geas to prevent cheating. So the same thing wouldn't happen like it did during the Winter Hunting games.

A were-hyena pack during the Winter Hunt had people in the hunted, and hunters. They tried to draw the hunted in, and get tagged by the hunters. Lash had figured it out during the match and got them banned. Attempting to rig the game was heresy to the Court games. In the end Lash got all of the hunted across the finish line. He only took out about 1/3 of the hunters chasing them. Lash was curious how many he could take out this time? Unfortunately he couldn't take them all out. It would be disrespectful. But he could take out a lot!

The giant golden book, or rather who ever was on the other side agreed. A geas spell contract would be signed to ensure no cheating. Thanks to Lash's efforts, or rather house Kuldr betting was now allowed during the hunting games. After five minutes Lash's Warden information page was blowing up with people wishing him luck in the hunting games. Ten minutes later a dozen new gargoyles began to roost around his building. Apparently the odds were in his favor, but it some of the best hunters in the Seelie Court were coming out to play.

“Good morning....” Lizzy said in a sleepy voice as she stepped out of her room. Her fiery red hair was a mess. Serious bed hair, as her curls swallowed her shoulders and face. She looked like cousin IT's sister.

Lizzy wore a giant tee shirt and little else. She stumbled through the house and came to give Li'ana a chaste kiss on the lips, who hugged her in return. Then Lizzy stood up and walked over to Lash and kissed his cheek and hugged him. Lash pushed against the table and pulled his sister into his lap. She barely made a noise and curled up in his lap and went back to sleep. Nuzzling into his neck. Li'ana rolled her eyes and went back to writing in the golden book.

A soft tapping, almost a rapping upon the glass door leading to the balcony was heard. Standing on the balcony was the 7' foot tall, wide as a door, body builder, with black eyes, and tanned skin Booraku. The War Troll with a Glamour on. Another one of Lash's pack, he had a military crew cut black hair. He stood on the balcony wearing a tailored three piece black, and gray suit. Lash blinked in surprise at his presence. He reached out with Telekinesis and opened the door. Booraku tip toed into the room and closed the door behind him.

Lash linked Lizzy, and Booraku into his active Pack Bond he had with Li'ana. Lizzy stirred from her sleep and looked around confused. Her eyes looked at the giant man and sleepiness slowly melted from her face. She crawled out of Lash's lap and came to give the big guy a hug. Booraku gently picked her up into a princess carry and Lizzy went back to sleep in his arms. Lash stood up and gave the giant man a warrior hug. Gripping his forearm, and pulled him in. It was not often Lash had to look up at someone.

“Pack brother, always a pleasure. I thought you said you were working?” Lash asked, as he helped Booraku into a chair that Lash quickly reinforced with magic.

“I was... Until orders came down from on high that some random Warden who shall remain unnamed decided to do a special hunting operation during the Summer Solstice Ball. I've been temporarily reassigned to guard this random Warden.” Booraku shrugged his massive shoulders with a, 'what are you gonna do' expression.

“Oh that sounds horrible! Would you like breakfast?” Lash asked with a cheshire grin.

“I would love some breakfast!” Booraku said with a grin, and gently patted Lizzy on her noggin. She was tiny compared to Booraku.

Eventually everyone woke up to discover Li'ana, and Booraku in the house. Lash was hard at work preparing breakfast. Lash introduced Vyllith, Koriand'r, and Kara to Li'ana, and Booraku. Where Kory, and Kara were curious what a pack was. Vyllith technically couldn't join the pack because she was already Lash's Hell Knight. Supernatural speaking it would cross to many wires. She'd have to choose one. As a Hell Knight she was anchored to him, and liked it that way. Kory, and Kara couldn't join the pack even if they wanted to. They had not been baptized in Earth's magic yet.

Baptized may not be the best word to describe what was meant to be described. Kara, and Kory were both aliens from another world. They each carried a foreign energy to them that came from their respective homes, as well as their time in space. Gradually this energy was being exchanged with Earths. Which was the main reason why Lash/Saurian never linked with them. Or so it was explained by his dragon familiar Dawn who came out to eat some strawberries.

Lash was however informed that if he could ever 'evolve' his Pack Bond it may be possible to ignore that little rule in the future. Lash didn't know how to evolve the ability since he was informed it was tied to a story event. Or he could buy it! He did have ability evolution points standing by. But this little tidbit of information was not shared among everyone. That also explained why Lash didn't establish a link with them when he had been traveling with them. He had always felt something was off. Now he knew why.

“We are going to need a bigger car.” Lash said as they were cleaning up after breakfast.

“I've got that covered, there is a spell enchanted armored limo SUV downstairs waiting for us.” Booraku said with a grin as he took out some keys.

“Where are you headed today?” Li'ana asked as she grabbed her leather jacket. She had to head to the Fae Seelie Court offices to get this hunting game arranged.

“Dr Quinzel's women shelter. Already sent an email ahead of us. She is going to meet us at the shelter.” Lash replied, and Li'ana looked a little confused. She had no idea who that was.

“Prospective host for Loki's spark.” Lash continued to inform her. That made her pause and look at him in total confusion now.

“You still have Loki's spark?” Li'ana asked, even Booraku was surprised by this.

“Never found anyone for it. Apparently I'm intimidating.” Lash said, a mock look of surprise on his face.

“Noooo! You? Never!” Booraku said in his deep bass tone of voice.

“I believe your divine Domain of Monsters gives off a natural forboding.” Vyllith said from her place at the table. Li'ana, and Booraku stopped and looked at her in confusion then looked at Lash with wide eyes.

“Wait!? Hold up! You have a Divine Domain?” Li'ana asked.

“Well technically the Trickery Domain is divine. But yes, I have the Divine Domain of Monsters. It came with my demigod status. Why?” Lash asked, seeing the look of utter horror on Li'ana's face.

Kory took that moment to whisper something to Kara who turned bright red and decided to sink into her chair hoping no one noticed. Kory laughed in delight as Li'ana took out her golden leather book again and started to write furiously into it. Booraku just started to laugh, his massive shoulders bouncing up and down. Isabella and Lizzy looked confused, obviously being a demigod was a big deal. But why was this important now?

“Who else knows about your status?” Li'ana asked, looking up after she wore over a thousand words into the book. She was getting a reply very quickly asking more questions.

“I told the Warden's, and the Supernatural Council aboard the station. They said they would pass it along. Did they not notify you?” Lash asked, clearly confused as he used Connectivity to link up with the Warden information bureau.

Other Worldly Lore activated as Lash read a long description about why it was important. Demigods no matter the pantheon were considered royalty to some extent. The reason why Li'ana and the supernatural world as a whole didn't know about the change was. A: They were picking up the pieces after the invasion and had better things to do. B: Lash had become a demigod from alternate realities time fragment. C: He was a demigod from an alien pantheon. So just like Gozith and his kin, Lash fell into a gray area. D: The Warden Council, and The Supernatural Council didn't know what to do with him.

“What can you do with your Domain?” Booraku asked, after he finished laughing. Li'ana was furiously writing into her book.

“I can shape, and create a living creature. This create is completely under my control.” Lash replied, and Booraku leaned back with eyes growing wide. Li'ana looked up in shock. Isabella's gasped and placed a hand over her mouth.

“Any creature?” Booraku asked, a nervous yet excited energy danced through his body.

“I think so? I assume the more complex it is the more energy it will take. Why?” Lash asked, clearly not understanding the situation.

“Lash, to the gods, and goddesses of the multiverse. Anything and everything is a creature. You could craft a baby dragon if you wanted to with that ability.” Isabella said in a soft whisper.

Lash and Saurian both froze in realization. Oh crap! OH CRAP! Then they heard the unmistakable sound of their Cosmic Patron cackling like a mad man! Along with the divine spark of Loki who was snickering. This...This was why Loki didn't want to leave. Booraku slammed his hand on top of the golden book startling Li'ana who had stopped writing. She turned to look at the war troll who was shaking his head back and forth.

“Did you tell the council about your ability?” Booraku asked.

“No, they didn't ask. So I didn't tell.” Lash replied in a monotone voice. The realization hit him like a sledge hammer.

“This information does not leave this room! Everyone needs to understand that right now!” Booraku said, as he looked at everyone carefully. Kara, and Kory were confused but agreed. Isabella, Lizzy, Vyllith, and Li'ana agreed.

“Wait...How many extinct races could Lash bring back? Shouldn't we tell someone?” Isabella asked, and Booraku whirled around to look at her in horror.

“How many horrors could Lash bring back? How many ancient Blood-Kindred would take everyone Lash cared about hostage just so he would craft the ancient blood lines again?” Booraku said to her, and Isabella paled in fright.

Patriarch's, and Matriarch's of the Blood-Kindred were fascinating, horrible creatures that nearly destroyed the world. The pantheons across the globe had eradicated them, but left their children alone as a dying wish to the last of them. Technically Lash couldn't craft them...For now. But if the spell reached Master level it was possible he could resurrect the old ones. If the masters of the ancient houses ever learned that little fact they would do exactly as Booraku said. Not only the Blood-Kindred. Dozens of Fae houses, dragons, creatures from all walks of life would want their kin brought back.

The phrase double edged sword applied to this scenario greatly. Lash could do a lot of good with this ability. But he could do a lot of bad as well! His Cosmic Patron was always the type of being to give choice to its Agent of Chaos. Booraku took a moment to explain to Kory, and Kara the gravity of the situation. Pro's and Con's to Lash's Divine Domain of Monsters. Technically with enough practice Lash could even create a Kryptonian.

“To answer a question you have, Master. At the spell's current level you can only create basic creatures. Like insects, and certain kinds of sea creatures. Basic level creatures. But, your fear is warranted. At Master level you could recreate many different types of creatures.” Dawn said to him silently over their link together. The mystic dragon familiar had coiled around Lash's neck and went back to being a necklace.

Lash's public record was quickly updated. This was a by product of what Li'ana had been writing. Technically that wasn't a big deal. He got a lot of congratulations from different factions across the world. Many people asking what his first spell was. He lied and said he hadn't obtained one yet. Which was fairly common apparently. It would often take decades or even centuries before demigods learned even a single spell for their domains.

Li'ana gave Lash a kiss and left for the morning. Everyone split up in Lash's home and got dress for the day. Lash weaved his Glamour over his Warden/Daemonic gear. His Glamour was a three piece business suit. Black boots, black slacks, black buttoned up shirt, black jacket, black vest, with no tie. (Lots of Black!) He undid his top two buttons. He hid his tribal marks, and gave his pale skin a touch of caramel. He still had yellow green eyes though they looked human. The jagged scar across his neck remained.

Kara, and Kory both came out of the guest bedroom wearing black heeled boots, with ripped blue jeans. Kory wore a large dark blue tee shirt that was tied in a knot in the back showing off her midriff, and exposed a shoulder. She wore a simple glamour charm to give her self healthy tanned skin, and mood multicolored hair, and eyes. Kara wore black wrap around crop top. She also wore a simple glamour charm that gave her hair, and eyes a mood color. The charms had fused into their skin looking like a simple celtic knot design around their necks. Both the ladies hair was free and swept back.

Lizzy came out with her curly red hair tied back into a braid. She had a long floral pattern summer dress on with a low v neck cut. Along with red naked toed heeled shoes. She did a little spin and let the glow from her tanned skin brighten the room. Her choice in clothing did nothing to hide her partial-Amazonian figure. She wore black, and gold leather belt around her waist to accentuate her curves. Around her neck was the golden necklace that Lash had made for her. She winked at Lash and moved to the side.

Isabella came out wearing a light blue pleated sport skirt around her waist that barely went to her knees. Then she had a light blue teddy tee shirt on that exposed her midriff, and left very little to the imagination since she didn't wear a bra. The light blue went well with her chocolate caramel skin tone. Her long auburn hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail. The rest of her hair bounced with every step. She wore white tennis shoes. Isabella wore a golden necklace around her neck.

Vyllith being the ever Hell Knight wore much the same as Lash three piece black suit with three inch heeled black boots. This of course was a glamour as she wore her body armor underneath. She had corn rose braided the sides of her hair. While the middle was tied back into a tail. She wore a glamour charm for her hair, and eyes. A golden celtic knot around her neck. She came to stand next to Lash who looked everyone over. Everyone was clearly over dressed but they looked great!

“To the Booraku mobile!” Lash said with a cheer and led the way.

The armored limo SUV was not a limo on the inside per say. There were no couch like seating arrangements on the inside. The driver seat, and the front passenger seat was plush dark leather with ample space, and their own arm rests. This design was the same for all the other seats. Four additional side by side seats, with a back seat like a normal car. So on the outside you would see six doors instead of the standard four. Plenty of space between the seats to stretch your legs. Came with a moon roof. Lash saw that their was space for a mounted gun. The anchor was there but he didn't see a gun.

“So this is more like a armored personal carrier. Not complaining! Just a little different!” Lash said from the back seat. He had tried to take shotgun but Vyllith down voted that plan. Booraku, and Vyllith sat up front. Lizzy, and Isabella in the next pair of seats. Kory, and Kara in the next, Lash was in the back....All alone.


Even on a good day Gotham's traffic was hectic. They couldn't use a traffic spell rune to slip through craters, and downed bridges. Despite the state that the city was in. It continued to survive! Work crews were seen scattered through out the city attempting to reestablish even basic utilities. Lash spotted a few JLI logistical crews working with the workers. Even a few heroes moving large pieces of concrete out of the way. Lash hadn't realized his knee was bouncing until Kara clapped a hand on it and looked at him with a smile. She understood, Lash wanted to get out and help.

With Lash's abilities and his Manifested armies he could clean up the whole city in a matter of weeks, even days possibly if he pushed it. On the grape vine the police officers he had helped reported to the city council that Wraith was in town at least for a little while. City Hall had expected Wraith to show up and start helping. But was informed by the UNWS that he was currently on leave. Having nearly died in the counter incursion. City Hall understood, but was clearly hoping for the workaholic Wraith to just show up out of the blue. Something Lash desperately wanted to do.

Almost two hours later they pulled up to Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel's women shelter. When Lash had come by Gotham to build the solar plant he had caught up with Harley in passing and she had told him about wanting to build a shelter. Lash gave her the money with out question, and sponsored her parole. Of course at the time no one was in prison. Hell even Black Gate had been opened up. The Zeta teams in the invasion had visited every prison in the world and opened them up. It was meant to cause more chaos. That it did!

The women's shelter was surrounded by a large thirty foot wall. With iron spikes, and barbed wire laced around it. Two city blocks had been linked together. A multi building set up was made. Though most of the buildings were only ten stories tall. Giant trees were stationed at each point in the wall. Black vines, and massive thorns stuck out. The trees themselves were partially sentient thanks to Poison Ivy. The entire shelter had been built during the invasion thanks to some supernatural help.

Booraku spoke to the female guard at the gate. She was a were-wolf! She had everyone roll down their windows for inspection. When she saw Lash smiled wide at him. She knew where the money had come from for construction. The shelter was open to mundanes, and supernaturals alike. A majority of the staff on call were female in one form or another. Men were only allowed to be in certain area's in the shelter. PTSD was a real thing in this place. They didn't want to set anyone off accidently.

Waiting for them as they got out of their car was a very excited, and bouncy Dr. Quinzel! Harley Quinn was 5'7” wore a black pencil skirt, red buttoned up shirt, with a white doctors coat. Her long platinum blond hair tied back into a bun, and she had thin rim black glasses on over her blue eyes. Along with a pair of three inch black heels. Her chemical pale skin glowed in the morning light. She had cherry red lipstick on and bounced across the pavement when Booraku stepped out. Believing he was Wraith. Quinn had never seen Lash in a human shape before.

“Hi Wraith!” Quinn practically glued herself to Booraku who looked bewildered.

“Ummm...Dr. Quinzel. My name is Booraku. That's Wraith in his human shape.” Booraku pointed Lash out to Harley who with out missing a beat jumped into Lash's arms.

“Hi Wraith!” Harley shouted in joy. Not skipping a beat, as if what happened a moment ago hadn't happened!

“Hello Harley, how are you?” Lash said, as he hugged her back. Harley preened in pleasure and smiled wide at him.

“I am great! Totally happy to see you! Ivy said I'd see you at the Ball! But this totally works!” Harley said, as she continued to hug him. She had her legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms around his neck. Her skirt was ridding up her legs but she made no move to adjust.

“You are attending the Summer Solstice Ball? That is wonderful! You'll have to cheer for me during the great hunt.” Lash replied, and gradually peeled Harley off of him.

“Great hunt? What's that?” Harley asked, now standing on her own two feet.

So, Lash and crew explained what the Great Hunt was. Also what to expect at the Summer Solstice Ball. Lash had never been to the Seelie version but aside from the warmer weather it wasn't much different. Harley assumed it was like any other cocktail party that she had seen, or crashed when she was working criminal. Her eyes grew wide as tea saucers when she heard about all the intrigue, backstabbing, and sex...Lots, and lots of sex!

Harley was... An acquired taste! The term going from hot to cold didn't apply to her. She was just bouncy, excitable, and then she would flip to being incredibly serious when asked questions about the shelter. She was also attached to Lash! She continued to hold his hand the whole time and pulled him along to show him the shelter. They had solar panels on the roof, along with a few wind turbines. All of the glass windows were solar panes and collected and stored energy. Technically the shelter was off the grid when it came to power.

The shelter had two large water towers on either side of the complex. While a recycle and/or reprocessing machine helped filter and renew a lot water, waste, and etc. Continuing to help keep the shelter off the grid. Or rather just simply functioning! A lot of Gotham still didn't have standard utilities. One of the larger buildings in the shelter was a giant glass dome that was a botanical garden. Lash could feel Ivy's touch inside of it. Along the way several staff members were confused who they were. A few assumed they were investors. Until Harley said nonchalantly that this was Agent Wraith in a human shape coming to inspect his holdings. Apparently Harley hadn't told anyone who had sponsored her shelter. So this was big news for them!

“zzzzzt...Harley... We got a bit of situation at the front gate. The assholes are back again.” The were-wolf security guard said over the radio that was clipped to Harley's coat.

“Oh Fuck nuggets!” Harley said. “Someone bring me my bat!” Harley called out, and with in ten seconds a little girl came running up and handed Harley her large, wooden, joker bat. With the diamond styled shapes painted on.

“Harley, who has come to cause trouble?” Lash asked, and Harley seem to pause mid step. She spun around with a giant smile on her face.

“Ohhhh! Some dumb ass mobsters who are doing the whole insurance scam. 'Give us money, or we'll burn your house down' Smucks like that!” Harley said, stars grew in her eyes as smoke and shadow started to drip off of Lash.


A few minutes later Lash had the arm of a low ranking mobster's twisted at an odd angle. Oh look his arm grew another elbow! How delightful! The man was screaming in pain and kept telling Lash was dead over, and over again. It wasn't until Lash pulled out his Wraith disguise that the man stopped talking. Then Lash used Soul Bite, and Dream Eater on him. Ripping a piece of soul off, and devouring his memories flooded Lash with knowledge. Criminal Underworld Lore gained a few bits of experience.

“I know I'm not suppose to be working. But I really want to stop this now. Any one want to come with me as we trash their main office?” Lash asked his crew, and Harley jumped up and down waving her hand around.

“Oooooh! Ohhhhh! Can I come! I promise I'll behave!” Harley said with a huge grin on her face. Riiiiight....


So Lash and his crew were driving across town to a very nice high rise. Harley was sitting in the back seat with Lash dressed up in a very nice, very tight Harley style get up. She had knee length checkered socks on. With a harlequin skirt, and crop halter top on. With red, blue, and purple checkered diamond shapes. Her hair was pulled back into two pony tails each died with blue, and red. She had a long wooden bat next to her. She was wrapped around Lash in his Transformation shape.

So, who was causing issues? Carmine Falcone was! He along with so many others that had escaped Black Gate when the invading Zeta teams busted the prison up. The prison was operational again...Mostly. But they were still trying to recapture everyone who had fled. The GCPD were short staffed and dealing with a long list of things. So recapturing a mobster was on a different list. Of course from the memories Lash learned from the low level mobsters. Several police officers were on the take...Again.

“Alright! Hold on!” Booraku shouted to everyone in the SUV, then floored the gas pedal. They had arrived at the high rise and Booraku decided to fly straight through the front doors.

“Yahtzee!” Harley called out with a maniacal laugh! The Loki spark in Lash's arm glowed softly.

CRASH! Broken glass, and shattered marble shot out across the now ruined front lobby to the high rise hotel that was barely filled. The hotel was owned by the Carmine family and only allowed certain people to stay. Something that irritated Lash to no end since all of the hotels were suppose to be open to the public until the city was repaired. Booraku pressed a button and the moon roof opened up. Lash crawled out and stood on top of the car in his Wraith disguise. Eight foot tall lizard man with a grim reaper fetish!

“Surrender! Or Suffer!” Lash called out with Intimidating Shout towards the dozen or so armed guards who balked at him. Then someone woke from their stupor and started to shoot at him.

“The choice is made!” Lash shouted, and Starfire opened her door and started to shoot green energy bolts!

Booraku stepped out of the car and dropped his glamour a ten foot tall war troll in full armor stood in his place and several people screamed in utter terror! He roared in glee and stormed through the building. Despite his destruction he was careful not to kill anyone, though maiming was an option! Vyllith stepped out next wearing full Daemonic armor. Her helmet face mask snapped into place. Her right forearm sub-machine gun popped up and she began to shoot DB's with efficiency.

Starfire was shooting her green bolts of energy in controlled bursts. As Kara jumped out and began to pummel goons into the ground, carefully. She had far better control over her strength now than she did before. Amazon training camp bearing its fruit. Lizzy sprinted from the car and bolted to the first goon she found. She wrapped her legs around the man and spun him around using her own momentum to flip him! Then she snapped their gun arm for good measure.

Isabella walked out of the car and surrounded herself in her Enchantment Domain. She took on a glow! Any goon who pointed their weapons at her suddenly had a blissful smile on their face, and dropped their guns. Even a few of them started to attack their fellow mobsters who tried to fire at her. She beguiling them! Then Harley jumped out and did several handsprings and proceeded to knock some much needed sense into them. Of course they were knocked unconscious as a result. To bad! So sad!

Lash cast Manifestation had called 100 Saurus Warriors. Their portals appeared just outside the ruined front lobby doors. They spread out to secure the whole buildings ground floor exits, fire escapes, and underground parking, along with at least two escape tunnels. While a few more started to climb the building with Gravity Stride. Lash contacted the MCU through Connectivity, along with the JLI. He simply informed Vigil that the mobsters were bothering Harley's women shelter and he was in the neighborhood...Honest!

Lash casually walked across the lobby and stepped into a VIP elevator. Thanks to Machine Control the thing went straight up to his required level with out a fuss. Even though several signals had been sent telling it to stop. A Saurus Warrior informed Lash that a group of JLI logistical staff had spring jumped just outside the building. They were in the process of 'arresting' the goons. Wonderful!

Lash had a minute or two to kill. So he sent an email to Captain Gordon about the corrupt cops on the mobsters payroll. Just a few, the low level mobster Lash had taken a bite out of didn't know that many. Lash was sure Gordon would be chewing glass by the time he got to the end of the email. They were already short staffed. Now he had to deal with corrupt cops. Great! Ding! Oh the elevator reached its floor.

The repeated CRACK! Of gunfire rang out as soon as the doors opened up. A storm of bullets consumed the open door. Or at least they tried to, as Deflection was activated and the bullets either went into the floor, or the ceiling. Lash stepped off the elevator and sent it back with a bit of Technomancy energy as a thank you. Lash casually walked across the increasingly destroyed marble floor towards two oak doors. A single Manifestation portal opened and two Saurus Warriors sprinted out. Blue (Shock) Psionic Blades burst from their fists.

Like blade dancers the warriors weaved through the group of gunmen with expert ease. All the while Lash continued to slowly walk up to the door and opened it up. Not once did a single bullet touched him. Or a single goon had a moment to hit him. Two more Saurus Warriors stepped from an additional portal and they started to secure the floor.

“Come on! Come on! Why the fuck wont you work!” A man shouted, his voice filled with panic.

From inside a large luxurious room was wall to wall with wooden floors, lush red carpet. Black silken drapes, and shelves filled with books. Several leather chairs, and cherry wood coffee tables were scattered through out the room. Several female attendants in short skirts hid behind a over turned wooden table. They shrieked in fear as Lash stepped through the door. The man who was shouting was in his late twenties in a gray pin stripped suit pressing desperately on the call button to a hidden elevator that would never come.

“That's enough Billy. It's not coming up, is it Agent Wraith?” Carmine Falcone said to Lash from across the room. Billy whipped around and started to shoot his side arm at Lash. But the gun jammed on the first attempted. So the man threw it at Lash.

“Really?” Lash said in contempt as he caught the gun and crushed it like a tin can in his claws. Lash sent an electrical shock across the room and, Billy dropped like a puppet with out strings. The women shrieked until Lash cast Calm Emotions on them. Then Lash looked at the boss.

Carmine Falcone was an older man with short gray silver hair slicked back. He wore a tailored made three piece gray suit. With a silk handkerchief in his front pocket. Despite his age he looked like he kept himself in good shape. But couldn't hide the slight bulge around his midsection, though it was hardly noticeable. He was sitting at large wooden desk, in a large leather seat. He steepled his fingers together. A golden ring, with an onyx stone was set on his ring finger.

“You see, you are some one I can respect. The Batman wouldn't come after me with out proof. Sure he might visit me, and maybe break a bone. But he wouldn't do anything with out some sort of evidence. You...You'll come up and completely pull out my entire operation simply because I messed with someone under your protection. If it means anything, I am sorry for hassling miss Quinzel's shelter.” Falcone said with a frown as he watched Lash stop about fifteen feet away from the desk.

“I like the trap door, very expensive.” Lash said, as he pointed a claw at the nearly invisible floor trap. Falcone's eye twitched in irritation. Then his frown deepened as Lash stepped onto the trap and it didn't activate.

“So, I guess it is back to Black Gate for me?” Falcone asked with a chagrined expression. Then he flinched when a Red (Chaos) Psionic Blade burst from Lash's left hand.

“I'm not hear to arrest you.” Lash said, a sinister grin spreading across his reptilian features. Falcone pale and he stood up from his desk with wide eyes.

“You...You can't do that! I'm have rights! Even you can't ignore those laws!” Falcone screamed at him, horrified at the possibilities.

Then he looked at a holographic window that Lash produced. It was a general warrant for anyone that had escaped Black Gate. A specifically short list, wanted alive if possible, dead if necessary. Falcone was on that list. As an agent of the United Nations World Security Wraith was allowed to collect said warrant. Benefits of working in the system. Sure the paper work would be huge! But thanks to his Virtual Intelligence who were already half way done with them. Not a big deal!

“Wait! Wait! Wait! I can tell you what ever you want to know! I know where Black Mask is!” Falcone shouted, and that gave Lash a bit of pause. They still hadn't found Black Mask for his part he played in the Gotham siege, and Joker Carnival.

Lash vaulted over the desk and grabbed Falcone by his head. He lifted him up with little effort. Falcone was screaming now, flailing his arms. He pulled out a glock and tried to shoot Lash point blank but the hammer was magnetically sealed before he got the first shot off. Lash poured pheromones into the room and anyone who could see this was asleep. A Saurus Warrior was guarding the door. Lash unhinged his jaw, and he started to push Falcone into open maw.

The spell Bending, and his Divine Domain of Monsters activated! Falcone screamed in horror but Lash cast Silence around the area. No one would hear his screams. As he was slowly swallowed whole by Lash. A man of Falcone size would be impossible to swallow. But he seem to shrink down as he was consumed. Falcone's wiggling feet were the last to slip down Lash's mouth. His mandibles pushing them down. Lash popped his jaw back into place. Soul Eater, Dream Eater, and Devour, Consume, Evolve activated.

Congratulations User! Basic Criminal Underworld Lore has evolved into Intermediate Criminal Underworld Lore.

Effect: You now have a 6th sense when it comes to crime. You seem to understand the where, how, and when of any criminal enterprise.

Side Effect: You will now have intimate knowledge of Gotham Cities criminal infrastructure.

Congratulations User! You've completed another objective on the grand quest of Gotham's Villains.

Carmine Falcone: [+]

Intermediate Administration has evolved into Advanced Administration.

Effect: Greater understanding of delegating roles to others. Resource management, and recognizing talent where others see none.

Effect: Innate talent for paper work, contracts, and legal documents of any kind.

Congratulations User! Your pocket hell has its first guest! Your demons are now torturing Carmine Falcone for the next foreseeable future!

Side Effect: In the future any soul bound for a hellish dimension obtained by you, or any hand you command will travel to your hell unless that specific soul is marked by another hell. Congratulations!

Lash was pleased to find out his Daemonic Heritage received a bit of experience. Then it obtained another single experience....Then it happened again. Eventually Dawn moved the notification to a side tool tip out of sight. It seems the more souls he collected for his hellish dimension the more experience he would get. Fascinating! Lash dispatched his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits all three of them to scour the world wide net and collect all of the assets Carmine Falcone had. Lash knew the mans bank accounts, passwords, and knew a variety of locations for safe houses. He fed the safe houses to the JLI. He also knew the last known location of Black Mask. That he fed directly to the Wardens. They wanted him!

“Wraith! Oh Wraith! Where are you! Oh there you are!” Harley bounced into the room and whistled at the décor. Then walked over to Wraith and smiled at him.

“So, where is the big guy? I wanted to make his head soft and mushy!” Harley said with a grin. Lash ran a claw along her cheek and she preened under his attention.

“I think you are a good choice...” Lash said softly, and Harley looked at him with a bit of confusion. The Loki spark sent out a ribbon of divine energy and wrapped around Harley.

“Ooooh! Fancy! Whatcha doin?” Harley asked, and spun around on her heel then jumped onto the desk. She kicked her legs back and forth as the spark continued to inspect her. “Some kind of sparkly role play? Am I playing the part of Tinkerbell?” Harley asked, and Lash laughed a bit.

Then the entire room went pitch black! No, not the room. They were someplace else. Lash was someplace else. Standing off to the side was man standing at about 6', with raven black hair to his shoulders. Pale skin, with bright colorful eyes that changed color with every second. He wore a collection of furs, and a tailored suit. He held a single black cane, with a golden wolfs head for the mantle piece. He had a huge grin on his face. Lash knelt before the Divine aspect of Loki.

“It's been fun! But Harley is a good match for me. Despite her appearance she plays the long game. A lot of clever plans in her head. She was wasted on the Joker. Take care of yourself Lash, and Hunter Saurian.” Loki said with a smile. He tapped his cane and the warped reality faded from sight.

Lash was back in the office and Harley had a small flicker of a divine spark in her eyes. She had a glossed over facial expression. But Lash understood she was having an internal conversation with a god. The very air around Harley seem to ripple. Then her chemical bleached skin took on a healthy tanned look. Her figure became a little more voluptuous. She let out a joyous moan and Lash could smell her arousal. She blinked then looked over at him with a delighted smile on her face.

“Oh! You just gave me the best present a girl could ask for!” Harley said, and her voice was dripping with sex appeal. She slipped off the desk, and another twist in the air and she was wearing a sequin purple gown with no back, and no under wear. She did a little twirl in her dress and winked at Lash.

“Mommy like! Can't wait to show Red!” Harley said, and pushed herself against Lash's armored chest plate. “Does this thing have a zipper?” Harley asked, and Lash barked out a laugh.

“Later, we have a bit of work to do.” Lash replied, and Harley grinned at him.

“Promise?” Harley said with a big grin.

“We'll talk.” Lash made no promises. But Harley grinned all the same. She spun again on her heel and her dress flashed out of sight. She went back to her Doctor Quinzel look and gave Lash a coquettish look.

“Time for some clean up...” Lash said softly as a JLI logistical team arrived on their floor. Maybe Lash could escape before Gordon showed up?


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