
***HR. World Wide News Studio.***

“Hello everyone! This is Sara Bradley.” Sara said into the camera, then turn to her co anchor with a smile.

“And I am Luke Brendon.” Luke said with a brilliant smile as he looked at Sara, then they both looked at the camera.

“”And this is World Wide News!”” They both said together. Sara had her shoulder length brown hair tied back into a french braid. She wore gray dress suit, with a white blouse. Her face had just a touch of make up to highlight her blue eyes. She looked a little better, had some rest, and a bit of food. But still needed some R&R.

“Tonight one of our top stories is a hard one. We are seeing an upscale in violent activity from the terrorist organization known as, 'Humans First'” Luke began to say, the man was clean shaven and grooved with his short black hair. His amber eyes were clear, and focused. He wore a black suit with a light blue shirt, and a bright red tie. He looked a little rough around the edges but like Sara he was looking better.

“That is right Luke. We've seen several coordinated attacks across the globe. Where the Humans first have attacked JLI members that are not human. But when anyone steps up to defend our none human friends the HF attacks them all the same. Spouting their propaganda about how Earth is only for Humanity.” Sara said with sour expression. She was trying to school her expression but it was clear she was not happy about the situation.

“Makes you wonder where the HF was during the invasion? Where they around causing problems and we just didn't know it? Or were they comfortable letting our friends in the JLI fight and die for them. Only for the HF to start trouble when no one wants them around.” Luke said with a similar expression as Sara.

“However, we are happy to report that none a single JLI has been reported to be killed by the HF. Though several have been injured, the JLI have been working with the different nations military to continue rebuilding the world as fast as possible.” Sara continued with the segment then flipped through her notes.

“We'll discuss more on the subject of the HF later tonight. But our next piece of good news is the first cargo plane between the US, and the UK arrived safely at the Heathrow Airport. This marks the first plane to officially take off from the US, and land across the ocean with our neighbors. Hopefully it will not be the last.” Luke said with a chipper grin, moving on to happier contents.

“With the international borders being redrawn, and the United Nations in the process of rebuilding. Many are asking if we should move the United Nations general assembly to a different location. The nation of Atlantis played an intricate part in lending aid, and support for our nations in our time of need. Some are wondering if we should move the UN to an Atlantis city.” Sara said with a small grin....

They continued to talk about different portions of stories across the globe. They even introduced a new individual who would go over the world wide weather. One would thing people would have better things to do. But it was the sense of normalcy that people were looking for. They were trying to get back to their roots. Even if the news had nothing to do with them, it told people that the world was slowly returning to what it was.


***HR. Nevada, North America***

Running across the vast expanse of rock, sand, and desert plants were a dozen individuals wearing Fort Rozz prisoner outfits. These individuals remarkably looked human... They ran with practiced ease, not to fast, not to slow. They ran in a straight line front, and back, nearly stepping in their exact foot prints. They had slow even breathing that matched their pace, even with the scorching heat of the desert bearing down on them they moved with out complaint. Then the whistling sound of a jet flying over head made them all fall straight down onto their chests and freeze in place.

Six women, and six men were flat on their chests listening, watching, waiting. One of them spotted the strange aircraft as it flew off in the distance. Leaving a trail of hot air in its wake. The aircraft banked to the side and flew towards their direction but they stayed perfectly still. The craft flew over them, and then flew off into the distance. Once the sound dissipated they all jumped to their feet and continued to run north.

They ran, and ran until the sun set. It wasn't until that they could barely see directly in front of them that they slowed to a walk and spaced themselves out a bit. Until they came across something peculiar. A trail? Packed stone, and tar? Concrete? The woman in the lead took a knee and ran her hand across the path and saw reflective markers. What was this? It couldn't be what she thought it was.

“It's a road...” A woman said behind them, and they all nodded in agreement.

“Where is the energy line? Communication network? Anything?” A man spoke up as he started to trace his hands across the edge of the road. The stars were out as was the moon it was nearly full so they had some ambient light especially in the middle of no where.

“This doesn't make any sense. We saw the troops that were around the ship. This world should be just as advanced as home, shouldn't it?” Another woman asked, now all of the prisoners were looking at the primitive concrete road.

“Why aren't we tired?” Another man asked, and everyone looked at him in confusion. Then they all stopped and thought about it. They were trained soldiers running all day was normal for them. But he was right. It was hot, the ground was uneven, the air was thin, but they moved at an even pace all day.

“Let's keep moving, we'll follow the road.” The lead woman said in an authority tone. They all stopped talking and moved in step with her. The woman took a brief moment to look up at the starry sky. She didn't recognize a single constellation.

The group of prisoners followed the road east and kept an even jog. Jogging along the road would make easier to travel. But it would make them easier to spot. It was a risk they would have to take. They needed to get as far away as possible from the prison ship. It the world they were on was as primitive as they assumed then that was both good and bad. Good because communication across the world would be limited. Bad because they wouldn't be able to call for help from their allies in the stars above.

The sun rose the next day and the prisoners came upon a small town. They couldn't read the language on the signs. With enough light to see they left the road and began to scout the town out. It wasn't long before they found something disturbing. The town was completely empty. They also found traces of what appeared to be a battle of some kind. Kinetic blasts leaving craters in the ground. Powder burns, blast holes, dried blood, and shell casings.

“Projectiles weapons...Primitive.” One of the prisoners said as he picked up a bullet casing.

“Civilian weapons maybe?” Another suggested, then hey heard a whistle and they ran across a street to find a large building with a giant letter on the front of it. It was single red line down, with two smaller lines going sideways one diagonally up, and diagonally down.

Inside was a store full of primitive clothing, basic supplies, and food! Most of the food that had been laid out was rotten but they found several packed goods ready for consumption. When you are starving anything can taste amazing. They really liked the brown sweet tasting bars. They ditched their prisoner uniforms and pulled on some odd but comfy shoes, blue pants, and soft but stretchy shirts. A small crash was heard from the front and they all turned to see the lead woman tearing open the small box by the assembly line.

“They use paper for their currency.” The woman said as she pulled out wads of bills.

“Commander Ursa....Where are we?” One of them asked.

“I don't know.... We can't stay here. Grab what you believe is useful. We leave in ten!” Ursa called out, and the Kryptonian military guild soldiers all saluted.


***HR. Gotham City***

Death was nothing new to Lash. Thanks to his Cosmic Patron placing him where ever he wanted Lash had lived to many lives to not expect it. But that didn't make it any less painful. In fact Lash was happy that it still hurt. He was always afraid of becoming a husk of individual alive but not really living. Lash spent sometime in his home getting the full story from Isabella, and Lizzy. Eventually however he left his home, leaving Vyllith behind so he could think.

Lash went to one of Gotham's many cemeteries. One in specific, where the Shaw's were buried. Lash hated visiting graveyards. They were full of echoes, and fragments of the dead. Along with hundreds of souls that refused to move on. One a week or a month a soul collector would show up and ask if any of them wanted to leave. But many of the souls would hide in their graves and refuse. Many of them not knowing what was next, others still convinced that this was all a dream and they would wake up at any moment. The collectors would leave with maybe a few, but the ever growing number was depressing.

A crumbled brick wall separated the dead from the living in this graveyard. Specters would bounce off the consecrated barrier unable to leave. The grass was over grown. With grave stones broken, and shattered left and right. Graffiti covered certain stones. While a few people were even living in the mausoleums scattered through out. Lash was invisible to the naked eye, though a few magical spirits did float over to him for a moment.

“I am looking for the Shaw grave site. They are new.” Lash asked a will-o-wisp that chimmed at him when he fed it a bit of Grave Domain energy. It flew around him a few times, then led him to his query.

The supernatural communities burn their kin when they die. Unless they come from a specific culture. They are burned because anyone who is a spell caster knows that you can do a lot with the remains of someone. Lash could do several things with the remains of beings. The Shaw's had been cremated. Whether it was in their will was irrelevant. Lizzy was a Warden. The Warden Council, and the Supernatural Council cremated her parents to prevent them from being used against her. Her, and Lash.

Lash was led to a nice little spot off the beaten path of the graveyard. Unlike the rest of the cemetery this place was maintained. It had several spell wards in place to scare off the mundanes. They would get the wiggles when ever they stepped near here. Fresh cut grass, a nice stone bench to sit on. Lash brushed it clean of leaves and took a seat. Beatrice Shaw, and Edward Shaw. Loving parents, good friends, and lover of the arts. Their stones were made out of a pure black marble, and letters written in gold.

“I don't have anyone to go after...Everyone involved has been punished. I still feel bitter. If I had been here I... I could have saved them. Or maybe I couldn't have. I hate this feeling.” Lash spoke out loud. No, he was not speaking to the empty graves.

“I'm sorry...” Batman said from behind him.

Batman stood in complete silence behind Lash. He had stayed perfectly quiet, and not moved a muscle since he repelled down from the bat-copter above them that was hovering silently. Batman stood at 6'2” with near perfect black cloak, cowl, and light exoskeleton suit under his cloak. Polymer suit, flex metal plates for mobility, mechanical boosters, and his legendary utility belt with something for any occasion. (Shark repellent!)

“Three days....Three days into the counter incursion they were killed. I was in....Hell at that point. There was no way to get back to me. But what I don't understand is why did no one tell me?” Lash asked, never taking his eyes off the gravestones.

“We wanted to. But... We needed you focused.” Batman said, his voice wasn't cold anymore. Out of anyone in the League Batman understood what Lash was feeling. He didn't apologize for their choice.

“You were right... If you had told me I would have dropped everything I was doing and came back home to track down who killed them. But...That was done for me. Thank you for that.” Lash replied, as he stood from the stone bench and dropped to his knees. He placed his head against the gravestones and started to cry.

“But I still wish things had been different... I put measures in place. We all did! The Wardens, the council, the JLI. It was the main reason we can all do the things we do so we don't have to worry about our families! So why!? WHY DID THIS HAPPEN!?” Lash screamed in the end and dug his hands into the earth.

Lash's heart was breaking... The Shaw family had been the parents he didn't have growing up. They were good people, they deserved better than this. To be gunned down by random people. Caught between two rival gangs fighting over absolutely fucking nothing! His entire body shook in rage! But he couldn't do anything! The thugs were beguiled, charmed by some piece of shit that hated Lash! They were ultimately innocent! So, go after the supernatural that charmed the gang members? Nope! They're dead! They themselves were killed by a random shooting! FUCKING BAD LUCK!

Lash didn't know it at the time but there was a terror zone around him at the time. Nothing was moving, or even breathing with in a hundred feet of him. Batman was the only one that stood by his side, and even he was frozen stiff. This was what they had been afraid of. A ghostly image of Saurian in all his glory as a 60 foot tall, and 120 feet long monster was coiled around Lash protectively. Batman was inside the coil and felt the terror aura fade slowly. Everything, and anyone near by ran from the graveyard or as far as they could get. The living, and the dead wanted as far as they could get right now.

A bright fiery light burst into being above them. The light bathed the whole graveyard in orange light. The light slowly drifted from the sky down to the ground, its radiance dimming. As the light took a step across the grass the giant ghostly tail of Saurian pulled back just a bit and Starfire stepped forward. Her long fiery hair was past the middle of her back, the tips glowing brightly. She walked past Batman who stepped out of her way.

Starfire aka Koriand'r was 6'4” with radiant green eyes that glowed. Bright orange skin, that was warm to the touch. She wore a purple polymer light exoskeleton suit. Tamara inscription across the armored plates that covered her vitals while a clear polymer armor gave the illusion of skimpy clothing. During the war Starfire had different gear she wore, especially when they made gear that helped her absorb ultraviolet light. She wore this because Lash had made it for her.

Kory knelt beside Lash and with out fear ran her hand along his back. For a brief moment she froze as she felt the absolute rage boiling off of him. But she persevered, and continued to rub his back. Tears were beginning to fall from her eyes as she saw her friend in so much pain. She gently reached down with both her hands and pulled him up right and pulled him into a hug. Lash didn't reach out to return the embrace, but he didn't pull away either.

“Are you off for the next couple of days?” Lash asked suddenly, his voice cracked but he cleared his throat trying to recover his mindset.

“Yes, I got my time off so I could hopefully spend it with you.” Kory replied as she smiled at her friend who pulled back and cleaned his eyes. Unlike some men Kory had met Lash didn't hide his tears from her.

“Let's go home then.” Lash said to her, and smiled brilliantly at him. He turned to look at Batman, just as the ghostly image of Saurian was pulled back into him. “I don't suppose we could get a ride?” Lash asked, and Batman smiled just a little.

“Sure...” Batman said, and pressed a button on his utility belt. The Bat-copter hovered down and they all climbed aboard.

Lash was not 100%, he stared out of the window as they flew over the wrecked city of Gotham. Kory continued to look at him, while Batman responded to a slew of messages from several people worrying about Lash. They flew just over a specific spot near his building and dropped them off. Batman took off into the night. Lash, and Kory took a discreet underground passage to the parking structure. Then took an elevator upstairs to his home.

“Welcome back Lord Count, Princess Koriand'r.” Vyllith greeted them at the door with a bow from her waist. Vyllith had taken off her armor and now had on pink cotton pants, and a baggy blue tee. One of Lash's, the sight brought a smile to Lash.

That night Lash slept in his bed for the first time in he couldn't remember when. Though he was not alone! Kory, Vyllith, Isabella, and Lizzy joined him. Nothing sexual took place, but the simple comfort of being with family was what he wanted. To a human it may seem a little odd, but Lash wasn't really human anymore. Thankfully his bed was large enough to accommodate them. Lash's three day vacation didn't officially start until the morning. The day before had been used for travel.


Lash opened his eyes and saw his Clock send him a silent alarm at 4:30 am his first day of his vacation. He had only slept a few hours, but oddly enough didn't have a returned memory from one of his past lives. Every life he revisited he would gain something. Maybe his Patron was limiting his access? Or maybe Lash was just to tired to care?

Lash was laying down on his back where he had four beautiful women on either side of him. Lizzy was pressed against his right side using his shoulder as a pillow. Her right hand placed on his chest. She wore a giant tee shirt to bed and nothing else that Lash could see. Isabella was spooning her from behind which was a little funny to see given that Lizzy was bigger than her. Isabella had her arms wrapped around Lizzy protectively, but left arm was under the pillows and her fingers were touching Lash's shoulder. She was wearing a tight tee shirt, and sleeping shorts

To his immediate left Kory was pressed into his left arm. Her left leg had wrapped around him, and she had tucked the long line of her body against his arm. Her fiery hair glowed, and oddly floated above them as it idly twitched back and forth in her sleep. Like a giant glowing cat's tail. Kory being Kory had come to bed completely naked. Not seeing any reason to be in bed with clothes on. Vyllith who had gotten along very well with Kory was also naked, pressed up against Kory. Her own tail tapping slightly across the bed. While her hand was beneath the pillows touching his shoulder.

That was when Lash realized a simple truth. He couldn't move with out waking them up. He was also afraid that if he moved they would notice his rock hard erection. He tried to will himself to relax, that this was not the time for this....Nope, didn't work. He tried to reach across the link to Saurian who metaphorically pushed against his face in a odd snooze button sort of way. Lash was trapped! Lash flinched just a bit as Kory's leg that was wrapped around him pulled back just a bit. As her leg caught his erection and stopped moving. Great....

So, being trapped he did the only thing he could do. He reached out with Connectivity and empowered his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits all three of them. He started to do some work! On his vacation, hoping that would distract himself. The JLI were temporarily lending their satellites to the world to use as communication hubs. So Lash answered a few hundred emails. He also messaged his pack, and told them he was in Gotham for the next three days. Peyton, and Mikhail who were still awake in Europe said hello. They would love to come over to Gotham to see him, but work is...Well work. Lash said he would try and come see them instead. Maybe Kory would like Paris? Was Paris even standing?

He contacted Jessabell, Soluna, Li'Ana, Selina, and Booraku. Booraku was the only one who got back to him with in a few minutes. It was only 5:00 am in Gotham so that made sense. Booraku wished him well, and would love to see the whole pack in a single place for once. He was at a Shield and Sword facility just outside of Gotham helping with a security detail. Booraku had received a promotion during the invasion. So he was a team leader to a security operations team. So getting a handle on him would be a bit of a task.

Next up was his Warden friends... Timothy, Mahalia, Simon, and Sam! He sent a message to Skaleg, but the viking lived up north along the Canadian border. Sent a message to Ivy....BOOOM! A window shattering explosion rocked the whole building just down the street. Thankfully the building they lived in was magically reinforced so they were fine. But no one was asleep anymore! Lash pulled up the security shutters and looked out the window. About three city blocks down the road were several police officers shooting at a group of people. Then one of the people clapped? And the....BOOOM! Was sent out across from the mans hands...

Attention User! Dynamic event!

Optional: Stop the meta gang from causing anymore destruction.

Optional: Stop the police, and assist the gang.

Optional: Utterly destroy the gang for ruining your lady friends nap time!

Comment: Good morning!

With a flash of the spell Calling Lash had his full Warden/ JLI gear on. While Kory was more than willing to fight naked Lizzy was there to stop her from doing so. While Vyllith sharing in Lash's abilities called her own gear onto her body. Lash went to the glass door of the balcony and the gargoyles stationed there looked at him with concern. He did a quick cast of Invisibility and blinked out of existence. His home would be secure, as Vyllith winked out of existence behind him. He used Falling Glide and jumped off the building and flew across the street at high speed.

Name: Shock Wave, VI Avatar.

Title: Star Scream!

Origin: Meta

Rank: C-

Skills: Hand to Hand, Fire Arms, Leadership, Knitting (See tool tip)

Powers: Sound Manipulation, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Healing, (See tool tip)

Domains: N/A

Traits: N/A

Disposition: Hostile

Comment: Shock Wave is a well known, and feared Meta gang leader in Gotham. He has good leadership skills, and knows when to inspire loyalty, and when to inspire fear. He had a General Warrant out of on. (Alive if possible, dead if necessary).

Another window shattering explosion rocked the whole city block as the police officers behind their now wrecked police cruisers were sent to their backsides as the shock wave destroyed the area. But it seemed Shock Wave had enough control to not liquefy the cops. There were three other Meta's standing near him, while a few more mundanes had grins on their faces and were keeping an eye out for more cops.

CRACK! Lash stomped into between the gang, and the police officers coming out of Invisibility wearing his Wraith disguise. He stood at his full 8 foot tall height looking at the gang who at that point paled in recognition. As several of the mundane gang members thought it better to run now. Shock Wave's eyes narrowed and he went to clap his hands again. Two blades of pure darkness thrust out from the ground and slashed down. Shock Wave didn't register what had happened, he went to clap and all he got was a wet sloshing sound. From the wrist up, his hands were gone.

“GAAAAAAAAH!” Shock Wave screamed in horror!

Congratulations User! Darkness Manipulation has evolved into Minor Darkness Manipulation.

Effects: Power increase, decrease in energy consumption, increase level of manipulation.

One of Lash's tentacles whipped out and sent a blue Psionic pulse wave towards the group. Each of the meta's dropped as they had 100,000 volts of energy pass through them. Lash cast Burning on Shock Wave's hands to stem the bleeding and then began to construct inhibitors. A gust of wind rushed past him and Vyllith sprinted after the gang that were trying to escape. Less than thirty seconds later Starfire flew over head to assist Vyllith in her captor.

“Agent Wraith?” One of the police officers called out. Lash looked up to see the officers on their feet and gradually walking over.

“Hello officers, I apologize for stepping in with out authorization. I also forgot to read them their rights.” Lash said in his animalistic voice that made them all jump. But the initial officer smiled wide at him.

“Not at all Sir! Welcome home.” The officer said with a smile, and a sentiment that was shared by the rest.

“For a little while...” Lash said softly, and all of the officers understood. Lots to do!

Dynamic Event Complete!

Reward: Increased positive reputation with GCPD.

Reward: Increased negative reputation with Gotham City criminal underworld.

Reward: Brutality bonus! One Dream Point!

Once all the inhibitors were clamped onto the meta's and the gang had been rounded up Lash begrudgingly reattached Shock Wave's hands. Then he spent time repairing the police officers vehicles. When he found out it would be over two hours before a high security vehicle would be coming by Lash scoffed and just started to create one. He passed the officer in charge a small USB with Lash's after action report. He couldn't come by the station, and the officer understood. So they left! With their brand new prison transport.

“So, who wants breakfast?” Lash asked his two companions. Kory remembering Lash's food jumped into the air with a twirl. Vyllith raised an eye brow at Kory, but a smile did tug on her lips.


A breakfast feast was made by Lash for his first morning with his family once again. All the ladies at the table stared at Kory when she consumed stacks of pancakes and asked for more. Lash educated them that the people of Tamara have nine stomachs. A fast metabolism, and any and all food she eats will just help power her abilities. Lizzy grumbled as she stared at Kory with envy. Kory being the ever kind soul that she was shared her pancakes with Lizzy not understanding the situation.

“So, Lash what are your plans for today?” Isabella asked as she stiffed a giggle watching Kory trying to feed Lizzy, as Lizzy tried to not glare at the well meaning Tamaran.

“Well I have four gorgeous women with me. So this would normally be a great time to see the high lights of Gotham City. However, most of Gotham is in ruins. So, tell me Edwardo's shopping boutique still open?” Lash asked Isabella with a grin.

“Why yes it is! In fact I can call them and they'll send a car over right away!” Isabella said with a grin and jumped to her feet to get her phone. Lizzy turned away from the offered pancake and smiled at Lash.

“I haven't been around, let me treat you to a day in the spa Lizzy?” Lash asked, with a sad expression on his face. Lizzy stood up from her seat and crawled into his lap at the table and hugged him.

“I don't blame you...” Lizzy whispered to him...Then pulled back with a mischievous grin. “Are you paying?” Lizzy asked, and Lash nodded. She let out a girly squeal and jumped from his lap to go changed. While Vyllith, and Kory looked at him in confusion.

“Oh! Right, this may be a new, and hopefully fun experience for all of you!” Lash said to them both.

Thirty minutes later they were all in a spell charmed armored SUV. Driving down the ruined city streets of Gotham. Lash tasked his Tech-spirits to ran the breath of Gotham and make a list of things that were broken. It was a long list. While Lizzy, and Isabella explained to Kory, and Vyllith was a spa day was. Kory being a Princess was use to such treatment. But Vyllith was beside herself with confusion. While the driver was trying to stay focused on the road of ahead of him. He kept glancing at Lash.

“If you have a question go ahead and ask.” Lash said softly, just loud enough for the Kindred to hear him.

“You don't hold the Kindred responsible?” The man asked, and Isabella all but hissed at the man.

“No, No I don't. I am not the type of person who blames an entire group for the actions of the few.” Lash said with a small smile and gently turned to pat Isabella on the knee she gave him a contrite expression. The Kindred driver exhaled, and the tension oozed out of his body.

What did the Kindred have to do with anything? That was who had beguiled the mundane gangs to kill the Shaw family. More specifically a blood-mutt who was with out a house thanks to the oversight. The blood-mutt didn't understand that Lash may have been the catalyst. But the oversight was coming one way or another. So the blood-mutt used Lash as a focus for their anger. Lady Kali the Kindred master of Gotham had tracked the mutt down and had intended punish them. But they were dead before she found them. With out a house master to empower them the blood-mutts are far more fragile.

The spell armored SUV rolled through a baffle field and they pulled up the Edwardo's! Lash hadn't been here since he brought Selina Kyle for her birthday. That felt like a life time ago, but it was only three years. Or was it longer? Time difference between realities hurt his brain. The ladies jumped out of the SUV and Lash followed in their wake. The driver brought the car to the underground garage and would wait for them when it was time to leave.

Stepping inside the boutique of Edwardo's Fashion and Design! Waiting for them stood Edwardo Kuldr, Master of house Kuldr who had been a Baron, but was now Viscount. Lash could feel the power under Kuldr's skin. He was still getting use to the power that was granted to him through his blood line. Edwardo was 5'9” with a three piece black, pin stripped suit. A silver chain went across his vest, and he held a tulip in his lapel. He had light caramel skin, a bit of a latino suav to the man.

“Warden, welcome home. What can we be of service today?” Edwardo asked, and Lash could tell the man was nervous. Lash looked at Isabella for help, and she looked just as confused as he did.

“House Master, I'm confused as to why you are acting this way. It is of course a pleasure to see you again. But?” Lash asked, as there was a palpable tension in the air. Vyllith, and Kory both spread out just a bit, and Lizzy was very slowly reaching for a blade she kept in her waist.

There were about two dozen Kindred in the store, it was a big store! Plush red carpet on the ground that ran through the whole complex. Each portion of the store was like a strip mall with its own enclosed area with glass sides, and open doors. But the whole place was meant to be designed, and catered towards women, and the men with them. It had red cherry wood floors, marble walls, and intricate designs of different Kindred house language inscribed on the walls. They had done a few updates since he was last here.

Then the driver that Lash had seen from before came walking into the boutique and a fast pace. Not running, but definitely speeding walking. He came to a stop near Kuldr and waited to be called on. He looked at Lash, and then it dawned on him. Kuldr was afraid Lash was here seeking retribution. Lash's shoulders sagged, and he started to laugh just a bit. A short quick, but harsh laugh that made everyone jump. The shadows reached across the floor, and the lights dimmed just a bit. Then when Lash spoke, so did Saurian.

“Master of House Kuldr, have we ever given you or any Kindred the thought that we are racist? That we would blame an entire race because of the actions of a few?” Lash/Saurian asked Edwardo who swallowed audibly but shook his head in a clear no.

“Then please do me a favor, spread the word. We don't hold you accountable. Lady Kali has ensured that the those responsible have been punished. I hold no ill will towards the Blood-Kindred, nor the blood-mutts. We are not that kind of hunter.” Lash/Saurian said as one, then the shadows pulled back. Light returned to the room and Lash smiled at Edwardo.

“Now, it is these lovely ladies birthdays. You know Lizzy, and Isabella. This one is my good friend Princess Koriand'r from Tamara. Yes, she is alien royalty. This is Vyllith my one and only Hell Knight.” Lash said, and when Edwardo looked at him in shock. “Oh, yes I have the noble rank of Count in the hell dimension Tartarus.” Lash supplied the answer, and Edwardo's eyes went huge. Edwardo, Viscount of house Kuldr practically clicked heels together.

“Then welcome to our establishment! We will take good care of you! May I suggest the spa first?” Edwardo asked, and Lash agreed. The ladies seem to understand the situation, and Kory being the ever enthusiastic shopper jumped in with excitement.

Once the mood switched to shopping Edwardo came alive! He was flamboyant, boisterous, and full of energy! Lash could feel his Kindred power sweeping across the whole store, it was not mind control just more of a suggestion that everyone fell into quickly. Lash took out ten solid coins of Orichalcum and placed them in Edwardo's hands. Lash swore the man's eyes almost popped out of his skull.

“Expenses, and tip for everyone. Should be enough, right?” Lash asked, and Edwardo carefully tucked the coins away in his inside pocket. He smiled wide at Lash, the red glow around his eyes glowed brilliantly.

“Yes of course!” Edwardo replied, and bowed from his waist. Then turned on his heel and followed after the ladies intending to personally attend them.

Lash was completely content to just follow behind but Kory insisted that he join them in the spa. Having nothing better to do he decided to join in as well. It was an interesting experience, not bad! Just...different. He couldn't do the manicure, or pedicure. His nails actually broke the files. He did a milk bath which was an interesting experience. He was incredibly entertained when he went to join the ladies in the massage room. Mostly because it took several staff members to work on his whole body. Lots of tension! Or he was just incredibly durable.

They skipped the sauna portion has Lash just cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement. It pulled all the chemicals, toxins, and waste out of their bodies. Then their bodies received all their vital needs. At last they were ready to go shopping! The ladies left the spa wrapped up in bathrobes and scampered across the red plush carpet while Lash followed in their wake wearing casual day wear. Edwardo rejoined the ladies for the buying of clothing. When Edwardo discovered that Isabella had learned the Enchantment Domain he was beside himself with joy! Apparently she was the only one in the house with the Domain.

Lash sat on a couch as he watched the ladies step out of a curtain doing a model run way combination. Kory was happy to learn that the lingerie could be enchanted to withstand a high melting point. From lingerie was to swim suits. Then they started on seductive wear, to social gatherings. Lash paid attention and gave his input. Even Saurian made a few comments. Understanding that each battle field, and every hunt had its own purpose and gear to wear. Sometimes wearing something seductive is just what you need to bait your prey into place.

Next came accessories! Jewelry, piercings, enchanted tattoos that would move and change according to the wielder. Magical dye jobs. Kory was disappointed however none of the items did anything but look pretty. She said that Lash could make things on the fly that looked amazing, and had extra effects. Vyllith agreed, and Edwardo was curious. So they brought out an enchanters tool set and watched as Lash practically spun gold for them.

It didn't take long for the artist to learn that Lash was a Master Enchanter. He crafted the items then with out using any tool he simply spoke the words of the spell and the item would become Enchanted. Then he made something that almost made Edwardo fall over in shock.

Orichalcum, Nth metal, and Oan metal ring.

Rating: A+ (S-)

Effect: Quality Enhancement

Effect: Tattoo attachment.

Effect: Size Alteration + or – 5.

Effect: Physiology Adaption.

Effect: Increase Blood-Kindred conversion by 50%.

Effect: Natural Energy Absorption to help supplement the conversion speed.

Effect: Awaken Dormant Trait.

Comment: WTF!? What is wrong with you!

The ring had a Orichalcum core, with Nth metal wrapped around it. With just a tiny bit of Oan metal that would help with the absorption process. But essentially Lash had cut the Blood-Kindred conversion rate in half. Normally it would take 100 years for a newly converted to finish their transition. Now it would only take 50 years. Also, every Blood-Kindred that goes through the transition would have a chance...'chance' to awaken a trait tied to their blood line. Now with this ring, it was guaranteed. Lash handed it to Edwardo to do with it as he pleased. The enchanters who had watched its creation were struck dumb! They had no idea how he did that.

“I...I...I don't know if I can accept this....” Edwardo said, as he continued to hold the ring in his hands. The entire store filled with Kindred looked at him as if he was out of his mind!

“OK...” Lash said and plucked it from Edwardo's hand who looked he'd been stabbed in the heart.

Then Lash turned to look at Isabella and pulled her hand forward and put the ring on her right ring finger. It took effect immediately and the ring became a small tattoo mark on her finger. Energy coursed through her whole body, her eyes fluttered closed and she let out a soft moan of delight. She was still a newly converted, but now as long as she continued to wear the ring she would be done in forty some odd years instead of eighty plus.

“When you finish your conversion give that to your house master, alright?” Lash asked Isabella who slowly opened her eyes and grinned at Lash.

“Of course! I'll be happy too!” Isabella said with a delightful laugh then jumped into Lash's arms and gave him a big kiss. It was a bit to long because Lizzy cleared her throat and elbowed Lash in the ribs. He winced and set his sisters wife down who blushed. Lizzy raised a brow at them both with a bit of a grin.

“So its a gift to my sisters wife, who will then in change gift it to her house when she is finished. Loop hole.” Lash said with a grin at Edwardo who smiled back at him.

“Agreed! However, we must ensure that no one finds out about this.” Edwardo said, then used his power as house master to make every Kindred who witnessed this exchange to secrecy.

Envy was in every Blood-Kindred's eyes. Only a few full blood-kindred's worked in the boutique. So, all that assisted with today's shopping looked at Isabella with jealousy and delight. Their house had gained an incredible boon today. But another question was on their minds as well. Lash had crafted that ring like it was nothing! Could he do it again?

The store had a very nice restaurant and they all sat down for a meal together. Lash made a quick phone call and received a enjoyable reply. Then returned to his ladies company. Something Lash hadn't given any thought was the fact that Isabella by placing the ring on had jumped ahead of her evolution by several decades. So she was a lot stronger than she was use to. She kept breaking things! Thankfully Lizzy was half Amazon and didn't break easy.

Lash wrote up a nice little manual about the ring, its pro's and con's for Edwardo who looked at the pages like it was a holy script. Once again Lash had done something simple for him, that could change the fundamental foundation of his world for the Blood-Kindred. In all their lives they had never discovered a way to speed up the conversion process with out destroying or horribly mutating their children. Of course they didn't have access to Nth metal, or Oan metal either.

“Warden are you intending on attending the Summer Solstice Ball” Edwardo asked, as the drivers were stacking the purchases into the second car. It wouldn't fit into first.

“I am, hopefully! Life is complicated.” Lash said in exasperation. Edwardo nodded his head in agreement.

“Participating in the games?” Edwardo's eyes lite up in excitement, then dwindled when Lash shook his head.

“Afraid not, I have access to the Space, and Time Domains. I'm disqualified.” Lash replied, and Edwardo was disappointed.

“A shame, I know a lot of Fae looked forward to trying to hunt you down. Maybe we could....” Edwardo said, but didn't finish as he took out his phone to send an IM.

“Some loop hole I don't know about?” Lash asked, honestly he had enjoyed the hunt with the Winter Court.

“How would you feel to a solo operation?” Edwardo said with a grin as he looked up at Lash. Lash raised a brow, and Saurian sent a pleasant growl of appreciation.

“I'll send Li'Ana the details. No promises but I think more than a few people would be interested in the idea.” Edwardo replied, he bowed from his waist in goodbye. Lash returned the gesture then the man turned on his heel and started to make some calls.


They returned home and had to make several trips from the parking garage to his home. But it was worth it! Lash loved buying gifts for his people. But he informed his family it was not over yet. Put on something nice but comfy we are having dinner at a friends house tonight! Soon another car was prepared for them and they began to drive through the ruined streets under a Anonymity spell effect. Outside of Gotham City into the rural mansions of Gotham. Towards Wayne Manor.

Lash was 6'6” with tanned skin bordering on caramel. He had tribal marks along his bald scalp, down his neck, along his shoulders, arms, chest, and back. Each new Domain he obtained gave him a new set of markings. The further he went into the Domain the bigger the tribal marks were. He wore a black suit, with a black shirt, and no tie. Though it was all an illusion thanks to his Glamour he still wore his Warden/JLI gear underneath.

Vyllith wore her gear as well but her glamour put her in a dress suit with long black pants, black shirt, and suit jacket. She had three inch high heeled boots. With a silver ornate belt, and she brushed her hair to one side of her face. She wore silver choker with Lash's Warden symbol engraved on it. Her skin was a healthy tanned skin tone. She used the glamour to hide her tail, claws, knife point ears, and horns. But kept her lilac eyes. She was watching the scenery move by trying to memorize the lay out.

Koriand'r had chosen a long white shimmering dress the wrapped around one shoulder and left the other bare. The skirt went past her knees, and a slit went to her mid thigh. She had four inch heels on with black and silver straps up her calf's. Her hair was pulled back into a french braid with golden string woven into it. Lash had done it for her, and she was incredibly pleased with it. She decided to go orange tonight since Wayne Manor was part of the JLI. She didn't need to hide her heritage as an alien. Kory being Kory decided to go commando for the evening.

Lizzy wore a tight short skirt green dress with a deep V cut that went to her sternum. Because of her partial-Amazonian physic she had the muscle, and body type to make it work. Her red curly hair was tied back with curls framing her face. She had a golden serpent necklace one, where the head of the snake was between her breasts. Its scales would glitter in the light. She wore black stiletto heels with a bladed edge to them. Something her Amazonian sisters insisted on. They didn't seem to understand that stiletto heels were not weapons.

Isabella wore three inch black naked toed shoes. With a half black, half white skirt. The black portion started at her right knee then wrapped around her front. While the white half started at her left back shoulder and wrapped around her back to her front. Exposing one of her shoulders. She had her silver column earrings in to highlight her caramel skin. Her long auburn hair was pulled back two twin brains at the front that pulled back her hair, and came together in the back. Strips of silver were tied into her hair.

Despite Lash insisting they didn't need to dress up. It was Wayne Manor! Plus they wanted to try out their clothes they had just bought. Lash sent advanced warning to Selina about the situation and she sent a laughing emoji. Lash was driving the vehicle, they order the car but not a driver. Many of the suburb area's of Gotham were intact. Some of them were not. While the many mansions in the country side were gated, and closed off. Lash could see several of them had seen better days.

Wayne Manor was one of the few to survive the invasion and for good reason. A stone perimeter wall stretched across the entire border of the estate. Lash sent Technomancy pulse through the wall and found that it was reinforced with metal, and an assortment of gizmo's that would make people have a bad day if they touched it. Pulling through the gate that opened for them. Lash drove up the long path towards the house. There were hundreds of automated turrets, devices, and mechanical trees hidden in the small forest.

Standing at the ready as impeccably dressed as ever was Alfred Pennyworth. Alfred wore a three piece black suit. With silver cuff links, and a silver clasp around his neck. He suit had tails to it, which always made Lash smile. His shoes were black leather and shinned in the dying light of the sun. He pressed a white gloved hand to his chest and bowed when the car arrived in front of him. Lash stepped out, and Alfred helped the ladies out of the car.

“A good evening to you, Master Lash. Welcome back. Hello to you Miss Elizabeth, and Miss Isabella.” Alfred said with perfect manners that even made Vyllith raise a brow in appreciation.

“Alfred, this is Princess Koriand'r of Tamara. This is Vyllith my one and only knight.” Lash introduced the women he didn't know. Alfred clicked his heels and bowed again, saying each of their names and welcoming them to Wayne Manor.

“I like you.” Vyllith said when he was finished. Alfred for his credit kept his face expressionless, but there was a glint in his eyes that Lash noticed.

Alfred led the way into the Manor. Wayne Manor was impressive out the outside. But was spectacular on the inside. A combination of royalty from England, to modern day minimalist. Dark wooden floors, tapestries, and suits of armor. All of it concealed the many camera's, devices, and tools that protected the home. They stepped up one of, as in plural grand marble stair cases to the second floor. Where their dinner guests awaited them. Vyllith leaned in and asked why Lash's didn't have a castle like this. Which made him laugh, and he gave her a side hug. Vyllith was a little confused, she had been serious. Why doesn't Lash have a mansion?

“Took you long enough!” Selina called out to them when they arrived at the dinning room.

Selina Kyle was 5'7” with pixie cut short black hair, and had green cat eyes. Literally, cat eyes. The divine spark of Bast glowed in them when Selina saw Lash. She wore a long cashmere sweater the top, and black snug fit pants, and slip on shoes. She had decided to dress casual given it was her house, or soon would be. She danced over to Lash and jumped on him to give him a hug.

“Good to see you, Selina.” Lash said softly to her, and her eyes glowed with a divine spark.

“Your different...” Selina, and a whisper of Bast said into his ear.

“Ahem.....” A man cleared his throat and Lash looked over at Richard Grayson aka Nightwing.

Richard Grayson (Dick) was 5'10” with a athletic gymnastic body type. Long lines, dense muscle, dancer movement. He had a long grin on his face as he came over and shook Lash's hand. He wore a casual suit jacket, buttoned up shirt, and black slacks. His eyes danced across the different women he was with and froze on Koriand'r. Kory looked at him as well and Lash could see a connection establish between them. Wait, was this the first time they'd seen each other? He could have sworn they met at the Watch Tower during a JLI briefing.

Next up was Jason Todd the current Robin. 5'10” and still growing. He had short slicked back black hair. With dark blue eyes that held many secrets and pain. He wore a navy blue tee, with black slacks, and black tennis shoes. Feeling a little under dressed when he saw three of the ladies in seductive clothing. He walked over and tried to introduce himself and his voice cracked a bit. He blushed and looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Lizzy instantly wrapped him in her arms and smothered him.

Then there was Barbara Gordon! She was 5' 7” with green eyes, and auburn hair to her shoulders. She wore a tight white buttoned up shirt that was hugging her breasts nicely. She had undone the first few buttons to reveal her cleavage just a bit. She wore slim rimmed glasses, and had skin tight blue jeans on. She walked over wearing a pair of flats and smiled at Lash. She gave him a hug, and a kiss on his cheek. Lash noticed she had a mild burn scar along her left side of her neck. But he also noticed signs of repair, Ethan's work. Then came some one Lash was struck dumb to see.

“We haven't met yet. Katherine Kane.” Katherine held her hand out to Lash which he took with a smile.

Katherine Kane aka Batwoman was 5' 11” had red hair in a bob cut. Easy to put a mask on with that. She had a rectangular figure, bordering on inverted triangle. Broad shoulders, muscular physic, very athletic. She didn't seem to get the memo about casual because she wore a green cheongsam that went to her ankles. The design had a heavenly dragon's tail starting at her neck, then wrapped around her body, with its head at her left thigh area. She wore three inch red heels, and blushed a bit when Lash focused on her. Which was a little bit of a surprise because Kathrine was preferred woman. Which Lash was more than happy to introduce her to the lovely ladies next to him.

Bruce Wayne was last, but certainly not least. 6'2” in height, inverted triangle figure. Broad shoulders, strong back, and solid dense muscles found in martial artists. Not bulky! But dense muscle. He wore a midnight black three piece suit with a red tie. He looked like a prince of darkness standing off to the side. He had short black hair, and ocean blue eyes. He walked over with the practice grace of a predator and shook Lash's hand.

“Welcome back, come sit down. Alfred has been dying to fix you dinner since you showed him up last time.” Bruce said with a smile.

“Most unkind, sir.” Alfred said with bit of mischief in his eye.

They took their seats around the large dark furnished dinning room table with a crystal chandelier above them. Lash sat next to Selina at her insistence she she continued to play with his hand when ever she could. She hadn't seen him in a long while, and her cat instincts insisted that she be able to play with him a bit. Bruce didn't bat an eye, neither did anyone else except for Jason, and Kathrine who were a little bit confused as to why?

Lash focused on the two unknowns at the table. Jason, and Kathrine. Technically in the comics Jason is killed by the Joker then comes back via Lazarus pits and becomes the Red Hood. But Joker is dead in Lash's Dream. So would he continue as Robin? Then Lash made a mental note to look up Tim Drake in the future. Jason was having a very animated, all be it a bit embarrassing conversation with Lizzy about different styles of martial arts. Then he blurted out about how he bet he could take her in a fight. Which only made Bruce raise a brow at his young ward.

“I mean...I don't think we should fight now. I just mean....” Jason was blushing now, his ears were red. Lizzy cackled at his misfortune and hugged him close. Jason was all to happy to press up against Lizzy.

“Miss Kane.” Lash began but he was interrupted.

“Just Kathrine, please.” She said to him and turned to look at him. She had been watching Vyllith with interest.

“I don't see you on the JLI registry, are you on the fence about joining?” Lash asked the question that was bothering him. Richard, and Jason both stopped what they were doing at looked at Kathrine hoping for an answer.

“I haven't decided yet. Honestly, I just want to focus on Gotham. I know that the JLI pulls everyone in so many directions.” Kathrine said, as she took a sip of water as Alfred began to place the appetizers for everyone.

“You could sign up as a part of the Guard. Only called upon in case of world wide emergencies. Still have access to the Watch Tower. Or, is there another reason you don't wish to join? Please don't miss understand I am not pressuring you. I just think you would be a good fit there.” Lash offered an alternative to the issue and Kathrine gave it some thought.

They switched subjects and Lash asked about Gotham has a whole. Reconstruction efforts, what was Wayne tech doing? Did they need help? Did the museum of art survive the invasion? It did! Eventually before the main course arrived Lizzy, and Jason stepped away from the dinning room table and did a soft spar. Lizzy pinned Jason inside of ten seconds. Then pinned him the other six times he tried. It wasn't until the seventh spar that Bruce cleared his throat and Jason sulked back to his seat.

“You should go to the Watch Tower training hall, Jason. We have training drills for fighting against enhanced people.” Lash offered the boy who looked up in confusion then looked at Lizzy in shock who had an innocent smile on her face.

“Wait what?!” Jason asked, clearly confused while Barbara, Richard, and Isabella laughed a him.

“Lizzy has gone through the trials and rituals to become partial-Amazonian. She was adopted into their sisterhood. So you were fighting a enhanced individual.” Lash said to the boy and a realization dawned on him. Then he looked at Lizzy in confusion.

“You...Don't look like your super powered.” Jason said, then flinched a little under Bruce's stare that he could feel from across the table.

“Not everyone does.” Richard provided a bit of distraction. “I mean look at Supergirl, if you didn't see her in armor you would assume she was a young girl fresh out of high school.” Richard continued, and Kory agreed that looks can be deceiving.

When Gotham Cities underworld is your backyard you tend to learn that if they look weird, they may have weird abilities. Seemed like Jason was still learning that they don't have to look weird to be weird. They continued to talk about abilities and key figures on what to look for. Kathrine asked about the Amazons and do they have a criteria for joining? Ooohhhh! Kathrine becoming an Amazon? Sent shivers down Lash's spine.

The meal, was excellent! Lash was looking forward to dueling Alfred again. Next time he would actually cook instead of just pulling stuff out of thin air. Alfred at last joined them at the table at Selina's insistence, then the man told a delightful story about Master Bruce when he was younger! Alfred was incredibly animated, and an excellent story teller. Selina grinned, and held Bruce's hand who indulged every one. Lash snapped his fingers and cast Immaculate on the dishes for instant clean. Alfred glowered at him, but accepted it.

“I didn't see you on the registry either.” Kathrine said to him as she came to walk by his side. They were currently walking through Wayne Manor and Alfred was playing tour guide.

“Technically I'm not, rules with being a part of the UNWS. Though I am a founding member of the JLI. Once I finish my tour of duty I'll officially join.” Lash said to her, then offered her his arm. She stared at him for a moment then realized what he was doing. She took his offered arm and walked side by side with him.

“Things are complicated here... Bruce lets me use the cave. I have supplies. What could the Watch Tower offer me that I don't already have.” Kathrine asked, they lagged behind the group.

“Dental!” Lash asked with a smile, and Kathrine grinned at him.

“No offense meant to Alfred but the Watch Tower has some of the best medical facilities in the Sol System. Yes, the system not just Earth. We also have training facilities, equipment, and of course we also have a really nice party hall filled with all sorts of delightful women more than happy to entertain you.” Lash said, practically offering honey pots for the woman. She looked at him with a shocked expression that started to laugh.

“Most of all its a community. The hero life is often a long, and lonely one. The Watch Tower provides a place for all of us to come together and share something that we can't share with others. Aside from them who else knows about your extra curricular activities?” Lash asked, as he gestured towards the bat family.

“My Dad....That's it.” Kathrine said, as she chewed on her bottom lip for a bit.

“Plus you get paid!” Lash supplied another reason. She stopped and looked at him in surprise.

“We get paid? Why?” Kathrine said, honestly curious.

“Not everyone is a billionaire. I'm not saying we are heroes for hire. Nothing like that, but it is far easier for our people to focus their attention on doing their jobs when they don't have to worry about rent. Providing for their families. Plus we'll let you use guns!” Lash said at the finish. Thanks to Erik's insight about Kathrine.

“Bruce doesn't like guns.” Kathrine asked, they had stopped now and the group had left them behind.

“We are working on a dendrotoxin bullet. Meant to be a none lethal version. We are hoping to provide for the police. Normal bullets do little to nothing against a lot of Meta's. But DB's can be absorbed through the skin. So shoot enough and you'll drop most people. Even if their skin is bullet proof.” Lash said, as he pulled Kathrine along. A smile stretched across her lips.

“Tell you what! I'll joined up under one condition...You make my first suit?” Kathrine asked, and Lash looked at with a grin growing on his lips.

“Barbara would not stop talking about the suit you made for her. I guess I'm a little jealous.” Kathrine said.

“Deal.” Lash grinned at her. Batwoman had joined the JLI.


***HR. China***

A resounding BOOM! Thundered across the sky, followed by a brilliant tube of light. A Boom Tube! Out from light came a solitary figure approximately 9 feet tall. Covered in an insectoid like carapace like armor. A breathing apparatus was attached to the creatures face. The tube behind the creature closed and they were swallowed by darkness. A tiny black box on the creatures hip pinged at him several times. Then a series of clicks, and clacks came from the mask. Ping...Ping....The box continued to chime at him. The creature pulled the box from his belt and tapped a few key panels. The box expanded and became a type of liquid. It grew over the creatures left arm forming a bracer. With a single solitary red iris, and several inscriptions across the bracer.

“Translation complete of local flora, and fauna. Welcome to Earth Max Teus Ferru. For Darkseid!” The Father Box said.

“For Darkseid...” Max Teus Ferru replied...


Sorry it took so long. But the graveyard scene was hard to write.

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